/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2012 revosec AG * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "pt_tls_client.h" #include "pt_tls.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_pt_tls_client_t private_pt_tls_client_t; /** * Private data of an pt_tls_client_t object. */ struct private_pt_tls_client_t { /** * Public pt_tls_client_t interface. */ pt_tls_client_t public; /** * TLS secured socket used by PT-TLS */ tls_socket_t *tls; /** * Server address/port */ host_t *address; /** * Server identity */ identification_t *server; /** * Client authentication identity */ identification_t *client; /** * Current PT-TLS message identifier */ u_int32_t identifier; }; /** * Establish TLS secured TCP connection to TNC server */ static bool make_connection(private_pt_tls_client_t *this) { int fd; fd = socket(this->address->get_family(this->address), SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == -1) { DBG1(DBG_TNC, "opening PT-TLS socket failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } if (connect(fd, this->address->get_sockaddr(this->address), *this->address->get_sockaddr_len(this->address)) == -1) { DBG1(DBG_TNC, "connecting to PT-TLS server failed: %s", strerror(errno)); close(fd); return FALSE; } this->tls = tls_socket_create(FALSE, this->server, this->client, fd, NULL); if (!this->tls) { close(fd); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Negotiate PT-TLS version */ static bool negotiate_version(private_pt_tls_client_t *this) { bio_writer_t *writer; bio_reader_t *reader; u_int32_t type, vendor, identifier, reserved; u_int8_t version; DBG1(DBG_TNC, "sending offer for PT-TLS version %d", PT_TLS_VERSION); writer = bio_writer_create(4); writer->write_uint8(writer, 0); writer->write_uint8(writer, PT_TLS_VERSION); writer->write_uint8(writer, PT_TLS_VERSION); writer->write_uint8(writer, PT_TLS_VERSION); if (!pt_tls_write(this->tls, writer, PT_TLS_VERSION_REQUEST, this->identifier++)) { return FALSE; } reader = pt_tls_read(this->tls, &vendor, &type, &identifier); if (!reader) { return FALSE; } if (vendor != 0 || type != PT_TLS_VERSION_RESPONSE || !reader->read_uint24(reader, &reserved) || !reader->read_uint8(reader, &version) || version != PT_TLS_VERSION) { DBG1(DBG_TNC, "PT-TLS version negotiation failed"); reader->destroy(reader); return FALSE; } reader->destroy(reader); return TRUE; } /** * Run a SASL mechanism */ static status_t do_sasl(private_pt_tls_client_t *this, sasl_mechanism_t *sasl) { u_int32_t type, vendor, identifier; u_int8_t result; bio_reader_t *reader; bio_writer_t *writer; chunk_t data; writer = bio_writer_create(32); writer->write_data8(writer, chunk_from_str(sasl->get_name(sasl))); switch (sasl->build(sasl, &data)) { case INVALID_STATE: break; case NEED_MORE: writer->write_data(writer, data); free(data.ptr); break; case SUCCESS: /* shouldn't happen */ free(data.ptr); /* FALL */ case FAILED: default: writer->destroy(writer); return FAILED; } if (!pt_tls_write(this->tls, writer, PT_TLS_SASL_MECH_SELECTION, this->identifier++)) { return FAILED; } while (TRUE) { reader = pt_tls_read(this->tls, &vendor, &type, &identifier); if (!reader) { return FAILED; } if (vendor != 0) { reader->destroy(reader); return FAILED; } switch (type) { case PT_TLS_SASL_AUTH_DATA: switch (sasl->process(sasl, reader->peek(reader))) { case NEED_MORE: reader->destroy(reader); break; case SUCCESS: /* should not happen, as it would come in a RESULT */ case FAILED: default: reader->destroy(reader); return FAILED; } break; case PT_TLS_SASL_RESULT: if (!reader->read_uint8(reader, &result)) { reader->destroy(reader); return FAILED; } switch (result) { case PT_TLS_SASL_RESULT_ABORT: DBG1(DBG_TNC, "received SASL abort result"); reader->destroy(reader); return FAILED; case PT_TLS_SASL_RESULT_SUCCESS: DBG1(DBG_TNC, "received SASL success result"); switch (sasl->process(sasl, reader->peek(reader))) { case SUCCESS: reader->destroy(reader); return SUCCESS; case NEED_MORE: /* inacceptable, it won't get more. FALL */ case FAILED: default: reader->destroy(reader); return FAILED; } break; case PT_TLS_SASL_RESULT_MECH_FAILURE: case PT_TLS_SASL_RESULT_FAILURE: DBG1(DBG_TNC, "received SASL failure result"); /* non-fatal failure, try again */ reader->destroy(reader); return NEED_MORE; } /* fall-through */ default: reader->destroy(reader); return FAILED; } writer = bio_writer_create(32); switch (sasl->build(sasl, &data)) { case INVALID_STATE: break; case SUCCESS: /* shoudln't happen, continue until we get a result */ case NEED_MORE: writer->write_data(writer, data); free(data.ptr); break; case FAILED: default: writer->destroy(writer); return FAILED; } if (!pt_tls_write(this->tls, writer, PT_TLS_SASL_AUTH_DATA, this->identifier++)) { return FAILED; } } } /** * Read SASL mechanism list, select and run mechanism */ static status_t select_and_do_sasl(private_pt_tls_client_t *this) { bio_reader_t *reader; sasl_mechanism_t *sasl = NULL; u_int32_t type, vendor, identifier; u_int8_t len; chunk_t chunk; char buf[21]; status_t status = NEED_MORE; reader = pt_tls_read(this->tls, &vendor, &type, &identifier); if (!reader) { return FAILED; } if (vendor != 0 || type != PT_TLS_SASL_MECHS) { reader->destroy(reader); return FAILED; } if (!reader->remaining(reader)) { /* mechanism list empty, SASL completed */ DBG1(DBG_TNC, "PT-TLS authentication complete"); reader->destroy(reader); return SUCCESS; } while (reader->remaining(reader)) { if (!reader->read_uint8(reader, &len) || !reader->read_data(reader, len & 0x1F, &chunk)) { reader->destroy(reader); return FAILED; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*s", (int)chunk.len, chunk.ptr); sasl = sasl_mechanism_create(buf, this->client); if (sasl) { break; } } reader->destroy(reader); if (!sasl) { /* TODO: send PT-TLS error (5) */ return FAILED; } while (status == NEED_MORE) { status = do_sasl(this, sasl); } sasl->destroy(sasl); if (status == SUCCESS) { /* continue until we receive empty SASL mechanism list */ return NEED_MORE; } return FAILED; } /** * Authenticate session using SASL */ static bool authenticate(private_pt_tls_client_t *this) { while (TRUE) { switch (select_and_do_sasl(this)) { case NEED_MORE: continue; case SUCCESS: return TRUE; case FAILED: default: return FALSE; } } } /** * Perform assessment */ static bool assess(private_pt_tls_client_t *this, tls_t *tnccs) { while (TRUE) { bio_writer_t *writer; bio_reader_t *reader; u_int32_t vendor, type, identifier; chunk_t data; writer = bio_writer_create(32); while (TRUE) { char buf[2048]; size_t buflen, msglen; buflen = sizeof(buf); switch (tnccs->build(tnccs, buf, &buflen, &msglen)) { case SUCCESS: writer->destroy(writer); return tnccs->is_complete(tnccs); case FAILED: default: writer->destroy(writer); return FALSE; case INVALID_STATE: writer->destroy(writer); break; case NEED_MORE: writer->write_data(writer, chunk_create(buf, buflen)); continue; case ALREADY_DONE: writer->write_data(writer, chunk_create(buf, buflen)); if (!pt_tls_write(this->tls, writer, PT_TLS_PB_TNC_BATCH, this->identifier++)) { return FALSE; } writer = bio_writer_create(32); continue; } break; } reader = pt_tls_read(this->tls, &vendor, &type, &identifier); if (!reader) { return FALSE; } if (vendor == 0) { if (type == PT_TLS_ERROR) { DBG1(DBG_TNC, "received PT-TLS error"); reader->destroy(reader); return FALSE; } if (type != PT_TLS_PB_TNC_BATCH) { DBG1(DBG_TNC, "unexpected PT-TLS message: %d", type); reader->destroy(reader); return FALSE; } data = reader->peek(reader); switch (tnccs->process(tnccs, data.ptr, data.len)) { case SUCCESS: reader->destroy(reader); return tnccs->is_complete(tnccs); case FAILED: default: reader->destroy(reader); return FALSE; case NEED_MORE: break; } } else { DBG1(DBG_TNC, "ignoring vendor specific PT-TLS message"); } reader->destroy(reader); } } METHOD(pt_tls_client_t, run_assessment, status_t, private_pt_tls_client_t *this, tnccs_t *tnccs) { if (!this->tls) { if (!make_connection(this)) { return FAILED; } } if (!negotiate_version(this)) { return FAILED; } if (!authenticate(this)) { return FAILED; } if (!assess(this, (tls_t*)tnccs)) { return FAILED; } return SUCCESS; } METHOD(pt_tls_client_t, destroy, void, private_pt_tls_client_t *this) { if (this->tls) { int fd; fd = this->tls->get_fd(this->tls); this->tls->destroy(this->tls); close(fd); } this->address->destroy(this->address); this->server->destroy(this->server); this->client->destroy(this->client); free(this); } /** * See header */ pt_tls_client_t *pt_tls_client_create(host_t *address, identification_t *server, identification_t *client) { private_pt_tls_client_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .run_assessment = _run_assessment, .destroy = _destroy, }, .address = address, .server = server, .client = client, ); return &this->public; }