/* * Algorithm info parsing and creation functions * Copyright (C) JuanJo Ciarlante <jjo-ipsec@mendoza.gov.ar> * Copyright (C) 2009 Andreas Steffen - Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <freeswan.h> #include <pfkeyv2.h> #include <utils.h> #include <utils/lexparser.h> #include <crypto/diffie_hellman.h> #include <crypto/transform.h> #include <crypto/proposal/proposal_keywords.h> #include "alg_info.h" #include "constants.h" #include "defs.h" #include "log.h" #include "whack.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "kernel_alg.h" #include "ike_alg.h" /* * sadb/ESP aa attrib converters */ int alg_info_esp_aa2sadb(int auth) { int sadb_aalg = 0; switch(auth) { case AUTH_ALGORITHM_HMAC_MD5: case AUTH_ALGORITHM_HMAC_SHA1: sadb_aalg = auth + 1; break; default: sadb_aalg = auth; } return sadb_aalg; } int alg_info_esp_sadb2aa(int sadb_aalg) { int auth = 0; switch(sadb_aalg) { case SADB_AALG_MD5HMAC: case SADB_AALG_SHA1HMAC: auth = sadb_aalg - 1; break; default: auth = sadb_aalg; } return auth; } void alg_info_free(struct alg_info *alg_info) { free(alg_info); } /* * Raw add routine: only checks for no duplicates */ static void __alg_info_esp_add(struct alg_info_esp *alg_info, int ealg_id, unsigned ek_bits, int aalg_id, unsigned ak_bits) { struct esp_info *esp_info = alg_info->esp; unsigned cnt = alg_info->alg_info_cnt, i; /* check for overflows */ passert(cnt < countof(alg_info->esp)); /* dont add duplicates */ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (esp_info[i].esp_ealg_id == ealg_id && (!ek_bits || esp_info[i].esp_ealg_keylen == ek_bits) && esp_info[i].esp_aalg_id == aalg_id && (!ak_bits || esp_info[i].esp_aalg_keylen == ak_bits)) { return; } } esp_info[cnt].esp_ealg_id = ealg_id; esp_info[cnt].esp_ealg_keylen = ek_bits; esp_info[cnt].esp_aalg_id = aalg_id; esp_info[cnt].esp_aalg_keylen = ak_bits; /* sadb values */ esp_info[cnt].encryptalg = ealg_id; esp_info[cnt].authalg = alg_info_esp_aa2sadb(aalg_id); alg_info->alg_info_cnt++; DBG(DBG_CRYPT, DBG_log("esp alg added: %s_%d/%s, cnt=%d", enum_show(&esp_transform_names, ealg_id), ek_bits, enum_show(&auth_alg_names, aalg_id), alg_info->alg_info_cnt) ) } /** * Returns true if the given alg is an authenticated encryption algorithm */ static bool is_authenticated_encryption(int ealg_id) { switch (ealg_id) { case ESP_AES_CCM_8: case ESP_AES_CCM_12: case ESP_AES_CCM_16: case ESP_AES_GCM_8: case ESP_AES_GCM_12: case ESP_AES_GCM_16: case ESP_AES_GMAC: return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* * Add ESP alg info _with_ logic (policy): */ static void alg_info_esp_add(struct alg_info *alg_info, int ealg_id, int ek_bits, int aalg_id, int ak_bits) { /* Policy: default to 3DES */ if (ealg_id == 0) { ealg_id = ESP_3DES; } if (ealg_id > 0) { if (is_authenticated_encryption(ealg_id)) { __alg_info_esp_add((struct alg_info_esp *)alg_info, ealg_id, ek_bits, AUTH_ALGORITHM_NONE, 0); } else if (aalg_id > 0) { __alg_info_esp_add((struct alg_info_esp *)alg_info, ealg_id, ek_bits, aalg_id, ak_bits); } else { /* Policy: default to SHA-1 and MD5 */ __alg_info_esp_add((struct alg_info_esp *)alg_info, ealg_id, ek_bits, AUTH_ALGORITHM_HMAC_SHA1, ak_bits); __alg_info_esp_add((struct alg_info_esp *)alg_info, ealg_id, ek_bits, AUTH_ALGORITHM_HMAC_MD5, ak_bits); } } } static void __alg_info_ike_add (struct alg_info_ike *alg_info, int ealg_id, unsigned ek_bits, int aalg_id, unsigned ak_bits, int modp_id) { struct ike_info *ike_info = alg_info->ike; unsigned cnt = alg_info->alg_info_cnt; unsigned i; /* check for overflows */ passert(cnt < countof(alg_info->ike)); /* dont add duplicates */ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (ike_info[i].ike_ealg == ealg_id && (!ek_bits || ike_info[i].ike_eklen == ek_bits) && ike_info[i].ike_halg == aalg_id && (!ak_bits || ike_info[i].ike_hklen == ak_bits) && ike_info[i].ike_modp==modp_id) return; } ike_info[cnt].ike_ealg = ealg_id; ike_info[cnt].ike_eklen = ek_bits; ike_info[cnt].ike_halg = aalg_id; ike_info[cnt].ike_hklen = ak_bits; ike_info[cnt].ike_modp = modp_id; alg_info->alg_info_cnt++; DBG(DBG_CRYPT, DBG_log("ikg alg added: %s_%d/%s/%s, cnt=%d", enum_show(&oakley_enc_names, ealg_id), ek_bits, enum_show(&oakley_hash_names, aalg_id), enum_show(&oakley_group_names, modp_id), alg_info->alg_info_cnt) ) } /* * Proposals will be built by looping over default_ike_groups array and * merging alg_info (ike_info) contents */ static int default_ike_groups[] = { MODP_1536_BIT, MODP_1024_BIT }; /* * Add IKE alg info _with_ logic (policy): */ static void alg_info_ike_add (struct alg_info *alg_info, int ealg_id, int ek_bits, int aalg_id, int ak_bits, int modp_id) { int i = 0; int n_groups = countof(default_ike_groups); /* if specified modp_id avoid loop over default_ike_groups */ if (modp_id) { n_groups=0; goto in_loop; } for (; n_groups--; i++) { modp_id = default_ike_groups[i]; in_loop: /* Policy: default to 3DES */ if (ealg_id == 0) { ealg_id = OAKLEY_3DES_CBC; } if (ealg_id > 0) { if (aalg_id > 0) { __alg_info_ike_add((struct alg_info_ike *)alg_info, ealg_id, ek_bits, aalg_id, ak_bits, modp_id); } else { /* Policy: default to MD5 and SHA */ __alg_info_ike_add((struct alg_info_ike *)alg_info, ealg_id, ek_bits, OAKLEY_MD5, ak_bits, modp_id); __alg_info_ike_add((struct alg_info_ike *)alg_info, ealg_id, ek_bits, OAKLEY_SHA, ak_bits, modp_id); } } } } static status_t alg_info_add(chunk_t alg, unsigned protoid, int *ealg, size_t *ealg_keysize, int *aalg, size_t *aalg_keysize, int *dh_group) { const proposal_token_t *token = proposal_get_token(alg.ptr, alg.len); if (token == NULL) { return FAILED; } switch (token->type) { case ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM: if (*ealg != 0) { return FAILED; } *ealg = (protoid == PROTO_ISAKMP) ? oakley_from_encryption_algorithm(token->algorithm) : esp_from_encryption_algorithm(token->algorithm); if (*ealg == 0) { return FAILED; } *ealg_keysize = token->keysize; break; case INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM: if (*aalg != 0) { return FAILED; } *aalg = (protoid == PROTO_ISAKMP) ? oakley_from_integrity_algorithm(token->algorithm) : esp_from_integrity_algorithm(token->algorithm); if (*aalg == 0) { return FAILED; } *aalg_keysize = token->keysize; break; case DIFFIE_HELLMAN_GROUP: if (protoid == PROTO_ISAKMP) { if (*dh_group != 0) { return FAILED; } *dh_group = token->algorithm; } break; default: return FAILED; } return SUCCESS; } static status_t alg_info_parse_str(struct alg_info *alg_info, char *alg_str) { char *strict, *single; status_t status = SUCCESS; strict = alg_str + strlen(alg_str) - 1; if (*strict == '!') { alg_info->alg_info_flags |= ALG_INFO_F_STRICT; *strict = '\0'; } while ((single = strsep(&alg_str, ","))) { chunk_t string = { (u_char *)single, strlen(single) }; int ealg = 0; int aalg = 0; int dh_group = 0; size_t ealg_keysize = 0; size_t aalg_keysize = 0; eat_whitespace(&string); if (string.len > 0) { chunk_t alg; /* get all token, separated by '-' */ while (extract_token(&alg, '-', &string)) { status |= alg_info_add(alg, alg_info->alg_info_protoid, &ealg, &ealg_keysize, &aalg, &aalg_keysize, &dh_group); } if (string.len) { status |= alg_info_add(string, alg_info->alg_info_protoid, &ealg, &ealg_keysize, &aalg, &aalg_keysize, &dh_group); } } if (status == SUCCESS) { switch (alg_info->alg_info_protoid) { case PROTO_IPSEC_ESP: alg_info_esp_add(alg_info, ealg, ealg_keysize, aalg, aalg_keysize); break; case PROTO_ISAKMP: alg_info_ike_add(alg_info, ealg, ealg_keysize, aalg, aalg_keysize, dh_group); break; default: break; } } } return status; } struct alg_info_esp *alg_info_esp_create_from_str(char *alg_str) { struct alg_info_esp *alg_info_esp; char esp_buf[BUF_LEN]; char *pfs_name; status_t status = SUCCESS; /* * alg_info storage should be sized dynamically * but this may require 2passes to know * transform count in advance. */ alg_info_esp = malloc_thing (struct alg_info_esp); zero(alg_info_esp); pfs_name=strchr(alg_str, ';'); if (pfs_name) { memcpy(esp_buf, alg_str, pfs_name-alg_str); esp_buf[pfs_name-alg_str] = 0; alg_str = esp_buf; pfs_name++; /* if pfs strings AND first char is not '0' */ if (*pfs_name && pfs_name[0] != '0') { const proposal_token_t *token; token = proposal_get_token(pfs_name, strlen(pfs_name)); if (token == NULL || token->type != DIFFIE_HELLMAN_GROUP) { /* Bomb if pfsgroup not found */ DBG(DBG_CRYPT, DBG_log("alg_info_esp_create_from_str(): pfsgroup \"%s\" not found" , pfs_name) ) status = FAILED; goto out; } alg_info_esp->esp_pfsgroup = token->algorithm; } } else { alg_info_esp->esp_pfsgroup = 0; } alg_info_esp->alg_info_protoid = PROTO_IPSEC_ESP; status = alg_info_parse_str((struct alg_info *)alg_info_esp, alg_str); out: if (status == SUCCESS) { alg_info_esp->ref_cnt = 1; return alg_info_esp; } else { free(alg_info_esp); return NULL; } } struct alg_info_ike *alg_info_ike_create_from_str(char *alg_str) { struct alg_info_ike *alg_info_ike; /* * alg_info storage should be sized dynamically * but this may require 2passes to know * transform count in advance. */ alg_info_ike = malloc_thing (struct alg_info_ike); zero(alg_info_ike); alg_info_ike->alg_info_protoid = PROTO_ISAKMP; if (alg_info_parse_str((struct alg_info *)alg_info_ike, alg_str) == SUCCESS) { alg_info_ike->ref_cnt = 1; return alg_info_ike; } else { free(alg_info_ike); return NULL; } } /* * alg_info struct can be shared by * several connections instances, * handle free() with ref_cnts */ void alg_info_addref(struct alg_info *alg_info) { if (alg_info != NULL) { alg_info->ref_cnt++; } } void alg_info_delref(struct alg_info **alg_info_p) { struct alg_info *alg_info = *alg_info_p; if (alg_info != NULL) { passert(alg_info->ref_cnt != 0); alg_info->ref_cnt--; if (alg_info->ref_cnt == 0) { alg_info_free(alg_info); } *alg_info_p = NULL; } } /* snprint already parsed transform list (alg_info) */ int alg_info_snprint(char *buf, int buflen, struct alg_info *alg_info) { char *ptr = buf; int np = 0; struct esp_info *esp_info; struct