/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2010 revosec AG * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Thom Troy * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "radius_socket.h" #include "radius_mppe.h" #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_radius_socket_t private_radius_socket_t; /** * Private data of an radius_socket_t object. */ struct private_radius_socket_t { /** * Public radius_socket_t interface. */ radius_socket_t public; /** * Server port for authentication */ u_int16_t auth_port; /** * socket file descriptor for authentication */ int auth_fd; /** * Server port for accounting */ u_int16_t acct_port; /** * socket file descriptor for accounting */ int acct_fd; /** * Server address */ char *address; /** * current RADIUS identifier */ u_int8_t identifier; /** * hasher to use for response verification */ hasher_t *hasher; /** * HMAC-MD5 signer to build Message-Authenticator attribute */ signer_t *signer; /** * random number generator for RADIUS request authenticator */ rng_t *rng; /** * RADIUS secret */ chunk_t secret; /** * Number of times we retransmit messages before giving up */ u_int retransmit_tries; /** * Retransmission timeout */ double retransmit_timeout; /** * Base to calculate retransmission timeout */ double retransmit_base; }; /** * Check or establish RADIUS connection */ static bool check_connection(private_radius_socket_t *this, int *fd, u_int16_t port) { if (*fd == -1) { host_t *server; server = host_create_from_dns(this->address, AF_UNSPEC, port); if (!server) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "resolving RADIUS server address '%s' failed", this->address); return FALSE; } *fd = socket(server->get_family(server), SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (*fd == -1) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "opening RADIUS socket for %#H failed: %s", server, strerror(errno)); server->destroy(server); return FALSE; } if (connect(*fd, server->get_sockaddr(server), *server->get_sockaddr_len(server)) < 0) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "connecting RADIUS socket to %#H failed: %s", server, strerror(errno)); server->destroy(server); close(*fd); *fd = -1; return FALSE; } server->destroy(server); } return TRUE; } /** * Receive the response to the message with the given ID */ static status_t receive_response(int fd, int timeout, u_int8_t id, radius_message_t **response) { radius_message_t *msg; char buf[4096]; int res; struct pollfd pfd = { .fd = fd, .events = POLLIN, }; while (TRUE) { res = poll(&pfd, 1, timeout); if (res < 0) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "waiting for RADIUS message failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return FAILED; } if (res == 0) { /* timeout */ return OUT_OF_RES; } res = recv(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT); if (res <= 0) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "receiving RADIUS message failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return FAILED; } msg = radius_message_parse(chunk_create(buf, res)); if (!msg) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "received invalid RADIUS message, ignored"); return FAILED; } if (id != msg->get_identifier(msg)) { /* we haven't received the response to our current request, but * perhaps one for an earlier request for which we didn't wait * long enough */ DBG1(DBG_CFG, "received RADIUS message with unexpected ID %d " "[%d expected], ignored", msg->get_identifier(msg), id); msg->destroy(msg); continue; } *response = msg; return SUCCESS; } } METHOD(radius_socket_t, request, radius_message_t*, private_radius_socket_t *this, radius_message_t *request) { radius_message_t *response; chunk_t data; int *fd, retransmit = 0, timeout; u_int16_t port; rng_t *rng = NULL; if (request->get_code(request) == RMC_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST) { fd = &this->acct_fd; port = this->acct_port; } else { fd = &this->auth_fd; port = this->auth_port; rng = this->rng; } /* set Message Identifier */ request->set_identifier(request, this->identifier++); /* sign the request */ if (!request->sign(request, NULL, this->secret, this->hasher, this->signer, rng, rng != NULL)) { return NULL; } if (!check_connection(this, fd, port)) { return NULL; } data = request->get_encoding(request); DBG3(DBG_CFG, "%B", &data); while (retransmit < this->retransmit_tries) { timeout = (int)(this->retransmit_timeout * 1000.0 * pow(this->retransmit_base, retransmit)); if (retransmit) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "retransmit %d of RADIUS %N (timeout: %.1fs)", retransmit, radius_message_code_names, request->get_code(request), timeout/1000.0); } if (send(*fd, data.ptr, data.len, 0) != data.len) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "sending RADIUS message failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } switch (receive_response(*fd, timeout, request->get_identifier(request), &response)) { case SUCCESS: break; case OUT_OF_RES: retransmit++; continue; default: return NULL; } if (response->verify(response, request->get_authenticator(request), this->secret, this->hasher, this->signer)) { return response; } response->destroy(response); return NULL; } DBG1(DBG_CFG, "RADIUS %N timed out after %d attempts", radius_message_code_names, request->get_code(request), retransmit); return NULL; } /** * Decrypt a MS-MPPE-Send/Recv-Key */ static chunk_t decrypt_mppe_key(private_radius_socket_t *this, u_int16_t salt, chunk_t C, radius_message_t *request) { chunk_t decrypted; decrypted = chunk_alloca(C.len); if (!request->crypt(request, chunk_from_thing(salt), C, decrypted, this->secret, this->hasher) || decrypted.ptr[0] >= decrypted.len) { /* decryption failed? */ return chunk_empty; } /* remove truncation, first byte is key length */ return chunk_clone(chunk_create(decrypted.ptr + 1, decrypted.ptr[0])); } METHOD(radius_socket_t, decrypt_msk, chunk_t, private_radius_socket_t *this, radius_message_t *request, radius_message_t *response) { mppe_key_t *mppe_key; enumerator_t *enumerator; chunk_t data, send = chunk_empty, recv = chunk_empty; int type; enumerator = response->create_enumerator(response); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &type, &data)) { if (type == RAT_VENDOR_SPECIFIC && data.len > sizeof(mppe_key_t)) { mppe_key = (mppe_key_t*)data.ptr; if (ntohl(mppe_key->id) == PEN_MICROSOFT && mppe_key->length == data.len - sizeof(mppe_key->id)) { data = chunk_create(mppe_key->key, data.len - sizeof(mppe_key_t)); if (mppe_key->type == MS_MPPE_SEND_KEY) { send = decrypt_mppe_key(this, mppe_key->salt, data, request); } if (mppe_key->type == MS_MPPE_RECV_KEY) { recv = decrypt_mppe_key(this, mppe_key->salt, data, request); } } } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (send.ptr && recv.ptr) { return chunk_cat("mm", recv, send); } chunk_clear(&send); chunk_clear(&recv); return chunk_empty; } METHOD(radius_socket_t, destroy, void, private_radius_socket_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->hasher); DESTROY_IF(this->signer); DESTROY_IF(this->rng); if (this->auth_fd != -1) { close(this->auth_fd); }; if (this->acct_fd != -1) { close(this->acct_fd); } free(this); } /** * See header */ radius_socket_t *radius_socket_create(char *address, u_int16_t auth_port, u_int16_t acct_port, chunk_t secret, u_int tries, double timeout, double base) { private_radius_socket_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .request = _request, .decrypt_msk = _decrypt_msk, .destroy = _destroy, }, .address = address, .auth_port = auth_port, .auth_fd = -1, .acct_port = acct_port, .acct_fd = -1, .hasher = lib->crypto->create_hasher(lib->crypto, HASH_MD5), .signer = lib->crypto->create_signer(lib->crypto, AUTH_HMAC_MD5_128), .rng = lib->crypto->create_rng(lib->crypto, RNG_WEAK), .retransmit_tries = tries, .retransmit_timeout = timeout, .retransmit_base = base, ); if (!this->hasher || !this->signer || !this->rng || !this->signer->set_key(this->signer, secret)) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "RADIUS initialization failed, HMAC/MD5/RNG required"); destroy(this); return NULL; } this->secret = secret; /* we use a random identifier, helps if we restart often */ this->identifier = random(); return &this->public; }