/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "starterstroke.h" #include "confread.h" #include "files.h" #define IPV4_LEN 4 #define IPV6_LEN 16 static char* push_string(stroke_msg_t *msg, char *string) { unsigned long string_start = msg->length; if (string == NULL || msg->length + strlen(string) >= sizeof(stroke_msg_t)) { return NULL; } else { msg->length += strlen(string) + 1; strcpy((char*)msg + string_start, string); return (char*)string_start; } } static int send_stroke_msg (stroke_msg_t *msg) { stream_t *stream; char *uri, buffer[64]; int count; /* starter is not called from commandline, and therefore absolutely silent */ msg->output_verbosity = -1; uri = lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "%s.plugins.stroke.socket", "unix://" CHARON_CTL_FILE, daemon_name); stream = lib->streams->connect(lib->streams, uri); if (!stream) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "failed to connect to stroke socket '%s'", uri); return -1; } if (!stream->write_all(stream, msg, msg->length)) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "sending stroke message failed"); stream->destroy(stream); return -1; } while ((count = stream->read(stream, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, TRUE)) > 0) { buffer[count] = '\0'; DBG1(DBG_APP, "%s", buffer); } if (count < 0) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "reading stroke response failed"); } stream->destroy(stream); return 0; } static char* connection_name(starter_conn_t *conn) { /* if connection name is '%auto', create a new name like conn_xxxxx */ static char buf[32]; if (streq(conn->name, "%auto")) { sprintf(buf, "conn_%lu", conn->id); return buf; } return conn->name; } static void starter_stroke_add_end(stroke_msg_t *msg, stroke_end_t *msg_end, starter_end_t *conn_end) { msg_end->auth = push_string(msg, conn_end->auth); msg_end->auth2 = push_string(msg, conn_end->auth2); msg_end->id = push_string(msg, conn_end->id); msg_end->id2 = push_string(msg, conn_end->id2); msg_end->rsakey = push_string(msg, conn_end->rsakey); msg_end->cert = push_string(msg, conn_end->cert); msg_end->cert2 = push_string(msg, conn_end->cert2); msg_end->cert_policy = push_string(msg, conn_end->cert_policy); msg_end->ca = push_string(msg, conn_end->ca); msg_end->ca2 = push_string(msg, conn_end->ca2); msg_end->groups = push_string(msg, conn_end->groups); msg_end->groups2 = push_string(msg, conn_end->groups2); msg_end->updown = push_string(msg, conn_end->updown); if (conn_end->host) { msg_end->address = push_string(msg, conn_end->host); } else { msg_end->address = push_string(msg, "%any"); } msg_end->ikeport = conn_end->ikeport; msg_end->subnets = push_string(msg, conn_end->subnet); msg_end->sourceip = push_string(msg, conn_end->sourceip); msg_end->dns = push_string(msg, conn_end->dns); msg_end->sendcert = conn_end->sendcert; msg_end->hostaccess = conn_end->hostaccess; msg_end->tohost = !conn_end->subnet; msg_end->allow_any = conn_end->allow_any; msg_end->protocol = conn_end->protocol; msg_end->from_port = conn_end->from_port; msg_end->to_port = conn_end->to_port; } int starter_stroke_add_conn(starter_config_t *cfg, starter_conn_t *conn) { stroke_msg_t msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.type = STR_ADD_CONN; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.add_conn.version = conn->keyexchange; msg.add_conn.name = push_string(&msg, connection_name(conn)); msg.add_conn.eap_identity = push_string(&msg, conn->eap_identity); msg.add_conn.aaa_identity = push_string(&msg, conn->aaa_identity); msg.add_conn.xauth_identity = push_string(&msg, conn->xauth_identity); msg.add_conn.mode = conn->mode; msg.add_conn.proxy_mode = conn->proxy_mode; if (!(conn->options & SA_OPTION_DONT_REKEY)) { msg.add_conn.rekey.reauth = !(conn->options & SA_OPTION_DONT_REAUTH); msg.add_conn.rekey.ipsec_lifetime = conn->sa_ipsec_life_seconds; msg.add_conn.rekey.ike_lifetime = conn->sa_ike_life_seconds; msg.add_conn.rekey.margin = conn->sa_rekey_margin; msg.add_conn.rekey.life_bytes = conn->sa_ipsec_life_bytes; msg.add_conn.rekey.margin_bytes = conn->sa_ipsec_margin_bytes; msg.add_conn.rekey.life_packets = conn->sa_ipsec_life_packets; msg.add_conn.rekey.margin_packets = conn->sa_ipsec_margin_packets; msg.add_conn.rekey.fuzz = conn->sa_rekey_fuzz; } msg.add_conn.rekey.tries = conn->sa_keying_tries; msg.add_conn.mobike = conn->options & SA_OPTION_MOBIKE; msg.add_conn.force_encap = conn->options & SA_OPTION_FORCE_ENCAP; msg.add_conn.fragmentation = conn->fragmentation; msg.add_conn.ikedscp = conn->ikedscp; msg.add_conn.ipcomp = conn->options & SA_OPTION_COMPRESS; msg.add_conn.install_policy = conn->install_policy; msg.add_conn.aggressive = conn->aggressive; msg.add_conn.pushmode = conn->options & SA_OPTION_MODECFG_PUSH; msg.add_conn.crl_policy = (crl_policy_t)cfg->setup.strictcrlpolicy; msg.add_conn.unique = cfg->setup.uniqueids; msg.add_conn.algorithms.ike = push_string(&msg, conn->ike); msg.add_conn.algorithms.esp = push_string(&msg, conn->esp); msg.add_conn.algorithms.ah = push_string(&msg, conn->ah); msg.add_conn.dpd.delay = conn->dpd_delay; msg.add_conn.dpd.timeout = conn->dpd_timeout; msg.add_conn.dpd.action = conn->dpd_action; msg.add_conn.close_action = conn->close_action; msg.add_conn.inactivity = conn->inactivity; msg.add_conn.ikeme.mediation = conn->me_mediation; msg.add_conn.ikeme.mediated_by = push_string(&msg, conn->me_mediated_by); msg.add_conn.ikeme.peerid = push_string(&msg, conn->me_peerid); msg.add_conn.reqid = conn->reqid; msg.add_conn.replay_window = conn->replay_window; msg.add_conn.mark_in.value = conn->mark_in.value; msg.add_conn.mark_in.mask = conn->mark_in.mask; msg.add_conn.mark_out.value = conn->mark_out.value; msg.add_conn.mark_out.mask = conn->mark_out.mask; msg.add_conn.tfc = conn->tfc; starter_stroke_add_end(&msg, &msg.add_conn.me, &conn->left); starter_stroke_add_end(&msg, &msg.add_conn.other, &conn->right); if (!msg.add_conn.me.auth && !msg.add_conn.other.auth && conn->authby) { /* leftauth/rightauth not set, use legacy options */ if (streq(conn->authby, "rsa") || streq(conn->authby, "rsasig") || streq(conn->authby, "ecdsa") || streq(conn->authby, "ecdsasig") || streq(conn->authby, "pubkey")) { msg.add_conn.me.auth = push_string(&msg, "pubkey"); msg.add_conn.other.auth = push_string(&msg, "pubkey"); } else if (streq(conn->authby, "secret") || streq(conn->authby, "psk")) { msg.add_conn.me.auth = push_string(&msg, "psk"); msg.add_conn.other.auth = push_string(&msg, "psk"); } else if (streq(conn->authby, "xauthrsasig")) { msg.add_conn.me.auth = push_string(&msg, "pubkey"); msg.add_conn.other.auth = push_string(&msg, "pubkey"); if (conn->options & SA_OPTION_XAUTH_SERVER) { msg.add_conn.other.auth2 = push_string(&msg, "xauth"); } else { msg.add_conn.me.auth2 = push_string(&msg, "xauth"); } } else if (streq(conn->authby, "xauthpsk")) { msg.add_conn.me.auth = push_string(&msg, "psk"); msg.add_conn.other.auth = push_string(&msg, "psk"); if (conn->options & SA_OPTION_XAUTH_SERVER) { msg.add_conn.other.auth2 = push_string(&msg, "xauth"); } else { msg.add_conn.me.auth2 = push_string(&msg, "xauth"); } } } return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } int starter_stroke_del_conn(starter_conn_t *conn) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_DEL_CONN; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.del_conn.name = push_string(&msg, connection_name(conn)); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } int starter_stroke_route_conn(starter_conn_t *conn) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_ROUTE; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.route.name = push_string(&msg, connection_name(conn)); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } int starter_stroke_unroute_conn(starter_conn_t *conn) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_UNROUTE; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.route.name = push_string(&msg, connection_name(conn)); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } int starter_stroke_initiate_conn(starter_conn_t *conn) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_INITIATE; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.initiate.name = push_string(&msg, connection_name(conn)); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } int starter_stroke_add_ca(starter_ca_t *ca) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_ADD_CA; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.add_ca.name = push_string(&msg, ca->name); msg.add_ca.cacert = push_string(&msg, ca->cacert); msg.add_ca.crluri = push_string(&msg, ca->crluri); msg.add_ca.crluri2 = push_string(&msg, ca->crluri2); msg.add_ca.ocspuri = push_string(&msg, ca->ocspuri); msg.add_ca.ocspuri2 = push_string(&msg, ca->ocspuri2); msg.add_ca.certuribase = push_string(&msg, ca->certuribase); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } int starter_stroke_del_ca(starter_ca_t *ca) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_DEL_CA; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.del_ca.name = push_string(&msg, ca->name); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } int starter_stroke_configure(starter_config_t *cfg) { stroke_msg_t msg; if (cfg->setup.cachecrls) { msg.type = STR_CONFIG; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.config.cachecrl = 1; return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } return 0; }