path: root/waagent
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'waagent')
1 files changed, 2710 insertions, 1093 deletions
diff --git a/waagent b/waagent
index 4181eca..f80aaf5 100644..100755
--- a/waagent
+++ b/waagent
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
# Windows Azure Linux Agent
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import shutil
import socket
import SocketServer
import struct
+import string
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
@@ -43,29 +44,8 @@ import threading
import time
import traceback
import xml.dom.minidom
-GuestAgentName = "WALinuxAgent"
-GuestAgentLongName = "Windows Azure Linux Agent"
-GuestAgentVersion = "WALinuxAgent-1.3.2"
-ProtocolVersion = "2011-12-31"
-Config = None
-LinuxDistro = "UNKNOWN"
-PackagedForDistro = "UNKNOWN"
-Verbose = False
-WaAgent = None
-DiskActivated = False
-Openssl = "openssl"
-Children = []
+import fcntl
-PossibleEthernetInterfaces = ["seth0", "seth1", "eth0", "eth1"]
-RulesFiles = [ "/lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules",
- "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" ]
-VarLibDhcpDirectories = ["/var/lib/dhclient", "/var/lib/dhcpcd", "/var/lib/dhcp"]
-EtcDhcpClientConfFiles = ["/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf", "/etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf"]
-LibDir = "/var/lib/waagent"
-# backport subprocess.check_output if not defined ( for python version < 2.7)
if not hasattr(subprocess,'check_output'):
def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
r"""Backport from subprocess module from python 2.7"""
@@ -92,164 +72,1678 @@ if not hasattr(subprocess,'check_output'):
+GuestAgentName = "WALinuxAgent"
+GuestAgentLongName = "Windows Azure Linux Agent"
+GuestAgentVersion = "WALinuxAgent-2.0.3"
+ProtocolVersion = "2012-11-30" #WARNING this value is used to confirm the correct fabric protocol.
-# This lets us index into a string or an array of integers transparently.
-def Ord(a):
- if type(a) == type("a"):
- a = ord(a)
- return a
+Config = None
+WaAgent = None
+DiskActivated = False
+Openssl = "openssl"
+Children = []
-def IsWindows():
- return (platform.uname()[0] == "Windows")
+global RulesFiles
+RulesFiles = [ "/lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules",
+ "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" ]
+VarLibDhcpDirectories = ["/var/lib/dhclient", "/var/lib/dhcpcd", "/var/lib/dhcp"]
+EtcDhcpClientConfFiles = ["/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf", "/etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf"]
+global LibDir
+LibDir = "/var/lib/waagent"
-def IsLinux():
- return (platform.uname()[0] == "Linux")
+WaagentConf = """\
+# Windows Azure Linux Agent Configuration
-def DetectLinuxDistro():
- global LinuxDistro
- global PackagedForDistro
- if os.path.isfile("/etc/redhat-release"):
- LinuxDistro = "RedHat"
- return True
- if os.path.isfile("/etc/lsb-release") and "Ubuntu" in GetFileContents("/etc/lsb-release"):
- LinuxDistro = "Ubuntu"
+Role.StateConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with the argument "Ready" when we report ready status
+ # to the endpoint server.
+Role.ConfigurationConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role configuration.
+Role.TopologyConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role topology.
+Provisioning.Enabled=y #
+Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword=y # Password authentication for root account will be unavailable.
+Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair=y # Generate fresh host key pair.
+Provisioning.SshHostKeyPairType=rsa # Supported values are "rsa", "dsa" and "ecdsa".
+Provisioning.MonitorHostName=y # Monitor host name changes and publish changes via DHCP requests.
+ResourceDisk.Format=y # Format if unformatted. If 'n', resource disk will not be mounted.
+ResourceDisk.Filesystem=ext4 # Typically ext3 or ext4. FreeBSD images should use 'ufs2' here.
+ResourceDisk.MountPoint=/mnt/resource #
+ResourceDisk.EnableSwap=n # Create and use swapfile on resource disk.
+ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB=0 # Size of the swapfile.
- # Should this run as if it is packaged Ubuntu?
+LBProbeResponder=y # Respond to load balancer probes if requested by Windows Azure.
+Logs.Verbose=n #
+OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout=300 # Root device timeout in seconds.
+OS.OpensslPath=None # If "None", the system default version is used.
+# AbstractDistro
+class AbstractDistro(object):
+ """
+ AbstractDistro defines a skeleton neccesary for a concrete Distro class.
+ Generic methods and attributes are kept here, distribution specific attributes
+ and behavior are to be placed in the concrete child named distroDistro, where
+ distro is the string returned by calling python platform.dist()[0]. So for CentOS
+ the derived class is called 'centosDistro'.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Generic Attributes go here. These are based on 'majority rules'.
+ This __init__() may be called or overriden by the child.
+ """
+ self.agent_service_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ self.selinux=None
+ self.service_cmd='/usr/sbin/service'
+ self.ssh_service_name='ssh'
+ self.ssh_config_file='/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
+ self.hostname_file_path='/etc/hostname'
+ self.dhcp_client_name='dhclient'
+ self.requiredDeps = [ 'route', 'shutdown', 'ssh-keygen', 'useradd'
+ , 'openssl', 'sfdisk', 'fdisk', 'mkfs', 'chpasswd', 'sed', 'grep', 'sudo' ]
+ self.init_script_file='/etc/init.d/waagent'
+ self.agent_package_name='WALinuxAgent'
+ self.fileBlackList = [ "/root/.bash_history", "/var/log/waagent.log",'/etc/resolv.conf' ]
+ self.agent_files_to_uninstall = ["/etc/waagent.conf", "/etc/logrotate.d/waagent", "/etc/sudoers.d/waagent"]
+ self.grubKernelBootOptionsFile = '/etc/default/grub'
+ self.grubKernelBootOptionsLine = 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT='
+ self.getpidcmd = 'pidof'
+ self.mount_dvd_cmd = 'mount'
+ self.sudoers_dir_base = '/etc'
+ self.waagent_conf_file = WaagentConf
+ self.shadow_file_mode=0600
+ def isSelinuxSystem(self):
+ """
+ Checks and sets self.selinux = True if SELinux is available on system.
+ """
+ if self.selinux == None:
+ if Run("which getenforce",chk_err=False):
+ self.selinux = False
+ else:
+ self.selinux = True
+ return self.selinux
+ def isSelinuxRunning(self):
+ """
+ Calls shell command 'getenforce' and returns True if 'Enforcing'.
+ """
+ if self.isSelinuxSystem():
+ return RunGetOutput("getenforce")[1].startswith("Enforcing")
+ else:
+ return False
+ def setSelinuxEnforce(self,state):
+ """
+ Calls shell command 'setenforce' with 'state' and returns resulting exit code.
+ """
+ if self.isSelinuxSystem():
+ if state: s = '1'
+ else: s='0'
+ return Run("setenforce "+s)
+ def setSelinuxContext(self,path,cn):
+ """
+ Calls shell 'chcon' with 'path' and 'cn' context.
+ Returns exit result.
+ """
+ if self.isSelinuxSystem():
+ return Run('chcon ' + cn + ' ' + path)
+ def setHostname(self,name):
+ """
+ Shell call to hostname.
+ Returns resulting exit code.
+ """
+ return Run('hostname ' + name)
+ def publishHostname(self,name):
+ """
+ Set the contents of the hostname file to 'name'.
+ Return 1 on failure.
+ """
- cmd="dpkg -S %s" % os.path.basename(__file__)
- retcode, krn = RunGetOutput(cmd,chk_err=False)
- if not retcode:
- PackagedForDistro = "Ubuntu"
+ r=SetFileContents(self.hostname_file_path, name)
+ for f in EtcDhcpClientConfFiles:
+ if os.path.exists(f) and FindStringInFile(f,r'^[^#]*?send\s*host-name.*?(<hostname>|gethostname[(,)])') == None :
+ r=ReplaceFileContentsAtomic('/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf', "send host-name \"" + name + "\";\n"
+ + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("send host-name"), GetFileContents('/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf').split('\n'))))
+ except:
+ return 1
+ return r
+ def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self):
+ """
+ Create the waagent support files for service installation.
+ Called by registerAgentService()
+ Abstract Virtual Function. Over-ridden in concrete Distro classes.
+ """
+ pass
- except IOError as e:
- pass
+ def registerAgentService(self):
+ """
+ Calls installAgentService to create service files.
+ Shell exec service registration commands. (e.g. chkconfig --add waagent)
+ Abstract Virtual Function. Over-ridden in concrete Distro classes.
+ """
+ pass
+ def uninstallAgentService(self):
+ """
+ Call service subsystem to remove waagent script.
+ Abstract Virtual Function. Over-ridden in concrete Distro classes.
+ """
+ pass
+ def unregisterAgentService(self):
+ """
+ Calls self.stopAgentService and call self.uninstallAgentService()
+ """
+ self.stopAgentService()
+ self.uninstallAgentService()
+ def startAgentService(self):
+ """
+ Service call to start the Agent service
+ """
+ return Run(self.service_cmd + ' ' + self.agent_service_name + ' start')
+ def stopAgentService(self):
+ """
+ Service call to stop the Agent service
+ """
+ return Run(self.service_cmd + ' ' + self.agent_service_name + ' stop',False)
+ def restartSshService(self):
+ """
+ Service call to re(start) the SSH service
+ """
+ if not Run(self.service_cmd + " " + self.ssh_service_name + " status | grep running"):
+ return Run(self.service_cmd + " " + self.ssh_service_name + " reload")
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def sshDeployPublicKey(self,fprint,path):
+ """
+ Generic sshDeployPublicKey - over-ridden in some concrete Distro classes due to minor differences in openssl packages deployed
+ """
+ error=0
+ SshPubKey = OvfEnv().OpensslToSsh(fprint)
+ if SshPubKey != None:
+ AppendFileContents(path, SshPubKey)
+ else:
+ Error("Failed: " + fprint + ".crt -> " + path)
+ error = 1
+ return error
+ def checkPackageInstalled(self,p):
+ """
+ Query package database for prescence of an installed package.
+ Abstract Virtual Function. Over-ridden in concrete Distro classes.
+ """
+ pass
+ def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p):
+ """
+ Online check if updated package of walinuxagent is available.
+ Abstract Virtual Function. Over-ridden in concrete Distro classes.
+ """
+ pass
+ def deleteRootPassword(self):
+ """
+ Generic root password removal.
+ """
+ filepath="/etc/shadow"
+ ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath,"root:*LOCK*:14600::::::\n"
+ + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("root:"),GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))))
+ os.chmod(filepath,self.shadow_file_mode)
+ if self.isSelinuxSystem():
+ self.setSelinuxContext(filepath,'system_u:object_r:shadow_t:s0')
+ Log("Root password deleted.")
+ return 0
+ def changePass(self,user,password):
+ return RunSendStdin("chpasswd",(user + ":" + password + "\n"))
+ def load_ata_piix(self):
+ return WaAgent.TryLoadAtapiix()
+ def unload_ata_piix(self):
+ """
+ Generic function to remove ata_piix.ko.
+ """
+ return WaAgent.TryUnloadAtapiix()
+ def deprovisionWarnUser(self):
+ """
+ Generic user warnings used at deprovision.
+ """
+ print("WARNING! Nameserver configuration in /etc/resolv.conf will be deleted.")
+ def deprovisionDeleteFiles(self):
+ """
+ Files to delete when VM is deprovisioned
+ """
+ for a in VarLibDhcpDirectories:
+ Run("rm -f " + a + "/*")
+ # Clear LibDir, remove nameserver and root bash history
+ for f in os.listdir(LibDir) + self.fileBlackList:
+ try:
+ os.remove(f)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return 0
+ def uninstallDeleteFiles(self):
+ """
+ Files to delete when agent is uninstalled.
+ """
+ for f in self.agent_files_to_uninstall:
+ try:
+ os.remove(f)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return 0
+ def checkDependencies(self):
+ """
+ Generic dependency check.
+ Return 1 unless all dependencies are satisfied.
+ """
+ if self.checkPackageInstalled('NetworkManager'):
+ Error(GuestAgentLongName + " is not compatible with network-manager.")
+ return 1
+ try:
+ m= __import__('pyasn1')
+ except ImportError:
+ Error(GuestAgentLongName + " requires python-pyasn1 for your Linux distribution.")
+ return 1
+ for a in self.requiredDeps:
+ if Run("which " + a + " > /dev/null 2>&1",chk_err=False):
+ Error("Missing required dependency: " + a)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def packagedInstall(self,buildroot):
+ """
+ Called from for use by RPM.
+ Copies generated files waagent.conf, under the buildroot.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(buildroot+'/etc'):
+ os.mkdir(buildroot+'/etc')
+ SetFileContents(buildroot+'/etc/waagent.conf', MyDistro.waagent_conf_file)
+ if not os.path.exists(buildroot+'/etc/logrotate.d'):
+ os.mkdir(buildroot+'/etc/logrotate.d')
+ SetFileContents(buildroot+'/etc/logrotate.d/waagent', WaagentLogrotate)
+ self.init_script_file=buildroot+self.init_script_file
+ # this allows us to call installAgentServiceScriptFiles()
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.init_script_file)):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(self.init_script_file))
+ self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles()
+ def GetIpv4Address(self):
+ """
+ Return the ip of the
+ first active non-loopback interface.
+ """
+ iface,addr=GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback()
+ return addr
+ def GetMacAddress(self):
+ return GetMacAddress()
+ def GetInterfaceName(self):
+ return GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback()[0]
+ def CreateAccount(self,user, password, expiration, thumbprint):
+ return CreateAccount(user, password, expiration, thumbprint)
+ def DeleteAccount(self,user):
+ return DeleteAccount(user)
+ def ActivateResourceDisk(self):
+ """
+ Format, mount, and if specified in the configuration
+ set resource disk as swap.
+ """
+ global DiskActivated
+ format = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Format")
+ if format == None or format.lower().startswith("n"):
+ DiskActivated = True
+ return
+ device = DeviceForIdePort(1)
+ if device == None:
+ Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Unable to detect disk topology.")
+ return
+ device = "/dev/" + device
+ for entry in RunGetOutput("mount")[1].split():
+ if entry.startswith(device + "1"):
+ Log("ActivateResourceDisk: " + device + "1 is already mounted.")
+ DiskActivated = True
+ return
+ mountpoint = Config.get("ResourceDisk.MountPoint")
+ if mountpoint == None:
+ mountpoint = "/mnt/resource"
+ CreateDir(mountpoint, "root", 0755)
+ fs = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Filesystem")
+ if fs == None:
+ fs = "ext3"
+ if RunGetOutput("sfdisk -q -c " + device + " 1")[1].rstrip() == "7" and fs != "ntfs":
+ Run("sfdisk -c " + device + " 1 83")
+ Run("mkfs." + fs + " " + device + "1")
+ if Run("mount " + device + "1 " + mountpoint):
+ Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to mount resource disk (" + device + "1).")
+ return
+ Log("Resource disk (" + device + "1) is mounted at " + mountpoint + " with fstype " + fs)
+ DiskActivated = True
+ swap = Config.get("ResourceDisk.EnableSwap")
+ if swap == None or swap.lower().startswith("n"):
+ return
+ sizeKB = int(Config.get("ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB")) * 1024
+ if os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile") and os.path.getsize(mountpoint + "/swapfile") != (sizeKB * 1024):
+ os.remove(mountpoint + "/swapfile")
+ if not os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile"):
+ Run("dd if=/dev/zero of=" + mountpoint + "/swapfile bs=1024 count=" + str(sizeKB))
+ Run("mkswap " + mountpoint + "/swapfile")
+ if not Run("swapon " + mountpoint + "/swapfile"):
+ Log("Enabled " + str(sizeKB) + " KB of swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile")
+ else:
+ Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to activate swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile")
+ def Install(self):
+ return Install()
+ def dvdHasMedia(self,dvd):
+ if Run("LC_ALL=C fdisk -l " + dvd + " | grep Disk"):
+ return False
return True
- if os.path.isfile("/etc/debian_version"):
- LinuxDistro = "Debian"
- return True
- if os.path.isfile("/etc/SuSE-release"):
- LinuxDistro = "Suse"
- return True
- return False
+ def mountDVD(self,dvd,location):
+ return RunGetOutput(self.mount_dvd_cmd + ' ' + dvd + ' ' + location)
+ def GetHome(self):
+ return GetHome()
+ def getDhcpClientName(self):
+ return self.dhcp_client_name
+# SuSEDistro
+suse_init_file = """\
+#! /bin/sh
+# Windows Azure Linux Agent sysV init script
+# Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation
+# Copyright SUSE LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# /etc/init.d/waagent
+# and symbolic link
+# /usr/sbin/rcwaagent
+# System startup script for the waagent
+# Provides: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
+# Required-Start: $network sshd
+# Required-Stop: $network sshd
+# Default-Start: 3 5
+# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
+# Description: Start the WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
+test -x "$WAZD_BIN" || { echo "$WAZD_BIN not installed"; exit 5; }
+test -e "$WAZD_CONF" || { echo "$WAZD_CONF not found"; exit 6; }
+. /etc/rc.status
+# First reset status of this service
+# Return values acc. to LSB for all commands but status:
+# 0 - success
+# 1 - misc error
+# 2 - invalid or excess args
+# 3 - unimplemented feature (e.g. reload)
+# 4 - insufficient privilege
+# 5 - program not installed
+# 6 - program not configured
+# Note that starting an already running service, stopping
+# or restarting a not-running service as well as the restart
+# with force-reload (in case signalling is not supported) are
+# considered a success.
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ echo -n "Starting WindowsAzureLinuxAgent"
+ ## Start daemon with startproc(8). If this fails
+ ## the echo return value is set appropriate.
+ startproc -f ${PYTHON} ${WAZD_BIN} -daemon
+ rc_status -v
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ echo -n "Shutting down WindowsAzureLinuxAgent"
+ ## Stop daemon with killproc(8) and if this fails
+ ## set echo the echo return value.
+ killproc -p ${WAZD_PIDFILE} ${PYTHON} ${WAZD_BIN}
+ rc_status -v
+ ;;
+ try-restart)
+ ## Stop the service and if this succeeds (i.e. the
+ ## service was running before), start it again.
+ $0 status >/dev/null && $0 restart
+ rc_status
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ ## Stop the service and regardless of whether it was
+ ## running or not, start it again.
