/** * @file gateway.c * * @brief Implementation of gateway_t. * */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "gateway.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_gateway_t private_gateway_t; /** * private data of gateway */ struct private_gateway_t { /** * public functions */ gateway_t public; /** * name of the gateway */ char *name; /** * host to connect using tcp */ host_t *host; /** * socket file descriptor, > 0 if connected */ int fd; /** * unique id assigned to each xml message */ int xmlid; }; struct sockaddr_un unix_addr = { AF_UNIX, IPSEC_PIDDIR "/charon.xml"}; /** * establish connection to gateway */ static bool connect_(private_gateway_t *this) { int family, len; struct sockaddr *addr; if (this->fd >= 0) { close(this->fd); } if (this->host) { family = AF_INET; addr = this->host->get_sockaddr(this->host); len = *this->host->get_sockaddr_len(this->host); } else { family = AF_UNIX; addr = (struct sockaddr*)&unix_addr; len = sizeof(unix_addr); } this->fd = socket(family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (this->fd < 0) { return FALSE; } if (connect(this->fd, addr, len) != 0) { close(this->fd); this->fd = -1; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Implementation of gateway_t.request. */ static char* request(private_gateway_t *this, char *xml, ...) { if (this->fd < 0) { if (!connect_(this)) { return NULL; } } while (TRUE) { char buf[8096]; ssize_t len; va_list args; va_start(args, xml); len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), xml, args); va_end(args); if (len < 0 || len >= sizeof(buf)) { return NULL; } if (send(this->fd, buf, len, 0) != len) { if (!connect_(this)) { return NULL; } continue; } len = recv(this->fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 0); if (len <= 0) { if (!connect_(this)) { return NULL; } continue; } buf[len] = 0; return strdup(buf); } } /** * Implementation of gateway_t.query_ikesalist. */ static enumerator_t* query_ikesalist(private_gateway_t *this) { char *str, *name, *value; xml_t *xml; enumerator_t *e1, *e2, *e3, *e4 = NULL; str = request(this, "" "" "" "" "", this->xmlid++); if (str == NULL) { return NULL; } xml = xml_create(str); if (xml == NULL) { return NULL; } e1 = xml->children(xml); free(str); while (e1->enumerate(e1, &xml, &name, &value)) { if (streq(name, "message")) { e2 = xml->children(xml); while (e2->enumerate(e2, &xml, &name, &value)) { if (streq(name, "query")) { e3 = xml->children(xml); while (e3->enumerate(e3, &xml, &name, &value)) { if (streq(name, "ikesalist")) { e4 = xml->children(xml); e1->destroy(e1); e2->destroy(e2); e3->destroy(e3); return e4; } } e3->destroy(e3); } } e2->destroy(e2); } } e1->destroy(e1); return NULL; } /** * Implementation of gateway_t.query_configlist. */ static enumerator_t* query_configlist(private_gateway_t *this) { char *str, *name, *value; xml_t *xml; enumerator_t *e1, *e2, *e3, *e4 = NULL; str = request(this, "" "" "" "" "", this->xmlid++); if (str == NULL) { return NULL; } xml = xml_create(str); if (xml == NULL) { return NULL; } e1 = xml->children(xml); free(str); while (e1->enumerate(e1, &xml, &name, &value)) { if (streq(name, "message")) { e2 = xml->children(xml); while (e2->enumerate(e2, &xml, &name, &value)) { if (streq(name, "query")) { e3 = xml->children(xml); while (e3->enumerate(e3, &xml, &name, &value)) { if (streq(name, "configlist")) { e4 = xml->children(xml); e1->destroy(e1); e2->destroy(e2); e3->destroy(e3); return e4; } } e3->destroy(e3); } } e2->destroy(e2); } } e1->destroy(e1); return NULL; } /** * create enumerator over control elements children of a control response */ static enumerator_t* read_result(private_gateway_t *this, char *res) { char *name, *value; xml_t *xml; enumerator_t *e1, *e2, *e3; if (res == NULL) { return NULL; } xml = xml_create(res); if (xml == NULL) { return NULL; } e1 = xml->children(xml); free(res); while (e1->enumerate(e1, &xml, &name, &value)) { if (streq(name, "message")) { e2 = xml->children(xml); while (e2->enumerate(e2, &xml, &name, &value)) { if (streq(name, "control")) { e3 = xml->children(xml); e1->destroy(e1); e2->destroy(e2); return e3; } } e2->destroy(e2); } } e1->destroy(e1); return NULL; } /** * Implementation of gateway_t.initiate. */ static enumerator_t* initiate(private_gateway_t *this, bool ike, char *name) { char *str, *kind; if (ike) { kind = "ike"; } else { kind = "child"; } str = request(this, "" "" "<%ssainitiate>%s" "" "", this->xmlid++, kind, name, kind); return read_result(this, str); } /** * Implementation of gateway_t.terminate. */ static enumerator_t* terminate(private_gateway_t *this, bool ike, u_int32_t id) { char *str, *kind; if (ike) { kind = "ike"; } else { kind = "child"; } str = request(this, "" "" "<%ssaterminate>%d" "" "", this->xmlid++, kind, id, kind); return read_result(this, str); } /** * Implementation of gateway_t.destroy */ static void destroy(private_gateway_t *this) { if (this->fd >= 0) { close(this->fd); } if (this->host) this->host->destroy(this->host); free(this->name); free(this); } /** * generic constructor */ static private_gateway_t *gateway_create(char *name) { private_gateway_t *this = malloc_thing(private_gateway_t); this->public.request = (char*(*)(gateway_t*, char *xml))request; this->public.query_ikesalist = (enumerator_t*(*)(gateway_t*))query_ikesalist; this->public.query_configlist = (enumerator_t*(*)(gateway_t*))query_configlist; this->public.initiate = (enumerator_t*(*)(gateway_t*, bool ike, char *name))initiate; this->public.terminate = (enumerator_t*(*)(gateway_t*, bool ike, u_int32_t id))terminate; this->public.destroy = (void(*)(gateway_t*))destroy; this->name = strdup(name); this->host = NULL; this->fd = -1; this->xmlid = 1; return this; } /** * see header */ gateway_t *gateway_create_tcp(char *name, host_t *host) { private_gateway_t *this = gateway_create(name); this->host = host; return &this->public; } /** * see header */ gateway_t *gateway_create_unix(char *name) { private_gateway_t *this = gateway_create(name); return &this->public; }