#! /bin/sh
# generate a certificate revocation list (CRL) for the strongswan CA.
# Copyright (C) 2004  Andreas Steffen
# Zuercher Hochschule Winterthur
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.  See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.

export COMMON_NAME=strongSwan


cd /etc/openssl
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 30 -config /etc/openssl/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out strongswan.crl
cp strongswan.crl     ${ROOT}
cp strongswanCert.pem ${ROOT}
cp index.html         ${ROOT}
cd /etc/openssl/research
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 15 -config /etc/openssl/research/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out research.crl
cp research.crl       ${ROOT}
cd /etc/openssl/sales
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 15 -config /etc/openssl/sales/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out sales.crl
cp sales.crl         ${ROOT}
cd /etc/openssl/ecdsa
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 15 -config /etc/openssl/ecdsa/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out strongswan_ec.crl
cp strongswan_ec.crl ${ROOT}
cd /etc/openssl/monster
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 15 -config /etc/openssl/monster/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out strongswan-monster.crl
cp strongswan-monster.crl ${ROOT}
cd /etc/openssl/rfc3779
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 15 -config /etc/openssl/rfc3779/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out strongswan_rfc3779.crl
cp strongswan_rfc3779.crl ${ROOT}