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 1
+ $0 start
+ rc_status
+ ;;
+ force-reload|reload)
+ rc_status
+ ;;
+ status)
+ echo -n "Checking for service WindowsAzureLinuxAgent "
+ ## Check status with checkproc(8), if process is running
+ ## checkproc will return with exit status 0.
-def IsRedHat():
- return "RedHat" in LinuxDistro
+ checkproc -p ${WAZD_PIDFILE} ${PYTHON} ${WAZD_BIN}
+ rc_status -v
+ ;;
+ probe)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|try-restart|restart|force-reload|reload}"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+class SuSEDistro(AbstractDistro):
+ """
+ SuSE Distro concrete class
+ Put SuSE specific behavior here...
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(SuSEDistro,self).__init__()
+ self.service_cmd='/sbin/service'
+ self.ssh_service_name='sshd'
+ self.kernel_boot_options_file='/boot/grub/menu.lst'
+ self.hostname_file_path='/etc/HOSTNAME'
+ self.requiredDeps += [ "/sbin/insserv" ]
+ self.init_file=suse_init_file
+ self.dhcp_client_name='dhcpcd'
+ self.grubKernelBootOptionsFile = '/boot/grub/menu.lst'
+ self.grubKernelBootOptionsLine = 'kernel'
+ self.getpidcmd='pidof '
+ def checkPackageInstalled(self,p):
+ if Run("rpm -q " + p,chk_err=False):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
-def IsUbuntu():
- return "Ubuntu" in LinuxDistro
+ def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p):
+ if Run("zypper list-updates | grep " + p,chk_err=False):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
-def IsPackagedUbuntu():
- return "Ubuntu" in PackagedForDistro
+ def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self):
+ try:
+ SetFileContents(self.init_script_file, self.init_file)
+ os.chmod(self.init_script_file, 0744)
+ except:
+ pass
+ def registerAgentService(self):
+ self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles()
+ return Run('insserv ' + self.agent_service_name)
+ def uninstallAgentService(self):
+ return Run('insserv -r ' + self.agent_service_name)
+ def unregisterAgentService(self):
+ self.stopAgentService()
+ return self.uninstallAgentService()
+# redhatDistro
-def IsDebian():
- return IsUbuntu() or "Debian" in LinuxDistro
+redhat_init_file= """\
+# Init file for WindowsAzureLinuxAgent.
+# chkconfig: 2345 60 80
+# description: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
-def IsSuse():
- return "Suse" in LinuxDistro
+# source function library
+. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
-def IsPackaged():
- if PackagedForDistro == "UNKNOWN":
- return False
- return True
+ echo -n $"Starting $FriendlyName: "
+ $WAZD_BIN -daemon &
-def UsesRpm():
- return IsRedHat() or IsSuse()
+ echo -n $"Stopping $FriendlyName: "
+ killproc -p /var/run/ $WAZD_BIN
+ echo
+ return $RETVAL
-def UsesDpkg():
- return IsDebian()
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ stop
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ stop
+ start
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ ;;
+ report)
+ ;;
+ status)
+ status $WAZD_BIN
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+exit $RETVAL
+class redhatDistro(AbstractDistro):
+ """
+ Redhat Distro concrete class
+ Put Redhat specific behavior here...
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(redhatDistro,self).__init__()
+ self.service_cmd='/sbin/service'
+ self.ssh_service_name='sshd'
+ self.hostname_file_path=None
+ self.init_file=redhat_init_file
+ self.grubKernelBootOptionsFile = '/boot/grub/menu.lst'
+ self.grubKernelBootOptionsLine = 'kernel'
+ def publishHostname(self,name):
+ super(redhatDistro,self).publishHostname(name)
+ filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/network"
+ if os.path.isfile(filepath):
+ ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "HOSTNAME=" + name + "\n"
+ + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("HOSTNAME"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))))
+ ethernetInterface = MyDistro.GetInterfaceName()
+ filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + ethernetInterface
+ if os.path.isfile(filepath):
+ ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "DHCP_HOSTNAME=" + name + "\n"
+ + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("DHCP_HOSTNAME"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))))
+ return 0
+ def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self):
+ SetFileContents(self.init_script_file, self.init_file)
+ os.chmod(self.init_script_file, 0744)
+ return 0
+ def registerAgentService(self):
+ self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles()
+ return Run('chkconfig --add waagent')
+ def uninstallAgentService(self):
+ return Run('chkconfig --del ' + self.agent_service_name)
+ def unregisterAgentService(self):
+ self.stopAgentService()
+ return self.uninstallAgentService()
+ def checkPackageInstalled(self,p):
+ if Run("yum list installed " + p,chk_err=False):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
+ def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p):
+ if Run("yum check-update | grep "+ p,chk_err=False):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+# centosDistro
+centos_init_file= """\
+# Init file for WindowsAzureLinuxAgent.
+# chkconfig: 2345 60 80
+# description: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
+# source function library
+. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+ echo -n $"Starting $FriendlyName: "
+ $WAZD_BIN -daemon &
+ echo -n $"Stopping $FriendlyName: "
+ killproc -p /var/run/ $WAZD_BIN
+ echo
+ return $RETVAL
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ start
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ stop
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ stop
+ start
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ ;;
+ report)
+ ;;
+ status)
+ status $WAZD_BIN
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+exit $RETVAL
+class centosDistro(AbstractDistro):
+ """
+ CentOS Distro concrete class
+ Put CentOS specific behavior here...
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(centosDistro,self).__init__()
+ self.service_cmd='/sbin/service'
+ self.ssh_service_name='sshd'
+ self.hostname_file_path=None
+ self.init_file=centos_init_file
+ self.grubKernelBootOptionsFile = '/boot/grub/menu.lst'
+ self.grubKernelBootOptionsLine = 'kernel'
+ def publishHostname(self,name):
+ super(centosDistro,self).publishHostname(name)
+ filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/network"
+ if os.path.isfile(filepath):
+ ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "HOSTNAME=" + name + "\n"
+ + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("HOSTNAME"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))))
+ ethernetInterface = MyDistro.GetInterfaceName()
+ filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + ethernetInterface
+ if os.path.isfile(filepath):
+ ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "DHCP_HOSTNAME=" + name + "\n"
+ + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("DHCP_HOSTNAME"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))))
+ return 0
+ def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self):
+ SetFileContents(self.init_script_file, self.init_file)
+ os.chmod(self.init_script_file, 0744)
+ return 0
+ def registerAgentService(self):
+ self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles()
+ return Run('chkconfig --add waagent')
+ def uninstallAgentService(self):
+ return Run('chkconfig --del ' + self.agent_service_name)
+ def unregisterAgentService(self):
+ self.stopAgentService()
+ return self.uninstallAgentService()
+ def checkPackageInstalled(self,p):
+ if Run("yum list installed " + p,chk_err=False):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
+ def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p):
+ if Run("yum check-update | grep "+ p,chk_err=False):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+# debianDistro
+debian_init_file = """\
+# Provides: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
+# Required-Start: $network $syslog
+# Required-Stop: $network $syslog
+# Should-Start: $network $syslog
+# Should-Stop: $network $syslog
+# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
+# Short-Description: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
+# Description: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ log_begin_msg "Starting WindowsAzureLinuxAgent..."
+ pid=$( pidofproc $WAZD_BIN )
+ if [ -n "$pid" ] ; then
+ log_begin_msg "Already running."
+ log_end_msg 0
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --background --exec $WAZD_BIN -- $OPTIONS
+ log_end_msg $?
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ log_begin_msg "Stopping WindowsAzureLinuxAgent..."
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $WAZD_PID
+ ret=$?
+ rm -f $WAZD_PID
+ log_end_msg $ret
+ ;;
+ force-reload)
+ $0 restart
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ status_of_proc $WAZD_BIN && exit 0 || exit $?
+ ;;
+ *)
+ log_success_msg "Usage: /etc/init.d/waagent {start|stop|force-reload|restart|status}"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+exit 0
+class debianDistro(AbstractDistro):
+ """
+ debian Distro concrete class
+ Put debian specific behavior here...
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(debianDistro,self).__init__()
+ self.requiredDeps += [ "/usr/sbin/update-rc.d" ]
+ self.init_file=debian_init_file
+ self.agent_package_name='walinuxagent'
+ self.dhcp_client_name='dhclient'
+ self.getpidcmd='pidof '
+ self.shadow_file_mode=0640
+ def checkPackageInstalled(self,p):
+ """
+ Check that the package is installed.
+ Return 1 if installed, 0 if not installed.
+ This method of using dpkg-query
+ allows wildcards to be present in the
+ package name.
+ """
+ if not Run("dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}\n' '" + p + "' | grep ' installed' 2>&1",chk_err=False):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def checkDependencies(self):
+ """
+ Debian dependency check. python-pyasn1 is NOT needed.
+ Return 1 unless all dependencies are satisfied.
+ NOTE: using network*manager will catch either package name in Ubuntu or debian.
+ """
+ if self.checkPackageInstalled('network*manager'):
+ Error(GuestAgentLongName + " is not compatible with network-manager.")
+ return 1
+ for a in self.requiredDeps:
+ if Run("which " + a + " > /dev/null 2>&1",chk_err=False):
+ Error("Missing required dependency: " + a)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p):
+ if Run("apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade -us | grep " + p,chk_err=False):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self):
+ """
+ If we are packaged - the service name is walinuxagent, do nothing.
+ """
+ if self.agent_service_name == 'walinuxagent':
+ return 0
+ try:
+ SetFileContents(self.init_script_file, self.init_file)
+ os.chmod(self.init_script_file, 0744)
+ except OSError, e:
+ ErrorWithPrefix('installAgentServiceScriptFiles','Exception: '+str(e)+' occured creating ' + self.init_script_file)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def registerAgentService(self):
+ if self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles() == 0:
+ return Run('update-rc.d waagent defaults')
+ else :
+ return 1
+ def uninstallAgentService(self):
+ return Run('update-rc.d -f ' + self.agent_service_name + ' remove')
+ def unregisterAgentService(self):
+ self.stopAgentService()
+ return self.uninstallAgentService()
+ def sshDeployPublicKey(self,fprint,path):
+ """
+ We support PKCS8.
+ """
+ if Run("ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f " + fprint + " >> " + path):
+ return 1
+ else :
+ return 0
+# UbuntuDistro
+ubuntu_upstart_file = """\
+#walinuxagent - start Windows Azure agent
+description "walinuxagent"
+author "Ben Howard <>"
+start on (filesystem and started rsyslog)
+pre-start script
+ [ -r /etc/default/walinuxagent ] && . /etc/default/walinuxagent
+ if [ "$WALINUXAGENT_ENABLED" != "1" ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -x /usr/sbin/waagent ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ #Load the udf module
+ modprobe -b udf
+end script
+exec /usr/sbin/waagent -daemon
+class UbuntuDistro(debianDistro):
+ """
+ Ubuntu Distro concrete class
+ Put Ubuntu specific behavior here...
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(UbuntuDistro,self).__init__()
+ self.init_script_file='/etc/init/waagent.conf'
+ self.init_file=ubuntu_upstart_file
+ self.fileBlackList = [ "/root/.bash_history", "/var/log/waagent.log"]
+ self.dhcp_client_name=None
+ self.getpidcmd='pidof '
+ def registerAgentService(self):
+ return self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles()
+ def startAgentService(self):
+ """
+ Use upstart syntax.
+ """
+ return Run('start ' + self.agent_service_name)
+ def stopAgentService(self):
+ """
+ Use upstart syntax.
+ """
+ return Run('stop ' + self.agent_service_name)
+ def uninstallAgentService(self):
+ """
+ If we are packaged - the service name is walinuxagent, do nothing.
+ """
+ if self.agent_service_name == 'walinuxagent':
+ return 0
+ os.remove('/etc/init/' + self.agent_service_name + '.conf')
+ def unregisterAgentService(self):
+ """
+ If we are packaged - the service name is walinuxagent, do nothing.
+ """
+ if self.agent_service_name == 'walinuxagent':
+ return
+ self.stopAgentService()
+ return self.uninstallAgentService()
+ def deprovisionWarnUser(self):
+ """
+ Ubuntu specific warning string from Deprovision.
+ """
+ print("WARNING! Nameserver configuration in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/{tail,originial} will be deleted.")
+ def deprovisionDeleteFiles(self):
+ """
+ Ubuntu uses resolv.conf by default, so removing /etc/resolv.conf will
+ break resolvconf. Therefore, we check to see if resolvconf is in use,
+ and if so, we remove the resolvconf artifacts.
+ """
+ if os.path.realpath('/etc/resolv.conf') != '/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf':
+ Log("resolvconf is not configured. Removing /etc/resolv.conf")
+ self.fileBlackList.append('/etc/resolv.conf')
+ else:
+ Log("resolvconf is enabled; leaving /etc/resolv.conf intact")
+ resolvConfD = '/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/'
+ self.fileBlackList.extend([resolvConfD + 'tail', resolvConfD + 'originial'])
+ for f in os.listdir(LibDir)+self.fileBlackList:
+ try:
+ os.remove(f)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return 0
+ def getDhcpClientName(self):
+ if self.dhcp_client_name != None :
+ return self.dhcp_client_name
+ if platform.dist()[1] == '12.04' :
+ self.dhcp_client_name='dhclient3'
+ else :
+ self.dhcp_client_name='dhclient'
+ return self.dhcp_client_name
+# LinuxMintDistro
+class LinuxMintDistro(UbuntuDistro):
+ """
+ LinuxMint Distro concrete class
+ Put LinuxMint specific behavior here...
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(LinuxMintDistro,self).__init__()
+# FreeBSD
+FreeBSDWaagentConf = """\
+# Windows Azure Linux Agent Configuration
+Role.StateConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with the argument "Ready" when we report ready status
+ # to the endpoint server.
+Role.ConfigurationConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role configuration.
+Role.TopologyConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role topology.
+Provisioning.Enabled=y #
+Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword=y # Password authentication for root account will be unavailable.
+Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair=y # Generate fresh host key pair.
+Provisioning.SshHostKeyPairType=rsa # Supported values are "rsa", "dsa" and "ecdsa".
+Provisioning.MonitorHostName=y # Monitor host name changes and publish changes via DHCP requests.
+ResourceDisk.Format=y # Format if unformatted. If 'n', resource disk will not be mounted.
+ResourceDisk.Filesystem=ufs2 #
+ResourceDisk.MountPoint=/mnt/resource #
+ResourceDisk.EnableSwap=n # Create and use swapfile on resource disk.
+ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB=0 # Size of the swapfile.
+LBProbeResponder=y # Respond to load balancer probes if requested by Windows Azure.
+Logs.Verbose=n #
+OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout=300 # Root device timeout in seconds.
+OS.OpensslPath=None # If "None", the system default version is used.
+#! /bin/sh
+# PROVIDE: waagent
+# REQUIRE: DAEMON cleanvar sshd
+# KEYWORD: nojail
+. /etc/rc.subr
+waagent_flags=" daemon &"
+load_rc_config $name
+run_rc_command "$1"
+class FreeBSDDistro(AbstractDistro):
+ """
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Generic Attributes go here. These are based on 'majority rules'.
+ This __init__() may be called or overriden by the child.
+ """
+ self.agent_service_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ self.selinux=False
+ self.ssh_service_name='sshd'
+ self.ssh_config_file='/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
+ self.hostname_file_path='/etc/hostname'
+ self.dhcp_client_name='dhclient'
+ self.requiredDeps = [ 'route', 'shutdown', 'ssh-keygen', 'pw'
+ , 'openssl', 'fdisk', 'sed', 'grep' , 'sudo']
+ self.init_script_file='/etc/rc.d/waagent'
+ self.init_file=bsd_init_file
+ self.agent_package_name='WALinuxAgent'
+ self.fileBlackList = [ "/root/.bash_history", "/var/log/waagent.log",'/etc/resolv.conf' ]
+ self.agent_files_to_uninstall = ["/etc/waagent.conf", "/usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/waagent"]
+ self.grubKernelBootOptionsFile = '/boot/loader.conf'
+ self.grubKernelBootOptionsLine = ''
+ self.getpidcmd = 'pgrep -n'
+ self.mount_dvd_cmd = 'dd bs=2048 count=1 skip=295 if='
+ self.sudoers_dir_base = '/usr/local/etc'
+ self.waagent_conf_file = FreeBSDWaagentConf
+ def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self):
+ SetFileContents(self.init_script_file, self.init_file)
+ os.chmod(self.init_script_file, 0777)
+ AppendFileContents("/etc/rc.conf","waagent_enable='YES'\n")
+ return 0
+ def registerAgentService(self):
+ self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles()
+ return Run("services_mkdb " + self.init_script_file)
+# def uninstallAgentService(self):
+# return Run('chkconfig --del ' + self.agent_service_name)
+# def unregisterAgentService(self):
+# self.stopAgentService()
+# return self.uninstallAgentService()
+ def restartSshService(self):
+ """
+ Service call to re(start) the SSH service
+ """
+ return Run(self.service_cmd + " " + self.ssh_service_name + " restart")
+ def sshDeployPublicKey(self,fprint,path):
+ """
+ We support PKCS8.
+ """
+ if Run("ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f " + fprint + " >> " + path):
+ return 1
+ else :
+ return 0
+ def deleteRootPassword(self):
+ """
+ BSD root password removal.
+ """
+ filepath="/etc/master.passwd"
+ ReplaceStringInFile(filepath,r'root:.*?:','root::')
+ #ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath,"root:*LOCK*:14600::::::\n"
+ # + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("root:"),GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))))
+ os.chmod(filepath,self.shadow_file_mode)
+ if self.isSelinuxSystem():
+ self.setSelinuxContext(filepath,'system_u:object_r:shadow_t:s0')
+ RunGetOutput("pwd_mkdb -u root /etc/master.passwd")
+ Log("Root password deleted.")
+ return 0
+ def changePass(self,user,password):
+ return RunSendStdin("pw usermod " + user + " -h 0 ",password)
+ def load_ata_piix(self):
+ return 0
+ def unload_ata_piix(self):
+ return 0
+ def checkDependencies(self):
+ """
+ FreeBSD dependency check.
+ Return 1 unless all dependencies are satisfied.
+ """
+ for a in self.requiredDeps:
+ if Run("which " + a + " > /dev/null 2>&1",chk_err=False):
+ Error("Missing required dependency: " + a)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def packagedInstall(self,buildroot):
+ pass
+ def GetInterfaceName(self):
+ """
+ Return the ip of the
+ active ethernet interface.
