/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Tobias Brunner * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "test_suite.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 static char *path = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\strongswan-settings-test"; #else static char *path = "/tmp/strongswan-settings-test"; #endif static settings_t *settings; static void create_settings(chunk_t contents) { ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); settings = settings_create(path); } START_SETUP(setup_base_config) { create_settings(chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key1 = val1\n" " # this gets overridden below\n" " key2 = val2\n" " none = \n" " empty = \"\"\n" " sub1 {\n" " key = value\n" " key2 = value2\n" " subsub {\n" " foo = bar\n" " }\n" " # subsub is a section and a value\n" " subsub = section value\n" " }\n" " sub% {\n" " id = %any\n" " }\n" " key2 = with space\n" " key3 = \"string with\\nnewline\"\n" " key4 = \"multi line\n" "string\"\n" " key5 = \"escaped \\\n" "newline\"\n" "}\n" "out = side\n" "other {\n" " key1 = other val\n" " empty {\n" " }\n" "}")); } END_SETUP START_TEARDOWN(teardown_config) { settings->destroy(settings); unlink(path); } END_TEARDOWN #define verify_string(expected, key, ...) \ ck_assert_str_eq(expected, settings->get_str(settings, key, NULL, ##__VA_ARGS__)) #define verify_null(key, ...) \ ck_assert(!settings->get_str(settings, key, NULL, ##__VA_ARGS__)) START_TEST(test_get_str) { verify_string("val1", "main.key1"); verify_string("val1", "main..key1"); verify_string("val1", ".main.key1"); verify_string("", "main.empty"); verify_string("with space", "main.key2"); verify_string("string with\nnewline", "main.key3"); verify_string("multi line\nstring", "main.key4"); verify_string("escaped newline", "main.key5"); verify_string("value", "main.sub1.key"); verify_string("value2", "main.sub1.key2"); verify_string("bar", "main.sub1.subsub.foo"); verify_string("section value", "main.sub1.subsub"); verify_string("%any", "main.sub%%.id"); verify_string("side", "out"); verify_string("other val", "other.key1"); verify_null("main.none"); verify_null("main.key6"); verify_null("other.sub"); } END_TEST enum { KEY1, SUB1 } settings_test_enum; enum_name_t *test_settings_test_names; ENUM_BEGIN(test_settings_test_names, KEY1, SUB1, "key1", "sub1"); ENUM_END(test_settings_test_names, SUB1); START_TEST(test_get_str_printf) { verify_string("val1", "%s.key1", "main"); verify_string("val1", "%s.%s", "main", "key1"); verify_string("val1", "%s.%N", "main", test_settings_test_names, KEY1); verify_string("val1", "%s.%s%d", "main", "key", 1); verify_string("bar", "%s.sub1.%s.foo", "main", "subsub"); verify_string("bar", "%s.%N.%s.foo", "main", test_settings_test_names, SUB1, "subsub"); verify_string("bar", "%s.sub%d.%s.foo", "main", 1, "subsub"); verify_string("%any", "%s.sub%%.id", "main"); /* FIXME: this is a bit inconsistent, while this works */ verify_string("value2", "main.%s%u.key2", "sub", 1); /* this won't because no argument is consumed for %u so key1 will be tried * granted, we never actually used any other specifiers, but we should * probably document it at least */ verify_null("main.%s%u.key%d", "sub", 1, 2); verify_null("%s.%s%d", "main", "key", 6); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_str) { char *val1, *val2; val1 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.key1", NULL); ck_assert_str_eq("val1", val1); settings->set_str(settings, "main.key1", "val"); verify_string("val", "main.key1"); /* the pointer we got before is still valid */ ck_assert_str_eq("val1", val1); val2 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.key1", NULL); ck_assert_str_eq("val", val2); settings->set_str(settings, "main.key1", "longer value"); verify_string("longer value", "main.key1"); /* the pointers we got before are still valid */ ck_assert_str_eq("val1", val1); ck_assert_str_eq("val", val2); val1 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.key1", NULL); settings->set_str(settings, "main.key1", "longer value"); val2 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.key1", NULL); /* setting the same string should should get us the same pointer */ ck_assert(val1 == val2); settings->set_str(settings, "main", "main val"); verify_string("main val", "main"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.sub1.new", "added"); verify_string("added", "main.sub1.new"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.sub2.newsub.foo", "bar"); verify_string("bar", "main.sub2.newsub.foo"); settings->set_str(settings, "new.newsub.foo", "bar"); verify_string("bar", "new.newsub.foo"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.key1", NULL); verify_null("main.key1"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_str_printf) { settings->set_str(settings, "%s.key1", "val", "main"); verify_string("val", "main.key1"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.