/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2010 revosec AG * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "pkcs11_creds.h" #include #include typedef struct private_pkcs11_creds_t private_pkcs11_creds_t; /** * Private data of an pkcs11_creds_t object. */ struct private_pkcs11_creds_t { /** * Public pkcs11_creds_t interface. */ pkcs11_creds_t public; /** * PKCS# library */ pkcs11_library_t *lib; /** * Token slot */ CK_SLOT_ID slot; /** * List of trusted certificates */ linked_list_t *trusted; /** * List of untrusted certificates */ linked_list_t *untrusted; }; /** * Find certificates, optionally trusted */ static void find_certificates(private_pkcs11_creds_t *this, <<<<<<< HEAD CK_SESSION_HANDLE session, CK_BBOOL trusted) { CK_OBJECT_CLASS class = CKO_CERTIFICATE; CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE type = CKC_X_509; CK_ATTRIBUTE tmpl[] = { {CKA_CLASS, &class, sizeof(class)}, {CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE, &type, sizeof(type)}, {CKA_TRUSTED, &trusted, sizeof(trusted)}, ======= CK_SESSION_HANDLE session) { CK_OBJECT_CLASS class = CKO_CERTIFICATE; CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE type = CKC_X_509; CK_BBOOL trusted = TRUE; CK_ATTRIBUTE tmpl[] = { {CKA_CLASS, &class, sizeof(class)}, {CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE, &type, sizeof(type)}, >>>>>>> upstream/4.5.1 }; CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object; CK_ATTRIBUTE attr[] = { {CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0}, {CKA_LABEL, NULL, 0}, <<<<<<< HEAD ======= {CKA_TRUSTED, &trusted, sizeof(trusted)} >>>>>>> upstream/4.5.1 }; enumerator_t *enumerator; linked_list_t *raw; certificate_t *cert; struct { chunk_t value; chunk_t label; <<<<<<< HEAD } *entry; raw = linked_list_create(); enumerator = this->lib->create_object_enumerator(this->lib, session, tmpl, countof(tmpl), attr, countof(attr)); ======= bool trusted; } *entry; int count = countof(attr); /* store result in a temporary list, avoid recursive operation */ raw = linked_list_create(); /* do not use trusted argument if not supported */ if (!(this->lib->get_features(this->lib) & PKCS11_TRUSTED_CERTS)) { count--; } enumerator = this->lib->create_object_enumerator(this->lib, session, tmpl, countof(tmpl), attr, count); >>>>>>> upstream/4.5.1 while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &object)) { entry = malloc(sizeof(*entry)); entry->value = chunk_clone( chunk_create(attr[0].pValue, attr[0].ulValueLen)); entry->label = chunk_clone( chunk_create(attr[1].pValue, attr[1].ulValueLen)); <<<<<<< HEAD ======= entry->trusted = trusted; >>>>>>> upstream/4.5.1 raw->insert_last(raw, entry); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); while (raw->remove_first(raw, (void**)&entry) == SUCCESS) { cert = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_CERTIFICATE, CERT_X509, BUILD_BLOB_ASN1_DER, entry->value, BUILD_END); if (cert) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, " loaded %strusted cert '%.*s'", <<<<<<< HEAD trusted ? "" : "un", entry->label.len, entry->label.ptr); /* trusted certificates are also returned as untrusted */ this->untrusted->insert_last(this->untrusted, cert); if (trusted) ======= entry->trusted ? "" : "un", entry->label.len, entry->label.ptr); /* trusted certificates are also returned as untrusted */ this->untrusted->insert_last(this->untrusted, cert); if (entry->trusted) >>>>>>> upstream/4.5.1 { this->trusted->insert_last(this->trusted, cert->get_ref(cert)); } } else { DBG1(DBG_CFG, " loading cert '%.*s' failed", entry->label.len, entry->label.ptr); } free(entry->value.ptr); free(entry->label.ptr); free(entry); } raw->destroy(raw); } /** * Load in the certificates from the token */ static bool load_certificates(private_pkcs11_creds_t *this) { CK_SESSION_HANDLE session; CK_RV rv; rv = this->lib->f->C_OpenSession(this->slot, CKF_SERIAL_SESSION, NULL, NULL, &session); if (rv != CKR_OK) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "opening session failed: %N", ck_rv_names, rv); return FALSE; } <<<<<<< HEAD find_certificates(this, session, CK_TRUE); find_certificates(this, session, CK_FALSE); ======= find_certificates(this, session); >>>>>>> upstream/4.5.1 this->lib->f->C_CloseSession(session); return TRUE; } /** * filter function for certs enumerator */ static bool certs_filter(identification_t *id, certificate_t **in, certificate_t **out) { public_key_t *public; certificate_t *cert = *in; if (id == NULL || cert->has_subject(cert, id)) { *out = *in; return TRUE; } public = cert->get_public_key(cert); if (public) { if (public->has_fingerprint(public, id->get_encoding(id))) { public->destroy(public); *out = *in; return TRUE; } public->destroy(public); } return FALSE; } METHOD(credential_set_t, create_cert_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_pkcs11_creds_t *this, certificate_type_t cert, key_type_t key, identification_t *id, bool trusted) { enumerator_t *inner; if (cert != CERT_X509 && cert != CERT_ANY) { return NULL; } if (trusted) { inner = this->trusted->create_enumerator(this->trusted); } else { inner = this->untrusted->create_enumerator(this->untrusted); } return enumerator_create_filter(inner, (void*)certs_filter, id, NULL); } METHOD(pkcs11_creds_t, get_library, pkcs11_library_t*, private_pkcs11_creds_t *this) { return this->lib; } METHOD(pkcs11_creds_t, get_slot, CK_SLOT_ID, private_pkcs11_creds_t *this) { return this->slot; } METHOD(pkcs11_creds_t, destroy, void, private_pkcs11_creds_t *this) { this->trusted->destroy_offset(this->trusted, offsetof(certificate_t, destroy)); this->untrusted->destroy_offset(this->untrusted, offsetof(certificate_t, destroy)); free(this); } /** * See header */ pkcs11_creds_t *pkcs11_creds_create(pkcs11_library_t *p11, CK_SLOT_ID slot) { private_pkcs11_creds_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .set = { .create_shared_enumerator = (void*)enumerator_create_empty, .create_private_enumerator = (void*)enumerator_create_empty, .create_cert_enumerator = _create_cert_enumerator, .create_cdp_enumerator = (void*)enumerator_create_empty, .cache_cert = (void*)nop, }, .get_library = _get_library, .get_slot = _get_slot, .destroy = _destroy, }, .lib = p11, .slot = slot, .trusted = linked_list_create(), .untrusted = linked_list_create(), ); if (!load_certificates(this)) { destroy(this); return NULL; } return &this->public; }