path: root/azurelinuxagent/common/
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Diffstat (limited to 'azurelinuxagent/common/')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/azurelinuxagent/common/ b/azurelinuxagent/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5c90cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azurelinuxagent/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Microsoft Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+
+import os
+import socket
+import array
+import time
+import azurelinuxagent.common.logger as logger
+import azurelinuxagent.common.utils.shellutil as shellutil
+from azurelinuxagent.common.utils import fileutil
+from azurelinuxagent.common.utils.textutil import hex_dump, hex_dump2, \
+ hex_dump3, \
+ compare_bytes, str_to_ord, \
+ unpack_big_endian, \
+ int_to_ip4_addr
+from azurelinuxagent.common.exception import DhcpError
+from azurelinuxagent.common.osutil import get_osutil
+# the kernel routing table representation of
+def get_dhcp_handler():
+ return DhcpHandler()
+class DhcpHandler(object):
+ """
+ Azure use DHCP option 245 to pass endpoint ip to VMs.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.osutil = get_osutil()
+ self.endpoint = None
+ self.gateway = None
+ self.routes = None
+ self._request_broadcast = False
+ self.skip_cache = False
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Send dhcp request
+ Configure default gateway and routes
+ Save wire server endpoint if found
+ """
+ if self.wireserver_route_exists or self.dhcp_cache_exists:
+ return
+ self.send_dhcp_req()
+ self.conf_routes()
+ def wait_for_network(self):
+ """
+ Wait for network stack to be initialized.
+ """
+ ipv4 = self.osutil.get_ip4_addr()
+ while ipv4 == '' or ipv4 == '':
+"Waiting for network.")
+ time.sleep(10)
+"Try to start network interface.")
+ self.osutil.start_network()
+ ipv4 = self.osutil.get_ip4_addr()
+ @property
+ def wireserver_route_exists(self):
+ """
+ Determine whether a route to the known wireserver
+ ip already exists, and if so use that as the endpoint.
+ This is true when running in a virtual network.
+ :return: True if a route to KNOWN_WIRESERVER_IP exists.
+ """
+ route_exists = False
+"test for route to {0}".format(KNOWN_WIRESERVER_IP))
+ try:
+ route_file = '/proc/net/route'
+ if os.path.exists(route_file) and \
+ KNOWN_WIRESERVER_IP_ENTRY in open(route_file).read():
+ # reset self.gateway and self.routes
+ # we do not need to alter the routing table
+ self.endpoint = KNOWN_WIRESERVER_IP
+ self.gateway = None
+ self.routes = None
+ route_exists = True
+"route to {0} exists".format(KNOWN_WIRESERVER_IP))
+ else:
+ logger.warn(
+ "no route exists to {0}".format(KNOWN_WIRESERVER_IP))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(
+ "could not determine whether route exists to {0}: {1}".format(
+ return route_exists
+ @property
+ def dhcp_cache_exists(self):
+ """
+ Check whether the dhcp options cache exists and contains the
+ wireserver endpoint, unless skip_cache is True.
+ :return: True if the cached endpoint was found in the dhcp lease
+ """
+ if self.skip_cache:
+ return False
+ exists = False
+"checking for dhcp lease cache")
+ cached_endpoint = self.osutil.get_dhcp_lease_endpoint()
+ if cached_endpoint is not None:
+ self.endpoint = cached_endpoint
+ exists = True
+"cache exists [{0}]".format(exists))
+ return exists
+ def conf_routes(self):
+"Configure routes")
+"Gateway:{0}", self.gateway)
+"Routes:{0}", self.routes)
+ # Add default gateway
+ if self.gateway is not None:
+ self.osutil.route_add(0, 0, self.gateway)
+ if self.routes is not None:
+ for route in self.routes:
+ self.osutil.route_add(route[0], route[1], route[2])
+ def _send_dhcp_req(self, request):
+ __waiting_duration__ = [0, 10, 30, 60, 60]
+ for duration in __waiting_duration__:
+ try:
+ self.osutil.allow_dhcp_broadcast()
+ response = socket_send(request)
+ validate_dhcp_resp(request, response)
+ return response
+ except DhcpError as e:
+ logger.warn("Failed to send DHCP request: {0}", e)
+ time.sleep(duration)
+ return None
+ def send_dhcp_req(self):
+ """
+ Build dhcp request with mac addr
+ Configure route to allow dhcp traffic
+ Stop dhcp service if necessary
+ """
+"Send dhcp request")
+ mac_addr = self.osutil.get_mac_addr()
+ # Do unicast first, then fallback to broadcast if fails.
+ req = build_dhcp_request(mac_addr, self._request_broadcast)
+ if not self._request_broadcast:
+ self._request_broadcast = True
+ # Temporary allow broadcast for dhcp. Remove the route when done.