%N.new", "added", test_settings_test_names, SUB1); verify_string("added", "main.sub1.new"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.%s%d.newsub.%s", "bar", "sub", 2, "foo"); verify_string("bar", "main.sub2.newsub.foo"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_default_str) { settings->set_default_str(settings, "main.key1", "default"); verify_string("val1", "main.key1"); settings->set_default_str(settings, "main.sub1.new", "added"); verify_string("added", "main.sub1.new"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.sub1.new", "changed"); verify_string("changed", "main.sub1.new"); } END_TEST START_SETUP(setup_bool_config) { create_settings(chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key1 = yes\n" " key2 = true\n" " key3 = Enabled\n" " key4 = 1\n" " key5 = no\n" " key6 = FALSE\n" " key7 = disabled\n" " key8 = 0\n" " key9 = 5\n" " empty = \"\"\n" " none = \n" " foo = bar\n" "}")); } END_SETUP #define verify_bool(expected, def, key, ...) \ ck_assert(expected == settings->get_bool(settings, key, def, ##__VA_ARGS__)) START_TEST(test_get_bool) { verify_bool(TRUE, FALSE, "main.key1"); verify_bool(TRUE, FALSE, "main.key2"); verify_bool(TRUE, FALSE, "main.key3"); verify_bool(TRUE, FALSE, "main.key4"); verify_bool(FALSE, TRUE, "main.key5"); verify_bool(FALSE, TRUE, "main.key6"); verify_bool(FALSE, TRUE, "main.key7"); verify_bool(FALSE, TRUE, "main.key8"); verify_bool(FALSE, FALSE, "main.empty"); verify_bool(TRUE, TRUE, "main.empty"); verify_bool(FALSE, FALSE, "main.none"); verify_bool(TRUE, TRUE, "main.none"); verify_bool(FALSE, FALSE, "main.foo"); verify_bool(TRUE, TRUE, "main.foo"); verify_bool(FALSE, FALSE, "main.key9"); verify_bool(TRUE, TRUE, "main.key9"); verify_bool(FALSE, FALSE, "main"); verify_bool(TRUE, TRUE, "main"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_bool) { settings->set_str(settings, "main.key1", "no"); verify_bool(FALSE, TRUE, "main.key1"); settings->set_bool(settings, "main.key2", FALSE); verify_bool(FALSE, TRUE, "main.key2"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.key3", NULL); verify_bool(FALSE, FALSE, "main.key3"); verify_bool(TRUE, TRUE, "main.key3"); settings->set_bool(settings, "main.key5", TRUE); verify_bool(TRUE, FALSE, "main.key5"); settings->set_bool(settings, "main.new", TRUE); verify_bool(TRUE, FALSE, "main.new"); } END_TEST START_SETUP(setup_int_config) { create_settings(chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key1 = 5\n" " key2 = 5.5\n" " key3 = -42\n" " empty = \"\"\n" " none = \n" " foo1 = bar\n" " foo2 = bar13\n" " foo3 = 13bar\n" "}")); } END_SETUP #define verify_int(expected, def, key, ...) \ ck_assert_int_eq(expected, settings->get_int(settings, key, def, ##__VA_ARGS__)) START_TEST(test_get_int) { verify_int(5, 0, "main.key1"); verify_int(0, 0, "main.key2"); verify_int(-42, 0, "main.key3"); verify_int(11, 11, "main.empty"); verify_int(11, 11, "main.none"); verify_int(11, 11, "main.foo1"); verify_int(11, 11, "main.foo2"); verify_int(11, 11, "main.foo3"); verify_int(13, 13, "main.key4"); verify_int(-13, -13, "main"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_int) { settings->set_str(settings, "main.key1", "13"); verify_int(13, 0, "main.key1"); settings->set_int(settings, "main.key2", 6); verify_int(6, 0, "main.key2"); settings->set_int(settings, "main.key3", -6); verify_int(-6, 0, "main.key3"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.key3", NULL); verify_int(15, 15, "main.key3"); settings->set_int(settings, "main.new", 314); verify_int(314, 0, "main.new"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_value_as_unit64) { test_int_eq(1, settings_value_as_uint64(NULL, 1)); test_int_eq(1, settings_value_as_uint64("", 1)); test_int_eq(1, settings_value_as_uint64("2a", 1)); test_int_eq(1, settings_value_as_uint64("a2", 1)); test_int_eq(1, settings_value_as_uint64("2.0", 1)); test_int_eq(10, settings_value_as_uint64("10", 0)); test_int_eq(10, settings_value_as_uint64("010", 0)); test_int_eq(16, settings_value_as_uint64("0x010", 0)); test_int_eq(0x2a, settings_value_as_uint64("0x2a", 0)); test_int_eq(0xffffffffffffffffLL, settings_value_as_uint64("0xffffffffffffffff", 0)); test_int_eq(0xffffffff00000000LL, settings_value_as_uint64("0xffffffff00000000", 