system { host-name vyos {% if without_login is not defined or without_login == "false" %} login { user vyos { authentication { {% if cloud_init == "true" and not ( keep_user is defined and keep_user == "true" ) %} encrypted-password "*" {% else %} encrypted-password "$6$MjV2YvKQ56q$QbL562qhRoyUu8OaqrXagicvcsNpF1HssCY06ZxxghDJkBCfSfTE/4FlFB41xZcd/HqYyVBuRt8Zyq3ozJ0dc." {% endif %} plaintext-password "" } {% if vyos_version | regex_search('(^1\.2)') %} level admin {% endif %} } } {% endif %} syslog { global { facility all { level notice } facility protocols { level debug } } } ntp { server "" server "" server "" } config-management { commit-revisions 100 } } interfaces { {% if enable_dhcp %} ethernet eth0 { address dhcp } {% endif %} loopback lo { } } {% if enable_ssh %} service { ssh { } } {% endif %}