/* Stroke for charon is the counterpart to whack from pluto * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "stroke_msg.h" #include "stroke_keywords.h" struct stroke_token { char *name; stroke_keyword_t kw; }; static char* push_string(stroke_msg_t *msg, char *string) { unsigned long string_start = msg->length; if (string == NULL || msg->length + strlen(string) >= sizeof(stroke_msg_t)) { return NULL; } else { msg->length += strlen(string) + 1; strcpy((char*)msg + string_start, string); return (char*)string_start; } } static int send_stroke_msg (stroke_msg_t *msg) { struct sockaddr_un ctl_addr; int sock, byte_count; char buffer[512], *pass; ctl_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(ctl_addr.sun_path, STROKE_SOCKET); msg->output_verbosity = 1; /* CONTROL */ sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Opening unix socket %s: %s\n", STROKE_SOCKET, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&ctl_addr, offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + strlen(ctl_addr.sun_path)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Connect to socket failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(sock); return -1; } /* send message */ if (write(sock, msg, msg->length) != msg->length) { fprintf(stderr, "writing to socket failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(sock); return -1; } while ((byte_count = read(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1)) > 0) { buffer[byte_count] = '\0'; /* we prompt if we receive a magic keyword */ if ((byte_count >= 12 && strcmp(buffer + byte_count - 12, "Passphrase:\n") == 0) || (byte_count >= 10 && strcmp(buffer + byte_count - 10, "Password:\n") == 0) || (byte_count >= 5 && strcmp(buffer + byte_count - 5, "PIN:\n") == 0)) { /* remove trailing newline */ pass = strrchr(buffer, '\n'); if (pass) { *pass = ' '; } #ifdef HAVE_GETPASS pass = getpass(buffer); #else pass = ""; #endif if (pass) { ignore_result(write(sock, pass, strlen(pass))); ignore_result(write(sock, "\n", 1)); } } else { printf("%s", buffer); } } if (byte_count < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "reading from socket failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } close(sock); return 0; } static int add_connection(char *name, char *my_id, char *other_id, char *my_addr, char *other_addr, char *my_nets, char *other_nets) { stroke_msg_t msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.type = STR_ADD_CONN; msg.add_conn.name = push_string(&msg, name); msg.add_conn.version = 2; msg.add_conn.mode = 1; msg.add_conn.mobike = 1; msg.add_conn.dpd.action = 1; msg.add_conn.me.id = push_string(&msg, my_id); msg.add_conn.me.address = push_string(&msg, my_addr); msg.add_conn.me.ikeport = 500; msg.add_conn.me.subnets = push_string(&msg, my_nets); msg.add_conn.me.sendcert = 1; msg.add_conn.other.id = push_string(&msg, other_id); msg.add_conn.other.address = push_string(&msg, other_addr); msg.add_conn.other.ikeport = 500; msg.add_conn.other.subnets = push_string(&msg, other_nets); msg.add_conn.other.sendcert = 1; return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int del_connection(char *name) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.type = STR_DEL_CONN; msg.initiate.name = push_string(&msg, name); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int initiate_connection(char *name) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.type = STR_INITIATE; msg.initiate.name = push_string(&msg, name); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int terminate_connection(char *name) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_TERMINATE; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.initiate.name = push_string(&msg, name); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int terminate_connection_srcip(char *start, char *end) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_TERMINATE_SRCIP; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.terminate_srcip.start = push_string(&msg, start); msg.terminate_srcip.end = push_string(&msg, end); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int rekey_connection(char *name) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_REKEY; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.rekey.name = push_string(&msg, name); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int route_connection(char *name) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_ROUTE; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.route.name = push_string(&msg, name); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int unroute_connection(char *name) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_UNROUTE; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.unroute.name = push_string(&msg, name); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int show_status(stroke_keyword_t kw, char *connection) { stroke_msg_t msg; switch (kw) { case STROKE_STATUSALL: msg.type = STR_STATUS_ALL; break; case STROKE_STATUSALL_NOBLK: msg.type = STR_STATUS_ALL_NOBLK; break; default: msg.type = STR_STATUS; break; } msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.status.name = push_string(&msg, connection); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int list_flags[] = { LIST_PUBKEYS, LIST_CERTS, LIST_CACERTS, LIST_OCSPCERTS, LIST_AACERTS, LIST_ACERTS, LIST_GROUPS, LIST_CAINFOS, LIST_CRLS, LIST_OCSP, LIST_ALGS, LIST_PLUGINS, LIST_ALL }; static int list(stroke_keyword_t kw, int utc) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_LIST; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.list.utc = utc; msg.list.flags = list_flags[kw - STROKE_LIST_FIRST]; return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int reread_flags[] = { REREAD_SECRETS, REREAD_CACERTS, REREAD_OCSPCERTS, REREAD_AACERTS, REREAD_ACERTS, REREAD_CRLS, REREAD_ALL }; static int reread(stroke_keyword_t kw) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_REREAD; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.reread.flags = reread_flags[kw - STROKE_REREAD_FIRST]; return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int purge_flags[] = { PURGE_OCSP, PURGE_CRLS, PURGE_CERTS, PURGE_IKE, }; static int purge(stroke_keyword_t kw) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_PURGE; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.purge.flags = purge_flags[kw - STROKE_PURGE_FIRST]; return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int export_flags[] = { EXPORT_X509, }; static int export(stroke_keyword_t kw, char *selector) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_EXPORT; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.export.selector = push_string(&msg, selector); msg.export.flags = export_flags[kw - STROKE_EXPORT_FIRST]; return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int leases(stroke_keyword_t kw, char *pool, char *address) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_LEASES; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.leases.pool = push_string(&msg, pool); msg.leases.address = push_string(&msg, address); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int memusage() { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_MEMUSAGE; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int user_credentials(char *name, char *user, char *pass) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_USER_CREDS; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.user_creds.name = push_string(&msg, name); msg.user_creds.username = push_string(&msg, user); msg.user_creds.password = push_string(&msg, pass); return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static int set_loglevel(char *type, u_int level) { stroke_msg_t msg; msg.type = STR_LOGLEVEL; msg.length = offsetof(stroke_msg_t, buffer); msg.loglevel.type = push_string(&msg, type); msg.loglevel.level = level; return send_stroke_msg(&msg); } static void exit_error(char *error) { if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error); } exit(-1); } static void exit_usage(char *error) { printf("Usage:\n"); printf(" Add a connection:\n"); printf(" stroke add NAME MY_ID OTHER_ID MY_ADDR OTHER_ADDR\\\n"); printf(" MY_NET OTHER_NET MY_NETBITS OTHER_NETBITS\n"); printf(" where: ID is any IKEv2 ID \n"); printf(" ADDR is a IPv4 address\n"); printf(" NET is a IPv4 subnet in CIDR notation\n"); printf(" Delete a connection:\n"); printf(" stroke delete NAME\n"); printf(" where: NAME is a connection name added with \"stroke add\"\n"); printf(" Initiate a connection:\n"); printf(" stroke up NAME\n"); printf(" where: NAME is a connection name added with \"stroke add\"\n"); printf(" Terminate a connection:\n"); printf(" stroke down NAME\n"); printf(" where: NAME is a connection name added with \"stroke add\"\n"); printf(" Terminate a connection by remote srcip:\n"); printf(" stroke down-srcip START [END]\n"); printf(" where: START and optional END define the clients source IP\n"); printf(" Set loglevel for a logging type:\n"); printf(" stroke loglevel TYPE LEVEL\n"); printf(" where: TYPE is any|dmn|mgr|ike|chd|job|cfg|knl|net|asn|enc|tnc|imc|imv|pts|tls|esp|lib\n"); printf(" LEVEL is -1|0|1|2|3|4\n"); printf(" Show connection status:\n"); printf(" stroke status\n"); printf(" Show extended status