/* identity representation, as in IKE ID Payloads (RFC 2407 DOI * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 D. Hugh Redelmeier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * RCSID $Id: id.c 3252 2007-10-06 21:24:50Z andreas $ */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <unistd.h> #ifndef HOST_NAME_MAX /* POSIX 1003.1-2001 says <unistd.h> defines this */ # define HOST_NAME_MAX 255 /* upper bound, according to SUSv2 */ #endif #include <sys/queue.h> #include <freeswan.h> #include <ipsec_policy.h> #include "constants.h" #include "defs.h" #include "id.h" #include "log.h" #include "connections.h" #include "packet.h" #include "whack.h" const struct id empty_id; /* ID_NONE */ enum myid_state myid_state = MYID_UNKNOWN; struct id myids[MYID_SPECIFIED+1]; /* %myid */ char *myid_str[MYID_SPECIFIED+1]; /* string form of IDs */ /* initialize id module * Fills in myid from environment variable IPSECmyid or defaultrouteaddr */ void init_id(void) { passert(empty_id.kind == ID_NONE); myid_state = MYID_UNKNOWN; { enum myid_state s; for (s = MYID_UNKNOWN; s <= MYID_SPECIFIED; s++) { myids[s] = empty_id; myid_str[s] = NULL; } } set_myid(MYID_SPECIFIED, getenv("IPSECmyid")); set_myid(MYID_IP, getenv("defaultrouteaddr")); set_myFQDN(); } static void calc_myid_str(enum myid_state s) { /* preformat the ID name */ char buf[BUF_LEN]; idtoa(&myids[s], buf, BUF_LEN); replace(myid_str[s], clone_str(buf, "myid string")); } void set_myid(enum myid_state s, char *idstr) { if (idstr != NULL) { struct id id; err_t ugh = atoid(idstr, &id, FALSE); if (ugh != NULL) { loglog(RC_BADID, "myid malformed: %s \"%s\"", ugh, idstr); } else { free_id_content(&myids[s]); unshare_id_content(&id); myids[s] = id; if (s == MYID_SPECIFIED) myid_state = MYID_SPECIFIED; calc_myid_str(s); } } } void set_myFQDN(void) { char FQDN[HOST_NAME_MAX + 1]; int r = gethostname(FQDN, sizeof(FQDN)); free_id_content(&myids[MYID_HOSTNAME]); myids[MYID_HOSTNAME] = empty_id; if (r != 0) { log_errno((e, "gethostname() failed in set_myFQDN")); } else { FQDN[sizeof(FQDN) - 1] = '\0'; /* insurance */ { size_t len = strlen(FQDN); if (len > 0 && FQDN[len-1] == '.') { /* nuke trailing . */ FQDN[len-1]='\0'; } } if (!strcaseeq(FQDN, "localhost.localdomain")) { clonetochunk(myids[MYID_HOSTNAME].name, FQDN, strlen(FQDN), "my FQDN"); myids[MYID_HOSTNAME].kind = ID_FQDN; calc_myid_str(MYID_HOSTNAME); } } } void show_myid_status(void) { char idstr[BUF_LEN]; (void)idtoa(&myids[myid_state], idstr, sizeof(idstr)); whack_log(RC_COMMENT, "%%myid = %s", idstr); } /* Convert textual form of id into a (temporary) struct id. * Note that if the id is to be kept, unshare_id_content will be necessary. */ err_t atoid(char *src, struct id *id, bool myid_ok) { err_t ugh = NULL; *id = empty_id; if (myid_ok && streq("%myid", src)) { id->kind = ID_MYID; } else if (strchr(src, '=') != NULL) { /* we interpret this as an ASCII X.501 ID_DER_ASN1_DN */ id->kind = ID_DER_ASN1_DN; id->name.ptr = temporary_cyclic_buffer(); /* assign temporary buffer */ id->name.len = 0; /* convert from LDAP style or openssl x509 -subject style to ASN.1 DN * discard optional @ character in front of DN */ ugh = atodn((*src == '@')?src+1:src, &id->name); } else if (strchr(src, '@') == NULL) { if (streq(src, "%any") || streq(src, "")) { /* any ID will be accepted */ id->kind = ID_NONE; } else { /* !!! this test is not sufficient for distinguishing address families. * We need a notation to specify that a FQDN is to be resolved to IPv6. */ const struct af_info *afi = strchr(src, ':') == NULL ? &af_inet4_info: &af_inet6_info; id->kind = afi->id_addr; ugh = ttoaddr(src, 0, afi->af, &id->ip_addr); } } else { if (*src == '@') { if (*(src+1) == '#') { /* if there is a second specifier (#) on the line * we interprete this as ID_KEY_ID */ id->kind = ID_KEY_ID; id->name.ptr = src; /* discard @~, convert from hex to bin */ ugh = ttodata(src+2, 0, 16, id->name.ptr, strlen(src), &id->name.len); } else if (*(src+1) == '~') { /* if there is a second specifier (~) on the line * we interprete this as a binary ID_DER_ASN1_DN */ id->kind = ID_DER_ASN1_DN; id->name.ptr = src; /* discard @~, convert from hex to bin */ ugh = ttodata(src+2, 0, 16, id->name.ptr, strlen(src), &id->name.len); } else { id->kind = ID_FQDN; id->name.ptr = src+1; /* discard @ */ id->name.len = strlen(src)-1; } } else { /* We leave in @, as per DOI * (but DNS wants . instead). */ id->kind = ID_USER_FQDN; id->name.ptr = src; id->name.len = strlen(src); } } return ugh; } /* * Converts a binary key ID into hexadecimal format */ int keyidtoa(char *dst, size_t dstlen, chunk_t keyid) { int n = datatot(keyid.ptr, keyid.len, 'x', dst, dstlen); return (((size_t)n < dstlen)? n : dstlen) - 1; } void iptoid(const ip_address *ip, struct id *id) { *id = empty_id; switch (addrtypeof(ip)) { case AF_INET: id->kind = ID_IPV4_ADDR; break; case AF_INET6: id->kind = ID_IPV6_ADDR; break; default: bad_case(addrtypeof(ip)); } id->ip_addr = *ip; } int idtoa(const struct id *id, char *dst, size_t dstlen) { int n; id = resolve_myid(id); switch (id->kind) { case ID_NONE: n = snprintf(dst, dstlen, "(none)"); break; case ID_IPV4_ADDR: case ID_IPV6_ADDR: n = (int)addrtot(&id->ip_addr, 0, dst, dstlen) - 1; break; case ID_FQDN: n = snprintf(dst, dstlen, "@%.