/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "bliss_param_set.h" #include #include #include typedef struct tuple_t tuple_t; struct tuple_t { int8_t z1; int8_t z2; uint16_t index; uint16_t bits; uint32_t code; }; typedef struct node_t node_t; struct node_t { node_t *next; node_t *l; node_t *r; tuple_t *tuple; double p; uint16_t depth; uint16_t index; }; static void print_node(node_t *node) { if (node->tuple) { fprintf(stderr, "(%1d,%2d)", node->tuple->z1, node->tuple->z2); } else { fprintf(stderr, " "); } fprintf(stderr, " %18.16f\n", node->p); } static double code_node(node_t *node, int *index, uint8_t bits, uint32_t code) { double code_length = 0; node->index = (*index)++; if (node->tuple) { node->tuple->code = code; node->tuple->bits = bits; code_length += node->p * bits; } if (node->l) { code_length += code_node(node->l, index, bits + 1, (code << 1)); } if (node->r) { code_length += code_node(node->r, index, bits + 1, (code << 1) + 1); } return code_length; } static void write_node(node_t *node) { int16_t node_0, node_1, tuple; node_0 = node->l ? node->l->index : BLISS_HUFFMAN_CODE_NO_NODE; node_1 = node->r ? node->r->index : BLISS_HUFFMAN_CODE_NO_NODE; tuple = node->tuple ? node->tuple->index : BLISS_HUFFMAN_CODE_NO_TUPLE; printf("\t{ %3d, %3d, %3d }, /* %3d: ", node_0, node_1, tuple, node->index); if (node->tuple) { printf("(%d,%2d) %2u bit%s ", node->tuple->z1, node->tuple->z2, node->tuple->bits, (node->tuple->bits == 1) ? " " : "s"); } printf("*/\n"); if (node->l) { write_node(node->l); } if (node->r) { write_node(node->r); } } static void write_header(void) { printf("/*\n"); printf(" * Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Steffen\n"); printf(" * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil\n"); printf(" *\n"); printf(" * Optimum Huffman code for BLISS-X signatures\n"); printf(" *\n"); printf(" * This file has been automatically generated by the" " bliss_huffman utility\n"); printf(" * Do not edit manually!\n"); printf(" */\n\n"); }; static void write_code_tables(int bliss_type, int n_z1, int n_z2, node_t *nodes, tuple_t **tuples) { int index, i, k; uint32_t bit; double code_length; printf("#include \"bliss_huffman_code.h\"\n\n"); printf("static bliss_huffman_code_node_t nodes[] = {\n"); index = 0; code_length = code_node(nodes, &index, 0, 0); write_node(nodes); printf("};\n\n"); printf("static bliss_huffman_code_tuple_t tuples[] = {\n"); index = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_z1; i++) { if (i > 0) { printf("\n"); } for (k = 1 - n_z2; k < n_z2; k++) { printf("\t{ %5u, %2u }, /* %3d: (%1d,%2d) ", tuples[index]->code, tuples[index]->bits, index, i, k); bit = 1 << (tuples[index]->bits - 1); while (bit) { printf("%s", (tuples[index]->code & bit) ? "1" : "0"); bit >>= 1; } printf(" */\n"); index++; } } printf("};\n\n"); printf("/* code_length = %6.4f bits/tuple (%d bits) */\n\n", code_length, (int)(512 * code_length + 1)); printf("bliss_huffman_code_t bliss_huffman_code_%d = {\n", bliss_type); printf("\t.n_z1 = %d,\n", n_z1); printf("\t.n_z2 = %d,\n", n_z2); printf("\t.tuples = tuples,\n"); printf("\t.nodes = nodes\n"); printf("};\n"); } static void destroy_node(node_t *node) { if (node->l) { destroy_node(node->l); } if (node->r) { destroy_node(node->r); } free(node->tuple); free(node); } static void remove_node(node_t *list, node_t **last, node_t *node) { node_t *current, *prev; for (current = list->next, prev = list; current; prev = current, current = current->next) { if (current == node) { prev->next = current->next; if (*last == current) { *last = prev->next ?: prev; } break; } } } /** * Generate a Huffman code for the optimum encoding of BLISS signatures */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bliss_param_set_t *set; int dx, bliss_type, depth = 1, groups, groups_left, pairs = 1; int i_max = 