information:\n"); printf(" stroke statusall\n"); printf(" Show extended status information without blocking:\n"); printf(" stroke statusallnb\n"); printf(" Show list of authority and attribute certificates:\n"); printf(" stroke listcacerts|listocspcerts|listaacerts|listacerts\n"); printf(" Show list of end entity certificates, ca info records and crls:\n"); printf(" stroke listcerts|listcainfos|listcrls|listall\n"); printf(" Show list of supported algorithms:\n"); printf(" stroke listalgs\n"); printf(" Reload authority and attribute certificates:\n"); printf(" stroke rereadcacerts|rereadocspcerts|rereadaacerts|rereadacerts\n"); printf(" Reload secrets and crls:\n"); printf(" stroke rereadsecrets|rereadcrls|rereadall\n"); printf(" Purge ocsp cache entries:\n"); printf(" stroke purgeocsp\n"); printf(" Purge CRL cache entries:\n"); printf(" stroke purgecrls\n"); printf(" Purge X509 cache entries:\n"); printf(" stroke purgecerts\n"); printf(" Purge IKE_SAs without a CHILD_SA:\n"); printf(" stroke purgeike\n"); printf(" Export credentials to the console:\n"); printf(" stroke exportx509 DN\n"); printf(" Show current memory usage:\n"); printf(" stroke memusage\n"); printf(" Show leases of a pool:\n"); printf(" stroke leases [POOL [ADDRESS]]\n"); printf(" Set username and password for a connection:\n"); printf(" stroke user-creds NAME USERNAME [PASSWORD]\n"); printf(" where: NAME is a connection name added with \"stroke add\"\n"); printf(" USERNAME is the username\n"); printf(" PASSWORD is the optional password, you'll be asked to enter it if not given\n"); exit_error(error); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const stroke_token_t *token; int res = 0; library_init(NULL); atexit(library_deinit); if (argc < 2) { exit_usage(NULL); } token = in_word_set(argv[1], strlen(argv[1])); if (token == NULL) { exit_usage("unknown keyword"); } switch (token->kw) { case STROKE_ADD: if (argc < 11) { exit_usage("\"add\" needs more parameters..."); } res = add_connection(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], argv[7], argv[8]); break; case STROKE_DELETE: case STROKE_DEL: if (argc < 3) { exit_usage("\"delete\" needs a connection name"); } res = del_connection(argv[2]); break; case STROKE_UP: if (argc < 3) { exit_usage("\"up\" needs a connection name"); } res = initiate_connection(argv[2]); break; case STROKE_DOWN: if (argc < 3) { exit_usage("\"down\" needs a connection name"); } res = terminate_connection(argv[2]); break; case STROKE_DOWN_SRCIP: if (argc < 3) { exit_usage("\"down-srcip\" needs start and optional end address"); } res = terminate_connection_srcip(argv[2], argc > 3 ? argv[3] : NULL); break; case STROKE_REKEY: if (argc < 3) { exit_usage("\"rekey\" needs a connection name"); } res = rekey_connection(argv[2]); break; case STROKE_ROUTE: if (argc < 3) { exit_usage("\"route\" needs a connection name"); } res = route_connection(argv[2]); break; case STROKE_UNROUTE: if (argc < 3) { exit_usage("\"unroute\" needs a connection name"); } res = unroute_connection(argv[2]); break; case STROKE_LOGLEVEL: if (argc < 4) { exit_usage("\"logtype\" needs more parameters..."); } res = set_loglevel(argv[2], atoi(argv[3])); break; case STROKE_STATUS: case STROKE_STATUSALL: case STROKE_STATUSALL_NOBLK: res = show_status(token->kw, argc > 2 ? argv[2] : NULL); break; case STROKE_LIST_PUBKEYS: case STROKE_LIST_CERTS: case STROKE_LIST_CACERTS: case STROKE_LIST_OCSPCERTS: case STROKE_LIST_AACERTS: case STROKE_LIST_ACERTS: case STROKE_LIST_CAINFOS: case STROKE_LIST_CRLS: case STROKE_LIST_OCSP: case STROKE_LIST_ALGS: case STROKE_LIST_PLUGINS: case STROKE_LIST_ALL: res = list(token->kw, argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[2], "--utc") == 0); break; case STROKE_REREAD_SECRETS: case STROKE_REREAD_CACERTS: case STROKE_REREAD_OCSPCERTS: case STROKE_REREAD_AACERTS: case STROKE_REREAD_ACERTS: case STROKE_REREAD_CRLS: case STROKE_REREAD_ALL: res = reread(token->kw); break; case STROKE_PURGE_OCSP: case STROKE_PURGE_CRLS: case STROKE_PURGE_CERTS: case STROKE_PURGE_IKE: res = purge(token->kw); break; case STROKE_EXPORT_X509: if (argc != 3) { exit_usage("\"exportx509\" needs a distinguished name"); } res = export(token->kw, argv[2]); break; case STROKE_LEASES: res = leases(token->kw, argc > 2 ? argv[2] : NULL, argc > 3 ? argv[3] : NULL); break; case STROKE_MEMUSAGE: res = memusage(); break; case STROKE_USER_CREDS: if (argc < 4) { exit_usage("\"user-creds\" needs a connection name, " "username and optionally a password"); } res = user_credentials(argv[2], argv[3], argc > 4 ? argv[4] : NULL); break; default: exit_usage(NULL); } return res; }