path: root/group_vars
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-03-15Added partition table type select option (MBR/GPT/hybrid)zsdc
Since some of the build target platforms do not support hybrid partition table and require only MBR (AWS AMI), was added option that allows selecting a partition table type: ``` -e parrtable_type=type ``` where `type` can be one of: `mbr`, `gpt`, `hybrid`. Default value is `hybrid`.
2021-01-23Fixed ISO download taskzsdc
The current listing of the is not compatible with the old parser. Also, now it is not necessary to search for the latest image anymore - it has always the same static URL. Therefore, the download page parser was removed and the download task was modified to download an ISO from a permanent URL.
2020-04-20Restored ability to build an OVA imagezsdc
Also: - actualized some variables - added more objects to cleanup to not keep garbage after playbook run - added variable to select default boot console in GRUB
2020-02-20QEMU image build improvementszsdc
* Added missed package dependencies (for Debian 10 based builders) * Added additional options, which can be passed to the playbook: * iso_local - path to local ISO file * disk_size - target disk image size * cloud_init - enable or disable Cloud-init integration to an image * cloud_init_ds - set custom list of data sources for Cloud-init * Added a version number and Cloud-init mark to a QCOW2 image name * Cloud-init installation procedure tuned to use packages from a proper one VyOS repository, according to VyOS and Debian version * Added workaround for /etc/network/interfaces to allow Cloud-init initialize network in a native way * Replaced default config file to Jinja2 template * Fixed GRUB installation on UEFI builders - added target i386-pc * Replaced GRUB configuration: * enable both KVM and Serial console for all images (Serial by default) * added password recovery option for all images * added 5 seconds of a timeout to allow select proper menu entry * fixed booting for 1.3 VyOS * Added loop device detach after image build - allows to build images multiple times without exhausting loop device limit * Added fstrim applying for image - theoretically, this may save some space * Enabled compression for QCOW2 image - this reduces image size significantly * Added RAW image deletion after conversion to more accurate cleanup
2018-10-26vmware: add ovf:transport to VirtualHardwareSectionYuya Kusakabe
2018-06-28Cleanup playbookYuya Kusakabe
2018-06-20Initial QEMU supportYuya Kusakabe