------------------------------------ strongSwan UML - Running the Tests ------------------------------------ Contents -------- 1. Starting up the UML testing environment 2. Running the automated tests 3. Manual testing 1. Starting up the UML testing environment --------------------------------------- When the strongSwan UML testing environment has been put into place by running the "make-testing" script then you are ready to start up the UML instances by calling ./start-testing <hosts> This main script first calls the subscript scripts/start-switches that starts the three UML switches umlswitch0, umlswitch1, and umlswitch2 which are connecting the UML instances among each other and via tun/tap devices also make them accessible from the host system. Then depending on the setting of the UMLSTARTMODE variable defined in "testing.conf", the UML instances given on the command line are started up with different terminals: If you are running the KDE graphical environment then by setting UMLSTARTMODE=konsole the script scripts/kstart-umls <hosts> is called which starts up each of the UML instances defined by <hosts> in a KDE konsole. If UMLSTARTMODE=xterm is set then scripts/xstart-umls <hosts> starts up the UML instances in an xterm each. And with the choice UMLSTARTMODE=screen the instances are started up by scripts/start-umls <hosts> in the background but the Linux command "screen -r <host>" can be used to connect a terminal to the UML instance <host> if desired. if [ $ENABLE_DO_TESTS = "yes" ] then do-tests fi either executes all the tests defined in the "testing/tests" directory if the variable SELECTEDTESTSONLY in "testing.conf" is set to "no" or the selected tests defined by the string in SELELECTEDTESTS if SELECTEDTESTSONLY is set to "yes". if [ $ENABLE_STOP_TESTING = "yes" ] then stop-testing <hosts> fi stops the both the UML switches and the UML instances designated by the <hosts> argument. 2. Running the automated tests --------------------------- The script ./do-tests <testnames> runs the automated tests. With an empty <testnames> argument the tests as defined in "testing.conf" are executed, otherwise the tests enumerated by the <testnames> argument will be run as shown in the example below. ./do-tests net2net-psk net2net-cert Each test is divided into the following phases: * scripts/load-testconfig <testname> loads the UML hosts with test specific settings if such are provided. * next the "pretest.dat" script found in each test directory is executed. Among other commands, strongSwan is started on the IPsec hosts. * the "evaltest.dat" script evaluates if the test has been successful. * the "posttest.dat" script terminates the test e.g. by stopping strongSwan on the IPsec hosts. * scripts/restore-defaults <testname> restores the default settings on the UML hosts. The test results and configuration settings for all tests settings are stored in a folder labeled with the current date in the directory ~/strongswan-testing/testresults the same results are also automatically transferred to the Apache server running on UML instance "winnetou" and can be accessed via the URL 3. Manual testing -------------- The greates flexibility can be achieved with manual testing. Just set ENABLE_DO_TESTS="no" ENABLE_STOP_TESTING="no" in "testing.conf" and start the UML instances that you want to experiment with by calling ./start-testing <hosts> If you want to preload a test scenario with configurations differing from the default values, e.g. when using Preshared Keys then you can do this with the command scripts/load-testconfig net2net-psk You can then log onto any UML instance using its konsole, xterm or screen terminal as root with the default password tuxmux You can then execute any commands the UML instances, including changing and recompiling the strongSwan source code located in the /root directory. After you have finished testing, the default configuration settings can restored with the command scripts/restore-defaults net2net-psk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is RCSID $Id: README,v 1.2 2004/12/20 16:26:39 as Exp $