/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GLOB_H #include #endif /* HAVE_GLOB_H */ #include "settings.h" #include "debug.h" #include "utils/linked_list.h" #include "threading/rwlock.h" #define MAX_INCLUSION_LEVEL 10 typedef struct private_settings_t private_settings_t; typedef struct section_t section_t; typedef struct kv_t kv_t; /** * private data of settings */ struct private_settings_t { /** * public functions */ settings_t public; /** * top level section */ section_t *top; /** * contents of loaded files and in-memory settings (char*) */ linked_list_t *contents; /** * lock to safely access the settings */ rwlock_t *lock; }; /** * section containing subsections and key value pairs */ struct section_t { /** * name of the section */ char *name; /** * subsections, as section_t */ linked_list_t *sections; /** * key value pairs, as kv_t */ linked_list_t *kv; }; /** * Key value pair */ struct kv_t { /** * key string, relative */ char *key; /** * value as string */ char *value; }; /** * create a key/value pair */ static kv_t *kv_create(char *key, char *value) { kv_t *this; INIT(this, .key = strdup(key), .value = value, ); return this; } /** * destroy a key/value pair */ static void kv_destroy(kv_t *this) { free(this->key); free(this); } /** * create a section with the given name */ static section_t *section_create(char *name) { section_t *this; INIT(this, .name = strdupnull(name), .sections = linked_list_create(), .kv = linked_list_create(), ); return this; } /** * destroy a section */ static void section_destroy(section_t *this) { this->kv->destroy_function(this->kv, (void*)kv_destroy); this->sections->destroy_function(this->sections, (void*)section_destroy); free(this->name); free(this); } /** * Purge contents of a section */ static void section_purge(section_t *this) { this->kv->destroy_function(this->kv, (void*)kv_destroy); this->kv = linked_list_create(); this->sections->destroy_function(this->sections, (void*)section_destroy); this->sections = linked_list_create(); } /** * callback to find a section by name */ static bool section_find(section_t *this, char *name) { return streq(this->name, name); } /** * callback to find a kv pair by key */ static bool kv_find(kv_t *this, char *key) { return streq(this->key, key); } /** * Print a format key, but consume already processed arguments */ static bool print_key(char *buf, int len, char *start, char *key, va_list args) { va_list copy; bool res; char *pos; va_copy(copy, args); while (start < key) { pos = strchr(start, '%'); if (!pos) { start += strlen(start) + 1; continue; } pos++; switch (*pos) { case 'd': va_arg(copy, int); break; case 's': va_arg(copy, char*); break; case 'N': va_arg(copy, enum_name_t*); va_arg(copy, int); break; case '%': break; default: DBG1(DBG_CFG, "settings with %%%c not supported!", *pos); break; } start = pos; if (*start) { start++; } } res = vsnprintf(buf, len, key, copy) < len; va_end(copy); return res; } /** * Find a section by a given key, using buffered key, reusable buffer. * If "ensure" is TRUE, the sections are created if they don't exist. */ static section_t *find_section_buffered(section_t *section, char *start, char *key, va_list args, char *buf, int len, bool ensure) { char *pos; section_t *found = NULL; if (section == NULL) { return NULL; } pos = strchr(key, '.'); if (pos) { *pos = '\0'; pos++; } if (!print_key(buf, len, start, key, args)) { return NULL; } if (section->sections->find_first(section->sections, (linked_list_match_t)section_find, (void**)&found, buf) != SUCCESS) { if (ensure) { found = section_create(buf); section->sections->insert_last(section->sections, found); } } if (found && pos) { return find_section_buffered(found, start, pos, args, buf, len, ensure); } return found; } /** * Find a section by a given key (thread-safe). */ static section_t *find_section(private_settings_t *this, section_t *section, char *key, va_list args) { char buf[128], keybuf[512]; section_t *found; if (snprintf(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf), "%s", key) >= sizeof(keybuf)) { return NULL; } this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); found = find_section_buffered(section, keybuf, keybuf, args, buf, sizeof(buf), FALSE); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return found; } /** * Ensure that the section with the given key exists (thread-safe). */ static section_t *ensure_section(private_settings_t *this, section_t *section, char *key, va_list args) { char buf[128], keybuf[512]; section_t *found; if (snprintf(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf), "%s", key) >= sizeof(keybuf)) { return