0)); test_int_eq(0xffffffff00000000LL, settings_value_as_uint64("18446744069414584320", 0)); test_int_eq(0xffffffff00000001LL, settings_value_as_uint64("18446744069414584321", 0)); } END_TEST START_SETUP(setup_double_config) { create_settings(chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key1 = 5\n" " key2 = 5.5\n" " key3 = -42\n" " key4 = -42.5\n" " empty = \"\"\n" " none = \n" " foo1 = bar\n" " foo2 = bar13.5\n" " foo3 = 13.5bar\n" "}")); } END_SETUP #define verify_double(expected, def, key, ...) \ ck_assert(expected == settings->get_double(settings, key, def, ##__VA_ARGS__)) START_TEST(test_get_double) { verify_double(5, 0, "main.key1"); verify_double(5.5, 0, "main.key2"); verify_double(-42, 0, "main.key3"); verify_double(-42.5, 0, "main.key4"); verify_double(11.5, 11.5, "main.empty"); verify_double(11.5, 11.5, "main.none"); verify_double(11.5, 11.5, "main.foo1"); verify_double(11.5, 11.5, "main.foo2"); verify_double(11.5, 11.5, "main.foo3"); verify_double(11.5, 11.5, "main.key5"); verify_double(-11.5, -11.5, "main"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_double) { settings->set_str(settings, "main.key1", "5.5"); verify_double(5.5, 0, "main.key1"); settings->set_double(settings, "main.key2", 13); verify_double(13, 0, "main.key2"); settings->set_double(settings, "main.key3", -13.5); verify_double(-13.5, 0, "main.key3"); settings->set_double(settings, "main.key4", 11.5); verify_double(11.5, 0, "main.key4"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.key4", NULL); verify_double(42.5, 42.5, "main.key4"); settings->set_double(settings, "main.new", 3.14); verify_double(3.14, 0, "main.new"); } END_TEST START_SETUP(setup_time_config) { create_settings(chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key0 = 5\n" " key1 = 5s\n" " key2 = 5m\n" " key3 = 5 h\n" " key4 = 5\td\n" " empty = \"\"\n" " none = \n" " foo1 = bar\n" " foo2 = bar13\n" " foo3 = 13bar\n" "}")); } END_SETUP #define verify_time(expected, def, key, ...) \ ck_assert_int_eq(expected, settings->get_time(settings, key, def, ##__VA_ARGS__)) START_TEST(test_get_time) { verify_time(5, 0, "main.key0"); verify_time(5, 0, "main.key1"); verify_time(300, 0, "main.key2"); verify_time(18000, 0, "main.key3"); verify_time(432000, 0, "main.key4"); verify_time(11, 11, "main.empty"); verify_time(11, 11, "main.none"); verify_time(11, 11, "main.foo1"); verify_time(11, 11, "main.foo2"); verify_time(11, 11, "main.foo3"); verify_time(11, 11, "main.key5"); verify_time(11, 11, "main"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_time) { settings->set_str(settings, "main.key1", "15m"); verify_time(900, 0, "main.key1"); settings->set_time(settings, "main.key2", 15); verify_time(15, 0, "main.key2"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.key3", NULL); verify_time(300, 300, "main.key3"); settings->set_time(settings, "main.new", 314); verify_time(314, 0, "main.new"); } END_TEST static void verify_sections(linked_list_t *verifier, char *parent) { enumerator_t *enumerator, *ver; char *section, *current; enumerator = settings->create_section_enumerator(settings, parent); ver = verifier->create_enumerator(verifier); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, §ion) && ver->enumerate(ver, ¤t)) { ck_assert_str_eq(section, current); verifier->remove_at(verifier, ver); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); ver->destroy(ver); ck_assert_int_eq(0, verifier->get_count(verifier)); verifier->destroy(verifier); } START_TEST(test_section_enumerator) { linked_list_t *verifier; verifier = linked_list_create_with_items("sub1", "sub%", NULL); verify_sections(verifier, "main"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.sub0.new", "added"); verifier = linked_list_create_with_items("sub1", "sub%", "sub0", NULL); verify_sections(verifier, "main"); verifier = linked_list_create_with_items("subsub", NULL); verify_sections(verifier, "main.sub1"); verifier = linked_list_create_with_items(NULL); verify_sections(verifier, "main.sub%%"); verifier = linked_list_create_with_items(NULL); verify_sections(verifier, "main.key1"); verifier = linked_list_create_with_items(NULL); verify_sections(verifier, "main.unknown"); } END_TEST static void verify_key_values(linked_list_t *keys, linked_list_t *values, char *parent) { enumerator_t *enumerator, *enum_keys, *enum_values; char *key, *value, *current_key, *current_value; enumerator = settings->create_key_value_enumerator(settings, parent); enum_keys = keys->create_enumerator(keys); enum_values = values->create_enumerator(values); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &key, &value) && enum_keys->enumerate(enum_keys, ¤t_key) && enum_values->enumerate(enum_values, ¤t_value)) { ck_assert_str_eq(current_key, key); ck_assert_str_eq(current_value, value); keys->remove_at(keys, enum_keys); values->remove_at(values, enum_values); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); enum_keys->destroy(enum_keys); enum_values->destroy(enum_values); ck_assert_int_eq(0, keys->get_count(keys)); keys->destroy(keys); values->destroy(values); } START_TEST(test_key_value_enumerator) { linked_list_t *keys, *values; keys = linked_list_create_with_items("key1", "key2", "empty", "key3", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("val1", "with space", "", "string with\nnewline", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("key", "key2", "subsub", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("value", "value2", "section value", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main.sub1"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.sub2.new", "added"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("new", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("added", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main.sub2"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items(NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items(NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "other.empty"); settings->set_str(settings, "other.empty.new", "added"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("new", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("added", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "other.empty"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items(NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items(NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main.unknown"); } END_TEST #ifdef WIN32 # define include1 "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\strongswan-settings-test-include1" # define include1_str "C:\\\\Windows\\\\Temp\\\\strongswan-settings-test-include1" # define include2 "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\strongswan-settings-test-include2" # define include2_str "C:\\\\Windows\\\\Temp\\\\strongswan-settings-test-include2" #else # define include1 "/tmp/strongswan-settings-test-include1" # define include1_str include1 # define include2 "/tmp/strongswan-settings-test-include2" # define include2_str include2 #endif static char *include_content1 = "main {\n" " key1 = n1\n" " key2 = n2\n" " key3 = val3\n" " none = \n" " sub1 {\n" " key3 = value\n" " }\n" " sub2 {\n" " sub3 = val3\n" " }\n" " include " include2 "\n" "}"; static char *include_content2 = "key2 = v2\n" "sub1 {\n" " key = val\n" "}"; START_SETUP(setup_include_config) { ck_assert(chunk_write(chunk_from_str(include_content1), include1, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(chunk_write(chunk_from_str(include_content2), include2, 0022, TRUE)); } END_SETUP START_TEARDOWN(teardown_include_config) { settings->destroy(settings); unlink(include2); unlink(include1); unlink(path); } END_TEARDOWN static void verify_include() { verify_string("n1", "main.key1"); verify_string("v2", "main.key2"); verify_string("val3", "main.key3"); verify_string("val", "main.sub1.key"); verify_string("v2", "main.sub1.key2"); verify_string("val", "main.sub1.sub1.key"); verify_string("value", "main.sub1.key3"); verify_string("value", "main.sub1.include"); verify_string("val3", "main.sub2.sub3"); verify_null("main.none"); } START_TEST(test_include) { chunk_t contents = chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key1 = val1\n" " key2 = val2\n" " none = x\n" " sub1 {\n" " include this/does/not/exist.conf\n" " include = value\n" " key2 = value2\n" " include " include2 "\n" " }\n" "}\n" "include " include1); create_settings(contents); verify_include(); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_include_string) { chunk_t contents = chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key1 = val1\n" " key2 = val2\n" " none = x\n" " sub1 {\n" " include this/does/not/exist.conf\n" " include = value\n" " key2 = value2\n" " include \"" include2_str "\"\n" " }\n" "}\n" "include \"" include1_str "\""); create_settings(contents); verify_include(); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_load_files) { chunk_t contents = chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key1 = val1\n" " key2 = val2\n" " key3 = val3\n" " none = x\n" " sub1 {\n" " include = value\n" " key2 = v2\n" " sub1 {\n" " key = val\n" " }\n" " }\n" "}"); char *val1, *val2, *val3; create_settings(contents); val1 