/* List of some useful object identifiers (OIDs) * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Andreas Steffen, Zuercher Hochschule Winterthur * * This file has been automatically generated by the script oid.pl * Do not edit manually! */ #include #include "oid.h" const oid_t oid_names[] = { {0x02, 7, 1, "ITU-T Administration" }, /* 0 */ { 0x82, 0, 1, "" }, /* 1 */ { 0x06, 0, 1, "Germany ITU-T member" }, /* 2 */ { 0x01, 0, 1, "Deutsche Telekom AG" }, /* 3 */ { 0x0A, 0, 1, "" }, /* 4 */ { 0x07, 0, 1, "" }, /* 5 */ { 0x14, 0, 0, "ND" }, /* 6 */ {0x09, 18, 1, "data" }, /* 7 */ { 0x92, 0, 1, "" }, /* 8 */ { 0x26, 0, 1, "" }, /* 9 */ { 0x89, 0, 1, "" }, /* 10 */ { 0x93, 0, 1, "" }, /* 11 */ { 0xF2, 0, 1, "" }, /* 12 */ { 0x2C, 0, 1, "" }, /* 13 */ { 0x64, 0, 1, "pilot" }, /* 14 */ { 0x01, 0, 1, "pilotAttributeType" }, /* 15 */ { 0x01, 17, 0, "UID" }, /* 16 */ { 0x19, 0, 0, "DC" }, /* 17 */ {0x55, 51, 1, "X.500" }, /* 18 */ { 0x04, 36, 1, "X.509" }, /* 19 */ { 0x03, 21, 0, "CN" }, /* 20 */ { 0x04, 22, 0, "S" }, /* 21 */ { 0x05, 23, 0, "SN" }, /* 22 */ { 0x06, 24, 0, "C" }, /* 23 */ { 0x07, 25, 0, "L" }, /* 24 */ { 0x08, 26, 0, "ST" }, /* 25 */ { 0x0A, 27, 0, "O" }, /* 26 */ { 0x0B, 28, 0, "OU" }, /* 27 */ { 0x0C, 29, 0, "T" }, /* 28 */ { 0x0D, 30, 0, "D" }, /* 29 */ { 0x24, 31, 0, "userCertificate" }, /* 30 */ { 0x29, 32, 0, "N" }, /* 31 */ { 0x2A, 33, 0, "G" }, /* 32 */ { 0x2B, 34, 0, "I" }, /* 33 */ { 0x2D, 35, 0, "ID" }, /* 34 */ { 0x48, 0, 0, "role" }, /* 35 */ { 0x1D, 0, 1, "id-ce" }, /* 36 */ { 0x09, 38, 0, "subjectDirectoryAttrs" }, /* 37 */ { 0x0E, 39, 0, "subjectKeyIdentifier" }, /* 38 */ { 0x0F, 40, 0, "keyUsage" }, /* 39 */ { 0x10, 41, 0, "privateKeyUsagePeriod" }, /* 40 */ { 0x11, 42, 0, "subjectAltName" }, /* 41 */ { 0x12, 43, 0, "issuerAltName" }, /* 42 */ { 0x13, 44, 0, "basicConstraints" }, /* 43 */ { 0x15, 45, 0, "reasonCode" }, /* 44 */ { 0x1F, 46, 0, "crlDistributionPoints" }, /* 45 */ { 0x20, 47, 0, "certificatePolicies" }, /* 46 */ { 0x23, 48, 0, "authorityKeyIdentifier" }, /* 47 */ { 0x25, 49, 0, "extendedKeyUsage" }, /* 48 */ { 0x37, 50, 0, "targetInformation" }, /* 49 */ { 0x38, 0, 0, "noRevAvail" }, /* 50 */ {0x2A, 88, 1, "" }, /* 51 */ { 0x86, 0, 1, "" }, /* 52 */ { 0x48, 0, 1, "" }, /* 53 */ { 0x86, 0, 1, "" }, /* 54 */ { 0xF7, 0, 1, "" }, /* 55 */ { 0x0D, 0, 1, "RSADSI" }, /* 56 */ { 0x01, 83, 1, "PKCS" }, /* 57 */ { 0x01, 66, 1, "PKCS-1" }, /* 58 */ { 0x01, 60, 0, "rsaEncryption" }, /* 59 */ { 0x02, 