NULL; } /* we might have to change the tree */ this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); found = find_section_buffered(section, keybuf, keybuf, args, buf, sizeof(buf), TRUE); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return found; } /** * Find the key/value pair for a key, using buffered key, reusable buffer * If "ensure" is TRUE, the sections (and key/value pair) are created if they * don't exist. */ static kv_t *find_value_buffered(section_t *section, char *start, char *key, va_list args, char *buf, int len, bool ensure) { char *pos; kv_t *kv = NULL; section_t *found = NULL; if (section == NULL) { return NULL; } pos = strchr(key, '.'); if (pos) { *pos = '\0'; pos++; if (!print_key(buf, len, start, key, args)) { return NULL; } if (section->sections->find_first(section->sections, (linked_list_match_t)section_find, (void**)&found, buf) != SUCCESS) { if (!ensure) { return NULL; } found = section_create(buf); section->sections->insert_last(section->sections, found); } return find_value_buffered(found, start, pos, args, buf, len, ensure); } else { if (!print_key(buf, len, start, key, args)) { return NULL; } if (section->kv->find_first(section->kv, (linked_list_match_t)kv_find, (void**)&kv, buf) != SUCCESS) { if (ensure) { kv = kv_create(buf, NULL); section->kv->insert_last(section->kv, kv); } } } return kv; } /** * Find the string value for a key (thread-safe). */ static char *find_value(private_settings_t *this, section_t *section, char *key, va_list args) { char buf[128], keybuf[512], *value = NULL; kv_t *kv; if (snprintf(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf), "%s", key) >= sizeof(keybuf)) { return NULL; } this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); kv = find_value_buffered(section, keybuf, keybuf, args, buf, sizeof(buf), FALSE); if (kv) { value = kv->value; } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return value; } /** * Set a value to a copy of the given string (thread-safe). */ static void set_value(private_settings_t *this, section_t *section, char *key, va_list args, char *value) { char buf[128], keybuf[512]; kv_t *kv; if (snprintf(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf), "%s", key) >= sizeof(keybuf)) { return; } this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); kv = find_value_buffered(section, keybuf, keybuf, args, buf, sizeof(buf), TRUE); if (kv) { if (!value) { kv->value = NULL; } else if (kv->value && (strlen(value) <= strlen(kv->value))) { /* overwrite in-place, if possible */ strcpy(kv->value, value); } else { /* otherwise clone the string and store it in the cache */ kv->value = strdup(value); this->contents->insert_last(this->contents, kv->value); } } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); } METHOD(settings_t, get_str, char*, private_settings_t *this, char *key, char *def, ...) { char *value; va_list args; va_start(args, def); value = find_value(this, this->top, key, args); va_end(args); if (value) { return value; } return def; } /** * Described in header */ inline bool settings_value_as_bool(char *value, bool def) { if (value) { if (strcaseeq(value, "1") || strcaseeq(value, "yes") || strcaseeq(value, "true") || strcaseeq(value, "enabled")) { return TRUE; } else if (strcaseeq(value, "0") || strcaseeq(value, "no") || strcaseeq(value, "false") || strcaseeq(value, "disabled")) { return FALSE; } } return def; } METHOD(settings_t, get_bool, bool, private_settings_t *this, char *key, bool def, ...) { char *value; va_list args; va_start(args, def); value = find_value(this, this->top, key, args); va_end(args); return settings_value_as_bool(value, def); } /** * Described in header */ inline int settings_value_as_int(char *value, int def) { int intval; if (value) { errno = 0; intval = strtol(value, NULL, 10); if (errno == 0) { return intval; } } return def; } METHOD(settings_t, get_int, int, private_settings_t *this, char *key, int def, ...) { char *value; va_list args; va_start(args, def); value = find_value(this, this->top, key, args); va_end(args); return settings_value_as_int(value, def); } /** * Described in header */ inline double settings_value_as_double(char *value, double def) { double dval; if (value) { errno = 0; dval = strtod(value, NULL); if (errno == 0) { return dval; } } return def; } METHOD(settings_t, get_double, double, private_settings_t *this, char *key, double def, ...) { char *value; va_list args; va_start(args, def); value = find_value(this, this->top, key, args); va_end(args); return settings_value_as_double(value, def); } /** * Described