/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * Copyright (C) 2006 Mike McCauley (mikem@open.com.au) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "tnccs_batch.h" #include "messages/tnccs_error_msg.h" #include #include #include #include #define TNCCS_NS "http://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/IWG/TNC/1_0/IF_TNCCS#" #define SCHEMA_NS "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" #define TNCCS_XSD "https://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/XML/SCHEMA/TNCCS_1.0.xsd" typedef struct private_tnccs_batch_t private_tnccs_batch_t; /** * Private data of a tnccs_batch_t object. * */ struct private_tnccs_batch_t { /** * Public tnccs_batch_t interface. */ tnccs_batch_t public; /** * Batch ID */ int batch_id; /** * TNCC if TRUE, TNCS if FALSE */ bool is_server; /** * linked list of TNCCS messages */ linked_list_t *messages; /** * linked list of TNCCS error messages */ linked_list_t *errors; /** * XML document */ xmlDocPtr doc; /** * Encoded message */ chunk_t encoding; }; METHOD(tnccs_batch_t, get_encoding, chunk_t, private_tnccs_batch_t *this) { return this->encoding; } METHOD(tnccs_batch_t, add_msg, void, private_tnccs_batch_t *this, tnccs_msg_t* msg) { xmlNodePtr root; DBG2(DBG_TNC, "adding %N message", tnccs_msg_type_names, msg->get_type(msg)); this->messages->insert_last(this->messages, msg); root = xmlDocGetRootElement(this->doc); xmlAddChild(root, msg->get_node(msg)); } METHOD(tnccs_batch_t, build, void, private_tnccs_batch_t *this) { xmlChar *xmlbuf; int buf_size; xmlDocDumpFormatMemory(this->doc, &xmlbuf, &buf_size, 1); this->encoding = chunk_create(xmlbuf, buf_size); this->encoding = chunk_clone(this->encoding); xmlFree(xmlbuf); } METHOD(tnccs_batch_t, process, status_t, private_tnccs_batch_t *this) { tnccs_msg_t *tnccs_msg, *msg; tnccs_error_type_t error_type = TNCCS_ERROR_OTHER; char *error_msg, buf[BUF_LEN]; xmlNodePtr cur; xmlNsPtr ns; xmlChar *batchid, *recipient; int batch_id; this->doc = xmlParseMemory(this->encoding.ptr, this->encoding.len); if (!this->doc) { error_type = TNCCS_ERROR_MALFORMED_BATCH; error_msg = "failed to parse XML message"; goto fatal; } /* check out the XML document */ cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(this->doc); if (!cur) { error_type = TNCCS_ERROR_MALFORMED_BATCH; error_msg = "empty XML document"; goto fatal; } /* check TNCCS namespace */ ns = xmlSearchNsByHref(this->doc, cur, TNCCS_NS); if (!ns) { error_type = TNCCS_ERROR_MALFORMED_BATCH; error_msg = "TNCCS namespace not found"; goto fatal; } /* check XML document type */ if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, "TNCCS-Batch")) { error_type = TNCCS_ERROR_MALFORMED_BATCH; error_msg = buf; snprintf(buf, BUF_LEN, "wrong XML document type '%s', expected TNCCS-Batch", cur->name); goto fatal; } /* check presence of BatchID property */ batchid = xmlGetProp(cur, "BatchId"); if (!batchid) { error_type = TNCCS_ERROR_INVALID_BATCH_ID; error_msg = "BatchId is missing"; goto fatal; } /* check BatchID */ batch_id = atoi((char*)batchid); xmlFree(batchid); if (batch_id != this->batch_id) { error_type = TNCCS_ERROR_INVALID_BATCH_ID; error_msg = buf; snprintf(buf, BUF_LEN, "BatchId %d expected, got %d", this->batch_id, batch_id); goto fatal; } /* check presence of Recipient property */ recipient = xmlGetProp(cur, "Recipient"); if (!recipient) { error_type = TNCCS_ERROR_INVALID_RECIPIENT_TYPE; error_msg = "Recipient is missing"; goto fatal; } /* check recipient */ if (!streq(recipient, this->is_server ? "TNCS" : "TNCC")) { error_type = TNCCS_ERROR_INVALID_RECIPIENT_TYPE; error_msg = buf; snprintf(buf, BUF_LEN, "message recipient expected '%s', got '%s'", this->is_server ? "TNCS" : "TNCC", recipient); xmlFree(recipient); goto fatal; } xmlFree(recipient); DBG2(DBG_TNC, "processing TNCCS Batch #%d", batch_id); /* Now walk the tree, handling message nodes as we go */ for (cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { /* ignore empty or blank nodes */ if (xmlIsBlankNode(cur)) { continue; } /* ignore nodes with wrong namespace */ if (cur->ns != ns) { DBG1(DBG_TNC, "ignoring message node '%s' having wrong namespace", cur->name); continue; } tnccs_msg = tnccs_msg_create_from_node(cur, this->errors); /* exit if a message parsing error occurred */ if (this->errors->get_count(this->errors) > 0) { return FAILED; } /* ignore unrecognized messages */ if (!tnccs_msg) { continue; } this->messages->insert_last(this->messages, tnccs_msg); } return SUCCESS; fatal: msg = tnccs_error_msg_create(error_type, error_msg); this->errors->insert_last(this->errors, msg); return FAILED; } METHOD(tnccs_batch_t, create_msg_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_tnccs_batch_t *this) { return this->messages->create_enumerator(this->messages); } METHOD(tnccs_batch_t, create_error_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_tnccs_batch_t *this) { return this->errors->create_enumerator(this->errors); } METHOD(tnccs_batch_t, destroy, void, private_tnccs_batch_t *this) { this->messages->destroy_offset(this->messages, offsetof(tnccs_msg_t, destroy)); this->errors->destroy_offset(this->errors, offsetof(tnccs_msg_t, destroy)); xmlFreeDoc(this->doc); free(this->encoding.ptr); free(this); } /** * See header */ tnccs_batch_t* tnccs_batch_create(bool is_server, int batch_id) { private_tnccs_batch_t *this; xmlNodePtr n; xmlNsPtr ns_xsi; char buf[12]; INIT(this, .public = { .get_encoding = _get_encoding, .add_msg = _add_msg, .build = _build, .process = _process, .create_msg_enumerator = _create_msg_enumerator, .create_error_enumerator = _create_error_enumerator, .destroy = _destroy, }, .is_server = is_server, .messages = linked_list_create(), .errors = linked_list_create(), .batch_id = batch_id, .doc = xmlNewDoc("1.0"), ); DBG2(DBG_TNC, "creating TNCCS Batch #%d", this->batch_id); n = xmlNewNode(NULL, "TNCCS-Batch"); xmlNewNs(n, TNCCS_NS, NULL); ns_xsi = xmlNewNs(n, SCHEMA_NS, "xsi"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", batch_id); xmlNewProp(n, "BatchId", buf); xmlNewProp(n, "Recipient", this->is_server ? "TNCC" : "TNCS"); xmlNewNsProp(n, ns_xsi, "schemaLocation", TNCCS_NS " " TNCCS_XSD); xmlDocSetRootElement(this->doc, n); return &this->public; } /** * See header */ tnccs_batch_t* tnccs_batch_create_from_data(bool is_server, int batch_id, chunk_t data) { private_tnccs_batch_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .get_encoding = _get_encoding, .add_msg = _add_msg, .build = _build, .process = _process, .create_msg_enumerator = _create_msg_enumerator, .create_error_enumerator = _create_error_enumerator, .destroy = _destroy, }, .is_server = is_server, .batch_id = batch_id, .messages = linked_list_create(), .errors = linked_list_create(), .encoding = chunk_clone(data), ); return &this->public; }