9, k_max = 8, index_max = (2*k_max - 1) * i_max; int i, i_top, k, k_top; uint16_t index; double p, p_z1[i_max], p_z2[k_max], x_z1[i_max], x_z2[k_max]; double t, x, x0, p_sum, entropy = 0, erf_i, erf_k, erf_0 = 0; tuple_t *tuple, *tuples[index_max]; node_t *node, *node_l, *node_r, *nodes = NULL; node_t *node_list, *node_last; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: bliss_huffman []\n"); exit(1); } if (argc > 2) { pairs = atoi(argv[2]); } fprintf(stderr, "%d code pairs with constant length\n\n", pairs); groups_left = groups = pairs >> 1; bliss_type = atoi(argv[1]); set = bliss_param_set_get_by_id(bliss_type); if (!set) { fprintf(stderr, "bliss type %d unsupported\n", bliss_type); exit(1); } write_header(); printf("/*\n"); printf(" * Design: sigma = %u\n", set->sigma); printf(" *\n"); t = 1/(sqrt(2) * set->sigma); /* Probability distribution for z1 */ i_top = (set->B_inf + 255) / 256; p_sum = 0; x = 0; for (i = 0; i < i_top; i++) { x = min(x + 256, set->B_inf); erf_i = erf(t*x); p_z1[i] = erf_i - erf_0; p_sum += p_z1[i]; erf_0 = erf_i; x_z1[i] = x; } /* Normalize and print the probability distribution for z1 */ printf(" * i p_z1[i]\n"); x0 = 0; for (i = 0; i < i_top; i++) { p_z1[i] /= p_sum; printf(" * %2d %18.16f %4.0f .. %4.0f\n", i, p_z1[i], x0, x_z1[i]); x0 = x_z1[i]; } printf(" *\n"); /* Probability distribution for z2 */ dx = 1 << set->d; k_top = 1 + set->B_inf / dx; x = (dx >> 1) - 0.5; p_sum = 0; for (k = 0; k < k_top; k++) { erf_k = erf(t*x) / 2; p_z2[k] = (k == 0) ? 2*erf_k : erf_k - erf_0; p_sum += (k == 0) ? p_z2[k] : 2*p_z2[k]; erf_0 = erf_k; x_z2[k] = x; x += dx; } /* Normalize the probability distribution for z2 */ for (k = 0; k < k_top; k++) { p_z2[k] /= p_sum; } /* Print the probability distribution for z2 */ printf(" * k p_z2[k] dx = %d\n", dx); for (k = 1 - k_top; k < k_top; k++) { printf(" * %2d %18.16f ",k, p_z2[abs(k)]); if (k < 0) { printf(" %7.1f ..%7.1f\n", -x_z2[-k], -x_z2[-k-1]); } else if (k == 0) { printf(" %7.1f ..%7.1f\n", -x_z2[k], x_z2[k]); } else { printf(" %7.1f ..%7.1f\n", x_z2[k-1], x_z2[k]); } } printf(" *\n"); /* Compute probabilities of tuples (z1, z2) */ INIT(node_list); node_last = node_list; printf(" * (i, k) p\n"); p_sum =0; index = 0; for (i = 0; i < i_top; i++) { for (k = 1 - k_top; k < k_top; k++) { p = p_z1[i] * p_z2[abs(k)]; printf(" * (%1d,%2d) %18.16f\n", i, k, p); p_sum += p; entropy += -log(p) * p; INIT(tuple, .z1 = i, .z2 = k, .index = index, ); tuples[index++] = tuple; INIT(node, .p = p, .tuple = tuple, ); node_last->next = node; node_last = node; } printf(" *\n"); } entropy /= log(2); printf(" * p_sum %18.16f\n", p_sum); printf(" *\n"); printf(" * entropy = %6.4f bits/tuple (%d bits)\n", entropy, (int)(512 * entropy)); printf(" */\n\n"); /* Build Huffman tree */ while (node_list->next != node_last) { node_r = node_l = NULL; for (node = node_list->next; node; node = node->next) { if (pairs > 0) { if (!node->tuple) { continue; } } else if (groups_left > 0) { if (node->tuple || node->depth != depth) { continue; } } if (node_r == NULL || node->p < node_r->p) { node_l = node_r; node_r = node; } else if (node_l == NULL || node->p < node_l->p) { node_l = node; } } INIT(node, .l = node_l, .r = node_r, .p = node_l->p + node_r->p, .depth = 1 + max(node_l->depth, node_r->depth), .tuple = NULL, ); print_node(node_r); print_node(node_l); fprintf(stderr, " %18.16f", node->p); remove_node(node_list, &node_last, node_l); remove_node(node_list, &node_last, node_r); node_last->next = node; node_last = node; if (pairs > 0) { pairs--; } else if (groups > 0) { if (--groups_left == 0) { groups >>= 1; groups_left = groups; depth++; } } fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); } nodes = node_list->next; write_code_tables(bliss_type, i_top, k_top, nodes, tuples); destroy_node(nodes); destroy_node(node_list); exit(0); }