in header */ inline u_int32_t settings_value_as_time(char *value, u_int32_t def) { char *endptr; u_int32_t timeval; if (value) { errno = 0; timeval = strtoul(value, &endptr, 10); if (errno == 0) { switch (*endptr) { case 'd': /* time in days */ timeval *= 24 * 3600; break; case 'h': /* time in hours */ timeval *= 3600; break; case 'm': /* time in minutes */ timeval *= 60; break; case 's': /* time in seconds */ default: break; } return timeval; } } return def; } METHOD(settings_t, get_time, u_int32_t, private_settings_t *this, char *key, u_int32_t def, ...) { char *value; va_list args; va_start(args, def); value = find_value(this, this->top, key, args); va_end(args); return settings_value_as_time(value, def); } METHOD(settings_t, set_str, void, private_settings_t *this, char *key, char *value, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, value); set_value(this, this->top, key, args, value); va_end(args); } METHOD(settings_t, set_bool, void, private_settings_t *this, char *key, bool value, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, value); set_value(this, this->top, key, args, value ? "1" : "0"); va_end(args); } METHOD(settings_t, set_int, void, private_settings_t *this, char *key, int value, ...) { char val[16]; va_list args; va_start(args, value); if (snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%d", value) < sizeof(val)) { set_value(this, this->top, key, args, val); } va_end(args); } METHOD(settings_t, set_double, void, private_settings_t *this, char *key, double value, ...) { char val[64]; va_list args; va_start(args, value); if (snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%f", value) < sizeof(val)) { set_value(this, this->top, key, args, val); } va_end(args); } METHOD(settings_t, set_time, void, private_settings_t *this, char *key, u_int32_t value, ...) { char val[16]; va_list args; va_start(args, value); if (snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%u", value) < sizeof(val)) { set_value(this, this->top, key, args, val); } va_end(args); } /** * Enumerate section names, not sections */ static bool section_filter(void *null, section_t **in, char **out) { *out = (*in)->name; return TRUE; } METHOD(settings_t, create_section_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_settings_t *this, char *key, ...) { section_t *section; va_list args; va_start(args, key); section = find_section(this, this->top, key, args); va_end(args); if (!section) { return enumerator_create_empty(); } this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); return enumerator_create_filter( section->sections->create_enumerator(section->sections), (void*)section_filter, this->lock, (void*)this->lock->unlock); } /** * Enumerate key and values, not kv_t entries */ static bool kv_filter(void *null, kv_t **in, char **key, void *none, char **value) { *key = (*in)->key; *value = (*in)->value; return TRUE; } METHOD(settings_t, create_key_value_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_settings_t *this, char *key, ...) { section_t *section; va_list args; va_start(args, key); section = find_section(this, this->top, key, args); va_end(args); if (!section) { return enumerator_create_empty(); } this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); return enumerator_create_filter( section->kv->create_enumerator(section->kv), (void*)kv_filter, this->lock, (void*)this->lock->unlock); } /** * parse text, truncate "skip" chars, delimited by term respecting brackets. * * Chars in "skip" are truncated at the beginning and the end of the resulting * token. "term" contains a list of characters to read up to (first match), * while "br" contains bracket counterparts found in "term" to skip. */ static char parse(char **text, char *skip, char *term, char *br, char **token) { char *best = NULL; char best_term = '\0'; /* skip leading chars */ while (strchr(skip, **text)) { (*text)++; if (!**text) { return 0; } } /* mark begin of subtext */ *token = *text; while (*term) { char *pos = *text; int level = 1; /* find terminator */ while (*pos) { if (*pos == *term) { level--; } else if (br && *pos == *br) { level++; } if (level == 0) { if (best == NULL || best > pos) { best = pos; best_term = *term; } break; } pos++; } /* try next terminator */ term++; if (br) { br++; } } if (best) { /* update input */ *text = best; /* null trailing bytes */ do { *best = '\0'; best--; } while (best >= *token && strchr(skip, *best)); /* return found terminator */ return best_term; } return 0; } /** * Check if "text" starts with "pattern". * Characters in "skip" are skipped first. If found, TRUE is returned and "text" * is modified to point to the character right after "pattern". */ static bool starts_with(char **text, char *skip, char *pattern) { char *pos = *text; int len = strlen(pattern); while (strchr(skip, *pos)) { pos++; if (!