/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * $Id: enum.h 4936 2009-03-12 18:07:32Z tobias $ */ /** * @defgroup enum enum * @{ @ingroup libstrongswan */ #ifndef ENUM_H_ #define ENUM_H_ #include typedef struct enum_name_t enum_name_t; /** * Struct to store names for enums. * * To print the string representation of enumeration values, the strings * are stored in these structures. Every enum_name contains a range * of strings, multiple ranges are linked together. * Use the convenience macros to define these linked ranges. * * For a single range, use: * @code ENUM(name, first, last, string1, string2, ...) @endcode * For multiple linked ranges, use: * @code ENUM_BEGIN(name, first, last, string1, string2, ...) ENUM_NEXT(name, first, last, last_from_previous, string3, ...) ENUM_NEXT(name, first, last, last_from_previous, string4, ...) ENUM_END(name, last_from_previous) @endcode * The ENUM and the ENUM_END define a enum_name_t pointer with the name supplied * in "name". * * Resolving of enum names is done using a printf hook. A printf fromat * character %N is replaced by the enum string. Printf needs two arguments to * resolve a %N, the enum_name_t* (the defined name in ENUM_BEGIN) followed * by the numerical enum value. */ struct enum_name_t { /** value of the first enum string */ int first; /** value of the last enum string */ int last; /** next enum_name_t in list */ enum_name_t *next; /** array of strings containing names from first to last */ char *names[]; }; /** * Begin a new enum_name list. * * @param name name of the enum_name list * @param first enum value of the first enum string * @param last enum value of the last enum string * @param ... a list of strings */ #define ENUM_BEGIN(name, first, last, ...) static enum_name_t name##last = {first, last, NULL, { __VA_ARGS__ }} /** * Continue a enum name list startetd with ENUM_BEGIN. * * @param name name of the enum_name list * @param first enum value of the first enum string * @param last enum value of the last enum string * @param prev enum value of the "last" defined in ENUM_BEGIN/previous ENUM_NEXT * @param ... a list of strings */ #define ENUM_NEXT(name, first, last, prev, ...) static enum_name_t name##last = {first, last, &name##prev, { __VA_ARGS__ }} /** * Complete enum name list started with ENUM_BEGIN. * * @param name name of the enum_name list * @param prev enum value of the "last" defined in ENUM_BEGIN/previous ENUM_NEXT */ #define ENUM_END(name, prev) enum_name_t *name = &name##prev; /** * Define a enum name with only one range. * * This is a convenience macro to use when a enum_name list contains only * one range, and is equal as defining ENUM_BEGIN followed by ENUM_END. * * @param name name of the enum_name list * @param first enum value of the first enum string * @param last enum value of the last enum string * @param ... a list of strings */ #define ENUM(name, first, last, ...) ENUM_BEGIN(name, first, last, __VA_ARGS__); ENUM_END(name, last) /** * printf hook function for enum_names_t. * * Arguments are: * enum_names_t *names, int value */ int enum_printf_hook(char *dst, size_t len, printf_hook_spec_t *spec, const void *const *args); #endif /* ENUM_H_ @}*/