+ missing_default_route = self.osutil.is_missing_default_route()
+ ifname = self.osutil.get_if_name()
+ if missing_default_route:
+ self.osutil.set_route_for_dhcp_broadcast(ifname)
+ # In some distros, dhcp service needs to be shutdown before agent probe
+ # endpoint through dhcp.
+ if self.osutil.is_dhcp_enabled():
+ self.osutil.stop_dhcp_service()
+ resp = self._send_dhcp_req(req)
+ if self.osutil.is_dhcp_enabled():
+ self.osutil.start_dhcp_service()
+ if missing_default_route:
+ self.osutil.remove_route_for_dhcp_broadcast(ifname)
+ if resp is None:
+ raise DhcpError("Failed to receive dhcp response.")
+ self.endpoint, self.gateway, self.routes = parse_dhcp_resp(resp)
+def validate_dhcp_resp(request, response):
+ bytes_recv = len(response)
+ if bytes_recv < 0xF6:
+ logger.error("HandleDhcpResponse: Too few bytes received:{0}",
+ bytes_recv)
+ return False
+ logger.verbose("BytesReceived:{0}", hex(bytes_recv))
+ logger.verbose("DHCP response:{0}", hex_dump(response, bytes_recv))
+ # check transactionId, cookie, MAC address cookie should never mismatch
+ # transactionId and MAC address may mismatch if we see a response
+ # meant from another machine
+ if not compare_bytes(request, response, 0xEC, 4):
+ logger.verbose("Cookie not match:\nsend={0},\nreceive={1}",
+ hex_dump3(request, 0xEC, 4),
+ hex_dump3(response, 0xEC, 4))
+ raise DhcpError("Cookie in dhcp respones doesn't match the request")
+ if not compare_bytes(request, response, 4, 4):
+ logger.verbose("TransactionID not match:\nsend={0},\nreceive={1}",
+ hex_dump3(request, 4, 4),
+ hex_dump3(response, 4, 4))
+ raise DhcpError("TransactionID in dhcp respones "
+ "doesn't match the request")
+ if not compare_bytes(request, response, 0x1C, 6):
+ logger.verbose("Mac Address not match:\nsend={0},\nreceive={1}",
+ hex_dump3(request, 0x1C, 6),
+ hex_dump3(response, 0x1C, 6))
+ raise DhcpError("Mac Addr in dhcp respones "
+ "doesn't match the request")
+def parse_route(response, option, i, length, bytes_recv):
+ #
+ logger.verbose("Routes at offset: {0} with length:{1}", hex(i),
+ hex(length))
+ routes = []
+ if length < 5:
+ logger.error("Data too small for option:{0}", option)
+ j = i + 2
+ while j < (i + length + 2):
+ mask_len_bits = str_to_ord(response[j])
+ mask_len_bytes = (((mask_len_bits + 7) & ~7) >> 3)
+ mask = 0xFFFFFFFF & (0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - mask_len_bits))
+ j += 1
+ net = unpack_big_endian(response, j, mask_len_bytes)
+ net <<= (32 - mask_len_bytes * 8)
+ net &= mask
+ j += mask_len_bytes
+ gateway = unpack_big_endian(response, j, 4)
+ j += 4
+ routes.append((net, mask, gateway))
+ if j != (i + length + 2):
+ logger.error("Unable to parse routes")
+ return routes
+def parse_ip_addr(response, option, i, length, bytes_recv):
+ if i + 5 < bytes_recv:
+ if length != 4:
+ logger.error("Endpoint or Default Gateway not 4 bytes")
+ return None
+ addr = unpack_big_endian(response, i + 2, 4)
+ ip_addr = int_to_ip4_addr(addr)
+ return ip_addr
+ else:
+ logger.error("Data too small for option:{0}", option)
+ return None
+def parse_dhcp_resp(response):
+ """
+ Parse DHCP response:
+ Returns endpoint server or None on error.
+ """
+ logger.verbose("parse Dhcp Response")
+ bytes_recv = len(response)
+ endpoint = None
+ gateway = None
+ routes = None
+ # Walk all the returned options, parsing out what we need, ignoring the
+ # others. We need the custom option 245 to find the the endpoint we talk to
+ # as well as to handle some Linux DHCP client incompatibilities;
+ # options 3 for default gateway and 249 for routes; 255 is end.