*pos) { return FALSE; } } if (strlen(pos) < len || !strneq(pos, pattern, len)) { return FALSE; } *text = pos + len; return TRUE; } /** * Check if what follows in "text" is an include statement. * If this function returns TRUE, "text" will point to the character right after * the include pattern, which is returned in "pattern". */ static bool parse_include(char **text, char **pattern) { char *pos = *text; if (!starts_with(&pos, "\n\t ", "include")) { return FALSE; } if (starts_with(&pos, "\t ", "=")) { /* ignore "include = value" */ return FALSE; } *text = pos; return parse(text, "\t ", "\n", NULL, pattern) != 0; } /** * Forward declaration. */ static bool parse_files(linked_list_t *contents, char *file, int level, char *pattern, section_t *section); /** * Parse a section */ static bool parse_section(linked_list_t *contents, char *file, int level, char **text, section_t *section) { bool finished = FALSE; char *key, *value, *inner; while (!finished) { if (parse_include(text, &value)) { if (!parse_files(contents, file, level, value, section)) { DBG1(DBG_LIB, "failed to include '%s'", value); return FALSE; } continue; } switch (parse(text, "\t\n ", "{=#", NULL, &key)) { case '{': if (parse(text, "\t ", "}", "{", &inner)) { section_t *sub; if (!strlen(key)) { DBG1(DBG_LIB, "skipping section without name in '%s'", section->name); continue; } if (section->sections->find_first(section->sections, (linked_list_match_t)section_find, (void**)&sub, key) != SUCCESS) { sub = section_create(key); if (parse_section(contents, file, level, &inner, sub)) { section->sections->insert_last(section->sections, sub); continue; } section_destroy(sub); } else { /* extend the existing section */ if (parse_section(contents, file, level, &inner, sub)) { continue; } } DBG1(DBG_LIB, "parsing subsection '%s' failed", key); break; } DBG1(DBG_LIB, "matching '}' not found near %s", *text); break; case '=': if (parse(text, "\t ", "\n", NULL, &value)) { kv_t *kv; if (!strlen(key)) { DBG1(DBG_LIB, "skipping value without key in '%s'", section->name); continue; } if (section->kv->find_first(section->kv, (linked_list_match_t)kv_find, (void**)&kv, key) != SUCCESS) { kv = kv_create(key, value); section->kv->insert_last(section->kv, kv); } else { /* replace with the most recently read value */ kv->value = value; } continue; } DBG1(DBG_LIB, "parsing value failed near %s", *text); break; case '#': parse(text, "", "\n", NULL, &value); continue; default: finished = TRUE; continue; } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Parse a file and add the settings to the given section. */ static bool parse_file(linked_list_t *contents, char *file, int level, section_t *section) { bool success; char *text, *pos; struct stat st; FILE *fd; int len; DBG2(DBG_LIB, "loading config file '%s'", file); if (stat(file, &st) == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) { DBG2(DBG_LIB, "'%s' does not exist, ignored", file); return TRUE; } DBG1(DBG_LIB, "failed to stat '%s': %s", file, strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } else if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { DBG1(DBG_LIB, "'%s' is not a regular file", file); return FALSE; } fd = fopen(file, "r"); if (fd == NULL) { DBG1(DBG_LIB, "'%s' is not readable", file); return FALSE; } fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(fd); rewind(fd); text = malloc(len + 1); text[len] = '\0'; if (fread(text, 1, len, fd) != len) { free(text); return FALSE; } fclose(fd); pos = text; success = parse_section(contents, file, level, &pos, section); if (!success) { free(text); } else { contents->insert_last(contents, text); } return success; } /** * Load the files matching "pattern", which is resolved with glob(3), if * available. * If the pattern is relative, the directory of "file" is used as base. */ static bool parse_files(linked_list_t *contents, char *file, int level, char *pattern, section_t *section) { bool success = TRUE; char pat[PATH_MAX]; if (level > MAX_INCLUSION_LEVEL) { DBG1(DBG_LIB, "maximum level of %d includes reached, ignored", MAX_INCLUSION_LEVEL); return TRUE; } if (!strlen(pattern)) { DBG2(DBG_LIB, "empty include pattern, ignored"); return TRUE; } if (!file || pattern[0] == '/') { /* absolute path */ if (snprintf(pat, sizeof(pat), "%s", pattern) >= sizeof(pat)) { DBG1(DBG_LIB, "include