%{ /* * Copyright (C) 2005 Andreas Steffen * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil, Switzerland * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include "keywords.h" %} struct kw_entry { char *name; kw_token_t token; }; %% # regular keywords charondebug, KW_CHARONDEBUG uniqueids, KW_UNIQUEIDS cachecrls, KW_CACHECRLS strictcrlpolicy, KW_STRICTCRLPOLICY keyexchange, KW_KEYEXCHANGE type, KW_TYPE compress, KW_COMPRESS installpolicy, KW_INSTALLPOLICY aggressive, KW_AGGRESSIVE auth, KW_AUTH authby, KW_AUTHBY eap_identity, KW_EAP_IDENTITY aaa_identity, KW_AAA_IDENTITY mobike, KW_MOBIKE forceencaps, KW_FORCEENCAPS fragmentation, KW_FRAGMENTATION ikedscp, KW_IKEDSCP, ikelifetime, KW_IKELIFETIME lifetime, KW_KEYLIFE keylife, KW_KEYLIFE rekeymargin, KW_REKEYMARGIN margintime, KW_REKEYMARGIN lifebytes, KW_LIFEBYTES marginbytes, KW_MARGINBYTES lifepackets, KW_LIFEPACKETS marginpackets, KW_MARGINPACKETS keyingtries, KW_KEYINGTRIES rekeyfuzz, KW_REKEYFUZZ rekey, KW_REKEY reauth, KW_REAUTH ike, KW_IKE esp, KW_ESP dpddelay, KW_DPDDELAY dpdtimeout, KW_DPDTIMEOUT dpdaction, KW_DPDACTION closeaction, KW_CLOSEACTION inactivity, KW_INACTIVITY modeconfig, KW_MODECONFIG xauth, KW_XAUTH xauth_identity, KW_XAUTH_IDENTITY mediation, KW_MEDIATION mediated_by, KW_MEDIATED_BY me_peerid, KW_ME_PEERID reqid, KW_REQID mark, KW_MARK mark_in, KW_MARK_IN mark_out, KW_MARK_OUT tfc, KW_TFC cacert, KW_CACERT crluri, KW_CRLURI crluri1, KW_CRLURI crluri2, KW_CRLURI2 ocspuri, KW_OCSPURI ocspuri1, KW_OCSPURI ocspuri2, KW_OCSPURI2 certuribase, KW_CERTURIBASE left, KW_LEFT leftikeport, KW_LEFTIKEPORT leftsubnet, KW_LEFTSUBNET leftsubnetwithin, KW_LEFTSUBNET leftprotoport, KW_LEFTPROTOPORT leftsourceip, KW_LEFTSOURCEIP leftdns, KW_LEFTDNS leftfirewall, KW_LEFTFIREWALL lefthostaccess, KW_LEFTHOSTACCESS leftallowany, KW_LEFTALLOWANY leftupdown, KW_LEFTUPDOWN leftauth, KW_LEFTAUTH leftauth2, KW_LEFTAUTH2 leftid, KW_LEFTID leftid2, KW_LEFTID2 leftrsasigkey, KW_LEFTRSASIGKEY leftcert, KW_LEFTCERT leftcert2, KW_LEFTCERT2 leftcertpolicy, KW_LEFTCERTPOLICY leftsendcert, KW_LEFTSENDCERT leftca, KW_LEFTCA leftca2, KW_LEFTCA2 leftgroups, KW_LEFTGROUPS leftgroups2, KW_LEFTGROUPS2 right, KW_RIGHT rightikeport, KW_RIGHTIKEPORT rightsubnet, KW_RIGHTSUBNET rightsubnetwithin, KW_RIGHTSUBNET rightprotoport, KW_RIGHTPROTOPORT rightsourceip, KW_RIGHTSOURCEIP rightdns, KW_RIGHTDNS rightfirewall, KW_RIGHTFIREWALL righthostaccess, KW_RIGHTHOSTACCESS rightallowany, KW_RIGHTALLOWANY rightupdown, KW_RIGHTUPDOWN rightauth, KW_RIGHTAUTH rightauth2, KW_RIGHTAUTH2 rightid, KW_RIGHTID rightid2, KW_RIGHTID2 rightrsasigkey, KW_RIGHTRSASIGKEY rightcert, KW_RIGHTCERT rightcert2, KW_RIGHTCERT2 rightcertpolicy, KW_RIGHTCERTPOLICY rightsendcert, KW_RIGHTSENDCERT rightca, KW_RIGHTCA rightca2, KW_RIGHTCA2 rightgroups, KW_RIGHTGROUPS rightgroups2, KW_RIGHTGROUPS2 also, KW_ALSO auto, KW_AUTO # deprecated/removed keywords interfaces, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED dumpdir, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED charonstart, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED plutostart, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED klipsdebug, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED plutodebug, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED prepluto, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED postpluto, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED plutostderrlog, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED fragicmp, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED packetdefault, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED hidetos, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED overridemtu, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED crlcheckinterval, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED nocrsend, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED nat_traversal, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED keep_alive, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED force_keepalive, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED virtual_private, KW_SETUP_DEPRECATED pkcs11module, KW_PKCS11_DEPRECATED pkcs11initargs, KW_PKCS11_DEPRECATED pkcs11keepstate, KW_PKCS11_DEPRECATED pkcs11proxy, KW_PKCS11_DEPRECATED ldaphost, KW_CA_DEPRECATED ldapbase, KW_CA_DEPRECATED pfs, KW_PFS_DEPRECATED pfsgroup, KW_PFS_DEPRECATED eap, KW_CONN_DEPRECATED leftnexthop, KW_LEFT_DEPRECATED rightnexthop, KW_RIGHT_DEPRECATED