%{ /* strongSwan config file parser (parser.y) * Copyright (C) 2001 Mathieu Lafon - Arkoon Network Security * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include "../pluto/constants.h" #include "../pluto/defs.h" #include "../pluto/log.h" #include "ipsec-parser.h" #define YYERROR_VERBOSE #define ERRSTRING_LEN 256 /** * Bison */ static char parser_errstring[ERRSTRING_LEN+1]; extern void yyerror(const char *s); extern int yylex (void); extern void _parser_y_error(char *b, int size, const char *s); /** * Static Globals */ static int _save_errors_; static config_parsed_t *_parser_cfg; static kw_list_t **_parser_kw, *_parser_kw_last; static char errbuf[ERRSTRING_LEN+1]; /** * Gperf */ extern kw_entry_t *in_word_set (char *str, unsigned int len); %} %union { char *s; }; %token EQUAL FIRST_SPACES EOL CONFIG SETUP CONN CA INCLUDE FILE_VERSION %token STRING %% /* * Config file */ config_file: config_file section_or_include | /* NULL */ ; section_or_include: FILE_VERSION STRING EOL { free($2); } | CONFIG SETUP EOL { _parser_kw = &(_parser_cfg->config_setup); _parser_kw_last = NULL; } kw_section | CONN STRING EOL { section_list_t *section = malloc_thing(section_list_t); section->name = clone_str($2); section->kw = NULL; section->next = NULL; _parser_kw = &(section->kw); if (!_parser_cfg->conn_first) _parser_cfg->conn_first = section; if (_parser_cfg->conn_last) _parser_cfg->conn_last->next = section; _parser_cfg->conn_last = section; _parser_kw_last = NULL; free($2); } kw_section | CA STRING EOL { section_list_t *section = malloc_thing(section_list_t); section->name = clone_str($2); section->kw = NULL; section->next = NULL; _parser_kw = &(section->kw); if (!_parser_cfg->ca_first) _parser_cfg->ca_first = section; if (_parser_cfg->ca_last) _parser_cfg->ca_last->next = section; _parser_cfg->ca_last = section; _parser_kw_last = NULL; free($2); } kw_section | INCLUDE STRING { extern void _parser_y_include (const char *f); _parser_y_include($2); free($2); } EOL | EOL ; kw_section: FIRST_SPACES statement_kw EOL kw_section | ; statement_kw: STRING EQUAL STRING { kw_list_t *new; kw_entry_t *entry = in_word_set($1, strlen($1)); if (entry == NULL) { snprintf(errbuf, ERRSTRING_LEN, "unknown keyword '%s'", $1); yyerror(errbuf); } else if (_parser_kw) { new = (kw_list_t *)malloc_thing(kw_list_t); new->entry = entry; new->value = clone_str($3); new->next = NULL; if (_parser_kw_last) _parser_kw_last->next = new; _parser_kw_last = new; if (!*_parser_kw) *_parser_kw = new; } free($1); free($3); } | STRING EQUAL { free($1); } | ; %% void yyerror(const char *s) { if (_save_errors_) _parser_y_error(parser_errstring, ERRSTRING_LEN, s); } config_parsed_t *parser_load_conf(const char *file) { config_parsed_t *cfg = NULL; int err = 0; FILE *f; extern void _parser_y_init(const char *f); extern void _parser_y_fini(void); extern FILE *yyin; memset(parser_errstring, 0, ERRSTRING_LEN+1); cfg = (config_parsed_t *)malloc_thing(config_parsed_t); if (cfg) { memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(config_parsed_t)); f = fopen(file, "r"); if (f) { yyin = f; _parser_y_init(file); _save_errors_ = 1; _parser_cfg = cfg; if (yyparse() !=0 ) { if (parser_errstring[0] == '\0') { snprintf(parser_errstring, ERRSTRING_LEN, "Unknown error..."); } _save_errors_ = 0; while (yyparse() != 0); err++; } else if (parser_errstring[0] != '\0') { err++; } else { /** * Config valid */ } fclose(f); } else { snprintf(parser_errstring, ERRSTRING_LEN, "can't load file '%s'", file); err++; } } else { snprintf(parser_errstring, ERRSTRING_LEN, "can't allocate memory"); err++; } if (err) { plog("%s", parser_errstring); if (cfg) parser_free_conf(cfg); cfg = NULL; } _parser_y_fini(); return cfg; } static void parser_free_kwlist(kw_list_t *list) { kw_list_t *elt; while (list) { elt = list; list = list->next; free(elt->value); free(elt); } } void parser_free_conf(config_parsed_t *cfg) { section_list_t *sec; if (cfg) { parser_free_kwlist(cfg->config_setup); while (cfg->conn_first) { sec = cfg->conn_first; cfg->conn_first = cfg->conn_first->next; free(sec->name); parser_free_kwlist(sec->kw); free(sec); } while (cfg->ca_first) { sec = cfg->ca_first; cfg->ca_first = cfg->ca_first->next; free(sec->name); parser_free_kwlist(sec->kw); free(sec); } free(cfg); } }