pattern too long, ignored"); return TRUE; } } else { /* base relative paths to the directory of the current file */ char *dir = strdup(file); dir = dirname(dir); if (snprintf(pat, sizeof(pat), "%s/%s", dir, pattern) >= sizeof(pat)) { DBG1(DBG_LIB, "include pattern too long, ignored"); free(dir); return TRUE; } free(dir); } #ifdef HAVE_GLOB_H { int status; glob_t buf; status = glob(pat, GLOB_ERR, NULL, &buf); if (status == GLOB_NOMATCH) { DBG2(DBG_LIB, "no files found matching '%s', ignored", pat); } else if (status != 0) { DBG1(DBG_LIB, "expanding file pattern '%s' failed", pat); success = FALSE; } else { char **expanded; for (expanded = buf.gl_pathv; *expanded != NULL; expanded++) { success &= parse_file(contents, *expanded, level + 1, section); if (!success) { break; } } } globfree(&buf); } #else /* HAVE_GLOB_H */ /* if glob(3) is not available, try to load pattern directly */ success = parse_file(contents, pat, level + 1, section); #endif /* HAVE_GLOB_H */ return success; } /** * Recursivly extends "base" with "extension". */ static void section_extend(section_t *base, section_t *extension) { enumerator_t *enumerator; section_t *sec; kv_t *kv; enumerator = extension->sections->create_enumerator(extension->sections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&sec)) { section_t *found; if (base->sections->find_first(base->sections, (linked_list_match_t)section_find, (void**)&found, sec->name) == SUCCESS) { section_extend(found, sec); } else { extension->sections->remove_at(extension->sections, enumerator); base->sections->insert_last(base->sections, sec); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); enumerator = extension->kv->create_enumerator(extension->kv); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&kv)) { kv_t *found; if (base->kv->find_first(base->kv, (linked_list_match_t)kv_find, (void**)&found, kv->key) == SUCCESS) { found->value = kv->value; } else { extension->kv->remove_at(extension->kv, enumerator); base->kv->insert_last(base->kv, kv); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } /** * Load settings from files matching the given file pattern. * All sections and values are added relative to "parent". * All files (even included ones) have to be loaded successfully. */ static bool load_files_internal(private_settings_t *this, section_t *parent, char *pattern, bool merge) { char *text; linked_list_t *contents = linked_list_create(); section_t *section = section_create(NULL); if (pattern == NULL) { pattern = STRONGSWAN_CONF; } if (!parse_files(contents, NULL, 0, pattern, section)) { contents->destroy_function(contents, (void*)free); section_destroy(section); return FALSE; } this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); if (!merge) { section_purge(parent); } /* extend parent section */ section_extend(parent, section); /* move contents of loaded files to main store */ while (contents->remove_first(contents, (void**)&text) == SUCCESS) { this->contents->insert_last(this->contents, text); } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); section_destroy(section); contents->destroy(contents); return TRUE; } METHOD(settings_t, load_files, bool, private_settings_t *this, char *pattern, bool merge) { return load_files_internal(this, this->top, pattern, merge); } METHOD(settings_t, load_files_section, bool, private_settings_t *this, char *pattern, bool merge, char *key, ...) { section_t *section; va_list args; va_start(args, key); section = ensure_section(this, this->top, key, args); va_end(args); if (!section) { return FALSE; } return load_files_internal(this, section, pattern, merge); } METHOD(settings_t, destroy, void, private_settings_t *this) { section_destroy(this->top); this->contents->destroy_function(this->contents, (void*)free); this->lock->destroy(this->lock); free(this); } /* * see header file */ settings_t *settings_create(char *file) { private_settings_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .get_str = _get_str, .get_int = _get_int, .get_double = _get_double, .get_time = _get_time, .get_bool = _get_bool, .set_str = _set_str, .set_int = _set_int, .set_double = _set_double, .set_time = _set_time, .set_bool = _set_bool, .create_section_enumerator = _create_section_enumerator, .create_key_value_enumerator = _create_key_value_enumerator, .load_files = _load_files, .load_files_section = _load_files_section, .destroy = _destroy, }, .top = section_create(NULL), .contents = linked_list_create(), .lock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT), ); load_files(this, file, FALSE); return &this->public; }