	          strongSwan UML - Installation


   1. Making the host system UML-capable
   2. Installing the required files
   3. Creating the UML testing environment

1. Making the host system UML-capable

   UML instances can be run on both Linux 2.4 and Linux 2.6 kernels.
   If you are using a vanilla kernel from kernel.org then you must first
   apply the host SKAS patch available from


   and recompile and reboot your host kernel. Some Linux distributions as e.g.
   SuSE already include the SKAS patch in their kernels.

   You will also need the UML utilities (uml_mconsole and uml_switch)
   available from


   Many Linux distributions offer the UML utilities as a package.

2. Installing the required files

First create a directory where you want the strongSwan UML testing environment
to be located.The default directory is "~/strongswan-testing". If you choose a
different location, please adapt the UMLTESTDIR variable in "testing.conf"

    mkdir ~/strongswan-testing

Now copy the "testing" subdirectory coming with the strongSwan distribution to
the UML testing environment:

    cp -r testing ~/strongswan-testing
Next you need to copy several files into the ~/strongswan-testing directory that
are required for the strongSwan testing environment:

    * A vanilla Linux kernel on which the UML kernel will be based on.
      We recommend the use of


    * The Linux kernel does not require any patches for the uml guest kernel
      to successfully start up but the xfrm_mark patch must be applied for
      XFRM MARK support.

    * The matching .config file required to compile the UML kernel:


    * A gentoo-based UML file system (compressed size 130 MBytes) found at


    * The latest strongSwan distribution


3. Creating the environment

Now change into the testing subdirectory

    cd ~/strongswan-testing/testing

and make the UML testing environment:

    ./make-testing <hosts>

The "make-testing" script calls a series of subscripts which can be
enabled or disabled individually by setting the corresponding flags
in "testing.conf":

    if [ $ENABLE_BUILD_UMLKERNEL = "yes" ]

builds an UML kernel out of the vanilla Linux kernel and the corresponding
UML kernel patch.

    if [ $ENABLE_BUILD_HOSTCONFIG = "yes" ]

generates the default configurations for the UML hosts alice, venus, moon,
carol, winnetou, dave, sun, and bob by replacing the wildcards PH_IP_ALICE,
etc. by the actual IP addresses defined in "testing.conf".

    if [ $ENABLE_BUILD_UMLROOTFS = "yes" ]

takes the gentoo-based UML file system and compiles the latest strongSwan
distribution into it.

    if [ $ENABLE_BUILD_SSHKEYS = "yes" ]

adds the common RSA public key of the UML instances to your ~/.ssh/known_hosts
directory so that you can log onto the UML instances using ssh without typing
in a password. The "scripts/build-sshkeys" script should only be run once.

    if [ $ENABLE_BUILD_UMLHOSTFS = "yes" ]
        scripts/build-umlhostfs <hosts>

creates the customized UML file systems for the instances given as command line 
arguments by adding the default host configurations to the UML root file system.
If the "make-starting" scripts is called without any arguments then by default
the UML file systems are created for the hosts alice, venus, moon, carol,
winnetou, dave, sun, and bob. Each UML root file system has as size defined by
the ROOTFSSIZE in testing.conf which by default is 544 MBytes. Thus all 8 UML
hosts plus the master copy will require a total of 5 GBytes of disk space.

    if [ $ENABLE_START_TESTING = "yes" ]
       ./start-testing <hosts>

starts the automated testing. More details on the tests you'll find in the
README document.