+ """
+ iface,inet,mac=self.GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo()
+ return iface
+ def GetIpv4Address(self):
+ """
+ Return the ip of the
+ active ethernet interface.
+ """
+ iface,inet,mac=self.GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo()
+ return inet
+ def GetMacAddress(self):
+ """
+ Return the ip of the
+ active ethernet interface.
+ """
+ iface,inet,mac=self.GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo()
+ l=mac.split(':')
+ r=[]
+ for i in l:
+ r.append(string.atoi(i,16))
+ return r
+ def GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo(self):
+ """
+ There is no SIOCGIFCONF
+ on freeBSD - just parse ifconfig.
+ Returns strings: iface, inet4_addr, and mac
+ or 'None,None,None' if unable to parse.
+ We will sleep and retry as the network must be up.
+ """
+ code,output=RunGetOutput("ifconfig",chk_err=False)
+ Log(output)
+ retries=10
+ cmd='ifconfig | grep -A1 -B2 ether | grep -B3 inet | grep -A3 UP '
+ code=1
+ while code > 0 :
+ if code > 0 and retries == 0:
+ Error("GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo - Failed to detect ethernet interface")
+ return None, None, None
+ code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,chk_err=False)
+ retries-=1
+ if code > 0 and retries > 0 :
+ Log("GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo - Error: retry ethernet detection " + str(retries))
+ time.sleep(10)
+ j=output.replace('\n',' ')
+ j=j.split()
+ iface=j[0][:-1]
+ for i in range(len(j)):
+ if j[i] == 'inet' :
+ inet=j[i+1]
+ elif j[i] == 'ether' :
+ mac=j[i+1]
+ return iface, inet, mac
+ def CreateAccount(self,user, password, expiration, thumbprint):
+ """
+ Create a user account, with 'user', 'password', 'expiration', ssh keys
+ and sudo permissions.
+ Returns None if successful, error string on failure.
+ """
+ userentry = None
+ try:
+ userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user)
+ except:
+ pass
+ uidmin = None
+ try:
+ uidmin = int(GetLineStartingWith("UID_MIN", "/etc/login.defs").split()[1])
+ except:
+ pass
+ if uidmin == None:
+ uidmin = 100
+ if userentry != None and userentry[2] < uidmin:
+ Error("CreateAccount: " + user + " is a system user. Will not set password.")
+ return "Failed to set password for system user: " + user + " (0x06)."
+ if userentry == None:
+ command = "pw useradd " + user + " -m"
+ if expiration != None:
+ command += " -e " + expiration.split('.')[0]
+ if Run(command):
+ Error("Failed to create user account: " + user)
+ return "Failed to create user account: " + user + " (0x07)."
+ else:
+ Log("CreateAccount: " + user + " already exists. Will update password.")
+ if password != None:
+ self.changePass(user,password)
+ try:
+ # for older distros create sudoers.d
+ if not os.path.isdir(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+'/sudoers.d/'):
+ # create the /etc/sudoers.d/ directory
+ os.mkdir(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+'/sudoers.d')
+ # add the include of sudoers.d to the /etc/sudoers
+ SetFileContents(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+'/sudoers',GetFileContents(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+'/sudoers')+'\n#includedir ' + MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base + '/sudoers.d\n')
+ if password == None:
+ SetFileContents(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+"/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n")
+ else:
+ SetFileContents(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+"/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) ALL\n")
+ os.chmod(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+"/sudoers.d/waagent", 0440)
+ except:
+ Error("CreateAccount: Failed to configure sudo access for user.")
+ return "Failed to configure sudo privileges (0x08)."
+ home = MyDistro.GetHome()
+ if thumbprint != None:
+ dir = home + "/" + user + "/.ssh"
+ CreateDir(dir, user, 0700)
+ pub = dir + "/"
+ prv = dir + "/id_rsa"
+ Run("ssh-keygen -y -f " + thumbprint + ".prv > " + pub)
+ SetFileContents(prv, GetFileContents(thumbprint + ".prv"))
+ for f in [pub, prv]:
+ os.chmod(f, 0600)
+ ChangeOwner(f, user)
+ SetFileContents(dir + "/authorized_keys", GetFileContents(pub))
+ ChangeOwner(dir + "/authorized_keys", user)
+ Log("Created user account: " + user)
+ return None
+ def DeleteAccount(self,user):
+ """
+ Delete the 'user'.
+ Clear utmp first, to avoid error.
+ Removes the /etc/sudoers.d/waagent file.
+ """
+ userentry = None
+ try:
+ userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user)
+ except:
+ pass
+ if userentry == None:
+ Error("DeleteAccount: " + user + " not found.")
+ return
+ uidmin = None
+ try:
+ uidmin = int(GetLineStartingWith("UID_MIN", "/etc/login.defs").split()[1])
+ except:
+ pass
+ if uidmin == None:
+ uidmin = 100
+ if userentry[2] < uidmin:
+ Error("DeleteAccount: " + user + " is a system user. Will not delete account.")
+ return
+ Run("> /var/run/utmp") #Delete utmp to prevent error if we are the 'user' deleted
+ Run("rmuser -y " + user)
+ try:
+ os.remove(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+"/sudoers.d/waagent")
+ except:
+ pass
+ return
+ def ActivateResourceDisk(self):
+ """
+ Format, mount, and if specified in the configuration
+ set resource disk as swap.
+ """
+ global DiskActivated
+ format = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Format")
+ if format == None or format.lower().startswith("n"):
+ DiskActivated = True
+ return
+ #device = DeviceForIdePort(1)
+ device_base = 'ada1'
+# if device == None:
+# Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Unable to detect disk topology.")
+# return
+ device = "/dev/" + device_base
+ for entry in RunGetOutput("mount")[1].split():
+ if entry.startswith(device + "s1"):
+ Log("ActivateResourceDisk: " + device + "s1 is already mounted.")
+ DiskActivated = True
+ return
+ mountpoint = Config.get("ResourceDisk.MountPoint")
+ if mountpoint == None:
+ mountpoint = "/mnt/resource"
+ CreateDir(mountpoint, "root", 0755)
+ fs = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Filesystem")
+ Run("newfs " + device + "s1")
+ if Run("mount " + device + "s1 " + mountpoint):
+ Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to mount resource disk (" + device + "1).")
+ return
+ Log("Resource disk (" + device + "1) is mounted at " + mountpoint + " with fstype " + fs)
+ DiskActivated = True
+ swap = Config.get("ResourceDisk.EnableSwap")
+ if swap == None or swap.lower().startswith("n"):
+ return
+ sizeKB = int(Config.get("ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB")) * 1024
+ if os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile") and os.path.getsize(mountpoint + "/swapfile") != (sizeKB * 1024):
+ os.remove(mountpoint + "/swapfile")
+ if not os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile"):
+ Run("dd if=/dev/zero of=" + mountpoint + "/swapfile bs=1024 count=" + str(sizeKB))
+ if Run("mdconfig -a -t vnode -f " + mountpoint + "/swapfile -u 0"):
+ Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Configuring swap - Failed to create md0")
+ if not Run("swapon /dev/md0"):
+ Log("Enabled " + str(sizeKB) + " KB of swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile")
+ else:
+ Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to activate swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile")
+ def Install(self):
+ """
+ Install the agent service.
+ Check dependencies.
+ Create /etc/waagent.conf and move old version to
+ /etc/waagent.conf.old
+ Copy RulesFiles to /var/lib/waagent
+ Create /etc/logrotate.d/waagent
+ Set /etc/ssh/sshd_config ClientAliveInterval to 180
+ Call ApplyVNUMAWorkaround()
+ """
+ if MyDistro.checkDependencies():
+ return 1
+ os.chmod(sys.argv[0], 0755)
+ SwitchCwd()
+ for a in RulesFiles:
+ if os.path.isfile(a):
+ if os.path.isfile(GetLastPathElement(a)):
+ os.remove(GetLastPathElement(a))
+ shutil.move(a, ".")
+ Warn("Moved " + a + " -> " + LibDir + "/" + GetLastPathElement(a) )
+ MyDistro.registerAgentService()
+ if os.path.isfile("/etc/waagent.conf"):
+ try:
+ os.remove("/etc/waagent.conf.old")
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.rename("/etc/waagent.conf", "/etc/waagent.conf.old")
+ Warn("Existing /etc/waagent.conf has been renamed to /etc/waagent.conf.old")
+ except:
+ pass
+ SetFileContents("/etc/waagent.conf", self.waagent_conf_file)
+ if os.path.exists('/usr/local/etc/logrotate.d/'):
+ SetFileContents("/usr/local/etc/logrotate.d/waagent", WaagentLogrotate)
+ filepath = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
+ ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not
+ a.startswith("ClientAliveInterval"),
+ GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))) + "\nClientAliveInterval 180\n")
+ Log("Configured SSH client probing to keep connections alive.")
+ #ApplyVNUMAWorkaround()
+ return 0
+ def dvdHasMedia(self,dvd):
+ if Run('LC_ALL=C fdisk -p ' + dvd + ' | grep "invalid fdisk partition table found" '):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def mountDVD(self,dvd,location):
+ #At this point we cannot read a joliet option udf DVD in freebsd10 - so we 'dd' it into our location
+ return RunGetOutput(self.mount_dvd_cmd + dvd + ' of=' + location + '/ovf-env.xml')
+ def GetHome(self):
+ return '/home'
+# This lets us index into a string or an array of integers transparently.
+def Ord(a):
+ """
+ Allows indexing into a string or an array of integers transparently.
+ Generic utility function.
+ """
+ if type(a) == type("a"):
+ a = ord(a)
+ return a
+def IsLinux():
+ """
+ Returns True if platform is Linux.
+ Generic utility function.
+ """
+ return (platform.uname()[0] == "Linux")
def GetLastPathElement(path):
+ """
+ Similar to basename.
+ Generic utility function.
+ """
return path.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
-def GetFileContents(filepath):
- file = None
+def GetFileContents(filepath,asbin=False):
+ """
+ Read and return contents of 'filepath'.
+ """
+ mode='r'
+ if asbin:
+ mode+='b'
+ c=None
- file = open(filepath)
- except:
- return None
- if file == None:
- return None
- try:
- return
- finally:
- file.close()
+ with open(filepath, mode) as F :
+ except IOError, e:
+ ErrorWithPrefix('GetFileContents','Reading from file ' + filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e))
+ return None
+ return c
def SetFileContents(filepath, contents):
- file = open(filepath, "w")
+ """
+ Write 'contents' to 'filepath'.
+ """
+ if type(contents) == str :
+ contents=contents.encode('latin-1')
- file.write(contents)
- finally:
- file.close()
+ with open(filepath, "wb+") as F :
+ F.write(contents)
+ except IOError, e:
+ ErrorWithPrefix('SetFileContents','Writing to file ' + filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e))
+ return None
+ return 0
def AppendFileContents(filepath, contents):
- file = open(filepath, "a")
- try:
- file.write(contents)
- finally:
- file.close()
+ """
+ Append 'contents' to 'filepath'.
+ """
+ if type(contents) == str :
+ contents=contents.encode('latin-1')
+ try:
+ with open(filepath, "a+") as F :
+ F.write(contents)
+ except IOError, e:
+ ErrorWithPrefix('AppendFileContents','Appending to file ' + filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e))
+ return None
+ return 0
def ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, contents):
+ """
+ Write 'contents' to 'filepath' by creating a temp file, and replacing original.
+ """
handle, temp = tempfile.mkstemp(dir = os.path.dirname(filepath))
+ if type(contents) == str :
+ contents=contents.encode('latin-1')
os.write(handle, contents)
+ except IOError, e:
+ ErrorWithPrefix('ReplaceFileContentsAtomic','Writing to file ' + filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e))
+ return None
os.rename(temp, filepath)
- return
- except:
- pass
- os.remove(filepath)
- os.rename(temp, filepath)
+ return None
+ except IOError, e:
+ ErrorWithPrefix('ReplaceFileContentsAtomic','Renaming ' + temp+ ' to ' + filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e))
+ try:
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ except IOError, e:
+ ErrorWithPrefix('ReplaceFileContentsAtomic','Removing '+ filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e))
+ try:
+ os.rename(temp,filepath)
+ except IOError, e:
+ ErrorWithPrefix('ReplaceFileContentsAtomic','Removing '+ filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e))
+ return 1
+ return 0
def GetLineStartingWith(prefix, filepath):
+ """
+ Return line from 'filepath' if the line startswith 'prefix'
+ """
for line in GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'):
if line.startswith(prefix):
return line
return None
def Run(cmd,chk_err=True):
+ """
+ Calls RunGetOutput on 'cmd', returning only the return code.
+ If chk_err=True then errors will be reported in the log.
+ If chk_err=False then errors will be suppressed from the log.
+ """
return retcode
def RunGetOutput(cmd,chk_err=True):
+ """
+ Wrapper for subprocess.check_output.
+ Execute 'cmd'. Returns return code and STDOUT, trapping expected exceptions.
+ Reports exceptions to Error if chk_err parameter is True
+ """
except subprocess.CalledProcessError,e :
if chk_err :
- Error('CalledProcessError. Error Code: ' + str(e.returncode) )
- Error('CalledProcessError. Command string: "' + e.cmd + '"')
- Error('CalledProcessError. Command result: "' + e.output[:-1] + '"')
- return e.returncode,e.output
- return 0,output
+ Error('CalledProcessError. Error Code is ' + str(e.returncode) )
+ Error('CalledProcessError. Command string was ' + e.cmd )
+ Error('CalledProcessError. Command result was ' + (e.output[:-1]).decode('latin-1'))
+ return e.returncode,e.output.decode('latin-1')
+ return 0,output.decode('latin-1')
def RunSendStdin(cmd,input,chk_err=True):
+ """
+ Wrapper for subprocess.Popen.
+ Execute 'cmd', sending 'input' to STDIN of 'cmd'.
+ Returns return code and STDOUT, trapping expected exceptions.
+ Reports exceptions to Error if chk_err parameter is True
+ """
me=subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- except OSError,e :
+ except OSError , e :
if chk_err :
- Error('CalledProcessError. Error Code:' + str(me.returncode))
- Error('CalledProcessError. Command string:"' + cmd + '"' )
- Error('CalledProcessError. Command result:"' + output[:-1] + '"')
- return 1,output[0]
+ Error('CalledProcessError. Error Code is ' + str(me.returncode) )
+ Error('CalledProcessError. Command string was ' + cmd )
+ Error('CalledProcessError. Command result was ' + output[0].decode('latin-1'))
+ return 1,output[0].decode('latin-1')
if me.returncode is not 0 and chk_err is True:
- Error('CalledProcessError. Error Code:' + str(me.returncode))
- Error('CalledProcessError. Command string:"' + cmd + '"' )
- Error('CalledProcessError. Command result:"' + (output[0])[:-1] + '"')
- return me.returncode,output[0]
+ Error('CalledProcessError. Error Code is ' + str(me.returncode) )
+ Error('CalledProcessError. Command string was ' + cmd )
+ Error('CalledProcessError. Command result was ' + output[0].decode('latin-1'))
+ return me.returncode,output[0].decode('latin-1')
def GetNodeTextData(a):
+ """
+ Filter non-text nodes from DOM tree
+ """
for b in a.childNodes:
if b.nodeType == b.TEXT_NODE:
def GetHome():
+ """
+ Attempt to guess the $HOME location.
+ Return the path string.
+ """
home = None
home = GetLineStartingWith("HOME", "/etc/default/useradd").split('=')[1].strip()
@@ -260,6 +1754,9 @@ def GetHome():
return home
def ChangeOwner(filepath, user):
+ """
+ Lookup user. Attempt chown 'filepath' to 'user'.
+ """
p = None
p = pwd.getpwnam(user)
@@ -269,6 +1766,10 @@ def ChangeOwner(filepath, user):
os.chown(filepath, p[2], p[3])
def CreateDir(dirpath, user, mode):
+ """
+ Attempt os.makedirs, catch all exceptions.
+ Call ChangeOwner afterwards.
+ """
os.makedirs(dirpath, mode)
@@ -276,9 +1777,11 @@ def CreateDir(dirpath, user, mode):
ChangeOwner(dirpath, user)
def CreateAccount(user, password, expiration, thumbprint):
- if IsWindows():
- Log("Skipping CreateAccount on Windows")
- return None
+ """
+ Create a user account, with 'user', 'password', 'expiration', ssh keys
+ and sudo permissions.
+ Returns None if successful, error string on failure.
+ """
userentry = None
userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user)
@@ -306,6 +1809,12 @@ def CreateAccount(user, password, expiration, thumbprint):
if password != None:
RunSendStdin("chpasswd",(user + ":" + password + "\n"))
+ # for older distros create sudoers.d
+ if not os.path.isdir('/etc/sudoers.d/'):
+ # create the /etc/sudoers.d/ directory
+ os.mkdir('/etc/sudoers.d/')
+ # add the include of sudoers.d to the /etc/sudoers
+ SetFileContents('/etc/sudoers',GetFileContents('/etc/sudoers')+'\n#includedir /etc/sudoers.d\n')
if password == None:
SetFileContents("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n")
@@ -314,7 +1823,7 @@ def CreateAccount(user, password, expiration, thumbprint):
Error("CreateAccount: Failed to configure sudo access for user.")
return "Failed to configure sudo privileges (0x08)."
- home = GetHome()
+ home = MyDistro.GetHome()
if thumbprint != None:
dir = home + "/" + user + "/.ssh"
CreateDir(dir, user, 0700)
@@ -331,9 +1840,11 @@ def CreateAccount(user, password, expiration, thumbprint):
return None
def DeleteAccount(user):
- if IsWindows():
- Log("Skipping DeleteAccount on Windows")
- return
+ """
+ Delete the 'user'.
+ Clear utmp first, to avoid error.
+ Removes the /etc/sudoers.d/waagent file.
+ """
userentry = None
userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user)
@@ -360,31 +1871,31 @@ def DeleteAccount(user):
-def ReloadSshd():
- name = None
- if IsRedHat() or IsSuse():
- name = "sshd"
- if IsDebian():
- name = "ssh"
- if name == None:
- return
- if not Run("service " + name + " status | grep running"):
- Run("service " + name + " reload")
def IsInRangeInclusive(a, low, high):
+ """
+ Return True if 'a' in 'low' <= a >= 'high'
+ """
return (a >= low and a <= high)
def IsPrintable(ch):
+ """
+ Return True if character is displayable.
