/* Support of X.509 certificate revocation lists (CRLs) * Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Andreas Steffen * * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "constants.h" #include "defs.h" #include "log.h" #include "x509.h" #include "crl.h" #include "ca.h" #include "certs.h" #include "keys.h" #include "whack.h" #include "fetch.h" #include "builder.h" /* chained lists of X.509 crls */ static x509crl_t *x509crls = NULL; /** * Get the X.509 CRL with a given issuer */ static x509crl_t* get_x509crl(identification_t *issuer, chunk_t keyid) { x509crl_t *x509crl = x509crls; x509crl_t *prev_crl = NULL; while (x509crl != NULL) { certificate_t *cert_crl = x509crl->crl; crl_t *crl = (crl_t*)cert_crl; identification_t *crl_issuer = cert_crl->get_issuer(cert_crl); chunk_t authKeyID = crl->get_authKeyIdentifier(crl); if ((keyid.ptr && authKeyID.ptr)? same_keyid(keyid, authKeyID) : issuer->equals(issuer, crl_issuer)) { if (x509crl != x509crls) { /* bring the CRL up front */ prev_crl->next = x509crl->next; x509crl->next = x509crls; x509crls = x509crl; } return x509crl; } prev_crl = x509crl; x509crl = x509crl->next; } return NULL; } /** * Free the dynamic memory used to store CRLs */ void free_crl(x509crl_t *crl) { DESTROY_IF(crl->crl); crl->distributionPoints->destroy_function(crl->distributionPoints, free); free(crl); } static void free_first_crl(void) { x509crl_t *crl = x509crls; x509crls = crl->next; free_crl(crl); } void free_crls(void) { lock_crl_list("free_crls"); while (x509crls != NULL) { free_first_crl(); } unlock_crl_list("free_crls"); } /** * Insert X.509 CRL into chained list */ bool insert_crl(x509crl_t *x509crl, char *crl_uri, bool cache_crl) { certificate_t *cert_crl = x509crl->crl; crl_t *crl = (crl_t*)cert_crl; identification_t *issuer = cert_crl->get_issuer(cert_crl); chunk_t authKeyID = crl->get_authKeyIdentifier(crl); cert_t *issuer_cert; x509crl_t *oldcrl; time_t now, nextUpdate; bool valid_sig; /* add distribution point */ add_distribution_point(x509crl->distributionPoints, crl_uri); lock_authcert_list("insert_crl"); /* get the issuer cacert */ issuer_cert = get_authcert(issuer, authKeyID, X509_CA); if (issuer_cert == NULL) { plog("crl issuer cacert not found"); free_crl(x509crl); unlock_authcert_list("insert_crl"); return FALSE; } DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("crl issuer cacert found") ) /* check the issuer's signature of the crl */ valid_sig = cert_crl->issued_by(cert_crl, issuer_cert->cert); unlock_authcert_list("insert_crl"); if (!valid_sig) { free_crl(x509crl); return FALSE; } DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("crl signature is valid") ) /* note the current time */ time(&now); lock_crl_list("insert_crl"); oldcrl = get_x509crl(issuer, authKeyID); if (oldcrl != NULL) { certificate_t *old_cert_crl = oldcrl->crl; if (crl_is_newer((crl_t*)cert_crl, (crl_t*)old_cert_crl)) { /* keep any known CRL distribution points */ add_distribution_points(x509crl->distributionPoints, oldcrl->distributionPoints); /* now delete the old CRL */ free_first_crl(); DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("thisUpdate is newer - existing crl deleted") ) } else { unlock_crl_list("insert_crls"); DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("thisUpdate is not newer - existing crl not replaced"); ) free_crl(x509crl); old_cert_crl->get_validity(old_cert_crl, &now, NULL, &nextUpdate); return nextUpdate - now > 2*crl_check_interval; } } /* insert new CRL */ x509crl->next = x509crls; x509crls = x509crl; unlock_crl_list("insert_crl"); /* If crl caching is enabled then the crl is saved locally. * Only http or ldap URIs are cached but not local file URIs. * The CRL's authorityKeyIdentifier is used as a unique filename */ if (cache_crl && strncasecmp(crl_uri, "file", 4) != 0) { char buf[BUF_LEN]; chunk_t hex, encoding; hex = chunk_to_hex(crl->get_authKeyIdentifier(crl), NULL, FALSE); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s.crl", CRL_PATH, hex); free(hex.ptr); if (cert_crl->get_encoding(cert_crl, CERT_ASN1_DER, &encoding)) { chunk_write(encoding, buf, "crl", 022, TRUE); free(encoding.ptr); } } /* is the fetched crl valid? */ cert_crl->get_validity(cert_crl, &now, NULL, &nextUpdate); return nextUpdate - now > 2*crl_check_interval; } /** * Loads CRLs */ void load_crls(void) { struct dirent **filelist; u_char buf[BUF_LEN]; u_char *save_dir; int n; /* change directory to specified path */ save_dir = getcwd(buf, BUF_LEN); if (chdir(CRL_PATH)) { plog("Could not change to directory '%s'", CRL_PATH); } else { plog("Changing to directory '%s'", CRL_PATH); n = scandir(CRL_PATH, &filelist, file_select, alphasort); if (n < 0) plog(" scandir() error"); else { while (n--) { char *filename = filelist[n]->d_name; x509crl_t *x509crl; x509crl = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_CERTIFICATE, CERT_PLUTO_CRL, BUILD_FROM_FILE, filename, BUILD_END); if (x509crl) { char crl_uri[BUF_LEN]; plog(" loaded crl from '%s'", filename); snprintf(crl_uri, BUF_LEN, "file://%s/%s", CRL_PATH, filename); insert_crl(x509crl, crl_uri, FALSE); } free(filelist[n]); } free(filelist); } } /* restore directory path */ ignore_result(chdir(save_dir)); } /* Checks if the current certificate is revoked. It goes through the * list of revoked certificates of the corresponding crl. Either the * status CERT_GOOD or CERT_REVOKED is returned */ static cert_status_t check_revocation(crl_t *crl, chunk_t cert_serial, time_t *revocationDate, crl_reason_t *revocationReason) { enumerator_t *enumerator; cert_status_t status; chunk_t serial; DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("serial number: %#B", &cert_serial) ) *revocationDate = UNDEFINED_TIME; *revocationReason = CRL_REASON_UNSPECIFIED; status = CERT_GOOD; enumerator = crl->create_enumerator(crl); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &serial, revocationDate, revocationReason)) { if (chunk_equals(serial, cert_serial)) { status = CERT_REVOKED; break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return status; } /* * check if any crls are about to expire */ void check_crls(void) { x509crl_t *x509crl; time_t now, nextUpdate, time_left; lock_crl_list("check_crls"); time(&now); x509crl = x509crls; while (x509crl != NULL) { certificate_t *cert_crl = x509crl->crl; crl_t *crl = (crl_t*)cert_crl; identification_t *issuer = cert_crl->get_issuer(cert_crl); chunk_t authKeyID = crl->get_authKeyIdentifier(crl); cert_crl->get_validity(cert_crl, &now, NULL, &nextUpdate); time_left = nextUpdate - now; DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("issuer: '%Y'", issuer); if (authKeyID.ptr) { DBG_log("authkey: %#B", &authKeyID); } DBG_log("%ld seconds left", time_left) ) if (time_left < 2*crl_check_interval) { fetch_req_t *req = build_crl_fetch_request(issuer, authKeyID, x509crl->distributionPoints); add_crl_fetch_request(req); } x509crl = x509crl->next; } unlock_crl_list("check_crls"); } /* * verify if a cert hasn't been revoked by a crl */ cert_status_t verify_by_crl(cert_t *cert, time_t *until, time_t *revocationDate, crl_reason_t *revocationReason) { certificate_t *certificate = cert->cert; x509_t *x509 = (x509_t*)certificate; identification_t *issuer = certificate->get_issuer(certificate); chunk_t authKeyID = x509->get_authKeyIdentifier(x509); x509crl_t *x509crl; ca_info_t *ca; enumerator_t *enumerator; <<<<<<< HEAD char *point; ======= x509_cdp_t *cdp; >>>>>>> upstream/4.5.1 ca = get_ca_info(issuer, authKeyID); *revocationDate = UNDEFINED_TIME; *revocationReason = CRL_REASON_UNSPECIFIED; lock_crl_list("verify_by_crl"); x509crl = get_x509crl(issuer, authKeyID); if (x509crl == NULL) { linked_list_t *crluris; unlock_crl_list("verify_by_crl"); plog("crl not found"); crluris = linked_list_create(); if (ca) { add_distribution_points(crluris, ca->crluris); } enumerator = x509->create_crl_uri_enumerator(x509); <<<<<<< HEAD