ike_info *ike_info; int cnt; switch (alg_info->alg_info_protoid) { case PROTO_IPSEC_ESP: { struct alg_info_esp *alg_info_esp = (struct alg_info_esp *)alg_info; ALG_INFO_ESP_FOREACH(alg_info_esp, esp_info, cnt) { np = snprintf(ptr, buflen, "%s", enum_show(&esp_transform_names, esp_info->esp_ealg_id)); ptr += np; buflen -= np; if (esp_info->esp_ealg_keylen) { np = snprintf(ptr, buflen, "_%zu", esp_info->esp_ealg_keylen); ptr += np; buflen -= np; } np = snprintf(ptr, buflen, "/%s, ", enum_show(&auth_alg_names, esp_info->esp_aalg_id)); ptr += np; buflen -= np; if (buflen < 0) goto out; } if (alg_info_esp->esp_pfsgroup) { np = snprintf(ptr, buflen, "; pfsgroup=%s; ", enum_show(&oakley_group_names, alg_info_esp->esp_pfsgroup)); ptr += np; buflen -= np; if (buflen < 0) goto out; } break; } case PROTO_ISAKMP: ALG_INFO_IKE_FOREACH((struct alg_info_ike *)alg_info, ike_info, cnt) { np = snprintf(ptr, buflen, "%s", enum_show(&oakley_enc_names, ike_info->ike_ealg)); ptr += np; buflen -= np; if (ike_info->ike_eklen) { np = snprintf(ptr, buflen, "_%zu", ike_info->ike_eklen); ptr += np; buflen -= np; } np = snprintf(ptr, buflen, "/%s/%s, ", enum_show(&oakley_hash_names, ike_info->ike_halg), enum_show(&oakley_group_names, ike_info->ike_modp)); ptr += np; buflen -= np; if (buflen < 0) goto out; } break; default: np = snprintf(buf, buflen, "INVALID protoid=%d\n" , alg_info->alg_info_protoid); ptr += np; buflen -= np; goto out; } np = snprintf(ptr, buflen, "%s" , alg_info->alg_info_flags & ALG_INFO_F_STRICT? "strict":""); ptr += np; buflen -= np; out: if (buflen < 0) { loglog(RC_LOG_SERIOUS , "buffer space exhausted in alg_info_snprint_ike(), buflen=%d" , buflen); } return ptr - buf; } int alg_info_snprint_esp(char *buf, int buflen, struct alg_info_esp *alg_info) { char *ptr = buf; int cnt = alg_info->alg_info_cnt; struct esp_info *esp_info = alg_info->esp; while (cnt--) { if (kernel_alg_esp_enc_ok(esp_info->esp_ealg_id, 0, NULL) && kernel_alg_esp_auth_ok(esp_info->esp_aalg_id, NULL)) { u_int eklen = (esp_info->esp_ealg_keylen) ? esp_info->esp_ealg_keylen : kernel_alg_esp_enc_keylen(esp_info->esp_ealg_id) * BITS_PER_BYTE; u_int aklen = esp_info->esp_aalg_keylen ? esp_info->esp_aalg_keylen : kernel_alg_esp_auth_keylen(esp_info->esp_aalg_id) * BITS_PER_BYTE; int ret = snprintf(ptr, buflen, "%d_%03d-%d_%03d, ", esp_info->esp_ealg_id, eklen, esp_info->esp_aalg_id, aklen); ptr += ret; buflen -= ret; if (buflen < 0) break; } esp_info++; } return ptr - buf; } int alg_info_snprint_ike(char *buf, int buflen, struct alg_info_ike *alg_info) { char *ptr = buf; int cnt = alg_info->alg_info_cnt; struct ike_info *ike_info = alg_info->ike; while (cnt--) { struct encrypt_desc *enc_desc = ike_alg_get_crypter(ike_info->ike_ealg); struct hash_desc *hash_desc = ike_alg_get_hasher(ike_info->ike_halg); struct dh_desc *dh_desc = ike_alg_get_dh_group(ike_info->ike_modp); if (enc_desc && hash_desc && dh_desc) { u_int eklen = (ike_info->ike_eklen) ? ike_info->ike_eklen : enc_desc->keydeflen; u_int aklen = (ike_info->ike_hklen) ? ike_info->ike_hklen : hash_desc->hash_digest_size * BITS_PER_BYTE; int ret = snprintf(ptr, buflen, "%d_%03d-%d_%03d-%d, ", ike_info->ike_ealg, eklen, ike_info->ike_halg, aklen, ike_info->ike_modp); ptr += ret; buflen -= ret; if (buflen < 0) break; } ike_info++; } return ptr - buf; }