+ """
return IsInRangeInclusive(ch, Ord('A'), Ord('Z')) or IsInRangeInclusive(ch, Ord('a'), Ord('z')) or IsInRangeInclusive(ch, Ord('0'), Ord('9'))
def HexDump(buffer, size):
+ """
+ Return Hex formated dump of a 'buffer' of 'size'.
+ """
if size < 0:
size = len(buffer)
result = ""
for i in range(0, size):
if (i % 16) == 0:
result += "%06X: " % i
- byte = struct.unpack("B", buffer[i])[0]
+ byte = buffer[i]
+ if type(byte) == str:
+ byte = ord(byte.decode('latin1'))
result += "%02X " % byte
if (i & 15) == 7:
result += " "
@@ -397,7 +1908,9 @@ def HexDump(buffer, size):
j += 1
result += " "
for j in range(i - (i % 16), i + 1):
- byte = struct.unpack("B", buffer[j])[0]
+ byte=buffer[j]
+ if type(byte) == str:
+ byte = ord(byte.decode('latin1'))
k = '.'
if IsPrintable(byte):
k = chr(byte)
@@ -406,121 +1919,188 @@ def HexDump(buffer, size):
result += "\n"
return result
-def ThrottleLog(counter):
- # Log everything up to 10, every 10 up to 100, then every 100.
- return (counter < 10) or ((counter < 100) and ((counter % 10) == 0)) or ((counter % 100) == 0)
-def Logger():
- class T(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.File = None
- self.Con = None
+class Logger(object):
+ """
+ The Agent's logging assumptions are:
+ For Log, and LogWithPrefix all messages are logged to the
+ self.file_path and to the self.con_path. Setting either path
+ parameter to None skips that log. If Verbose is enabled, messages
+ calling the LogIfVerbose method will be logged to file_path yet
+ not to con_path. Error and Warn messages are normal log messages
+ with the 'ERROR:' or 'WARNING:' prefix added.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,filepath,conpath,verbose=False):
+ """
+ Construct an instance of Logger.
+ """
+ self.file_path=filepath
+ self.con_path=conpath
+ self.verbose=verbose
+ def ThrottleLog(self,counter):
+ """
+ Log everything up to 10, every 10 up to 100, then every 100.
+ """
+ return (counter < 10) or ((counter < 100) and ((counter % 10) == 0)) or ((counter % 100) == 0)
+ def LogToFile(self,message):
+ """
+ Write 'message' to logfile.
+ """
+ if self.file_path:
+ with open(self.file_path, "a") as F :
+ F.write(message + "\n")
+ F.close()
- self = T()
- def LogToFile(message):
- FilePath = ["/var/log/waagent.log", "waagent.log"][IsWindows()]
- if not os.path.isfile(FilePath) and self.File != None:
- self.File.close()
- self.File = None
- if self.File == None:
- self.File = open(FilePath, "a")
- self.File.write(message + "\n")
- self.File.flush()
- def LogToCon(message):
- ConPath = '/dev/console'
- if self.Con == None:
- self.Con = open(ConPath, "a")
- self.Con.write(message + "\n")
- self.Con.flush()
- def Log(message):
- LogWithPrefix("", message)
- def LogWithPrefix(prefix, message):
+ def LogToCon(self,message):
+ """
+ Write 'message' to /dev/console.
+ This supports serial port logging if the /dev/console
+ is redirected to ttys0 in kernel boot options.
+ """
+ if self.con_path:
+ with open(self.con_path, "w") as C :
+# if isinstance(message,str):
+# message=message.encode('latin-1'))
+ C.write(message + "\n")
+ C.close()
+ def Log(self,message):
+ """
+ Standard Log function.
+ Logs to self.file_path, and con_path
+ """
+ self.LogWithPrefix("", message)
+ def LogWithPrefix(self,prefix, message):
+ """
+ Prefix each line of 'message' with current time+'prefix'.
+ """
t = time.localtime()
t = "%04u/%02u/%02u %02u:%02u:%02u " % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec)
t += prefix
for line in message.split('\n'):
line = t + line
- LogToFile(line)
- LogToCon(line)
+ self.LogToFile(line)
+ self.LogToCon(line)
- return Log, LogWithPrefix
-Log, LogWithPrefix = Logger()
-def NoLog(message):
- pass
-def LogIfVerbose(message):
- if Verbose == True:
- LogFileWithPrefix('',message)
-def LogWithPrefixIfVerbose(prefix, message):
- if Verbose == True:
- LogWithPrefix(prefix, message)
-def Warn(message):
- LogWithPrefix("WARNING:", message)
-def Error(message):
- ErrorWithPrefix("", message)
-def ErrorWithPrefix(prefix, message):
- LogWithPrefix("ERROR:", message)
-def Linux_ioctl_GetIpv4Address(ifname):
- import fcntl
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8915, struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15]))[20:24])
+ def NoLog(self,message):
+ """
+ Don't Log.
+ """
+ pass
+ def LogIfVerbose(self,message):
+ """
+ Only log 'message' if global Verbose is True.
+ Verbose messages are assumed to be undesiarable in the
+ serial logs, so do not send the verbose logging to /dev/console
+ """
+ self.LogWithPrefixIfVerbose('',message)
+ def LogWithPrefixIfVerbose(self,prefix, message):
+ """
+ Only log 'message' if global Verbose is True.
+ Log to logfile, ignoring /dev/console
+ Prefix each line of 'message' with current time+'prefix'.
+ """
+ if self.verbose == True:
+ t = time.localtime()
+ t = "%04u/%02u/%02u %02u:%02u:%02u " % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec)
+ t += prefix
+ for line in message.split('\n'):
+ line = t + line
+ self.LogToFile(line)
+ def Warn(self,message):
+ """
+ Prepend the text "WARNING:" to the prefix for each line in 'message'.
+ """
+ self.LogWithPrefix("WARNING:", message)
+ def Error(self,message):
+ """
+ Call ErrorWithPrefix(message).
+ """
+ ErrorWithPrefix("", message)
+ def ErrorWithPrefix(self,prefix, message):
+ """
+ Prepend the text "ERROR:" to the prefix for each line in 'message'.
+ Errors written to logfile, and /dev/console
+ """
+ self.LogWithPrefix("ERROR:", message)
+def LoggerInit(log_file_path,log_con_path,verbose=False):
+ """
+ Create log object and export its methods to global scope.
+ """
+ global Log,LogWithPrefix,LogIfVerbose,LogWithPrefixIfVerbose,Error,ErrorWithPrefix,Warn,NoLog,ThrottleLog,myLogger
+ l=Logger(log_file_path,log_con_path,verbose)
+ Log,LogWithPrefix,LogIfVerbose,LogWithPrefixIfVerbose,Error,ErrorWithPrefix,Warn,NoLog,ThrottleLog,myLogger = l.Log,l.LogWithPrefix,l.LogIfVerbose,l.LogWithPrefixIfVerbose,l.Error,l.ErrorWithPrefix,l.Warn,l.NoLog,l.ThrottleLog,l
def Linux_ioctl_GetInterfaceMac(ifname):
- import fcntl
+ """
+ Return the mac-address bound to the socket.
+ """
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- info = fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8927, struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15]))
+ info = fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8927, struct.pack('256s', (ifname[:15]+('\0'*241)).encode('latin-1')))
return ''.join(['%02X' % Ord(char) for char in info[18:24]])
+def GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback():
+ """
+ Return the interface name, and ip addr of the
+ first active non-loopback interface.
+ """
+ expected=16 # how many devices should I expect...
+ struct_size=40 # for 64bit the size is 40 bytes
+ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+ buff=array.array('B', b'\0' * (expected*struct_size))
+# retsize=(struct.unpack('iL', fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno().to_bytes(1,'little'), 0x8912, struct.pack('iL',expected*struct_size,buff.buffer_info()[0]))))[0]
+ retsize=(struct.unpack('iL', fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8912, struct.pack('iL',expected*struct_size,buff.buffer_info()[0]))))[0]
+ if retsize == (expected*struct_size) :
+ Warn('SIOCGIFCONF returned more than ' + str(expected) + ' up network interfaces.')
+ s=buff.tostring()
+ for i in range(0,struct_size*expected,struct_size):
+ iface=s[i:i+16].split(b'\0', 1)[0]
+ if iface == b'lo':
+ continue
+ else :
+ break
+ return iface.decode('latin-1'), socket.inet_ntoa(s[i+20:i+24])
def GetIpv4Address():
- if IsLinux():
- for ifname in PossibleEthernetInterfaces:
- try:
- return Linux_ioctl_GetIpv4Address(ifname)
- except IOError, e:
- pass
- else:
- try:
- return socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
- except Exception, e:
- ErrorWithPrefix("GetIpv4Address:", str(e))
- ErrorWithPrefix("GetIpv4Address:", traceback.format_exc())
+ """
+ Return the ip of the
+ first active non-loopback interface.
+ """
+ iface,addr=GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback()
+ return addr
def HexStringToByteArray(a):
- b = ""
- for c in range(0, len(a) / 2):
+ """
+ Return hex string packed into a binary struct.
+ """
+ b = b""
+ for c in range(0, len(a) // 2):
b += struct.pack("B", int(a[c * 2:c * 2 + 2], 16))
return b
def GetMacAddress():
- if IsWindows():
- # Windows: Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-15-17-79-00-7F\n
- a = "ipconfig /all | findstr /c:\"Physical Address\" | findstr /v \"00-00-00-00-00-00-00\""
- a = os.popen(a).read() # not re-implementing wirh RunGetOutput - not called unless we're in windows
- a = re.sub("\s+$", "", a)
- a = re.sub(".+ ", "", a)
- a = re.sub(":", "", a)
- a = re.sub("-", "", a)
- else:
- for ifname in PossibleEthernetInterfaces:
- try:
- a = Linux_ioctl_GetInterfaceMac(ifname)
- break
- except IOError, e:
- pass
+ """
+ Convienience function, returns mac addr bound to
+ first non-loobback interface.
+ """
+ ifname=GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback()[0]
+ a = Linux_ioctl_GetInterfaceMac(ifname)
return HexStringToByteArray(a)
def DeviceForIdePort(n):
+ """
+ Return device name attached to ide port 'n'.
+ """
if n > 3:
return None
g0 = "00000000"
@@ -536,11 +2116,25 @@ def DeviceForIdePort(n):
if root.endswith("/block"):
device = dirs[0]
+ else : #older distros
+ for d in dirs:
+ if ':' in d and "block" == d.split(':')[0]:
+ device = d.split(':')[1]
+ break
return device
class Util(object):
+ """
+ Http communication class.
+ Base of GoalState, and Agent classes.
+ """
def _HttpGet(self, url, headers):
+ """
+ Do HTTP get on 'url' with 'headers'.
+ On error, sleep 10 and maxRetry times.
+ Return the output buffer or None.
+ """
LogIfVerbose("HttpGet(" + url + ")")
maxRetry = 2
if url.startswith("http://"):
@@ -560,8 +2154,10 @@ class Util(object):
request = httpConnection.request("GET", url, None, headers)
response = httpConnection.getresponse()
strStatus = str(response.status)
- except httplib.HTTPException, e:
+ except httplib.HTTPException, e:
Error('HTTPException ' + e.message + ' args: ' + repr(e.args))
+ except IOError, e:
+ Error('socket IOError ' + e.message + ' args: ' + repr(e.args))
log("response HttpGet(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus)
if response == None or response.status != httplib.OK:
Error("HttpGet(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus)
@@ -576,18 +2172,32 @@ class Util(object):
def HttpGetWithoutHeaders(self, url):
+ """
+ Return data from an HTTP get on 'url'.
+ """
return self._HttpGet(url, None)
def HttpGetWithHeaders(self, url):
+ """
+ Return data from an HTTP get on 'url' with
+ x-ms-agent-name and x-ms-version
+ headers.
+ """
return self._HttpGet(url, {"x-ms-agent-name": GuestAgentName, "x-ms-version": ProtocolVersion})
def HttpSecureGetWithHeaders(self, url, transportCert):
+ """
+ Return output of get using ssl cert.
+ """
return self._HttpGet(url, {"x-ms-agent-name": GuestAgentName,
"x-ms-version": ProtocolVersion,
"x-ms-cipher-name": "DES_EDE3_CBC",
"x-ms-guest-agent-public-x509-cert": transportCert})
def HttpPost(self, url, data):
+ """
+ Send http POST to server, sleeping 10 retrying maxRetry times upon error.
+ """
LogIfVerbose("HttpPost(" + url + ")")
maxRetry = 2
for retry in range(0, maxRetry + 1):
@@ -605,6 +2215,8 @@ class Util(object):
strStatus = str(response.status)
except httplib.HTTPException, e:
Error('HTTPException ' + e.message + ' args: ' + repr(e.args))
+ except IOError, e:
+ Error('socket IOError ' + e.message + ' args: ' + repr(e.args))
log("response HttpPost(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus)
if response == None or (response.status != httplib.OK and response.status != httplib.ACCEPTED):
Error("HttpPost(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus)
@@ -618,50 +2230,64 @@ class Util(object):
log("return HttpPost(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus)
return response
-def LoadBalancerProbeServer(port):
- class T(object):
- def __init__(self, ip, port):
- self.ProbeCounter = 0
- self.server = SocketServer.TCPServer((ip, port), TCPHandler)
- self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.server.serve_forever)
- self.server_thread.setDaemon(True)
- self.server_thread.start()
- def shutdown(self):
- self.server.shutdown()
- class TCPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
- def GetHttpDateTimeNow(self):
- # Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 04:53:10 GMT
- return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime())
- def handle(self):
- context.ProbeCounter = (context.ProbeCounter + 1) % 1000000
- log = [NoLog, LogIfVerbose][ThrottleLog(context.ProbeCounter)]
- strCounter = str(context.ProbeCounter)
- if context.ProbeCounter == 1:
- Log("Receiving LB probes.")
- log("Received LB probe # " + strCounter)
- self.request.recv(1024)
- self.request.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: " + self.GetHttpDateTimeNow() + "\r\n\r\nOK")
+class TCPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
+ """
+ Callback object for LoadBalancerProbeServer.
+ Recv and send LB probe messages.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,lb_probe):
+ super(TCPHandler,self).__init__()
+ self.lb_probe=lb_probe
+ def GetHttpDateTimeNow(self):
+ """
+ Return formatted gmtime "Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 04:53:10 GMT"
+ """
+ return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime())
+ def handle(self):
+ """
+ Log LB probe messages, read the socket buffer,
+ send LB probe response back to server.
+ """
+ self.lb_probe.ProbeCounter = (self.lb_probe.ProbeCounter + 1) % 1000000
+ log = [NoLog, LogIfVerbose][ThrottleLog(self.lb_probe.ProbeCounter)]
+ strCounter = str(self.lb_probe.ProbeCounter)
+ if self.lb_probe.ProbeCounter == 1:
+ Log("Receiving LB probes.")
+ log("Received LB probe # " + strCounter)
+ self.request.recv(1024)
+ self.request.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: " + self.GetHttpDateTimeNow() + "\r\n\r\nOK")
- for retry in range(1,6):
- context=None
- ip = GetIpv4Address()
- if ip == None :
- Log("LoadBalancerProbeServer: GetIpv4Address() returned None, sleeping 10 before retry " + str(retry+1) )
- time.sleep(10)
- else:
- try:
- context = T(ip,port)
- break
- except Exception, e:
- Log("LoadBalancerProbeServer: Exception contructing socket server: " + str(e))
- Log("LoadBalancerProbeServer: Retry socket server construction #" + str(retry+1) )
- return context
+class LoadBalancerProbeServer(object):
+ """
+ Threaded object to receive and send LB probe messages.
+ Load Balancer messages but be recv'd by
+ the load balancing server, or this node may be shut-down.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, port):
+ self.ProbeCounter = 0
+ self.server = SocketServer.TCPServer((self.get_ip(), port), TCPHandler)
+ self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.server.serve_forever)
+ self.server_thread.setDaemon(True)
+ self.server_thread.start()
+ def shutdown(self):
+ self.server.shutdown()
+ def get_ip(self):
+ for retry in range(1,6):
+ ip = MyDistro.GetIpv4Address()
+ if ip == None :
+ Log("LoadBalancerProbeServer: GetIpv4Address() returned None, sleeping 10 before retry " + str(retry+1) )
+ time.sleep(10)
+ else:
+ return ip
class ConfigurationProvider(object):
+ """
+ Parse amd store key:values in /etc/waagent.conf.
+ """
def __init__(self):
self.values = dict()
if os.path.isfile("/etc/waagent.conf") == False:
@@ -684,6 +2310,10 @@ class ConfigurationProvider(object):
return self.values.get(key)
class EnvMonitor(object):
+ """
+ Montor changes to dhcp and hostname.
+ If dhcp clinet process re-start has occurred, reset routes, dhcp with fabric.
+ """
def __init__(self):
self.shutdown = False
self.HostName = socket.gethostname()
@@ -693,13 +2323,13 @@ class EnvMonitor(object):
self.published = False
def monitor(self):
- publish = Config.get("Provisioning.MonitorHostName")
- dhcpcmd = "pidof dhclient"
- if IsSuse():
- dhcpcmd = "pidof dhcpcd"
- if IsDebian():
- dhcpcmd = "pidof dhclient3"
- dhcppid = RunGetOutput(dhcpcmd,chk_err=False)[1]
+ """
+ Monitor dhcp client pid and hostname.
+ If dhcp clinet process re-start has occurred, reset routes, dhcp with fabric.
+ """
+ publish = ConfigurationProvider().get("Provisioning.MonitorHostName")
+ dhcpcmd = MyDistro.getpidcmd+ ' ' + MyDistro.getDhcpClientName()
+ dhcppid = RunGetOutput(dhcpcmd)[1]
while not self.shutdown:
for a in RulesFiles:
if os.path.isfile(a):
@@ -713,7 +2343,7 @@ class EnvMonitor(object):
Log("EnvMonitor: Detected host name change: " + self.HostName + " -> " + socket.gethostname())
self.HostName = socket.gethostname()
- dhcppid = RunGetOutput(dhcpcmd,chk_err=False)[1]
+ dhcppid = RunGetOutput(dhcpcmd)[1]
self.published = True
@@ -721,7 +2351,7 @@ class EnvMonitor(object):
self.published = True
pid = ""
if not os.path.isdir("/proc/" + dhcppid.strip()):
- pid = RunGetOutput(dhcpcmd,chk_err=False)[1]
+ pid = RunGetOutput(dhcpcmd)[1]
if pid != "" and pid != dhcppid:
Log("EnvMonitor: Detected dhcp client restart. Restoring routing table.")