while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &point)) { add_distribution_point(crluris, point); ======= while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &cdp)) { add_distribution_point(crluris, cdp->uri); >>>>>>> upstream/4.5.1 } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (crluris->get_count(crluris) > 0) { fetch_req_t *req; req = build_crl_fetch_request(issuer, authKeyID, crluris); crluris->destroy_function(crluris, free); add_crl_fetch_request(req); wake_fetch_thread("verify_by_crl"); return CERT_UNKNOWN; } else { crluris->destroy(crluris); return CERT_UNDEFINED; } } else { certificate_t *cert_crl = x509crl->crl; crl_t *crl = (crl_t*)cert_crl; chunk_t authKeyID = crl->get_authKeyIdentifier(crl); cert_t *issuer_cert; bool trusted, valid; DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("crl found") ) if (ca) { add_distribution_points(x509crl->distributionPoints, ca->crluris); } enumerator = x509->create_crl_uri_enumerator(x509); <<<<<<< HEAD while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &point)) { add_distribution_point(x509crl->distributionPoints, point); ======= while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &cdp)) { add_distribution_point(x509crl->distributionPoints, cdp->uri); >>>>>>> upstream/4.5.1 } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); lock_authcert_list("verify_by_crl"); issuer_cert = get_authcert(issuer, authKeyID, X509_CA); trusted = cert_crl->issued_by(cert_crl, issuer_cert->cert); unlock_authcert_list("verify_by_crl"); if (trusted) { cert_status_t status; DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("crl signature is valid") ) /* return the expiration date */ valid = cert_crl->get_validity(cert_crl, NULL, NULL, until); /* has the certificate been revoked? */ status = check_revocation(crl, x509->get_serial(x509), revocationDate , revocationReason); if (valid) { unlock_crl_list("verify_by_crl"); DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("crl is valid: until %T", until, FALSE) ) } else { fetch_req_t *req; DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("crl is stale: since %T", until, FALSE) ) /* try to fetch a crl update */ req = build_crl_fetch_request(issuer, authKeyID, x509crl->distributionPoints); unlock_crl_list("verify_by_crl"); add_crl_fetch_request(req); wake_fetch_thread("verify_by_crl"); } return status; } else { unlock_crl_list("verify_by_crl"); plog("crl signature is invalid"); return CERT_UNKNOWN; } } } /* * list all X.509 crls in the chained list */ void list_crls(bool utc, bool strict) { x509crl_t *x509crl; lock_crl_list("list_crls"); x509crl = x509crls; if (x509crl) { whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " "); whack_log(RC_COMMENT, "List of X.509 CRLs:"); } while (x509crl) { certificate_t *cert_crl = x509crl->crl; crl_t *crl = (crl_t*)cert_crl; chunk_t serial, authKeyID; time_t thisUpdate, nextUpdate; u_int revoked = 0; enumerator_t *enumerator; whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " "); whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " issuer: \"%Y\"", cert_crl->get_issuer(cert_crl)); serial = crl->get_serial(crl); if (serial.ptr) { whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " serial: %#B", &serial); } /* count number of revoked certificates in CRL */ enumerator = crl->create_enumerator(crl); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { revoked++; } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " revoked: %d certificates", revoked); list_distribution_points(x509crl->distributionPoints); cert_crl->get_validity(cert_crl, NULL, &thisUpdate, &nextUpdate); whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " updates: this %T", &thisUpdate, utc); whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " next %T %s", &nextUpdate, utc, check_expiry(nextUpdate, CRL_WARNING_INTERVAL, strict)); authKeyID = crl->get_authKeyIdentifier(crl); if (authKeyID.ptr) { whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " authkey: %#B", &authKeyID); } x509crl = x509crl->next; } unlock_crl_list("list_crls"); }