61, 0, "md2WithRSAEncryption" }, /* 60 */ { 0x04, 62, 0, "md5WithRSAEncryption" }, /* 61 */ { 0x05, 63, 0, "sha-1WithRSAEncryption" }, /* 62 */ { 0x0B, 64, 0, "sha256WithRSAEncryption"}, /* 63 */ { 0x0C, 65, 0, "sha384WithRSAEncryption"}, /* 64 */ { 0x0D, 0, 0, "sha512WithRSAEncryption"}, /* 65 */ { 0x07, 73, 1, "PKCS-7" }, /* 66 */ { 0x01, 68, 0, "data" }, /* 67 */ { 0x02, 69, 0, "signedData" }, /* 68 */ { 0x03, 70, 0, "envelopedData" }, /* 69 */ { 0x04, 71, 0, "signedAndEnvelopedData" }, /* 70 */ { 0x05, 72, 0, "digestedData" }, /* 71 */ { 0x06, 0, 0, "encryptedData" }, /* 72 */ { 0x09, 0, 1, "PKCS-9" }, /* 73 */ { 0x01, 75, 0, "E" }, /* 74 */ { 0x02, 76, 0, "unstructuredName" }, /* 75 */ { 0x03, 77, 0, "contentType" }, /* 76 */ { 0x04, 78, 0, "messageDigest" }, /* 77 */ { 0x05, 79, 0, "signingTime" }, /* 78 */ { 0x06, 80, 0, "counterSignature" }, /* 79 */ { 0x07, 81, 0, "challengePassword" }, /* 80 */ { 0x08, 82, 0, "unstructuredAddress" }, /* 81 */ { 0x0E, 0, 0, "extensionRequest" }, /* 82 */ { 0x02, 86, 1, "digestAlgorithm" }, /* 83 */ { 0x02, 85, 0, "md2" }, /* 84 */ { 0x05, 0, 0, "md5" }, /* 85 */ { 0x03, 0, 1, "encryptionAlgorithm" }, /* 86 */ { 0x07, 0, 0, "3des-ede-cbc" }, /* 87 */ {0x2B, 149, 1, "" }, /* 88 */ { 0x06, 136, 1, "dod" }, /* 89 */ { 0x01, 0, 1, "internet" }, /* 90 */ { 0x04, 105, 1, "private" }, /* 91 */ { 0x01, 0, 1, "enterprise" }, /* 92 */ { 0x82, 98, 1, "" }, /* 93 */ { 0x37, 0, 1, "Microsoft" }, /* 94 */ { 0x0A, 0, 1, "" }, /* 95 */ { 0x03, 0, 1, "" }, /* 96 */ { 0x03, 0, 0, "msSGC" }, /* 97 */ { 0x89, 0, 1, "" }, /* 98 */ { 0x31, 0, 1, "" }, /* 99 */ { 0x01, 0, 1, "" }, /* 100 */ { 0x01, 0, 1, "" }, /* 101 */ { 0x02, 0, 1, "" }, /* 102 */ { 0x02, 104, 0, "" }, /* 103 */ { 0x4B, 0, 0, "TCGID" }, /* 104 */ { 0x05, 0, 1, "security" }, /* 105 */ { 0x05, 0, 1, "mechanisms" }, /* 106 */ { 0x07, 0, 1, "id-pkix" }, /* 107 */ { 0x01, 110, 1, "id-pe" }, /* 108 */ { 0x01, 0, 0, "authorityInfoAccess" }, /* 109 */ { 0x03, 120, 1, "id-kp" }, /* 110 */ { 0x01, 112, 0, "serverAuth" }, /* 111 */ { 0x02, 113, 0, "clientAuth" }, /* 112 */ { 0x03, 114, 0, "codeSigning" }, /* 113 */ { 0x04, 115, 0, "emailProtection" }, /* 114 */ { 0x05, 116, 0, "ipsecEndSystem" }, /* 115 */ { 0x06, 117, 0, "ipsecTunnel" }, /* 116 */ { 0x07, 118, 0, "ipsecUser" }, /* 117 */ { 0x08, 119, 0, "timeStamping" }, /* 118 */ { 0x09, 0, 0, "ocspSigning" }, /* 119 */ { 0x08, 122, 1, "id-otherNames" }, /* 120 */ { 0x05, 0, 0, "xmppAddr" }, /* 121 */ { 0x0A, 127, 1, "id-aca" }, /* 122 */ { 0x01, 124, 0, "authenticationInfo" }, /* 123 */ { 0x02, 125, 0, "accessIdentity" }, /* 124 */ { 0x03, 126, 0, "chargingIdentity" }, /* 125 */ { 0x04, 0, 0, "group" }, /* 126 */ { 0x30, 0, 1, "id-ad" }, /* 127 */ { 0x01, 0, 1, "ocsp" }, /* 128 */ { 0x01, 130, 0, "basic" }, /* 129 */ { 0x02, 131, 0, "nonce" }, /* 130 */ { 0x03, 132, 0, "crl" }, /* 131 */ { 0x04, 133, 0, "response" }, /* 132 */ { 0x05, 134, 0, "noCheck" }, /* 133 */ { 0x06, 135, 0, "archiveCutoff" }, /* 134 */ { 0x07, 0, 0, "serviceLocator" }, /* 135 */ { 0x0E, 142, 1, "oiw" }, /* 136 */ { 0x03, 0, 1, "secsig" }, /* 137 */ { 0x02, 0, 1, "algorithms" }, /* 138 */ { 0x07, 140, 0, "des-cbc" }, /* 139 */ { 0x1A, 141, 0, "sha-1" }, /* 140 */ { 0x1D, 0, 0, "sha-1WithRSASignature" }, /* 141 */ { 0x24, 0, 1, "TeleTrusT" }, /* 142 */ { 0x03, 0, 1, "algorithm" }, /* 143 */ { 0x03, 0, 1, "signatureAlgorithm" }, /* 144 */ { 0x01, 0, 1, "rsaSignature" }, /* 145 */ { 0x02, 147, 0, "rsaSigWithripemd160" }, /* 146 */ { 0x03, 148, 0, "rsaSigWithripemd128" }, /* 147 */ { 0x04, 0, 0, "rsaSigWithripemd256" }, /* 148 */ {0x60, 0, 1, "" }, /* 149 */ { 0x86, 0, 1, "" }, /* 150 */ { 0x48, 0, 1, "" }, /* 151 */ { 0x01, 0, 1, "organization" }, /* 152 */ { 0x65, 160, 1, "gov" }, /* 153 */ { 0x03, 0, 1, "csor" }, /* 154 */ { 0x04, 0, 1, "nistalgorithm" }, /* 155 */ { 0x02, 0, 1, "hashalgs" }, /* 156 */ { 0x01, 158, 0, "id-SHA-256" }, /* 157 */ { 0x02, 159, 0, "id-SHA-384" }, /* 158 */ { 0x03, 0, 0, "id-SHA-512" }, /* 159 */ { 0x86, 0, 1, "" }, /* 160 */ { 0xf8, 0, 1, "" }, /* 161 */ { 0x42, 174, 1, "netscape" }, /* 162 */ { 0x01, 169, 1, "" }, /* 163 */ { 0x01, 165, 0, "nsCertType" }, /* 164 */ { 0x03, 166, 0, "nsRevocationUrl" }, /* 165 */ { 0x04, 167, 0, "nsCaRevocationUrl" }, /* 166 */ { 0x08, 168, 0, "nsCaPolicyUrl" }, /* 167 */ { 0x0d, 0, 0, "nsComment" }, /* 168 */ { 0x03, 172, 1, "directory" }, /* 169 */ { 0x01, 0, 1, "" }, /* 170 */ { 0x03, 0, 0, "employeeNumber" }, /* 171 */ { 0x04, 0, 1, "policy" }, /* 172 */ { 0x01, 0, 0, "nsSGC" }, /* 173 */ { 0x45, 0, 1, "verisign" }, /* 174 */ { 0x01, 0, 1, "pki" }, /* 175 */ { 0x09, 0, 1, "attributes" }, /* 176 */ { 0x02, 178, 0, "messageType" }, /* 177 */ { 0x03, 179, 0, "pkiStatus" }, /* 178 */ { 0x04, 180, 0, "failInfo" }, /* 179 */ { 0x05, 181, 0, "senderNonce" }, /* 180 */ { 0x06, 182, 0, "recipientNonce" }, /* 181 */ { 0x07, 183, 0, "transID" }, /* 182 */ { 0x08, 0, 0, "extensionReq" } /* 183 */ };