@@ -732,37 +2362,56 @@ class EnvMonitor(object):
def SetHostName(self, name):
+ """
+ Generic call to MyDistro.setHostname(name).
+ Complian to Log on error.
+ """
if socket.gethostname() == name:
self.published = True
- elif Run("hostname " + name):
+ elif MyDistro.setHostname(name):
Error("Error: SetHostName: Cannot set hostname to " + name)
return ("Error: SetHostName: Cannot set hostname to " + name)
- def IsNamePublished(self):
+ def IsHostnamePublished(self):
+ """
+ Return self.published
+ """
return self.published
def ShutdownService(self):
+ """
+ Stop server comminucation and join the thread to main thread.
+ """
self.shutdown = True
class Certificates(object):
-# <CertificateFile xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="certificates10.xsd">
-# <Version>2010-12-15</Version>
-# <Incarnation>2</Incarnation>
-# <Format>Pkcs7BlobWithPfxContents</Format>
-# <Data>MIILTAY...
-# </Data>
-# </CertificateFile>
+ """
+ Object containing certificates of host and provisioned user.
+ Parses and splits certificates into files.
+ """
+ # <CertificateFile xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="certificates10.xsd">
+ # <Version>2010-12-15</Version>
+ # <Incarnation>2</Incarnation>
+ # <Format>Pkcs7BlobWithPfxContents</Format>
+ # <Data>MIILTAY...
+ # </Data>
+ # </CertificateFile>
def __init__(self):
def reinitialize(self):
+ """
+ Reset the Role, Incarnation
+ """
self.Incarnation = None
self.Role = None
def Parse(self, xmlText):
+ """
+ Parse multiple certificates into seperate files.
+ """
SetFileContents("Certificates.xml", xmlText)
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText)
@@ -811,71 +2460,75 @@ class Certificates(object):
keys[pubkey] = thumbprint
os.rename(filename, thumbprint + ".crt")
os.chmod(thumbprint + ".crt", 0600)
- if IsRedHat():
- Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + thumbprint + ".crt")
+ MyDistro.setSelinuxContext(thumbprint + '.crt','unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0')
index += 1
filename = str(index) + ".crt"
index = 1
filename = str(index) + ".prv"
while os.path.isfile(filename):
- pubkey = RunGetOutput(Openssl + " rsa -in " + filename + " -pubout 2> /dev/null")[1]
+ pubkey = RunGetOutput(Openssl + " rsa -in " + filename + " -pubout 2> /dev/null ")[1]
os.rename(filename, keys[pubkey] + ".prv")
os.chmod(keys[pubkey] + ".prv", 0600)
- if IsRedHat():
- Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + keys[pubkey] + ".prv")
+ MyDistro.setSelinuxContext( keys[pubkey] + '.prv','unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0')
index += 1
filename = str(index) + ".prv"
return self
class SharedConfig(object):
-# <SharedConfig version="" goalStateIncarnation="1">
-# <Deployment name="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3" guid="{ce5a036f-5c93-40e7-8adf-2613631008ab}" incarnation="2">
-# <Service name="MyVMRoleService" guid="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" />
-# <ServiceInstance name="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3.1" guid="{d113f4d7-9ead-4e73-b715-b724b5b7842c}" />
-# </Deployment>
-# <Incarnation number="1" instance="MachineRole_IN_0" guid="{a0faca35-52e5-4ec7-8fd1-63d2bc107d9b}" />
-# <Role guid="{73d95f1c-6472-e58e-7a1a-523554e11d46}" name="MachineRole" settleTimeSeconds="10" />
-# <LoadBalancerSettings timeoutSeconds="0" waitLoadBalancerProbeCount="8">
-# <Probes>
-# <Probe name="MachineRole" />
-# <Probe name="55B17C5E41A1E1E8FA991CF80FAC8E55" />
-# <Probe name="3EA4DBC19418F0A766A4C19D431FA45F" />
-# </Probes>
-# </LoadBalancerSettings>
-# <OutputEndpoints>
-# <Endpoint name="MachineRole:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Rdp" type="SFS">
-# <Target instance="MachineRole_IN_0" endpoint="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Rdp" />
-# </Endpoint>
-# </OutputEndpoints>
-# <Instances>
-# <Instance id="MachineRole_IN_0" address="">
-# <FaultDomains randomId="0" updateId="0" updateCount="0" />
-# <InputEndpoints>
-# <Endpoint name="a" address="" protocol="http" isPublic="true" loadBalancedPublicAddress="" enableDirectServerReturn="false" isDirectAddress="false" disableStealthMode="false">
-# <LocalPorts>
-# <LocalPortRange from="80" to="80" />
-# </LocalPorts>
-# </Endpoint>
-# <Endpoint name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Rdp" address="" protocol="tcp" isPublic="false" enableDirectServerReturn="false" isDirectAddress="false" disableStealthMode="false">
-# <LocalPorts>
-# <LocalPortRange from="3389" to="3389" />
-# </LocalPorts>
-# </Endpoint>
-# <Endpoint name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteForwarder.RdpInput" address="" protocol="tcp" isPublic="true" loadBalancedPublicAddress="" enableDirectServerReturn="false" isDirectAddress="false" disableStealthMode="false">
-# <LocalPorts>
-# <LocalPortRange from="20000" to="20000" />
-# </LocalPorts>
-# </Endpoint>
-# </InputEndpoints>
-# </Instance>
-# </Instances>
-# </SharedConfig>
+ """
+ Parse role endpoint server and goal state config.
+ """
+ #
+ # <SharedConfig version="" goalStateIncarnation="1">
+ # <Deployment name="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3" guid="{ce5a036f-5c93-40e7-8adf-2613631008ab}" incarnation="2">
+ # <Service name="MyVMRoleService" guid="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" />
+ # <ServiceInstance name="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3.1" guid="{d113f4d7-9ead-4e73-b715-b724b5b7842c}" />
+ # </Deployment>
+ # <Incarnation number="1" instance="MachineRole_IN_0" guid="{a0faca35-52e5-4ec7-8fd1-63d2bc107d9b}" />
+ # <Role guid="{73d95f1c-6472-e58e-7a1a-523554e11d46}" name="MachineRole" settleTimeSeconds="10" />
+ # <LoadBalancerSettings timeoutSeconds="0" waitLoadBalancerProbeCount="8">
+ # <Probes>
+ # <Probe name="MachineRole" />
+ # <Probe name="55B17C5E41A1E1E8FA991CF80FAC8E55" />
+ # <Probe name="3EA4DBC19418F0A766A4C19D431FA45F" />
+ # </Probes>
+ # </LoadBalancerSettings>
+ # <OutputEndpoints>
+ # <Endpoint name="MachineRole:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Rdp" type="SFS">
+ # <Target instance="MachineRole_IN_0" endpoint="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Rdp" />
+ # </Endpoint>
+ # </OutputEndpoints>
+ # <Instances>
+ # <Instance id="MachineRole_IN_0" address="">
+ # <FaultDomains randomId="0" updateId="0" updateCount="0" />
+ # <InputEndpoints>
+ # <Endpoint name="a" address="" protocol="http" isPublic="true" loadBalancedPublicAddress="" enableDirectServerReturn="false" isDirectAddress="false" disableStealthMode="false">
+ # <LocalPorts>
+ # <LocalPortRange from="80" to="80" />
+ # </LocalPorts>
+ # </Endpoint>
+ # <Endpoint name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Rdp" address="" protocol="tcp" isPublic="false" enableDirectServerReturn="false" isDirectAddress="false" disableStealthMode="false">
+ # <LocalPorts>
+ # <LocalPortRange from="3389" to="3389" />
+ # </LocalPorts>
+ # </Endpoint>
+ # <Endpoint name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteForwarder.RdpInput" address="" protocol="tcp" isPublic="true" loadBalancedPublicAddress="" enableDirectServerReturn="false" isDirectAddress="false" disableStealthMode="false">
+ # <LocalPorts>
+ # <LocalPortRange from="20000" to="20000" />
+ # </LocalPorts>
+ # </Endpoint>
+ # </InputEndpoints>
+ # </Instance>
+ # </Instances>
+ # </SharedConfig>
+ #
def __init__(self):
def reinitialize(self):
+ """
+ Reset members.
+ """
self.Deployment = None
self.Incarnation = None
self.Role = None
@@ -884,6 +2537,9 @@ class SharedConfig(object):
self.Instances = None
def Parse(self, xmlText):
+ """
+ Parse and write configuration to file SharedConfig.xml.
+ """
SetFileContents("SharedConfig.xml", xmlText)
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText)
@@ -898,45 +2554,55 @@ class SharedConfig(object):
return None
program = Config.get("Role.TopologyConsumer")
if program != None:
- Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, LibDir + "/SharedConfig.xml"]))
+ try:
+ Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, LibDir + "/SharedConfig.xml"]))
+ except OSError, e :
+ ErrorWithPrefix('Agent.Run','Exception: '+ str(e) +' occured launching ' + program )
return self
class HostingEnvironmentConfig(object):
-# <HostingEnvironmentConfig version="" goalStateIncarnation="1">
-# <StoredCertificates>
-# <StoredCertificate name="Stored0Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.PasswordEncryption" certificateId="sha1:C093FA5CD3AAE057CB7C4E04532B2E16E07C26CA" storeName="My" configurationLevel="System" />
-# </StoredCertificates>
-# <Deployment name="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3" guid="{ce5a036f-5c93-40e7-8adf-2613631008ab}" incarnation="2">
-# <Service name="MyVMRoleService" guid="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" />
-# <ServiceInstance name="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3.1" guid="{d113f4d7-9ead-4e73-b715-b724b5b7842c}" />
-# </Deployment>
-# <Incarnation number="1" instance="MachineRole_IN_0" guid="{a0faca35-52e5-4ec7-8fd1-63d2bc107d9b}" />
-# <Role guid="{73d95f1c-6472-e58e-7a1a-523554e11d46}" name="MachineRole" hostingEnvironmentVersion="1" software="" softwareType="ApplicationPackage" entryPoint="" parameters="" settleTimeSeconds="10" />
-# <HostingEnvironmentSettings name="full" Runtime="">
-# <CAS mode="full" />
-# <PrivilegeLevel mode="max" />
-# <AdditionalProperties><CgiHandlers></CgiHandlers></AdditionalProperties>
-# </HostingEnvironmentSettings>
-# <ApplicationSettings>
-# <Setting name="__ModelData" value="&lt;m role=&quot;MachineRole&quot; xmlns=&quot;urn:azure:m:v1&quot;>&lt;r name=&quot;MachineRole&quot;>&lt;e name=&quot;a&quot; />&lt;e name=&quot;b&quot; />&lt;e name=&quot;Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Rdp&quot; />&lt;e name=&quot;Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteForwarder.RdpInput&quot; />&lt;/r>&lt;/m>" />
-# <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=osimages;AccountKey=DNZQ..." />
-# <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountEncryptedPassword" value="MIIBnQYJKoZIhvcN..." />
-# <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountExpiration" value="2022-07-23T23:59:59.0000000-07:00" />
-# <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountUsername" value="test" />
-# <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Enabled" value="true" />
-# <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteForwarder.Enabled" value="true" />
-# <Setting name="Certificate|Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.PasswordEncryption" value="sha1:C093FA5CD3AAE057CB7C4E04532B2E16E07C26CA" />
-# </ApplicationSettings>
-# <ResourceReferences>
-# <Resource name="DiagnosticStore" type="directory" request="Microsoft.Cis.Fabric.Controller.Descriptions.ServiceDescription.Data.Policy" sticky="true" size="1" path="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3.MachineRole.DiagnosticStore\" disableQuota="false" />
-# </ResourceReferences>
-# </HostingEnvironmentConfig>
+ """
+ Parse Hosting enviromnet config and store in
+ HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml
+ """
+ #
+ # <HostingEnvironmentConfig version="" goalStateIncarnation="1">
+ # <StoredCertificates>
+ # <StoredCertificate name="Stored0Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.PasswordEncryption" certificateId="sha1:C093FA5CD3AAE057CB7C4E04532B2E16E07C26CA" storeName="My" configurationLevel="System" />
+ # </StoredCertificates>
+ # <Deployment name="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3" guid="{ce5a036f-5c93-40e7-8adf-2613631008ab}" incarnation="2">
+ # <Service name="MyVMRoleService" guid="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" />
+ # <ServiceInstance name="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3.1" guid="{d113f4d7-9ead-4e73-b715-b724b5b7842c}" />
+ # </Deployment>
+ # <Incarnation number="1" instance="MachineRole_IN_0" guid="{a0faca35-52e5-4ec7-8fd1-63d2bc107d9b}" />
+ # <Role guid="{73d95f1c-6472-e58e-7a1a-523554e11d46}" name="MachineRole" hostingEnvironmentVersion="1" software="" softwareType="ApplicationPackage" entryPoint="" parameters="" settleTimeSeconds="10" />
+ # <HostingEnvironmentSettings name="full" Runtime="">
+ # <CAS mode="full" />
+ # <PrivilegeLevel mode="max" />
+ # <AdditionalProperties><CgiHandlers></CgiHandlers></AdditionalProperties>
+ # </HostingEnvironmentSettings>
+ # <ApplicationSettings>
+ # <Setting name="__ModelData" value="&lt;m role=&quot;MachineRole&quot; xmlns=&quot;urn:azure:m:v1&quot;>&lt;r name=&quot;MachineRole&quot;>&lt;e name=&quot;a&quot; />&lt;e name=&quot;b&quot; />&lt;e name=&quot;Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Rdp&quot; />&lt;e name=&quot;Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteForwarder.RdpInput&quot; />&lt;/r>&lt;/m>" />
+ # <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=osimages;AccountKey=DNZQ..." />
+ # <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountEncryptedPassword" value="MIIBnQYJKoZIhvcN..." />
+ # <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountExpiration" value="2022-07-23T23:59:59.0000000-07:00" />
+ # <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountUsername" value="test" />
+ # <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Enabled" value="true" />
+ # <Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteForwarder.Enabled" value="true" />
+ # <Setting name="Certificate|Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.PasswordEncryption" value="sha1:C093FA5CD3AAE057CB7C4E04532B2E16E07C26CA" />
+ # </ApplicationSettings>
+ # <ResourceReferences>
+ # <Resource name="DiagnosticStore" type="directory" request="Microsoft.Cis.Fabric.Controller.Descriptions.ServiceDescription.Data.Policy" sticky="true" size="1" path="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3.MachineRole.DiagnosticStore\" disableQuota="false" />
+ # </ResourceReferences>
+ # </HostingEnvironmentConfig>
+ #
def __init__(self):
def reinitialize(self):
+ """
+ Reset Members.
+ """
self.StoredCertificates = None
self.Deployment = None
self.Incarnation = None
@@ -947,6 +2613,9 @@ class HostingEnvironmentConfig(object):
self.ResourceReferences = None
def Parse(self, xmlText):
+ """
+ Parse and create HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml.
+ """
SetFileContents("HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml", xmlText)
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText)
@@ -964,6 +2633,9 @@ class HostingEnvironmentConfig(object):
return self
def DecryptPassword(self, e):
+ """
+ Return decrypted password.
+ """
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"password.p7m\"\n"
@@ -973,55 +2645,14 @@ class HostingEnvironmentConfig(object):
return RunGetOutput(Openssl + " cms -decrypt -in password.p7m -inkey Certificates.pem -recip Certificates.pem")[1]
def ActivateResourceDisk(self):
- global DiskActivated
- if IsWindows():
- DiskActivated = True
- Log("Skipping ActivateResourceDisk on Windows")
- return
- format = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Format")
- if format == None or format.lower().startswith("n"):
- DiskActivated = True
- return
- device = DeviceForIdePort(1)
- if device == None:
- Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Unable to detect disk topology.")
- return
- device = "/dev/" + device
- for entry in RunGetOutput("mount")[1].split():
- if entry.startswith(device + "1"):
- Log("ActivateResourceDisk: " + device + "1 is already mounted.")
- DiskActivated = True
- return
- mountpoint = Config.get("ResourceDisk.MountPoint")
- if mountpoint == None:
- mountpoint = "/mnt/resource"
- CreateDir(mountpoint, "root", 0755)
- fs = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Filesystem")
- if fs == None:
- fs = "ext3"
- if RunGetOutput("sfdisk -q -c " + device + " 1")[1].rstrip() == "7" and fs != "ntfs":
- Run("sfdisk -c " + device + " 1 83")
- Run("mkfs." + fs + " " + device + "1")
- if Run("mount " + device + "1 " + mountpoint):
- Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to mount resource disk (" + device + "1).")
- return
- Log("Resource disk (" + device + "1) is mounted at " + mountpoint + " with fstype " + fs)
- DiskActivated = True
- swap = Config.get("ResourceDisk.EnableSwap")
- if swap == None or swap.lower().startswith("n"):
- return
- sizeKB = int(Config.get("ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB")) * 1024
- if os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile") and os.path.getsize(mountpoint + "/swapfile") != (sizeKB * 1024):
- os.remove(mountpoint + "/swapfile")
- if not os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile"):
- Run("dd if=/dev/zero of=" + mountpoint + "/swapfile bs=1024 count=" + str(sizeKB))
- Run("mkswap " + mountpoint + "/swapfile")
- if not Run("swapon " + mountpoint + "/swapfile"):
- Log("Enabled " + str(sizeKB) + " KB of swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile")
- else:
- Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to activate swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile")
+ return MyDistro.ActivateResourceDisk()
def Process(self):
+ """
+ Execute ActivateResourceDisk in separate thread.
+ Create the user account.
+ Launch ConfigurationConsumer if specified in the config.