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.key1", NULL); val2 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.sub1.key2", NULL); /* loading the same file twice should not change anything, with... */ ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, path, TRUE)); ck_assert(val1 == settings->get_str(settings, "main.key1", NULL)); ck_assert(val2 == settings->get_str(settings, "main.sub1.key2", NULL)); /* ...or without merging */ ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); ck_assert(val1 == settings->get_str(settings, "main.key1", NULL)); ck_assert(val2 == settings->get_str(settings, "main.sub1.key2", NULL)); val1 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.key2", NULL); val2 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.key3", NULL); val3 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.none", NULL); /* only pointers for modified settings should change, but still be valid */ ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, include1, FALSE)); ck_assert(val1 != settings->get_str(settings, "main.key2", NULL)); ck_assert_str_eq(val1, "val2"); ck_assert(val2 == settings->get_str(settings, "main.key3", NULL)); ck_assert(val3 != settings->get_str(settings, "main.none", NULL)); ck_assert_str_eq(val3, "x"); settings->destroy(settings); create_settings(contents); ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, include1, TRUE)); verify_include(); ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, include2, FALSE)); verify_null("main.key1"); verify_string("v2", "key2"); verify_string("val", "sub1.key"); verify_null("main.sub1.key3"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_load_files_section) { chunk_t contents = chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key1 = val1\n" " key2 = val2\n" " none = x\n" " sub1 {\n" " include = value\n" " key2 = value2\n" " }\n" "}"); create_settings(contents); ck_assert(settings->load_files_section(settings, include1, TRUE, "")); ck_assert(settings->load_files_section(settings, include2, TRUE, "main.sub1")); verify_include(); /* non existing files are a failure here */ ck_assert(!settings->load_files_section(settings, include1".conf", TRUE, "")); verify_include(); #ifndef WIN32 /* unreadable files are too (only fails when not running as root) */ if (getuid() != 0) { ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, include1".no", 0444, TRUE)); ck_assert(!settings->load_files_section(settings, include1".no", TRUE, "")); unlink(include1".no"); verify_include(); } #endif ck_assert(settings->load_files_section(settings, include2, FALSE, "main")); verify_null("main.key1"); verify_string("v2", "main.key2"); verify_string("val", "main.sub1.key"); verify_null("main.sub1.key3"); verify_null("main.sub2.sub3"); ck_assert(settings->load_files_section(settings, include2, TRUE, "main.sub2")); verify_string("v2", "main.sub2.key2"); verify_string("val", "main.sub2.sub1.key"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_order_kv) { chunk_t base = chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key1 = val1\n" " key2 = val2\n" " key3 = val3\n" "}"); chunk_t include = chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key0 = val0\n" " key3 = val3\n" " key1 = val1\n" "}"); linked_list_t *keys, *values; create_settings(base); ck_assert(chunk_write(include, include1, 0022, TRUE)); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("key1", "key2", "key3", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("val1", "val2", "val3", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main"); /* the original order is maintained if the settings are merged */ ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, include1, TRUE)); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("key1", "key2", "key3", "key0", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("val1", "val2", "val3", "val0", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main"); /* but the new order is adopted if the settings are replaced */ ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, include1, FALSE)); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("key0", "key3", "key1", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("val0", "val3", "val1", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main"); unlink(include1); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_order_section) { chunk_t base = chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " sub1 {\n" " }\n" " sub2 {\n" " }\n" " sub3 {\n" " }\n" "}"); chunk_t include = chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " sub0 {\n" " }\n" " sub3 {\n" " }\n" " sub1 {\n" " }\n" "}"); linked_list_t *sections; create_settings(base); ck_assert(chunk_write(include, include1, 0022, TRUE)); sections = linked_list_create_with_items("sub1", "sub2", "sub3", NULL); verify_sections(sections, "main"); /* the original order is maintained if the settings are merged */ ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, include1, TRUE)); sections = linked_list_create_with_items("sub1", "sub2", "sub3", "sub0", NULL); verify_sections(sections, "main"); /* but the new order is adopted if the settings are replaced */ ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, include1, FALSE)); sections = linked_list_create_with_items("sub0", "sub3", "sub1", NULL); verify_sections(sections, "main"); unlink(include1); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_load_string) { char *content = "main {\n" " key1 = val1\n" " key2 = val2\n" " key3 = val3\n" " none = x\n" " sub1 {\n" " include = value\n" " key2 = v2\n" " sub1 {\n" " key = val\n" " }\n" " }\n" "}"; char *val1, *val2, *val3; settings = settings_create_string(content); val1 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.key1", NULL); val2 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.sub1.key2", NULL); /* loading the same content twice should not change anything, with... */ ck_assert(settings->load_string(settings, content, TRUE)); ck_assert(val1 == settings->get_str(settings, "main.key1", NULL)); ck_assert(val2 == settings->get_str(settings, "main.sub1.key2", NULL)); /* ...or without merging */ ck_assert(settings->load_string(settings, content, FALSE)); ck_assert(val1 == settings->get_str(settings, "main.key1", NULL)); ck_assert(val2 == settings->get_str(settings, "main.sub1.key2", NULL)); val1 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.key2", NULL); val2 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.key3", NULL); val3 = settings->get_str(settings, "main.none", NULL); /* only pointers for modified settings should change, but still be valid */ ck_assert(settings->load_string(settings, include_content1, FALSE)); ck_assert(val1 != settings->get_str(settings, "main.key2", NULL)); ck_assert_str_eq(val1, "val2"); ck_assert(val2 == settings->get_str(settings, "main.key3", NULL)); ck_assert(val3 != settings->get_str(settings, "main.none", NULL)); ck_assert_str_eq(val3, "x"); settings->destroy(settings); settings = settings_create_string(content); ck_assert(settings); ck_assert(settings->load_string(settings, include_content1, TRUE)); verify_include(); ck_assert(settings->load_string(settings, include_content2, FALSE)); verify_null("main.key1"); verify_string("v2", "key2"); verify_string("val", "sub1.key"); verify_null("main.sub1.key3"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_load_string_section) { char *content = "main {\n" " key1 = val1\n" " key2 = val2\n" " none = x\n" " sub1 {\n" " include = value\n" " key2 = value2\n" " }\n" "}"; settings = settings_create_string(content); ck_assert(settings->load_string_section(settings, include_content1, TRUE, "")); ck_assert(settings->load_string_section(settings, include_content2, TRUE, "main.sub1")); verify_include(); /* invalid strings are a failure */ ck_assert(!settings->load_string_section(settings, "conf {", TRUE, "")); /* NULL or empty strings are OK though */ ck_assert(settings->load_string_section(settings, "", TRUE, "")); ck_assert(settings->load_string_section(settings, NULL, TRUE, "")); verify_include(); ck_assert(settings->load_string_section(settings, include_content2, FALSE, "main")); verify_null("main.key1"); verify_string("v2", "main.key2"); verify_string("val", "main.sub1.key"); verify_null("main.sub1.key3"); verify_null("main.sub2.sub3"); ck_assert(settings->load_string_section(settings, include_content2, TRUE, "main.sub2")); verify_string("v2", "main.sub2.key2"); verify_string("val", "main.sub2.sub1.key"); } END_TEST START_SETUP(setup_fallback_config) { create_settings(chunk_from_str( "main {\n" " key1 = val1\n" " sub1 {\n" " key1 = val1\n" " }\n" "}\n" "sub {\n" " key1 = subval1\n" " key2 = subval2\n" " subsub {\n" " subkey1 = subsubval1\n" " }\n" "}\n" "base {\n" " key1 = baseval1\n" " key2 = baseval2\n" " sub1 {\n" " key1 = subbase1\n" " key2 = subbase2\n" " key3 = subbase3\n" " subsub {\n" " subkey1 = subsubbaseval1\n" " subkey2 = subsubbaseval2\n" " }\n" " }\n" " sub2 {\n" " key4 = subbase4\n" " }\n" "}")); } END_SETUP START_TEST(test_add_fallback) { linked_list_t *keys, *values; settings->add_fallback(settings, "main.sub1", "sub"); verify_string("val1", "main.sub1.key1"); verify_string("subval2", "main.sub1.key2"); verify_string("subsubval1", "main.sub1.subsub.subkey1"); /* fallbacks