/* strongSwan IPsec starter * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Mathieu Lafon - Arkoon Network Security * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * RCSID $Id: starter.c 3267 2007-10-08 19:57:54Z andreas $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../pluto/constants.h" #include "../pluto/defs.h" #include "../pluto/log.h" #include "confread.h" #include "files.h" #include "starterwhack.h" #include "starterstroke.h" #include "invokepluto.h" #include "invokecharon.h" #include "netkey.h" #include "cmp.h" #include "interfaces.h" #define FLAG_ACTION_START_PLUTO 0x01 #define FLAG_ACTION_UPDATE 0x02 #define FLAG_ACTION_RELOAD 0x04 #define FLAG_ACTION_QUIT 0x08 #define FLAG_ACTION_LISTEN 0x10 #define FLAG_ACTION_START_CHARON 0x20 static unsigned int _action_ = 0; static void fsig(int signal) { switch (signal) { case SIGCHLD: { int status; pid_t pid; char *name = NULL; while ((pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0) { if (pid == starter_pluto_pid()) name = " (Pluto)"; if (pid == starter_charon_pid()) name = " (Charon)"; if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("child %d%s has been killed by sig %d\n", pid, name?name:"", WTERMSIG(status)) ) else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("child %d%s has been stopped by sig %d\n", pid, name?name:"", WSTOPSIG(status)) ) else if (WIFEXITED(status)) DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("child %d%s has quit (exit code %d)\n", pid, name?name:"", WEXITSTATUS(status)) ) else DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("child %d%s has quit", pid, name?name:"") ) if (pid == starter_pluto_pid()) starter_pluto_sigchild(pid); if (pid == starter_charon_pid()) starter_charon_sigchild(pid); } } break; case SIGPIPE: /** ignore **/ break; case SIGALRM: _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_START_PLUTO; _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_START_CHARON; break; case SIGHUP: _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_UPDATE; break; case SIGTERM: case SIGQUIT: case SIGINT: _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_QUIT; break; case SIGUSR1: _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_RELOAD; _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_UPDATE; break; default: plog("fsig(): unknown signal %d -- investigate", signal); break; } } static void usage(char *name) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: starter [--nofork] [--auto-update ] " "[--debug|--debug-more|--debug-all]\n"); exit(1); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { starter_config_t *cfg = NULL; starter_config_t *new_cfg; starter_conn_t *conn, *conn2; starter_ca_t *ca, *ca2; struct stat stb; char *err = NULL; int i; int id = 1; struct timeval tv; unsigned long auto_update = 0; time_t last_reload; bool no_fork = FALSE; /* global variables defined in log.h */ log_to_stderr = TRUE; base_debugging = DBG_NONE; /* parse command line */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (streq(argv[i], "--debug")) { base_debugging |= DBG_CONTROL; } else if (streq(argv[i], "--debug-more")) { base_debugging |= DBG_CONTROLMORE; } else if (streq(argv[i], "--debug-all")) { base_debugging |= DBG_ALL; } else if (streq(argv[i], "--nofork")) { no_fork = TRUE; } else if (streq(argv[i], "--auto-update") && i+1 < argc) { auto_update = atoi(argv[++i]); if (!auto_update) usage(argv[0]); } else { usage(argv[0]); } } /* Init */ init_log("ipsec_starter"); cur_debugging = base_debugging; signal(SIGHUP, fsig); signal(SIGCHLD, fsig); signal(SIGPIPE, fsig); signal(SIGINT, fsig); signal(SIGTERM, fsig); signal(SIGQUIT, fsig); signal(SIGALRM, fsig); signal(SIGUSR1, fsig); plog("Starting strongSwan %s IPsec [starter]...", ipsec_version_code()); /* verify that we can start */ if (getuid() != 