/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * $Id$ */ #include "padlock_plugin.h" #include "padlock_aes_crypter.h" #include "padlock_sha1_hasher.h" #include "padlock_rng.h" #include #include #include typedef struct private_padlock_plugin_t private_padlock_plugin_t; typedef enum padlock_feature_t padlock_feature_t; /** * Feature flags of padlock, received via cpuid() */ enum padlock_feature_t { PADLOCK_RESERVED_1 = (1<<0), PADLOCK_RESERVED_2 = (1<<1), PADLOCK_RNG_AVAILABLE = (1<<2), PADLOCK_RNG_ENABLED = (1<<3), PADLOCK_RESERVED_3 = (1<<4), PADLOCK_RESERVED_4 = (1<<5), PADLOCK_ACE_AVAILABLE = (1<<6), PADLOCK_ACE_ENABLED = (1<<7), PADLOCK_ACE2_AVAILABLE = (1<<8), PADLOCK_ACE2_ENABLED = (1<<9), PADLOCK_PHE_AVAILABLE = (1<<10), PADLOCK_PHE_ENABLED = (1<<11), PADLOCK_PMM_AVAILABLE = (1<<12), PADLOCK_PMM_ENABLED = (1<<13), }; /** * private data of aes_plugin */ struct private_padlock_plugin_t { /** * public functions */ padlock_plugin_t public; /** * features supported by Padlock */ padlock_feature_t features; }; /** * Get cpuid for info, return eax, ebx, ecx and edx. -fPIC requires to save ebx. */ #define cpuid(op, a, b, c, d)\ asm (\ "pushl %%ebx \n\t"\ "cpuid \n\t"\ "movl %%ebx, %1 \n\t"\ "popl %%ebx \n\t"\ : "=a" (a), "=r" (b), "=c" (c), "=d" (d) \ : "a" (op)); /** * Get features supported by Padlock */ static padlock_feature_t get_padlock_features() { char vendor[3 * sizeof(int) + 1]; int a, b, c, d; cpuid(0, a, b, c, d); /* VendorID string is in b-d-c (yes, in this order) */ snprintf(vendor, sizeof(vendor), "%.4s%.4s%.4s", &b, &d, &c); /* check if we have a VIA chip */ if (streq(vendor, "CentaurHauls")) { cpuid(0xC0000000, a, b, c, d); /* check Centaur Extended Feature Flags */ if (a >= 0xC0000001) { cpuid(0xC0000001, a, b, c, d); return d; } } DBG1("Padlock not found, CPU is %s\n", vendor); return 0; } /** * Implementation of aes_plugin_t.destroy */ static void destroy(private_padlock_plugin_t *this) { if (this->features & PADLOCK_RNG_ENABLED) { lib->crypto->remove_rng(lib->crypto, (rng_constructor_t)padlock_rng_create); lib->crypto->remove_rng(lib->crypto, (rng_constructor_t)padlock_rng_create); lib->crypto->remove_rng(lib->crypto, (rng_constructor_t)padlock_rng_create); } if (this->features & PADLOCK_ACE2_ENABLED) { lib->crypto->remove_crypter(lib->crypto, (crypter_constructor_t)padlock_aes_crypter_create); } if (this->features & PADLOCK_PHE_ENABLED) { lib->crypto->remove_hasher(lib->crypto, (hasher_constructor_t)padlock_sha1_hasher_create); } free(this); } /* * see header file */ plugin_t *plugin_create() { private_padlock_plugin_t *this = malloc_thing(private_padlock_plugin_t); this->public.plugin.destroy = (void(*)(plugin_t*))destroy; this->features = get_padlock_features(); if (!this->features) { free(this); return NULL; } DBG1("Padlock found, supports:%s%s%s%s%s, enabled:%s%s%s%s%s", this->features & PADLOCK_RNG_AVAILABLE ? " RNG" : "", this->features & PADLOCK_ACE_AVAILABLE ? " ACE" : "", this->features & PADLOCK_ACE2_AVAILABLE ? " ACE2" : "", this->features & PADLOCK_PHE_AVAILABLE ? " PHE" : "", this->features & PADLOCK_PMM_AVAILABLE ? " PMM" : "", this->features & PADLOCK_RNG_ENABLED ? " RNG" : "", this->features & PADLOCK_ACE_ENABLED ? " ACE" : "", this->features & PADLOCK_ACE2_ENABLED ? " ACE2" : "", this->features & PADLOCK_PHE_ENABLED ? " PHE" : "", this->features & PADLOCK_PMM_ENABLED ? " PMM" : ""); if (this->features & PADLOCK_RNG_ENABLED) { lib->crypto->add_rng(lib->crypto, RNG_REAL, (rng_constructor_t)padlock_rng_create); lib->crypto->add_rng(lib->crypto, RNG_STRONG, (rng_constructor_t)padlock_rng_create); lib->crypto->add_rng(lib->crypto, RNG_WEAK, (rng_constructor_t)padlock_rng_create); } if (this->features & PADLOCK_ACE2_ENABLED) { lib->crypto->add_crypter(lib->crypto, ENCR_AES_CBC, (crypter_constructor_t)padlock_aes_crypter_create); } if (this->features & PADLOCK_PHE_ENABLED) { lib->crypto->add_hasher(lib->crypto, HASH_SHA1, (hasher_constructor_t)padlock_sha1_hasher_create); } return &this->public.plugin; }