are preserved even if the complete config is replaced */ settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE); verify_string("val1", "main.sub1.key1"); verify_string("subval2", "main.sub1.key2"); verify_string("subsubval1", "main.sub1.subsub.subkey1"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("sub1", NULL); verify_sections(keys, "main"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("subsub", NULL); verify_sections(keys, "main.sub1"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("key1", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("val1", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("key1", "key2", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("val1", "subval2", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main.sub1"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("subkey1", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("subsubval1", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main.sub1.subsub"); settings->add_fallback(settings, "main", "base"); verify_string("val1", "main.key1"); verify_string("baseval2", "main.key2"); verify_string("val1", "main.sub1.key1"); verify_string("subval2", "main.sub1.key2"); verify_string("subsubval1", "main.sub1.subsub.subkey1"); verify_string("subsubbaseval2", "main.sub1.subsub.subkey2"); verify_string("subbase3", "main.sub1.key3"); verify_string("subbase4", "main.sub2.key4"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("sub1", "sub2", NULL); verify_sections(keys, "main"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("subsub", NULL); verify_sections(keys, "main.sub1"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("key1", "key2", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("val1", "baseval2", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("key1", "key2", "key3", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("val1", "subval2", "subbase3", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main.sub1"); keys = linked_list_create_with_items("subkey1", "subkey2", NULL); values = linked_list_create_with_items("subsubval1", "subsubbaseval2", NULL); verify_key_values(keys, values, "main.sub1.subsub"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.sub1.key2", "val2"); verify_string("val2", "main.sub1.key2"); settings->set_str(settings, "main.sub1.subsub.subkey2", "val2"); verify_string("val2", "main.sub1.subsub.subkey2"); verify_string("subsubval1", "main.sub1.subsub.subkey1"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_add_fallback_printf) { settings->add_fallback(settings, "%s.sub1", "sub", "main"); verify_string("val1", "main.sub1.key1"); verify_string("subval2", "main.sub1.key2"); verify_string("subsubval1", "main.sub1.subsub.subkey1"); settings->add_fallback(settings, "%s.%s2", "%s.%s1", "main", "sub"); verify_string("val1", "main.sub2.key1"); verify_string("subval2", "main.sub2.key2"); verify_string("subsubval1", "main.sub2.subsub.subkey1"); } END_TEST START_SETUP(setup_string_config) { create_settings(chunk_from_str( "string = \" with accurate\twhite\\tspace\"\n" "special = \"all { special } characters # can be used.\"\n" "newlines = \"can be encoded explicitly\\nor implicitly\n" "or \\\n" "escaped\"\n" "quotes = \"\\\"and\\\" slashes \\\\ can \\\\ be\" # escaped too\n" "multiple = \"strings\" are \"combined\"\n" )); } END_SETUP START_TEST(test_strings) { verify_string(" with accurate\twhite\tspace", "string"); verify_string("all { special } characters # can be used.", "special"); verify_string("can be encoded explicitly\nor implicitly\nor escaped", "newlines"); verify_string("\"and\" slashes \\ can \\ be", "quotes"); verify_string("strings are combined", "multiple"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_valid) { chunk_t contents; contents = chunk_from_str( "single = value"); ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); verify_string("value", "single"); contents = chunk_from_str( "singleline { single = value }"); ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); verify_string("value", "singleline.single"); contents = chunk_from_str( "singleline { sub { sub1 = val1 } single = value }"); ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); verify_string("val1", "singleline.sub.sub1"); contents = chunk_from_str( "newline\n { single = value }"); ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); verify_string("value", "newline.single"); contents = chunk_from_str( "section {\n" " include # without pattern produces a warning, but is fine\n" "}\n"); ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_invalid) { chunk_t contents; contents = chunk_from_str( "{\n" " no = section name\n" "}\n"); ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(!settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); contents = chunk_from_str( "no {\n" " = key name\n" "}\n"); ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(!settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); contents = chunk_from_str( "unterminated {\n" " not = valid\n"); ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(!settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); contents = chunk_from_str( "unterminated {\n" " strings = \"are invalid\n"); ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(!settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); contents = chunk_from_str( "spaces in name {}"); ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(!settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); contents = chunk_from_str( "only = a single setting = per line"); ck_assert(chunk_write(contents, path, 0022, TRUE)); ck_assert(!settings->load_files(settings, path, FALSE)); } END_TEST Suite *settings_suite_create() { Suite *s; TCase *tc; s = suite_create("settings"); tc = tcase_create("get/set_str (basic behavior)"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_base_config, teardown_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_get_str); tcase_add_test(tc, test_get_str_printf); tcase_add_test(tc, test_set_str); tcase_add_test(tc, test_set_str_printf); tcase_add_test(tc, test_set_default_str); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("get/set_bool"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_bool_config, teardown_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_get_bool); tcase_add_test(tc, test_set_bool); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("get/set_int"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_int_config, teardown_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_get_int); tcase_add_test(tc, test_set_int); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("settings_value_as_uint64"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_value_as_unit64); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("get/set_double"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_double_config, teardown_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_get_double); tcase_add_test(tc, test_set_double); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("get/set_time"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_time_config, teardown_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_get_time); tcase_add_test(tc, test_set_time); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("section enumerator"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_base_config, teardown_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_section_enumerator); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("key/value enumerator"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_base_config, teardown_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_key_value_enumerator); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("include/load_files[_section]"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_include_config, teardown_include_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_include); tcase_add_test(tc, test_include_string); tcase_add_test(tc, test_load_files); tcase_add_test(tc, test_load_files_section); tcase_add_test(tc, test_order_kv); tcase_add_test(tc, test_order_section); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("load_string[_section]"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_include_config, teardown_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_load_string); tcase_add_test(tc, test_load_string_section); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("fallback"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_fallback_config, teardown_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_add_fallback); tcase_add_test(tc, test_add_fallback_printf); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("strings"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_string_config, teardown_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_strings); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("valid/invalid data"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc, setup_base_config, teardown_config); tcase_add_test(tc, test_valid); tcase_add_test(tc, test_invalid); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); return s; }