+ """
if DiskActivated == False:
diskThread = threading.Thread(target = self.ActivateResourceDisk)
@@ -1046,53 +2677,60 @@ class HostingEnvironmentConfig(object):
Error("Not creating user account: " + User)
for c in self.Certificates:
- cname = c.getAttribute("name")
csha1 = c.getAttribute("certificateId").split(':')[1].upper()
- cpath = c.getAttribute("storeName")
- clevel = c.getAttribute("configurationLevel")
if os.path.isfile(csha1 + ".prv"):
Log("Private key with thumbprint: " + csha1 + " was retrieved.")
if os.path.isfile(csha1 + ".crt"):
Log("Public cert with thumbprint: " + csha1 + " was retrieved.")
program = Config.get("Role.ConfigurationConsumer")
if program != None:
- Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, LibDir + "/HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml"]))
+ try:
+ Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, LibDir + "/HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml"]))
+ except OSError, e :
+ ErrorWithPrefix('HostingEnvironmentConfig.Process','Exception: '+ str(e) +' occured launching ' + program )
class GoalState(Util):
-# <GoalState xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="goalstate10.xsd">
-# <Version>2010-12-15</Version>
-# <Incarnation>1</Incarnation>
-# <Machine>
-# <ExpectedState>Started</ExpectedState>
-# <LBProbePorts>
-# <Port>16001</Port>
-# </LBProbePorts>
-# </Machine>
-# <Container>
-# <ContainerId>c6d5526c-5ac2-4200-b6e2-56f2b70c5ab2</ContainerId>
-# <RoleInstanceList>
-# <RoleInstance>
-# <InstanceId>MachineRole_IN_0</InstanceId>
-# <State>Started</State>
-# <Configuration>
-# <HostingEnvironmentConfig>;type=hostingEnvironmentConfig&amp;incarnation=1</HostingEnvironmentConfig>
-# <SharedConfig>;type=sharedConfig&amp;incarnation=1</SharedConfig>
-# <Certificates>;incarnation=1</Certificates>
-# </Configuration>
-# </RoleInstance>
-# </RoleInstanceList>
-# </Container>
-# </GoalState>
-# There is only one Role for VM images.
-# Of primary interest is:
-# Machine/ExpectedState -- this is how shutdown is requested
-# LBProbePorts -- an http server needs to run here
-# We also note Container/ContainerID and RoleInstance/InstanceId to form the health report.
-# And of course, Incarnation
+ """
+ Primary container for all configuration except OvfXml.
+ Encapsulates http communication with endpoint server.
+ Initializes and populates:
+ self.HostingEnvironmentConfig
+ self.SharedConfig
+ self.Certificates
+ """
+ #
+ # <GoalState xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="goalstate10.xsd">
+ # <Version>2010-12-15</Version>
+ # <Incarnation>1</Incarnation>
+ # <Machine>
+ # <ExpectedState>Started</ExpectedState>
+ # <LBProbePorts>
+ # <Port>16001</Port>
+ # </LBProbePorts>
+ # </Machine>
+ # <Container>
+ # <ContainerId>c6d5526c-5ac2-4200-b6e2-56f2b70c5ab2</ContainerId>
+ # <RoleInstanceList>
+ # <RoleInstance>
+ # <InstanceId>MachineRole_IN_0</InstanceId>
+ # <State>Started</State>
+ # <Configuration>
+ # <HostingEnvironmentConfig>;type=hostingEnvironmentConfig&amp;incarnation=1</HostingEnvironmentConfig>
+ # <SharedConfig>;type=sharedConfig&amp;incarnation=1</SharedConfig>
+ # <Certificates>;incarnation=1</Certificates>
+ # </Configuration>
+ # </RoleInstance>
+ # </RoleInstanceList>
+ # </Container>
+ # </GoalState>
+ #
+ # There is only one Role for VM images.
+ #
+ # Of primary interest is:
+ # LBProbePorts -- an http server needs to run here
+ # We also note Container/ContainerID and RoleInstance/InstanceId to form the health report.
+ # And of course, Incarnation
+ #
def __init__(self, Agent):
self.Agent = Agent
self.Endpoint = Agent.Endpoint
@@ -1101,7 +2739,7 @@ class GoalState(Util):
def reinitialize(self):
self.Incarnation = None # integer
- self.ExpectedState = None # "Started" or "Stopped"
+ self.ExpectedState = None # "Started"
self.HostingEnvironmentConfigUrl = None
self.HostingEnvironmentConfigXml = None
self.HostingEnvironmentConfig = None
@@ -1116,6 +2754,13 @@ class GoalState(Util):
self.LoadBalancerProbePort = None # integer, ?list of integers
def Parse(self, xmlText):
+ """
+ Request configuration data from endpoint server.
+ Parse and populate contained configuration objects.
+ Calls Certificates().Parse()
+ Calls SharedConfig().Parse
+ Calls HostingEnvironmentConfig().Parse
+ """
node = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText).childNodes[0]
if node.localName != "GoalState":
@@ -1185,42 +2830,51 @@ class GoalState(Util):
return self
def Process(self):
+ """
+ Calls HostingEnvironmentConfig.Process()
+ """
class OvfEnv(object):
-# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-# <Environment xmlns="" xmlns:oe="" xmlns:wa="" xmlns:xsi="">
-# <wa:ProvisioningSection>
-# <wa:Version>1.0</wa:Version>
-# <LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
-# <ConfigurationSetType>LinuxProvisioningConfiguration</ConfigurationSetType>
-# <HostName>HostName</HostName>
-# <UserName>UserName</UserName>
-# <UserPassword>UserPassword</UserPassword>
-# <DisableSshPasswordAuthentication>false</DisableSshPasswordAuthentication>
-# <SSH>
-# <PublicKeys>
-# <PublicKey>
-# <Fingerprint>EB0C0AB4B2D5FC35F2F0658D19F44C8283E2DD62</Fingerprint>
-# <Path>$HOME/UserName/.ssh/authorized_keys</Path>
-# </PublicKey>
-# </PublicKeys>
-# <KeyPairs>
-# <KeyPair>
-# <Fingerprint>EB0C0AB4B2D5FC35F2F0658D19F44C8283E2DD62</Fingerprint>
-# <Path>$HOME/UserName/.ssh/id_rsa</Path>
-# </KeyPair>
-# </KeyPairs>
-# </SSH>
-# </LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet>
-# </wa:ProvisioningSection>
-# </Environment>
+ """
+ Read, and process provisioning info from provisioning file OvfEnv.xml
+ """
+ #
+ # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ # <Environment xmlns="" xmlns:oe="" xmlns:wa="" xmlns:xsi="">
+ # <wa:ProvisioningSection>
+ # <wa:Version>1.0</wa:Version>
+ # <LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
+ # <ConfigurationSetType>LinuxProvisioningConfiguration</ConfigurationSetType>
+ # <HostName>HostName</HostName>
+ # <UserName>UserName</UserName>
+ # <UserPassword>UserPassword</UserPassword>
+ # <DisableSshPasswordAuthentication>false</DisableSshPasswordAuthentication>
+ # <SSH>
+ # <PublicKeys>
+ # <PublicKey>
+ # <Fingerprint>EB0C0AB4B2D5FC35F2F0658D19F44C8283E2DD62</Fingerprint>
+ # <Path>$HOME/UserName/.ssh/authorized_keys</Path>
+ # </PublicKey>
+ # </PublicKeys>
+ # <KeyPairs>
+ # <KeyPair>
+ # <Fingerprint>EB0C0AB4B2D5FC35F2F0658D19F44C8283E2DD62</Fingerprint>
+ # <Path>$HOME/UserName/.ssh/id_rsa</Path>
+ # </KeyPair>
+ # </KeyPairs>
+ # </SSH>
+ # </LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet>
+ # </wa:ProvisioningSection>
+ # </Environment>
+ #
def __init__(self):
def reinitialize(self):
+ """
+ Reset members.
+ """
self.WaNs = ""
self.OvfNs = ""
self.MajorVersion = 1
@@ -1229,11 +2883,16 @@ class OvfEnv(object):
self.AdminPassword = None
self.UserName = None
self.UserPassword = None
+ self.CustomData = None
self.DisableSshPasswordAuthentication = True
self.SshPublicKeys = []
self.SshKeyPairs = []
def Parse(self, xmlText):
+ """
+ Parse xml tree, retreiving user and ssh key information.
+ Return self.
+ """
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText)
if len(dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.OvfNs, "Environment")) != 1:
@@ -1264,6 +2923,18 @@ class OvfEnv(object):
self.UserPassword = GetNodeTextData(section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "UserPassword")[0])
+ CDSection=None
+ try:
+ CDSection=section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "CustomData")
+ if len(CDSection) > 0 :
+ self.CustomData=GetNodeTextData(CDSection[0])
+ if len(self.CustomData)>0:
+ SetFileContents(LibDir + '/CustomData',self.CustomData)
+ Log('Wrote ' + LibDir + '/CustomData')
+ else :
+ Error('<CustomData> contains no data!')
+ except Exception, e:
+ Error( str(e)+' occured creating ' + LibDir + '/CustomData')
disableSshPass = section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "DisableSshPasswordAuthentication")
if len(disableSshPass) != 0:
self.DisableSshPasswordAuthentication = (GetNodeTextData(disableSshPass[0]).lower() == "true")
@@ -1288,7 +2959,11 @@ class OvfEnv(object):
return self
def PrepareDir(self, filepath):
- home = GetHome()
+ """
+ Create home dir for self.UserName
+ Change owner and return path.
+ """
+ home = MyDistro.GetHome()
# Expand HOME variable if present in path
path = os.path.normpath(filepath.replace("$HOME", home))
if (path.startswith("/") == False) or (path.endswith("/") == True):
@@ -1301,6 +2976,9 @@ class OvfEnv(object):
return path
def NumberToBytes(self, i):
+ """
+ Pack number into bytes. Retun as string.
+ """
result = []
while i:
result.append(chr(i & 0xFF))
@@ -1309,6 +2987,9 @@ class OvfEnv(object):
return ''.join(result)
def BitsToString(self, a):
+ """
+ Return string representation of bits in a.
+ """
s = ""
c = 0
@@ -1322,6 +3003,9 @@ class OvfEnv(object):
return s
def OpensslToSsh(self, file):
+ """
+ Return base-64 encoded key appropriate for ssh.
+ """
from pyasn1.codec.der import decoder as der_decoder
f = open(file).read().replace('\n','').split("KEY-----")[1].split('-')[0]
@@ -1342,6 +3026,13 @@ class OvfEnv(object):
return "ssh-rsa " + base64.b64encode(keydata) + "\n"
def Process(self):
+ """
+ Process all certificate and key info.
+ DisableSshPasswordAuthentication if configured.
+ CreateAccount(user)
+ Wait for WaAgent.EnvMonitor.IsHostnamePublished().
+ Restart ssh service.
+ """
error = None
if self.ComputerName == None :
return "Error: Hostname missing"
@@ -1355,13 +3046,13 @@ class OvfEnv(object):
GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))) + "PasswordAuthentication no\nChallengeResponseAuthentication no\n")
Log("Disabled SSH password-based authentication methods.")
if self.AdminPassword != None:
- RunSendStdin("chpasswd",("root:" + self.AdminPassword + "\n"))
+ MyDistro.changePass('root',self.AdminPassword)
if self.UserName != None:
- error = CreateAccount(self.UserName, self.UserPassword, None, None)
- sel = RunGetOutput("getenforce",chk_err=False)[1].startswith("Enforcing")
- if sel == True and IsRedHat():
- Run("setenforce 0")
- home = GetHome()
+ error = MyDistro.CreateAccount(self.UserName, self.UserPassword, None, None)
+ sel = MyDistro.isSelinuxRunning()
+ if sel :
+ MyDistro.setSelinuxEnforce(0)
+ home = MyDistro.GetHome()
for pkey in self.SshPublicKeys:
if not os.path.isfile(pkey[0] + ".crt"):
Error("PublicKey not found: " + pkey[0])
@@ -1373,20 +3064,9 @@ class OvfEnv(object):
error = "Invalid path for public key (0x03)."
Run(Openssl + " x509 -in " + pkey[0] + ".crt -noout -pubkey > " + pkey[0] + ".pub")
- if IsRedHat():
- Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + pkey[0] + ".pub")
- if IsUbuntu():
- # Only supported in new SSH releases
- Run("ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f " + pkey[0] + ".pub >> " + path)
- else:
- SshPubKey = self.OpensslToSsh(pkey[0] + ".pub")
- if SshPubKey != None:
- AppendFileContents(path, SshPubKey)
- else:
- Error("Failed: " + pkey[0] + ".crt -> " + path)
- error = "Failed to deploy public key (0x04)."
- if IsRedHat():
- Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + path)
+ MyDistro.setSelinuxContext(pkey[0] + '.pub','unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0')
+ MyDistro.sshDeployPublicKey(pkey[0] + '.pub',path)
+ MyDistro.setSelinuxContext(path,'unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0')
if path.startswith(os.path.normpath(home + "/" + self.UserName + "/")):
ChangeOwner(path, self.UserName)
for keyp in self.SshKeyPairs:
@@ -1402,47 +3082,23 @@ class OvfEnv(object):
SetFileContents(path, GetFileContents(keyp[0] + ".prv"))
os.chmod(path, 0600)
Run("ssh-keygen -y -f " + keyp[0] + ".prv > " + path + ".pub")
- if IsRedHat():
- Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + path)
- Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + path + ".pub")
+ MyDistro.setSelinuxContext(path,'unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0')
+ MyDistro.setSelinuxContext(path + '.pub','unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0')
if path.startswith(os.path.normpath(home + "/" + self.UserName + "/")):
ChangeOwner(path, self.UserName)
ChangeOwner(path + ".pub", self.UserName)
- if sel == True and IsRedHat():
- Run("setenforce 1")
- while not WaAgent.EnvMonitor.IsNamePublished():
+ if sel :
+ MyDistro.setSelinuxEnforce(1)
+ while not WaAgent.EnvMonitor.IsHostnamePublished():
- ReloadSshd()
+ MyDistro.restartSshService()
return error
-def UpdateAndPublishHostNameCommon(name):
- # RedHat
- if IsRedHat():
- filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/network"
- if os.path.isfile(filepath):
- ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "HOSTNAME=" + name + "\n"
- + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("HOSTNAME"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))))
- for ethernetInterface in PossibleEthernetInterfaces:
- filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + ethernetInterface
- if os.path.isfile(filepath):
- ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "DHCP_HOSTNAME=" + name + "\n"
- + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("DHCP_HOSTNAME"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))))
- # Debian
- if IsDebian():
- SetFileContents("/etc/hostname", name)
- for filepath in EtcDhcpClientConfFiles:
- if os.path.isfile(filepath):
- ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "send host-name \"" + name + "\";\n"
- + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("send host-name"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))))
- # Suse
- if IsSuse():
- SetFileContents("/etc/HOSTNAME", name)
class Agent(Util):
+ """
+ Primary object container for the provisioning process.
+ """
def __init__(self):
self.GoalState = None
self.Endpoint = None
@@ -1454,6 +3110,10 @@ class Agent(Util):
self.DhcpResponse = None
def CheckVersions(self):
+ """
+ Query endpoint server for wire protocol version.
+ Fail if our desired protocol version is not seen.
+ """
#<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# <Preferred>
@@ -1480,34 +3140,50 @@ class Agent(Util):
protocolVersionSeen = True
if a.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and a.localName == "Preferred":
v = GetNodeTextData(a.getElementsByTagName("Version")[0])
- LogIfVerbose("Fabric preferred wire protocol version: " + v)
- if ProtocolVersion < v:
- Warn("Newer wire protocol version detected. Please consider updating waagent.")
+ Log("Fabric preferred wire protocol version: " + v)
if not protocolVersionSeen:
Warn("Agent supported wire protocol version: " + ProtocolVersion + " was not advertised by Fabric.")
- ProtocolVersion = "2011-08-31"
- Log("Negotiated wire protocol version: " + ProtocolVersion)
+ else:
+ Log("Negotiated wire protocol version: " + ProtocolVersion)
return True
def Unpack(self, buffer, offset, range):
+ """
+ Unpack bytes into python values.
+ """
result = 0
for i in range:
result = (result << 8) | Ord(buffer[offset + i])
return result
def UnpackLittleEndian(self, buffer, offset, length):
- return self.Unpack(buffer, offset, range(length - 1, -1, -1))
+ """
+ Unpack little endian bytes into python values.
+ """
+ return self.Unpack(buffer, offset, list(range(length - 1, -1, -1)))
def UnpackBigEndian(self, buffer, offset, length):
- return self.Unpack(buffer, offset, range(0, length))
+ """
+ Unpack big endian bytes into python values.
+ """
+ return self.Unpack(buffer, offset, list(range(0, length)))
def HexDump3(self, buffer, offset, length):
+ """
+ Dump range of buffer in formatted hex.
+ """
return ''.join(['%02X' % Ord(char) for char in buffer[offset:offset + length]])
def HexDump2(self, buffer):
+ """
+ Dump buffer in formatted hex.
+ """
return self.HexDump3(buffer, 0, len(buffer))
def BuildDhcpRequest(self):
+ """
+ Build DHCP request string.
+ """
# typedef struct _DHCP {
# UINT8 Opcode; /* op: BOOTREQUEST or BOOTREPLY */
@@ -1540,7 +3216,7 @@ class Agent(Util):
sendData = [0] * 244
transactionID = os.urandom(4)
- macAddress = GetMacAddress()
+ macAddress = MyDistro.GetMacAddress()
# Opcode = 1
# HardwareAddressType = 1 (ethernet/MAC)
@@ -1565,20 +3241,31 @@ class Agent(Util):
# End = 255 DHCP_END
for a in range(0, 8):
sendData[0xEC + a] = [99, 130, 83, 99, 53, 1, 1, 255][a]
- return array.array("c", map(chr, sendData))
+ return array.array("B", sendData)
def IntegerToIpAddressV4String(self, a):
+ """
+ Build DHCP request string.
+ """
return "%u.%u.%u.%u" % ((a >> 24) & 0xFF, (a >> 16) & 0xFF, (a >> 8) & 0xFF, a & 0xFF)
def RouteAdd(self, net, mask, gateway):
- if IsWindows():
- return
+ """
+ Add specified route using /sbin/route add -net.
+ """
net = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(net)
mask = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(mask)
gateway = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(gateway)
- Run("/sbin/route add -net " + net + " netmask " + mask + " gw " + gateway,chk_err=False) # We supress error logging on error.
+ Run("/sbin/route add -net " + net + " netmask " + mask + " gw " + gateway,chk_err=False)
def HandleDhcpResponse(self, sendData, receiveBuffer):
+ """
+ Parse DHCP response:
+ Set default gateway.
+ Set default routes.
+ Retrieve endpoint server.
+ Returns endpoint server or None on error.
