/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "control_controller.h" #include "../manager.h" #include "../gateway.h" #include #include typedef struct private_control_controller_t private_control_controller_t; /** * private data of the task manager */ struct private_control_controller_t { /** * public functions */ control_controller_t public; /** * manager instance */ manager_t *manager; }; /** * handle the result of a control operation */ static void handle_result(private_control_controller_t *this, request_t *r, enumerator_t *e) { enumerator_t *e1; xml_t *xml; char *name, *value; int num = 0; if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &xml, &name, &value)) { if (streq(name, "status")) { if (value && atoi(value) == 0) { r->set(r, "result", "Operation executed successfully:"); } else { r->set(r, "result", "Operation failed:"); } } else if (streq(name, "log")) { e1 = xml->children(xml); while (e1->enumerate(e1, &xml, &name, &value)) { if (streq(name, "item")) { r->setf(r, "log.%d=%s", ++num, value); } } e1->destroy(e1); } } e->destroy(e); r->render(r, "templates/control/result.cs"); } else { r->set(r, "title", "Error"); r->set(r, "error", "controlling the gateway failed"); r->render(r, "templates/error.cs"); } } /** * initiate an IKE or CHILD SA */ static void initiate(private_control_controller_t *this, request_t *r, bool ike, char *config) { gateway_t *gateway; enumerator_t *e; r->setf(r, "title=Establishing %s SA %s", ike ? "IKE" : "CHILD", config); gateway = this->manager->select_gateway(this->manager, 0); e = gateway->initiate(gateway, ike, config); handle_result(this, r, e); } /** * terminate an IKE or CHILD SA */ static void terminate(private_control_controller_t *this, request_t *r, bool ike, u_int32_t id) { gateway_t *gateway; enumerator_t *e; r->setf(r, "title=Terminate %s SA %d", ike ? "IKE" : "CHILD", id); gateway = this->manager->select_gateway(this->manager, 0); e = gateway->terminate(gateway, ike, id); handle_result(this, r, e); } METHOD(controller_t, get_name, char*, private_control_controller_t *this) { return "control"; } METHOD(controller_t, handle, void, private_control_controller_t *this, request_t *request, char *action, char *str, char *p3, char *p4, char *p5) { if (!this->manager->logged_in(this->manager)) { return request->redirect(request, "auth/login"); } if (this->manager->select_gateway(this->manager, 0) == NULL) { return request->redirect(request, "gateway/list"); } if (action) { u_int32_t id; if (streq(action, "terminateike")) { if (str && (id = atoi(str))) { return terminate(this, request, TRUE, id); } } if (streq(action, "terminatechild")) { if (str && (id = atoi(str))) { return terminate(this, request, FALSE, id); } } if (streq(action, "initiateike")) { if (str) { return initiate(this, request, TRUE, str); } } if (streq(action, "initiatechild")) { if (str) { return initiate(this, request, FALSE, str); } } } return request->redirect(request, "ikesa/list"); } METHOD(controller_t, destroy, void, private_control_controller_t *this) { free(this); } /* * see header file */ controller_t *control_controller_create(context_t *context, void *param) { private_control_controller_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .controller = { .get_name = _get_name, .handle = _handle, .destroy = _destroy, }, }, .manager = (manager_t*)context, ); return &this->public.controller; }