moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::IKE_SA_INIT request 0.*FRAG_SUP::YES sun::cat /var/log/daemon.log::IKE_SA_INIT response 0.*FRAG_SUP::YES moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::splitting IKE message with length of 1804 bytes into 2 fragments::YES sun::cat /var/log/daemon.log::splitting IKE message with length of 1596 bytes into 2 fragments::YES moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::received fragment #1 of 2, waiting for complete IKE message::YES moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::received fragment #2 of 2, reassembling fragmented IKE message::YES sun::cat /var/log/daemon.log::received fragment #1 of 2, waiting for complete IKE message::YES sun::cat /var/log/daemon.log::received fragment #2 of 2, reassembling fragmented IKE message::YES moon::ipsec status 2> /dev/null::net-net.*ESTABLISHED.** sun:: ipsec status 2> /dev/null::net-net.*ESTABLISHED.** moon::ipsec status 2> /dev/null::net-net.*INSTALLED, TUNNEL::YES sun:: ipsec status 2> /dev/null::net-net.*INSTALLED, TUNNEL::YES alice::ping -c 1 PH_IP_BOB::64 bytes from PH_IP_BOB: icmp_req=1::YES sun::tcpdump::IP > ESP::YES sun::tcpdump::IP > ESP::YES