+ """
bytesReceived = len(receiveBuffer)
if bytesReceived < 0xF6:
@@ -1592,7 +3279,7 @@ class Agent(Util):
# cookie should never mismatch
# transactionId and MAC address may mismatch if we see a response meant from another machine
- for offsets in [range(4, 4 + 4), range(0x1C, 0x1C + 6), range(0xEC, 0xEC + 4)]:
+ for offsets in [list(range(4, 4 + 4)), list(range(0x1C, 0x1C + 6)), list(range(0xEC, 0xEC + 4))]:
for offset in offsets:
sentByte = Ord(sendData[offset])
receivedByte = Ord(receiveBuffer[offset])
@@ -1666,17 +3353,16 @@ class Agent(Util):
return endpoint
def DoDhcpWork(self):
- #
- # Discover the wire server via DHCP option 245.
- # And workaround incompatibility with Windows Azure DHCP servers.
- #
+ """
+ Discover the wire server via DHCP option 245.
+ And workaround incompatibility with Windows Azure DHCP servers.
+ """
ShortSleep = False # Sleep 1 second before retrying DHCP queries.
- if not IsWindows():
- Run("iptables -D INPUT -p udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT",chk_err=False) # We supress error logging on error.
- Run("iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT",chk_err=False) # We supress error logging on error.
+ Run("iptables -D INPUT -p udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT",chk_err=False) # We supress error logging on error.
+ Run("iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT",chk_err=False) # We supress error logging on error.
- sleepDurations = [0, 5, 10, 30, 60, 60, 60, 60]
+ sleepDurations = [0, 10, 30, 60, 60]
maxRetry = len(sleepDurations)
lastTry = (maxRetry - 1)
for retry in range(0, maxRetry):
@@ -1699,12 +3385,7 @@ class Agent(Util):
if missingDefaultRoute:
# This is required because sending after binding to fails with
# network unreachable when the default gateway is not set up.
- for i in PossibleEthernetInterfaces:
- try:
- if Linux_ioctl_GetIpv4Address(i):
- ifname=i
- except IOError, e:
- pass
+ ifname=MyDistro.GetInterfaceName()
Log("DoDhcpWork: Missing default route - adding broadcast route for DHCP.")
Run("route add dev " + ifname,chk_err=False) # We supress error logging on error.
sock.bind(("", 68))
@@ -1737,18 +3418,28 @@ class Agent(Util):
return None
def UpdateAndPublishHostName(self, name):
- # Set hostname locally and publish to iDNS
+ """
+ Set hostname locally and publish to iDNS
+ """
Log("Setting host name: " + name)
- UpdateAndPublishHostNameCommon(name)
- for ethernetInterface in PossibleEthernetInterfaces:
- Run("ifdown " + ethernetInterface + " && ifup " + ethernetInterface,chk_err=False) # We supress error logging on error.
+ MyDistro.publishHostname(name)
+ ethernetInterface = MyDistro.GetInterfaceName()
+ Run("ifdown " + ethernetInterface + " && ifup " + ethernetInterface)
def RestoreRoutes(self):
+ """
+ If there is a DHCP response, then call HandleDhcpResponse.
+ """
if self.SendData != None and self.DhcpResponse != None:
self.HandleDhcpResponse(self.SendData, self.DhcpResponse)
def UpdateGoalState(self):
+ """
+ Retreive goal state information from endpoint server.
+ Parse xml and initialize Agent.GoalState object.
+ Return object or None on error.
+ """
goalStateXml = None
maxRetry = 9
log = NoLog
@@ -1768,6 +3459,11 @@ class Agent(Util):
return self.GoalState
def ReportReady(self):
+ """
+ Send health report 'Ready' to server.
+ This signals the fabric that our provosion is completed,
+ and the host is ready for operation.
+ """
counter = (self.HealthReportCounter + 1) % 1000000
self.HealthReportCounter = counter
healthReport = ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><Health xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\"><GoalStateIncarnation>"
@@ -1783,6 +3479,10 @@ class Agent(Util):
return None
def ReportNotReady(self, status, desc):
+ """
+ Send health report 'Provisioning' to server.
+ This signals the fabric that our provosion is starting.
+ """
healthReport = ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><Health xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\"><GoalStateIncarnation>"
+ self.GoalState.Incarnation
+ "</GoalStateIncarnation><Container><ContainerId>"
@@ -1798,6 +3498,9 @@ class Agent(Util):
return None
def ReportRoleProperties(self, thumbprint):
+ """
+ Send roleProperties and thumbprint to server.
+ """
roleProperties = ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><RoleProperties><Container>"
+ "<ContainerId>" + self.GoalState.ContainerId + "</ContainerId>"
+ "<RoleInstances><RoleInstance>"
@@ -1809,11 +3512,17 @@ class Agent(Util):
return a
def LoadBalancerProbeServer_Shutdown(self):
+ """
+ Shutdown the LoadBalancerProbeServer.
+ """
if self.LoadBalancerProbeServer != None:
self.LoadBalancerProbeServer = None
def GenerateTransportCert(self):
+ """
+ Create ssl certificate for https communication with endpoint server.
+ """
Run(Openssl + " req -x509 -nodes -subj /CN=LinuxTransport -days 32768 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout TransportPrivate.pem -out TransportCert.pem")
cert = ""
for line in GetFileContents("TransportCert.pem").split('\n'):
@@ -1821,10 +3530,121 @@ class Agent(Util):
cert += line.rstrip()
return cert
+ def DoVmmStartup(self):
+ """
+ Spawn the VMM startup script.
+ """
+ Log("Starting Microsoft System Center VMM Initialization Process")
+ pid = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash","/mnt/cdrom/secure/"+VMM_STARTUP_SCRIPT_NAME,"-p /mnt/cdrom/secure/ "]).pid
+ time.sleep(5)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def TryUnloadAtapiix(self):
+ """
+ If global modloaded is True, then we loaded the ata_piix kernel module, unload it.
+ """
+ if modloaded:
+ Run("rmmod ata_piix.ko",chk_err=False)
+ Log("Unloaded ata_piix.ko driver for ATAPI CD-ROM")
+ def TryLoadAtapiix(self):
+ """
+ Load the ata_piix kernel module if it exists.
+ If successful, set global modloaded to True.
+ If unable to load module leave modloaded False.
+ """
+ global modloaded
+ modloaded=False
+ retcode,krn=RunGetOutput('uname -r')
+ krn_pth='/lib/modules/'+krn.strip('\n')+'/kernel/drivers/ata/ata_piix.ko'
+ if Run("lsmod | grep ata_piix",chk_err=False) == 0 :
+ Log("Module " + krn_pth + " driver for ATAPI CD-ROM is already present.")
+ return 0
+ if retcode:
+ Error("Unable to provision: Failed to call uname -r")
+ return "Unable to provision: Failed to call uname"
+ if os.path.isfile(krn_pth):
+ retcode,output=RunGetOutput("insmod " + krn_pth,chk_err=False)
+ else:
+ Log("Module " + krn_pth + " driver for ATAPI CD-ROM does not exist.")
+ return 1
+ if retcode != 0:
+ Error('Error calling insmod for '+ krn_pth + ' driver for ATAPI CD-ROM')
+ return retcode
+ time.sleep(1)
+ # check 3 times if the mod is loaded
+ for i in range(3):
+ if Run('lsmod | grep ata_piix'):
+ continue
+ else :
+ modloaded=True
+ break
+ if not modloaded:
+ Error('Unable to load '+ krn_pth + ' driver for ATAPI CD-ROM')
+ return 1
+ Log("Loaded " + krn_pth + " driver for ATAPI CD-ROM")
+ # we have succeeded loading the ata_piix mod if it can be done.
+ def SearchForVMMStartup(self):
+ """
+ Search for a DVD/CDROM containing VMM's VMM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME.
+ Call TryLoadAtapiix in case we must load the ata_piix module first.
+ If VMM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME is found, call DoVmmStartup.
+ Else, return to Azure Provisioning process.
+ """
+ self.TryLoadAtapiix()
+ if os.path.exists('/mnt/cdrom/secure') == False:
+ CreateDir("/mnt/cdrom/secure", "root", 0700)
+ mounted=False
+ for dvds in [re.match(r'(sr[0-9]|hd[c-z]|cdrom[0-9]|cd[0-9]?)',x) for x in os.listdir('/dev/')]:
+ if dvds == None:
+ continue
+ dvd = '/dev/'
+ if Run("LC_ALL=C fdisk -l " + dvd + " | grep Disk",chk_err=False):
+ continue # Not mountable
+ else:
+ for retry in range(1,6):
+ retcode,output=RunGetOutput("mount -v " + dvd + " /mnt/cdrom/secure")
+ Log(output[:-1])
+ if retcode == 0:
+ Log("mount succeeded on attempt #" + str(retry) )
+ mounted=True
+ break
+ if 'is already mounted on /mnt/cdrom/secure' in output:
+ Log("Device " + dvd + " is already mounted on /mnt/cdrom/secure." + str(retry) )
+ mounted=True
+ break
+ Log("mount failed on attempt #" + str(retry) )
+ Log("mount loop sleeping 5...")
+ time.sleep(5)
+ if not mounted:
+ # unable to mount
+ continue
+ if not os.path.isfile("/mnt/cdrom/secure/"+VMM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME):
+ #nope - mount the next drive
+ if mounted:
+ Run("umount "+dvd,chk_err=False)
+ mounted=False
+ continue
+ else : # it is the vmm startup
+ self.DoVmmStartup()
+ Log("VMM Init script not found. Provisioning for Azure")
+ return
def Provision(self):
- if IsWindows():
- Log("Skipping Provision on Windows")
- return
+ """
+ Responible for:
+ Regenerate ssh keys,
+ Mount, read, and parse ovfenv.xml from provisioning dvd rom
+ Process the ovfenv.xml info
+ Call ReportRoleProperties
+ If configured, delete root password.
+ Return None on success, error string on error.
+ """
enabled = Config.get("Provisioning.Enabled")
if enabled != None and enabled.lower().startswith("n"):
@@ -1836,56 +3656,47 @@ class Agent(Util):
if regenerateKeys == None or regenerateKeys.lower().startswith("y"):
Run("rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*key*")
Run("ssh-keygen -N '' -t " + type + " -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_" + type + "_key")
- ReloadSshd()
- SetFileContents(LibDir + "/provisioned", "")
- dvd = "/dev/hdc"
- if os.path.exists("/dev/sr0"):
- dvd = "/dev/sr0"
- modloaded=False
- if Run("fdisk -l " + dvd + " | grep Disk",chk_err=False):
- # Is it possible to load a module for ata_piix?
- retcode,krn=RunGetOutput('uname -r')
- if retcode:
- Error("Unable to provision: Failed to call uname -a")
- return "Unable to provision: Failed to mount DVD."
- krn_pth='/lib/modules/'+krn.strip('\n')+'/kernel/drivers/ata/ata_piix.ko'
- if not os.path.isfile(krn_pth):
- Error("Unable to provision: Failed to locate ata_piix.ko")
- return "Unable to provision: Failed to mount DVD."
- retcode,output=RunGetOutput('insmod ' + krn_pth)
- if retcode:
- Error("Unable to provision: Failed to insmod " + krn+pth)
- return "Failed to retrieve provisioning data (0x01)."
- modloaded=True
- Log("Provision: Loaded " + krn_pth + " driver for ATAPI CD-ROM")
- # we have succeeded loading the ata_piix mod
+ MyDistro.restartSshService()
+ #SetFileContents(LibDir + "/provisioned", "")
+ for dvds in [re.match(r'(sr[0-9]|hd[c-z]|cdrom[0-9]|cd[0-9]?)',x) for x in os.listdir('/dev/')]:
+ if dvds == None:
+ continue
+ dvd = '/dev/'
+ if MyDistro.dvdHasMedia(dvd) is False :
+ out=MyDistro.load_ata_piix()
+ if out:
+ return out
for i in range(10): # we may have to wait
- if os.path.exists("/dev/sr0"):
- dvd = "/dev/sr0"
+ if os.path.exists(dvd):
Log("Waiting for DVD - sleeping 1 - "+str(i+1)+" try...")
- CreateDir("/mnt/cdrom/secure", "root", 0700)
- #begin mount loop - ten tries - 5 sec wait between
- for retry in range(1,11):
- retcode,output=RunGetOutput("mount -v " + dvd + " /mnt/cdrom/secure")
+ if os.path.exists('/mnt/cdrom/secure') == False:
+ CreateDir("/mnt/cdrom/secure", "root", 0700)
+ #begin mount loop - 5 tries - 5 sec wait between
+ for retry in range(1,6):
+ location='/mnt/cdrom/secure'
+ retcode,output=MyDistro.mountDVD(dvd,location)
- if retcode:
- Log("mount failed on attempt #" + str(retry) )
- else:
+ if retcode == 0:
Log("mount succeeded on attempt #" + str(retry) )
+ if 'is already mounted on /mnt/cdrom/secure' in output:
+ Log("Device " + dvd + " is already mounted on /mnt/cdrom/secure." + str(retry) )
+ break
+ Log("mount failed on attempt #" + str(retry) )
Log("mount loop sleeping 5...")
if not os.path.isfile("/mnt/cdrom/secure/ovf-env.xml"):
Error("Unable to provision: Missing ovf-env.xml on DVD.")
return "Failed to retrieve provisioning data (0x02)."
- ovfxml = GetFileContents("/mnt/cdrom/secure/ovf-env.xml")
+ ovfxml = (GetFileContents(u"/mnt/cdrom/secure/ovf-env.xml",asbin=False)) # use unicode here to ensure correct codec gets used.
+ if ord(ovfxml[0]) > 128 and ord(ovfxml[1]) > 128 and ord(ovfxml[2]) > 128 :
+ ovfxml = ovfxml[3:] # BOM is not stripped. First three bytes are > 128 and not unicode chars so we ignore them.
+ ovfxml=ovfxml.strip(chr(0x00)) # we may have NULLs.
SetFileContents("ovf-env.xml", re.sub("<UserPassword>.*?<", "<UserPassword>*<", ovfxml))
- Run("umount /mnt/cdrom/secure")
- if modloaded:
- Run('rmmod ' + krn_pth)
+ Run("umount " + dvd,chk_err=False)
+ MyDistro.unload_ata_piix()
error = None
if ovfxml != None:
Log("Provisioning image using OVF settings in the DVD.")
@@ -1900,21 +3711,42 @@ class Agent(Util):
delRootPass = Config.get("Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword")
if delRootPass != None and delRootPass.lower().startswith("y"):
- DeleteRootPassword()
+ MyDistro.deleteRootPassword()
Log("Provisioning image completed.")
return error
def Run(self):
- if IsLinux():
- SetFileContents("/var/run/", str(os.getpid()) + "\n")
- if GetIpv4Address() == None:
+ """
+ Called by 'waagent -daemon.'
+ Main loop to process the goal state. State is posted every 25 seconds
+ when provisioning has been completed.
+ Search for VMM enviroment, start VMM script if found.
+ Perform DHCP and endpoint server discovery by calling DoDhcpWork().
+ Check wire protocol versions.
+ Set SCSI timeout on root device.
+ Call GenerateTransportCert() to create ssl certs for server communication.
+ Call UpdateGoalState().
+ If not provisioned, call ReportNotReady("Provisioning", "Starting")
+ Call Provision(), set global provisioned = True if successful.
+ Call goalState.Process()
+ Start LBProbeServer if indicated in waagent.conf.
+ Start the StateConsumer if indicated in waagent.conf.
+ ReportReady if provisioning is complete.
+ If provisioning failed, call ReportNotReady("ProvisioningFailed", provisionError)
+ """
+ SetFileContents("/var/run/", str(os.getpid()) + "\n")
+ # Determine if we are in VMM. Spawn VMM_STARTUP_SCRIPT_NAME if found.
+ self.SearchForVMMStartup()
+ if MyDistro.GetIpv4Address() == None:
Log("Waiting for network.")
- while(GetIpv4Address() == None):
+ while(MyDistro.GetIpv4Address() == None):
- Log("IPv4 address: " + GetIpv4Address())
- Log("MAC address: " + ":".join(["%02X" % Ord(a) for a in GetMacAddress()]))
+ Log("IPv4 address: " + MyDistro.GetIpv4Address())
+ Log("MAC address: " + ":".join(["%02X" % Ord(a) for a in MyDistro.GetMacAddress()]))
# Consume Entropy in ACPI table provided by Hyper-V
@@ -1965,7 +3797,8 @@ class Agent(Util):
while True:
if (goalState == None) or (incarnation == None) or (goalState.Incarnation != incarnation):
goalState = self.UpdateGoalState()
+ if goalState == None :
+ continue
if provisioned == False:
self.ReportNotReady("Provisioning", "Starting")
@@ -1973,7 +3806,9 @@ class Agent(Util):
if provisioned == False:
provisionError = self.Provision()
- provisioned = True
+ if provisionError == None :
+ provisioned = True
+ SetFileContents(LibDir + "/provisioned", "")
# only one port supported
@@ -1991,19 +3826,12 @@ class Agent(Util):
Log("Unable to create LBProbeResponder.")
if program != None and DiskActivated == True:
- Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, "Ready"]))
+ try:
+ Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, "Ready"]))
+ except OSError, e :
+ ErrorWithPrefix('SharedConfig.Parse','Exception: '+ str(e) +' occured launching ' + program )
program = None
- if goalState.ExpectedState == "Stopped":
- program = Config.get("Role.StateConsumer")
- if program != None:
- Run(program + " Shutdown")
- self.EnvMonitor.ShutdownService()
- self.LoadBalancerProbeServer_Shutdown()
- command = ["/sbin/shutdown -hP now", "shutdown /s /t 5"][IsWindows()]
- Run(command)
- return
sleepToReduceAccessDenied = 3
if provisionError != None:
@@ -2011,244 +3839,7 @@ class Agent(Util):
incarnation = self.ReportReady()
time.sleep(25 - sleepToReduceAccessDenied)
-Init_Suse = """\
-#! /bin/sh
-# Provides: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
-# Required-Start: $network sshd
-# Required-Stop: $network sshd
-# Default-Start: 3 5
-# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
-# Description: Start the WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
-test -x $WAZD_BIN || exit 5
-case "$1" in
- start)
- echo "Starting WindowsAzureLinuxAgent"
- ## Start daemon with startproc(8). If this fails
- ## the echo return value is set appropriate.
- startproc -f $WAZD_BIN -daemon
- exit $?
