path: root/src
diff options
authorJohn Estabrook <>2021-06-13 11:52:35 -0500
committerJohn Estabrook <>2021-06-13 15:43:43 -0500
commit9b593c24700a3e0e0b37fa3cf4161f305a9c7ccb (patch)
tree666a7d674bce10a7db7a7eec083667f17f113c13 /src
parentcf462028d5921efd53996cee0c340e8d7f402784 (diff)
T3574: refactor for clarity
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 6d52618..32d34de 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,30 +1,16 @@
-type check = Regex of string | Exec of string | Grp | Faux
+type argopt = RegexOpt of string | ExecOpt of string | GroupSeparator
+type check = Regex of string | Exec of string | Group of check list
+let options = ref []
let checks = ref []
+let value = ref ""
-let find_next_grp n l =
- let rec aux i = function
- | [] -> List.length l
- | h::t ->
- if i > n && h = Grp then i
- else aux (i+1) t
- in aux 0 l
-let get_next_range =
- let n = ref (-1) in
- let f () =
- let i = !n and j = (n := find_next_grp !n !checks; !n) in
- (i, j) in
- f
+let buf = Buffer.create 4096
let rec validate_value buf value_constraint value =
match value_constraint with
- | Faux -> false
- | Grp ->
- let (k, j) = get_next_range () in
- let in_grp i = if i > k && i < j then true else false in
- let conj_checks = List.filteri (fun i _ -> in_grp i) !checks in
- List.fold_left (&&) true ( (fun e -> validate_value buf e value) conj_checks)
+ | Group l ->
+ List.for_all (fun c -> validate_value buf c value) l
| Regex s ->
(try let _ = Pcre.exec ~pat:s value in true
with Not_found -> false)
@@ -45,36 +31,73 @@ let rec validate_value buf value_constraint value =
let () = Buffer.add_string buf out; Buffer.add_string buf "\n" in
-let value = ref ""
let args = [
- ("--regex", Arg.String (fun s -> checks := (Regex s) :: !checks), "Check the value against a regex");
- ("--exec", Arg.String (fun s -> checks := (Exec s) :: !checks), "Check the value against an external command");
- ("--grp", Arg.Unit (fun () -> checks := (Grp) :: !checks), "Group following arguments, joining results with logical and");
+ ("--regex", Arg.String (fun s -> options := (RegexOpt s) :: !options), "Check the value against a regex");
+ ("--exec", Arg.String (fun s -> options := (ExecOpt s) :: !options), "Check the value against an external command");
+ ("--grp", Arg.Unit (fun () -> options := (GroupSeparator) :: !options), "Group following arguments, combining results with logical and");
("--value", Arg.String (fun s -> value := s), "Value to check");
let usage = Printf.sprintf "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] <number>" Sys.argv.(0)
let () = Arg.parse args (fun _ -> ()) usage
-let buf = Buffer.create 4096
+let find_next_group n l =
+ let rec aux i = function
+ | [] -> List.length l
+ | h::t ->
+ if i > n && h = GroupSeparator then i
+ else aux (i+1) t
+ in aux 0 l
+let get_next_range =
+ let n = ref (-1) in
+ let f () =
+ let i = !n and j = (n := find_next_group !n !options; !n) in
+ (i, j) in
+ f
+let option_to_check opt =
+ match opt with
+ | RegexOpt s -> Regex s
+ | ExecOpt s -> Exec s
+ | GroupSeparator -> raise (Invalid_argument "GroupSeparator in isolation has no corresponding check")
+let read_initial_options j =
+ if j > 0 then
+ let initial_options = List.filteri (fun i _ -> i < j) !options in
+ ignore ( (fun c -> checks := (option_to_check c) :: !checks) initial_options); ()
+ else ()
+let read_group_options i j =
+ if i < j then
+ let group_options = List.filteri (fun k _ -> i < k && k < j) !options in
+ let l = (fun c -> option_to_check c) group_options in
+ checks := (Group l) :: !checks; ()
+ else ()
+let read_options () =
+ options := List.rev(!options);
+ let (_, j) = get_next_range () in
+ read_initial_options j;
-let mask l =
- let (k, j) = get_next_range () in
- let imask i e =
- match e with
- | Grp -> Grp
- | _ -> if i >= k && i <= j then e else Faux in
- List.mapi (fun i e -> imask i e) l
+ let quit_loop = ref false in
+ while not !quit_loop do
+ let i, j = get_next_range () in
+ if i < j then
+ read_group_options i j
+ else
+ quit_loop := true
+ done
let validate =
- checks := List.rev(!checks);
+ read_options ();
let value = !value in
- let disj_checks = mask !checks in
- match disj_checks with
+ let checks = !checks in
+ match checks with
| [] -> false
| _ ->
- List.fold_left (||) false ( (fun c -> validate_value buf c value) disj_checks)
+ List.exists (fun c -> validate_value buf c value) checks
let _ =
if validate then exit 0 else