 * Copyright (C) 2010 Martin Willi
 * Copyright (C) 2010 revosec AG
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.  See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.

 * @defgroup aead aead
 * @{ @ingroup crypto

#ifndef AEAD_H_
#define AEAD_H_

typedef struct aead_t aead_t;

#include <library.h>
#include <crypto/crypters/crypter.h>
#include <crypto/signers/signer.h>

 * Authenticated encryption / authentication decryption interface.
struct aead_t {

	 * Encrypt and sign data, sign associated data.
	 * The plain data must be a multiple of get_block_size(), the IV must
	 * have a length of get_iv_size().
	 * If encrypted is NULL, the encryption is done inline. The buffer must
	 * have space for additional get_icv_size() data, the ICV value is
	 * appended silently to the plain chunk.
	 * @param plain			data to encrypt and sign
	 * @param assoc			associated data to sign
	 * @param iv			initialization vector
	 * @param encrypted		allocated encryption result
	void (*encrypt)(aead_t *this, chunk_t plain, chunk_t assoc, chunk_t iv,
					chunk_t *encrypted);

	 * Decrypt and verify data, verify associated data.
	 * The IV must have a length of get_iv_size().
	 * If plain is NULL, the decryption is done inline. The decrypted data
	 * is returned in the encrypted chunk, the last get_icv_size() bytes
	 * contain the verified ICV.
	 * @param encrypted		data to encrypt and verify
	 * @param assoc			associated data to verify
	 * @param iv			initialization vector
	 * @param plain			allocated result, if successful
	 * @return				TRUE if MAC verification successful
	bool (*decrypt)(aead_t *this, chunk_t encrypted, chunk_t assoc, chunk_t iv,
					chunk_t *plain);

	 * Get the block size for encryption.
	 * @return				block size in bytes
	size_t (*get_block_size)(aead_t *this);

	 * Get the integrity check value size of the algorithm.
	 * @return				ICV size in bytes
	size_t (*get_icv_size)(aead_t *this);

	 * Get the size of the initialization vector.
	 * @return				IV size in bytes
	size_t (*get_iv_size)(aead_t *this);

	 * Get the size of the key material (for encryption and authentication).
	 * @return				key size in bytes
	size_t (*get_key_size)(aead_t *this);

	 * Set the key for encryption and authentication.
	 * @param key			encryption and authentication key
	void (*set_key)(aead_t *this, chunk_t key);

	 * Destroy a aead_t.
	void (*destroy)(aead_t *this);

 * Create a aead instance using traditional transforms.
 * @param crypter		encryption transform for this aead
 * @param signer		integrity tranform for this aead
 * @return				aead transform
aead_t *aead_create(crypter_t *crypter, signer_t *signer);

#endif /** AEAD_H_ @}*/