*s", (int)id->name.len, id->name.ptr); break; case ID_USER_FQDN: n = snprintf(dst, dstlen, "%.*s", (int)id->name.len, id->name.ptr); break; case ID_DER_ASN1_DN: n = dntoa(dst, dstlen, id->name); break; case ID_KEY_ID: n = keyidtoa(dst, dstlen, id->name); break; default: n = snprintf(dst, dstlen, "unknown id kind %d", id->kind); break; } /* "Sanitize" string so that log isn't endangered: * replace unprintable characters with '?'. */ if (n > 0) { for ( ; *dst != '\0'; dst++) if (!isprint(*dst)) *dst = '?'; } return n; } /* Replace the shell metacharacters ', \, ", `, and $ in a character string * by escape sequences consisting of their octal values */ void escape_metachar(const char *src, char *dst, size_t dstlen) { while (*src != '\0' && dstlen > 4) { switch (*src) { case '\'': case '\\': case '"': case '`': case '$': sprintf(dst,"\\%s%o", (*src < 64)?"0":"", *src); dst += 4; dstlen -= 4; break; default: *dst++ = *src; dstlen--; } src++; } *dst = '\0'; } /* Make private copy of string in struct id. * This is needed if the result of atoid is to be kept. */ void unshare_id_content(struct id *id) { switch (id->kind) { case ID_FQDN: case ID_USER_FQDN: case ID_DER_ASN1_DN: case ID_KEY_ID: id->name.ptr = clone_bytes(id->name.ptr, id->name.len, "keep id name"); break; case ID_MYID: case ID_NONE: case ID_IPV4_ADDR: case ID_IPV6_ADDR: break; default: bad_case(id->kind); } } void free_id_content(struct id *id) { switch (id->kind) { case ID_FQDN: case ID_USER_FQDN: case ID_DER_ASN1_DN: case ID_KEY_ID: freeanychunk(id->name); break; case ID_MYID: case ID_NONE: case ID_IPV4_ADDR: case ID_IPV6_ADDR: break; default: bad_case(id->kind); } } /* compare two struct id values */ bool same_id(const struct id *a, const struct id *b) { a = resolve_myid(a); b = resolve_myid(b); if (a->kind != b->kind) return FALSE; switch (a->kind) { case ID_NONE: return TRUE; /* kind of vacuous */ case ID_IPV4_ADDR: case ID_IPV6_ADDR: return sameaddr(&a->ip_addr, &b->ip_addr); case ID_FQDN: case ID_USER_FQDN: /* assumptions: * - case should be ignored * - trailing "." should be ignored (even if the only character?) */ { size_t al = a->name.len , bl = b->name.len; while (al > 0 && a->name.ptr[al - 1] == '.') al--; while (bl > 0 && b->name.ptr[bl - 1] == '.') bl--; return al == bl && strncasecmp(a->name.ptr, b->name.ptr, al) == 0; } case ID_DER_ASN1_DN: return same_dn(a->name, b->name); case ID_KEY_ID: return a->name.len == b->name.len && memcmp(a->name.ptr, b->name.ptr, a->name.len) == 0; default: bad_case(a->kind); } return FALSE; } /* compare two struct id values, DNs can contain wildcards */ bool match_id(const struct id *a, const struct id *b, int *wildcards) { if (b->kind == ID_NONE) { *wildcards = MAX_WILDCARDS; return TRUE; } if (a->kind != b->kind) return FALSE; if (a->kind == ID_DER_ASN1_DN) return match_dn(a->name, b->name, wildcards); else { *wildcards = 0; return same_id(a, b); } } /* count the numer of wildcards in an id */ int id_count_wildcards(const struct id *id) { switch (id->kind) { case ID_NONE: return MAX_WILDCARDS; case ID_DER_ASN1_DN: return dn_count_wildcards(id->name); default: return 0; } } /* build an ID payload * Note: no memory is allocated for the body of the payload (tl->ptr). * We assume it will end up being a pointer into a sufficiently * stable datastructure. It only needs to last a short time. */ void build_id_payload(struct isakmp_ipsec_id *hd, chunk_t *tl, struct end *end) { const struct id *id = resolve_myid(&end->id); zero(hd); hd->isaiid_idtype = id->kind; switch (id->kind) { case ID_NONE: hd->isaiid_idtype = aftoinfo(addrtypeof(&end->host_addr))->id_addr; tl->len = addrbytesptr(&end->host_addr , (const unsigned char **)&tl->ptr); /* sets tl->ptr too */ break; case ID_FQDN: case ID_USER_FQDN: case ID_DER_ASN1_DN: case ID_KEY_ID: *tl = id->name; break; case ID_IPV4_ADDR: case ID_IPV6_ADDR: tl->len = addrbytesptr(&id->ip_addr , (const unsigned char **)&tl->ptr); /* sets tl->ptr too */ break; default: bad_case(id->kind); } } /* * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset:4 * c-style: pluto * End: */