# vyos-vm-images [Ansible](https://www.ansible.com/) playbooks to build VyOS VM images. ## Requirements You need a machine with at least 20 GB free space with Debian 10 (bare-metal, virtual, Docker container with --privileged flag). Also, you need to install ansible and python packages: ``` sudo apt update sudo apt install -y ansible python ``` All other requirements will be installed by ansible-playbook. ## Prepare You need to copy the ISO image with VyOS to /tmp/vyos.iso before running ansible-playbook. Resulting images also will be located inside /tmp/ directory. ## Supported Platforms - QEMU ``` ansible-playbook qemu.yml ``` - VMware ``` ansible-playbook vmware.yml ansible-playbook vmware.yml -e vyos_vmware_private_key_path=path_to_private_key ``` - Microsoft Hyper-V ``` ansible-playbook hyperv.yml ``` - Vagrant libvirt ``` ansible-playbook vagrant-libvirt.yml ``` ## Additional (optional) parameters - Path to local ISO image (default: /tmp/vyos.iso): ``` -e iso_local=path ``` Example: ``` -e iso_local=/tmp/vyos/custom_image.iso ``` - Disk size (default: 10GB): ``` -e disk_size=size ``` Example for 2 GB: ``` -e disk_size=2 ``` - Enable Cloud-init (default: according to platform): ``` -e cloud_init=true ``` - Configure custom Cloud-init datasources (default: according to platform): ``` -e cloud_init_ds=datasources ``` Example: ``` -e cloud_init_ds=NoCloud,ConfigDrive,None ```