+ i = 0xF0 # offset to first option
+ while i < bytes_recv:
+ option = str_to_ord(response[i])
+ length = 0
+ if (i + 1) < bytes_recv:
+ length = str_to_ord(response[i + 1])
+ logger.verbose("DHCP option {0} at offset:{1} with length:{2}",
+ hex(option), hex(i), hex(length))
+ if option == 255:
+ logger.verbose("DHCP packet ended at offset:{0}", hex(i))
+ break
+ elif option == 249:
+ routes = parse_route(response, option, i, length, bytes_recv)
+ elif option == 3:
+ gateway = parse_ip_addr(response, option, i, length, bytes_recv)
+ logger.verbose("Default gateway:{0}, at {1}", gateway, hex(i))
+ elif option == 245:
+ endpoint = parse_ip_addr(response, option, i, length, bytes_recv)
+ logger.verbose("Azure wire protocol endpoint:{0}, at {1}",
+ endpoint,
+ hex(i))
+ else:
+ logger.verbose("Skipping DHCP option:{0} at {1} with length {2}",
+ hex(option), hex(i), hex(length))
+ i += length + 2
+ return endpoint, gateway, routes
+def socket_send(request):
+ sock = None
+ try:
+ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM,
+ socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
+ sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
+ sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+ sock.bind(("", 68))
+ sock.sendto(request, ("<broadcast>", 67))
+ sock.settimeout(10)
+ logger.verbose("Send DHCP request: Setting socket.timeout=10, "
+ "entering recv")
+ response = sock.recv(1024)
+ return response
+ except IOError as e:
+ raise DhcpError("{0}".format(e))
+ finally:
+ if sock is not None:
+ sock.close()
+def build_dhcp_request(mac_addr, request_broadcast):
+ """
+ Build DHCP request string.
+ """
+ #
+ # typedef struct _DHCP {
+ # UINT8 Opcode; /* op: BOOTREQUEST or BOOTREPLY */
+ # UINT8 HardwareAddressType; /* htype: ethernet */
+ # UINT8 HardwareAddressLength; /* hlen: 6 (48 bit mac address) */
+ # UINT8 Hops; /* hops: 0 */
+ # UINT8 TransactionID[4]; /* xid: random */
+ # UINT8 Seconds[2]; /* secs: 0 */
+ # UINT8 Flags[2]; /* flags: 0 or 0x8000 for broadcast*/
+ # UINT8 ClientIpAddress[4]; /* ciaddr: 0 */
+ # UINT8 YourIpAddress[4]; /* yiaddr: 0 */
+ # UINT8 ServerIpAddress[4]; /* siaddr: 0 */
+ # UINT8 RelayAgentIpAddress[4]; /* giaddr: 0 */
+ # UINT8 ClientHardwareAddress[16]; /* chaddr: 6 byte eth MAC address */
+ # UINT8 ServerName[64]; /* sname: 0 */
+ # UINT8 BootFileName[128]; /* file: 0 */
+ # UINT8 MagicCookie[4]; /* 99 130 83 99 */
+ # /* 0x63 0x82 0x53 0x63 */
+ # /* options -- hard code ours */
+ #
+ # UINT8 MessageTypeCode; /* 53 */
+ # UINT8 MessageTypeLength; /* 1 */
+ # UINT8 MessageType; /* 1 for DISCOVER */
+ # UINT8 End; /* 255 */
+ # } DHCP;
+ #
+ # tuple of 244 zeros
+ # (struct.pack_into would be good here, but requires Python 2.5)
+ request = [0] * 244
+ trans_id = gen_trans_id()
+ # Opcode = 1
+ # HardwareAddressType = 1 (ethernet/MAC)
+ # HardwareAddressLength = 6 (ethernet/MAC/48 bits)
+ for a in range(0, 3):
+ request[a] = [1, 1, 6][a]
+ # fill in transaction id (random number to ensure response matches request)
+ for a in range(0, 4):
+ request[4 + a] = str_to_ord(trans_id[a])
+ logger.verbose("BuildDhcpRequest: transactionId:%s,%04X" % (
+ hex_dump2(trans_id),
+ unpack_big_endian(request, 4, 4)))
+ if request_broadcast:
+ # set broadcast flag to true to request the dhcp sever
+ # to respond to a boradcast address,
+ # this is useful when user dhclient fails.
+ request[0x0A] = 0x80;
+ # fill in ClientHardwareAddress
+ for a in range(0, 6):
+ request[0x1C + a] = str_to_ord(mac_addr[a])
+ # DHCP Magic Cookie: 99, 130, 83, 99
+ # MessageTypeCode = 53 DHCP Message Type
+ # MessageTypeLength = 1
+ # MessageType = DHCPDISCOVER
+ # End = 255 DHCP_END
+ for a in range(0, 8):
+ request[0xEC + a] = [99, 130, 83, 99, 53, 1, 1, 255][a]
+ return array.array("B", request)
+def gen_trans_id():
+ return os.urandom(4)