 * Copyright (C) 2009 Martin Willi
 * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.  See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.

 * @defgroup crypto_tester crypto_tester
 * @{ @ingroup crypto


typedef struct crypto_tester_t crypto_tester_t;

#include <crypto/crypto_factory.h>

typedef struct crypter_test_vector_t crypter_test_vector_t;
typedef struct aead_test_vector_t aead_test_vector_t;
typedef struct signer_test_vector_t signer_test_vector_t;
typedef struct hasher_test_vector_t hasher_test_vector_t;
typedef struct prf_test_vector_t prf_test_vector_t;
typedef struct rng_test_vector_t rng_test_vector_t;

struct crypter_test_vector_t {
	/** encryption algorithm this vector tests */
	encryption_algorithm_t alg;
	/** key length to use, in bytes */
	size_t key_size;
	/** encryption key of test vector */
	u_char *key;
	/** initialization vector, using crypters blocksize bytes */
	u_char *iv;
	/** length of plain and cipher text */
	size_t len;
	/** plain text */
	u_char *plain;
	/** cipher text */
	u_char *cipher;

struct aead_test_vector_t {
	/** encryption algorithm this vector tests */
	encryption_algorithm_t alg;
	/** key length to use, in bytes */
	size_t key_size;
	/** encryption key of test vector */
	u_char *key;
	/** initialization vector, using crypters blocksize bytes */
	u_char *iv;
	/** length of associated data */
	size_t alen;
	/** associated data */
	u_char *adata;
	/** length of plain text */
	size_t len;
	/** plain text */
	u_char *plain;
	/** cipher text */
	u_char *cipher;

struct signer_test_vector_t {
	/** signer algorithm this test vector tests */
	pseudo_random_function_t alg;
	/** key to use, with a length the algorithm expects */
	u_char *key;
	/** size of the input data */
	size_t len;
	/** input data */
	u_char *data;
	/** expected output, with ouput size of the tested algorithm */
	u_char *mac;

struct hasher_test_vector_t {
	/** hash algorithm this test vector tests */
	hash_algorithm_t alg;
	/** length of the input data */
	size_t len;
	/** input data */
	u_char *data;
	/** expected hash, with hash size of the tested algorithm */
	u_char *hash;

struct prf_test_vector_t {
	/** prf algorithm this test vector tests */
	pseudo_random_function_t alg;
	/** is this PRF stateful? */
	bool stateful;
	/** key length to use, in bytes */
	size_t key_size;
	/** key to use */
	u_char *key;
	/** size of the seed data */
	size_t len;
	/** seed data */
	u_char *seed;
	/** expected output, with block size of the tested algorithm */
	u_char *out;

 * Test vector for a RNG.
 * Contains a callback function to analyze the output of a RNG,
struct rng_test_vector_t {
	/** quality of random data this test vector tests */
	rng_quality_t quality;
	/** callback function to test RNG output, returns TRUE if data ok */
	bool (*test)(void *user, chunk_t data);
	/** number of bytes the function requests */
	size_t len;
	/** user data passed back to the test() function on invocation */
	void *user;

 * Cryptographic primitive testing framework.
struct crypto_tester_t {

	 * Test a crypter algorithm, optionally using a specified key size.
	 * @param alg			algorithm to test
	 * @param key_size		key size to test, 0 for default
	 * @param create		constructor function for the crypter
	 * @param speed			speed test result, NULL to omit
	 * @return				TRUE if test passed
	bool (*test_crypter)(crypto_tester_t *this, encryption_algorithm_t alg,
						 size_t key_size, crypter_constructor_t create,
						 u_int *speed);

	 * Test an aead algorithm, optionally using a specified key size.
	 * @param alg			algorithm to test
	 * @param key_size		key size to test, 0 for default
	 * @param create		constructor function for the aead transform
	 * @param speed			speed test result, NULL to omit
	 * @return				TRUE if test passed
	bool (*test_aead)(crypto_tester_t *this, encryption_algorithm_t alg,
						 size_t key_size, aead_constructor_t create,
						 u_int *speed);
	 * Test a signer algorithm.
	 * @param alg			algorithm to test
	 * @param create		constructor function for the signer
	 * @param speed			speed test result, NULL to omit
	 * @return				TRUE if test passed
	bool (*test_signer)(crypto_tester_t *this, integrity_algorithm_t alg,
						signer_constructor_t create, u_int *speed);
	 * Test a hasher algorithm.
	 * @param alg			algorithm to test
	 * @param create		constructor function for the hasher
	 * @param speed			speed test result, NULL to omit
	 * @return				TRUE if test passed
	bool (*test_hasher)(crypto_tester_t *this, hash_algorithm_t alg,
						hasher_constructor_t create, u_int *speed);
	 * Test a PRF algorithm.
	 * @param alg			algorithm to test
	 * @param create		constructor function for the PRF
	 * @param speed			speed test result, NULL to omit
	 * @return				TRUE if test passed
	bool (*test_prf)(crypto_tester_t *this, pseudo_random_function_t alg,
					 prf_constructor_t create, u_int *speed);
	 * Test a RNG implementation.
	 * @param alg			algorithm to test
	 * @param create		constructor function for the RNG
	 * @param speed			speed test result, NULL to omit
	 * @return				TRUE if test passed
	bool (*test_rng)(crypto_tester_t *this, rng_quality_t quality,
					 rng_constructor_t create, u_int *speed);
	 * Add a test vector to test a crypter.
	 * @param vector		pointer to test vector
	void (*add_crypter_vector)(crypto_tester_t *this,
							   crypter_test_vector_t *vector);
	 * Add a test vector to test an aead transform.
	 * @param vector		pointer to test vector
	void (*add_aead_vector)(crypto_tester_t *this,
							aead_test_vector_t *vector);
	 * Add a test vector to test a signer.
	 * @param vector		pointer to test vector
	void (*add_signer_vector)(crypto_tester_t *this,
							  signer_test_vector_t *vector);
	 * Add a test vector to test a hasher.
	 * @param vector		pointer to test vector
	void (*add_hasher_vector)(crypto_tester_t *this,
							  hasher_test_vector_t *vector);
	 * Add a test vector to test a PRF.
	 * @param vector		pointer to test vector
	void (*add_prf_vector)(crypto_tester_t *this, prf_test_vector_t *vector);

	 * Add a test vector to test a RNG.
	 * @param vector		pointer to test vector
	void (*add_rng_vector)(crypto_tester_t *this, rng_test_vector_t *vector);

	 * Destroy a crypto_tester_t.
	void (*destroy)(crypto_tester_t *this);

 * Create a crypto_tester instance.
crypto_tester_t *crypto_tester_create();

#endif /** CRYPTO_TESTER_H_ @}*/