0) { plog("permission denied (must be superuser)"); exit(1); } if (stat(PLUTO_PID_FILE, &stb) == 0) { plog("pluto is already running (%s exists) -- skipping pluto start", PLUTO_PID_FILE); } else { _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_START_PLUTO; } if (stat(CHARON_PID_FILE, &stb) == 0) { plog("charon is already running (%s exists) -- skipping charon start", CHARON_PID_FILE); } else { _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_START_CHARON; } if (stat(DEV_RANDOM, &stb) != 0) { plog("unable to start strongSwan IPsec -- no %s!", DEV_RANDOM); exit(1); } if (stat(DEV_URANDOM, &stb)!= 0) { plog("unable to start strongSwan IPsec -- no %s!", DEV_URANDOM); exit(1); } cfg = confread_load(CONFIG_FILE); if (cfg == NULL || cfg->err > 0) { plog("unable to start strongSwan -- fatal errors in config"); if (cfg) { confread_free(cfg); } exit(1); } /* determine if we have a native netkey IPsec stack */ if (!starter_netkey_init()) { plog("no netkey IPSec stack detected"); exit(1); } last_reload = time(NULL); if (stat(STARTER_PID_FILE, &stb) == 0) { plog("starter is already running (%s exists) -- no fork done", STARTER_PID_FILE); exit(0); } /* fork if we're not debugging stuff */ if (!no_fork) { log_to_stderr = FALSE; switch (fork()) { case 0: { int fnull = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); if (fnull >= 0) { dup2(fnull, STDIN_FILENO); dup2(fnull, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(fnull, STDERR_FILENO); close(fnull); } setsid(); } break; case -1: plog("can't fork: %s", strerror(errno)); break; default: exit(0); } } /* save pid file in /var/run/starter.pid */ { FILE *fd = fopen(STARTER_PID_FILE, "w"); if (fd) { fprintf(fd, "%u\n", getpid()); fclose(fd); } } for (;;) { /* * Stop pluto/charon (if started) and exit */ if (_action_ & FLAG_ACTION_QUIT) { if (starter_pluto_pid()) starter_stop_pluto(); if (starter_charon_pid()) starter_stop_charon(); starter_netkey_cleanup(); confread_free(cfg); unlink(STARTER_PID_FILE); unlink(INFO_FILE); #ifdef LEAK_DETECTIVE report_leaks(); #endif /* LEAK_DETECTIVE */ close_log(); plog("ipsec starter stopped"); exit(0); } /* * Delete all connections. Will be added below */ if (_action_ & FLAG_ACTION_RELOAD) { if (starter_pluto_pid() || starter_charon_pid()) { for (conn = cfg->conn_first; conn; conn = conn->next) { if (conn->state == STATE_ADDED) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_del_conn(conn); } if (starter_pluto_pid()) { starter_whack_del_conn(conn); } conn->state = STATE_TO_ADD; } } for (ca = cfg->ca_first; ca; ca = ca->next) { if (ca->state == STATE_ADDED) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_del_ca(ca); } if (starter_pluto_pid()) { starter_whack_del_ca(ca); } ca->state = STATE_TO_ADD; } } } _action_ &= ~FLAG_ACTION_RELOAD; } /* * Update configuration */ if (_action_ & FLAG_ACTION_UPDATE) { err = NULL; DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("Reloading config...") ); new_cfg = confread_load(CONFIG_FILE); if (new_cfg->err + new_cfg->non_fatal_err == 0) { /* Switch to new config. New conn will be loaded below */ if (!starter_cmp_defaultroute(&new_cfg->defaultroute , &cfg->defaultroute)) { _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_LISTEN; } if (!starter_cmp_pluto(cfg, new_cfg)) { plog("Pluto has changed"); if (starter_pluto_pid()) starter_stop_pluto(); _action_ &= ~FLAG_ACTION_LISTEN; _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_START_PLUTO; } else { /* Only reload conn and ca sections if pluto is not killed */ /* Look for new connections that are already loaded */ for (conn = cfg->conn_first; conn; conn = conn->next) { if (conn->state == STATE_ADDED) { for (conn2 = new_cfg->conn_first; conn2; conn2 = conn2->next) { if (conn2->state == STATE_TO_ADD && starter_cmp_conn(conn, conn2)) { conn->state = STATE_REPLACED; conn2->state = STATE_ADDED; conn2->id = conn->id; break; } } } } /* Remove conn sections that have become unused */ for (conn = cfg->conn_first; conn; conn = conn->next) { if (conn->state == STATE_ADDED) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_del_conn(conn); } if (starter_pluto_pid()) { starter_whack_del_conn(conn); } } } /* Look for new ca sections that are already loaded */ for (ca = cfg->ca_first; ca; ca = ca->next) { if (ca->state == STATE_ADDED) { for (ca2 = new_cfg->ca_first; ca2; ca2 = ca2->next) { if (ca2->state == STATE_TO_ADD && starter_cmp_ca(ca, ca2)) { ca->state = STATE_REPLACED; ca2->state = STATE_ADDED; break; } } } } /* Remove ca sections that have become unused */ for (ca = cfg->ca_first; ca; ca = ca->next) { if (ca->state == STATE_ADDED) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_del_ca(ca); } if (starter_pluto_pid()) { starter_whack_del_ca(ca); } } } } confread_free(cfg); cfg = new_cfg; } else { plog("can't reload config file due to errors -- keeping old one"); confread_free(new_cfg); } _action_ &= ~FLAG_ACTION_UPDATE; last_reload = time(NULL); } /* * Start pluto */ if (_action_ & FLAG_ACTION_START_PLUTO) { if (cfg->setup.plutostart && !starter_pluto_pid()) { DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("Attempting to start pluto...") ); if (starter_start_pluto(cfg, no_fork) == 0) { starter_whack_listen(); } else { /* schedule next try */ alarm(PLUTO_RESTART_DELAY); } } _action_ &= ~FLAG_ACTION_START_PLUTO; for (ca = cfg->ca_first; ca; ca = ca->next) { if (ca->state == STATE_ADDED) ca->state = STATE_TO_ADD; } for (conn = cfg->conn_first; conn; conn = conn->next) { if (conn->state == STATE_ADDED) conn->state = STATE_TO_ADD; } } /* * Start charon */ if (_action_ & FLAG_ACTION_START_CHARON) { if (cfg->setup.charonstart && !starter_charon_pid()) { DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("Attempting to start charon...") ); if (starter_start_charon(cfg, no_fork)) { /* schedule next try */ alarm(PLUTO_RESTART_DELAY); } } _action_ &= ~FLAG_ACTION_START_CHARON; } /* * Tell pluto to reread its interfaces */ if (_action_ & FLAG_ACTION_LISTEN) { if (starter_pluto_pid()) { starter_whack_listen(); _action_ &= ~FLAG_ACTION_LISTEN; } } /* * Add stale conn and ca sections */ if (starter_pluto_pid() || starter_charon_pid()) { for (ca = cfg->ca_first; ca; ca = ca->next) { if (ca->state == STATE_TO_ADD) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_add_ca(ca); } if (starter_pluto_pid()) { starter_whack_add_ca(ca); } ca->state = STATE_ADDED; } } for (conn = cfg->conn_first; conn; conn = conn->next) { if (conn->state == STATE_TO_ADD) { if (conn->id == 0) { /* affect new unique id */ conn->id = id++; } if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_add_conn(conn); } if (starter_pluto_pid()) { starter_whack_add_conn(conn); } conn->state = STATE_ADDED; if (conn->startup == STARTUP_START) { if (conn->keyexchange == KEY_EXCHANGE_IKEV2) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_initiate_conn(conn); } } else { if (starter_pluto_pid()) { starter_whack_initiate_conn(conn); } } } else if (conn->startup == STARTUP_ROUTE) { if (conn->keyexchange == KEY_EXCHANGE_IKEV2) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_route_conn(conn); } } else { if (starter_pluto_pid()) { starter_whack_route_conn(conn); } } } } } } /* * If auto_update activated, when to stop select */ if (auto_update) { time_t now = time(NULL); tv.tv_sec = (now < last_reload + auto_update) ? (last_reload + auto_update-now) : 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; } /* * Wait for something to happen */ if (select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, auto_update ? &tv : NULL) == 0) { /* timeout -> auto_update */ _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_UPDATE; } } return 0; }