- ;;
- stop)
- echo "Shutting down WindowsAzureLinuxAgent"
- ## Stop daemon with killproc(8) and if this fails
- ## set echo the echo return value.
- killproc -p /var/run/ $WAZD_BIN
- exit $?
- ;;
- try-restart)
- ## Stop the service and if this succeeds (i.e. the
- ## service was running before), start it again.
- $0 status >/dev/null && $0 restart
- ;;
- restart)
- ## Stop the service and regardless of whether it was
- ## running or not, start it again.
- $0 stop
- $0 start
- ;;
- force-reload|reload)
- ;;
- status)
- echo -n "Checking for service WindowsAzureLinuxAgent "
- ## Check status with checkproc(8), if process is running
- ## checkproc will return with exit status 0.
- checkproc -p $WAZD_PIDFILE $WAZD_BIN
- exit $?
- ;;
- probe)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|try-restart|restart|force-reload|reload}"
- exit 1
- ;;
-Init_RedHat = """\
-# Init file for WindowsAzureLinuxAgent.
-# chkconfig: 2345 60 80
-# description: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
-# source function library
-. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
- echo -n $"Starting $FriendlyName: "
- $WAZD_BIN -daemon &
- echo -n $"Stopping $FriendlyName: "
- killproc -p /var/run/ $WAZD_BIN
- echo
- return $RETVAL
-case "$1" in
- start)
- start
- ;;
- stop)
- stop
- ;;
- restart)
- stop
- start
- ;;
- reload)
- ;;
- report)
- ;;
- status)
- status $WAZD_BIN
- ;;
- *)
- echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
-exit $RETVAL
-Init_Ubuntu = """\
-#walinuxagent - start Windows Azure agent
-description "walinuxagent"
-author "Ben Howard <>"
-start on (filesystem and started rsyslog)
-pre-start script
- [ -r /etc/default/walinuxagent ] && . /etc/default/walinuxagent
- if [ "$WALINUXAGENT_ENABLED" != "1" ]; then
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -x /usr/sbin/waagent ]; then
- exit 1
- fi
- #Load the udf module
- modprobe -b udf
-end script
-exec /usr/sbin/waagent -daemon
-Init_Debian = """\
-# Provides: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
-# Required-Start: $network $syslog
-# Required-Stop: $network $syslog
-# Should-Start: $network $syslog
-# Should-Stop: $network $syslog
-# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
-# Short-Description: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
-# Description: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent
-. /lib/lsb/init-functions
-case "$1" in
- start)
- log_begin_msg "Starting WindowsAzureLinuxAgent..."
- pid=$( pidofproc $WAZD_BIN )
- if [ -n "$pid" ] ; then
- log_begin_msg "Already running."
- log_end_msg 0
- exit 0
- fi
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --background --exec $WAZD_BIN -- $OPTIONS
- log_end_msg $?
- ;;
- stop)
- log_begin_msg "Stopping WindowsAzureLinuxAgent..."
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $WAZD_PID
- ret=$?
- rm -f $WAZD_PID
- log_end_msg $ret
- ;;
- force-reload)
- $0 restart
- ;;
- restart)
- $0 stop
- $0 start
- ;;
- status)
- status_of_proc $WAZD_BIN && exit 0 || exit $?
- ;;
- *)
- log_success_msg "Usage: /etc/init.d/waagent {start|stop|force-reload|restart|status}"
- exit 1
- ;;
-exit 0
-WaagentConf = """\
-# Windows Azure Linux Agent Configuration
-Role.StateConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with "Ready" or "Shutdown".
- # Shutdown will be initiated only after the program returns. Windows Azure will
- # power off the VM if shutdown is not completed within ?? minutes.
-Role.ConfigurationConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role configuration.
-Role.TopologyConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role topology.
-Provisioning.Enabled=y #
-Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword=y # Password authentication for root account will be unavailable.
-Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair=y # Generate fresh host key pair.
-Provisioning.SshHostKeyPairType=rsa # Supported values are "rsa", "dsa" and "ecdsa".
-Provisioning.MonitorHostName=y # Monitor host name changes and publish changes via DHCP requests.
-ResourceDisk.Format=y # Format if unformatted. If 'n', resource disk will not be mounted.
-ResourceDisk.Filesystem=ext4 #
-ResourceDisk.MountPoint=/mnt/resource #
-ResourceDisk.EnableSwap=n # Create and use swapfile on resource disk.
-ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB=0 # Size of the swapfile.
-LBProbeResponder=y # Respond to load balancer probes if requested by Windows Azure.
-Logs.Verbose=n #
-OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout=300 # Root device timeout in seconds.
-OS.OpensslPath=None # If "None", the system default version is used.
WaagentLogrotate = """\
/var/log/waagent.log {
@@ -2258,19 +3849,86 @@ WaagentLogrotate = """\
-def AddToLinuxKernelCmdline(options):
- if os.path.isfile("/boot/grub/menu.lst"):
- Run("sed -i --follow-symlinks '/kernel/s|$| " + options + " |' /boot/grub/menu.lst")
- filepath = "/etc/default/grub"
- if os.path.isfile(filepath):
- filecontents = GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n')
- current = filter(lambda a: a.startswith("GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX"), filecontents)
- ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath,
- "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX"), filecontents))
- + current[0][:-1] + " " + options + "\"\n")
- Run("update-grub")
+def FindInLinuxKernelCmdline(option):
+ """
+ Return match object if 'option' is present in the kernel boot options
+ of the grub configuration.
+ """
+ m=None
+ matchs=r'^.*?'+MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsLine+r'.*?'+option+r'.*$'
+ try:
+ m=FindStringInFile(MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile,matchs)
+ except IOError, e:
+ Error('FindInLinuxKernelCmdline: Exception opening ' + MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile + 'Exception:' + str(e))
+ return m
+def AppendToLinuxKernelCmdline(option):
+ """
+ Add 'option' to the kernel boot options of the grub configuration.
+ """
+ if not FindInLinuxKernelCmdline(option):
+ src=r'^(.*?'+MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsLine+r')(.*?)("?)$'
+ rep=r'\1\2 '+ option + r'\3'
+ try:
+ ReplaceStringInFile(MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile,src,rep)
+ except IOError, e :
+ Error('AppendToLinuxKernelCmdline: Exception opening ' + MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile + 'Exception:' + str(e))
+ return 1
+ Run("update-grub",chk_err=False)
+ return 0
+def RemoveFromLinuxKernelCmdline(option):
+ """
+ Remove 'option' to the kernel boot options of the grub configuration.
+ """
+ if FindInLinuxKernelCmdline(option):
+ src=r'^(.*?'+MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsLine+r'.*?)('+option+r')(.*?)("?)$'
+ rep=r'\1\3\4'
+ try:
+ ReplaceStringInFile(MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile,src,rep)
+ except IOError, e :
+ Error('RemoveFromLinuxKernelCmdline: Exception opening ' + MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile + 'Exception:' + str(e))
+ return 1
+ Run("update-grub",chk_err=False)
+ return 0
+def FindStringInFile(fname,matchs):
+ """
+ Return match object if found in file.
+ """
+ try:
+ ms=re.compile(matchs)
+ for l in (open(fname,'r')).readlines():
+ if m:
+ return m
+ except:
+ raise
+ return None
+def ReplaceStringInFile(fname,src,repl):
+ """
+ Replace 'src' with 'repl' in file.
+ """
+ updated=''
+ try:
+ sr=re.compile(src)
+ if FindStringInFile(fname,src):
+ for l in (open(fname,'r')).readlines():
+ n=re.sub(sr,repl,l)
+ updated+=n
+ ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(fname,updated)
+ except :
+ raise
+ return
def ApplyVNUMAWorkaround():
+ """
+ If kernel version has NUMA bug, add 'numa=off' to
+ kernel boot options.
+ """
VersionParts = platform.release().replace('-', '.').split('.')
if int(VersionParts[0]) > 2:
@@ -2278,75 +3936,42 @@ def ApplyVNUMAWorkaround():
if int(VersionParts[2]) > 37:
- AddToLinuxKernelCmdline("numa=off")
- # TODO: This is not ideal for offline installation.
- print("Your kernel version " + platform.release() + " has a NUMA-related bug: NUMA has been disabled.")
+ if AppendToLinuxKernelCmdline("numa=off") == 0 :
+ Log("Your kernel version " + platform.release() + " has a NUMA-related bug: NUMA has been disabled.")
+ else :
+ "Error adding 'numa=off'. NUMA has not been disabled."
def RevertVNUMAWorkaround():
- print("Automatic reverting of GRUB configuration is not yet supported. Please edit by hand.")
+ """
+ Remove 'numa=off' from kernel boot options.
+ """
+ if RemoveFromLinuxKernelCmdline("numa=off") == 0 :
+ Log('NUMA has been re-enabled')
+ else :
+ Log('NUMA has not been re-enabled')
def Install():
- if IsWindows():
- print("ERROR: -install invalid for Windows.")
+ """
+ Install the agent service.
+ Check dependencies.
+ Create /etc/waagent.conf and move old version to
+ /etc/waagent.conf.old
+ Copy RulesFiles to /var/lib/waagent
+ Create /etc/logrotate.d/waagent
+ Set /etc/ssh/sshd_config ClientAliveInterval to 180
+ Call ApplyVNUMAWorkaround()
+ """
+ if MyDistro.checkDependencies():
return 1
os.chmod(sys.argv[0], 0755)
- requiredDeps = [ "/sbin/route", "/sbin/shutdown" ]
- if IsDebian():
- requiredDeps += [ "/usr/sbin/update-rc.d" ]
- if IsSuse():
- requiredDeps += [ "/sbin/insserv" ]
- for a in requiredDeps:
- if not os.path.isfile(a):
- Error("Missing required dependency: " + a)
- return 1
- missing = False
- for a in [ "ssh-keygen", "useradd", "openssl", "sfdisk",
- "fdisk", "mkfs", "chpasswd", "sed", "grep", "sudo" ]:
- if Run("which " + a + " > /dev/null 2>&1"):
- Warn("Missing dependency: " + a)
- missing = True
- if missing == True:
- Warn("Please resolve missing dependencies listed for full functionality.")
- if UsesRpm():
- if not Run("rpm --quiet -q NetworkManager",chk_err=False): # We want this to fail - supress error logging on error.
- Error(GuestAgentLongName + " is not compatible with NetworkManager.")
- return 1
- if Run("rpm --quiet -q python-pyasn1"):
- Error(GuestAgentLongName + " requires python-pyasn1.")
- return 1
- if UsesDpkg() and not Run("dpkg-query -s network-manager >/dev/null 2>&1",chk_err=False): # We want this to fail - supress error logging on error.
- Error(GuestAgentLongName + " is not compatible with network-manager.")
- return 1
for a in RulesFiles:
if os.path.isfile(a):
if os.path.isfile(GetLastPathElement(a)):
shutil.move(a, ".")
Warn("Moved " + a + " -> " + LibDir + "/" + GetLastPathElement(a) )
- if IsUbuntu() and not IsPackagedUbuntu():
- # Support for Ubuntu's upstart configuration
- filename="waagent.conf"
- filepath = "/etc/init/" + filename
- SetFileContents(filepath, Init_Ubuntu)
- os.chmod(filepath, 0644)
- elif not IsPackagedUbuntu():
- # Regular init.d configurations
- filename = "waagent"
- filepath = "/etc/init.d/" + filename
- distro = IsRedHat() + IsDebian() * 2 + IsSuse() * 3
- if distro == 0:
- Error("Unable to detect Linux Distribution.")
- return 1
- init = [[Init_RedHat, "chkconfig --add " + filename],
- [Init_Debian, "update-rc.d " + filename + " defaults"],
- [Init_Suse, "insserv " + filename]][distro - 1]
- SetFileContents(filepath, init[0])
- os.chmod(filepath, 0755)
- Run(init[1])
+ MyDistro.registerAgentService()
if os.path.isfile("/etc/waagent.conf"):
@@ -2357,20 +3982,58 @@ def Install():
Warn("Existing /etc/waagent.conf has been renamed to /etc/waagent.conf.old")
- SetFileContents("/etc/waagent.conf", WaagentConf)
+ SetFileContents("/etc/waagent.conf", MyDistro.waagent_conf_file)
SetFileContents("/etc/logrotate.d/waagent", WaagentLogrotate)
filepath = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not
- GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))) + "ClientAliveInterval 180\n")
+ GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))) + "\nClientAliveInterval 180\n")
Log("Configured SSH client probing to keep connections alive.")
return 0
+def GetMyDistro(dist_class_name=''):
+ """
+ Return MyDistro object.
+ NOTE: Logging is not initialized at this point.
+ """
+ if dist_class_name == '':
+ if 'Linux' in platform.system():
+ Distro=platform.dist()[0]
+ else : # I know this is not Linux!
+ if 'FreeBSD' in platform.system():
+ Distro=platform.system()
+ dist_class_name=Distro+'Distro'
+ else:
+ Distro=dist_class_name
+ if not globals().has_key(dist_class_name):
+ print Distro+' is not a supported distribution.'
+ return None
+ return globals()[dist_class_name]() # the distro class inside this module.
+def PackagedInstall(buildroot):
+ """
+ Called from for use by RPM.
+ Generic implementation Creates directories and
+ files /etc/waagent.conf, /etc/init.d/waagent, /usr/sbin/waagent,
+ /etc/logrotate.d/waagent, /etc/sudoers.d/waagent under buildroot.
+ Copies generated files waagent.conf, into place and exits.
+ """
+ MyDistro=GetMyDistro()
+ if MyDistro == None :
+ sys.exit(1)
+ MyDistro.packagedInstall(buildroot)
+def LibraryInstall(buildroot):
+ pass
def Uninstall():
- if IsWindows():
- print("ERROR: -uninstall invalid for windows, see waagent_service.exe")
- return 1
+ """
+ Uninstall the agent service.
+ Copy RulesFiles back to original locations.
+ Delete agent-related files.
+ Call RevertVNUMAWorkaround().
+ """
for a in RulesFiles:
if os.path.isfile(GetLastPathElement(a)):
@@ -2379,71 +4042,30 @@ def Uninstall():
Warn("Moved " + LibDir + "/" + GetLastPathElement(a) + " -> " + a )
- filename = "waagent"
- a = IsRedHat() + IsDebian() * 2 + IsSuse() * 3
- if a == 0:
- Error("Unable to detect Linux Distribution.")
- return 1
- # Managed by dpkg for Packaged Ubuntu
- if not IsPackaged():
- Run("service " + filename + " stop")
- cmd = ["chkconfig --del " + filename,
- "update-rc.d -f " + filename + " remove",
- "insserv -r " + filename][a - 1]
- Run(cmd)
- remove_f = [
- "/etc/waagent.conf",
- "/etc/logrotate.d/waagent",
- "/etc/sudoers.d/waagent",
- ]
- # For packaged Ubuntu, the script should let the packaging
- # manage the removal of these files
- if not IsPackagedUbuntu():
- remove_f.append([
- "/etc/init/waagent.conf",
- "/etc/init.d/" + filename,
- ])
- for f in os.listdir(LibDir) + remove_f:
- try:
- os.remove(f)
- except:
- pass
+ MyDistro.unregisterAgentService()
+ MyDistro.uninstallDeleteFiles()
return 0
-def DeleteRootPassword():
- filepath="/etc/shadow"
- ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "root:*LOCK*:14600::::::\n" + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not
- a.startswith("root:"),
- GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))))
- os.chmod(filepath, 0000)
- if IsRedHat():
- Run("chcon system_u:object_r:shadow_t:s0 " + filepath)
- Log("Root password deleted.")
def Deprovision(force, deluser):
- if IsWindows():
- Run(os.environ["windir"] + "\\system32\\sysprep\\sysprep.exe /generalize")
- return 0
+ """
+ Remove user accounts created by provisioning.
+ Disables root password if Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword = 'y'
+ Stop agent service.
+ Remove SSH host keys if they were generated by the provision.
+ Set hostname to 'localhost.localdomain'.
+ Delete cached system configuration files in /var/lib and /var/lib/waagent.
+ """
- ovfxml = GetFileContents("ovf-env.xml")
+ ovfxml = GetFileContents(LibDir+"/ovf-env.xml")
ovfobj = None
if ovfxml != None:
ovfobj = OvfEnv().Parse(ovfxml)
print("WARNING! The waagent service will be stopped.")
print("WARNING! All SSH host key pairs will be deleted.")
- if IsUbuntu():
- print("WARNING! Nameserver configuration in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/{tail,originial} will be deleted.")
- else:
- print("WARNING! Nameserver configuration in /etc/resolv.conf will be deleted.")
print("WARNING! Cached DHCP leases will be deleted.")
+ MyDistro.deprovisionWarnUser()
delRootPass = Config.get("Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword")
if delRootPass != None and delRootPass.lower().startswith("y"):
print("WARNING! root password will be disabled. You will not be able to login as root.")
@@ -2454,10 +4076,9 @@ def Deprovision(force, deluser):
if force == False and not raw_input('Do you want to proceed (y/n)? ').startswith('y'):
return 1
- Run("service waagent stop")
+ MyDistro.stopAgentService()
if deluser == True:
- DeleteAccount(ovfobj.UserName)
+ MyDistro.DeleteAccount(ovfobj.UserName)
# Remove SSH host keys
regenerateKeys = Config.get("Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair")
@@ -2466,111 +4087,107 @@ def Deprovision(force, deluser):
# Remove root password
if delRootPass != None and delRootPass.lower().startswith("y"):
- DeleteRootPassword()
+ MyDistro.deleteRootPassword()
# Remove distribution specific networking configuration
- UpdateAndPublishHostNameCommon("localhost.localdomain")
- # RedHat, Suse, Debian
- for a in VarLibDhcpDirectories:
- Run("rm -f " + a + "/*")
- # Clear LibDir, remove nameserver and root bash history
- fileBlackList = [ "/root/.bash_history", "/var/log/waagent.log" ]
- if IsUbuntu():
- # Ubuntu uses resolv.conf by default, so removing /etc/resolv.conf will
- # break resolvconf. Therefore, we check to see if resolvconf is in use,
- # and if so, we remove the resolvconf artifacts.
- Log("Deprovision: Ubuntu specific resolv.conf behavior selected.")
- if os.path.realpath('/etc/resolv.conf') != '/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf':
- Log("resolvconf is not configured. Removing /etc/resolv.conf")
- fileBlackList.append('/etc/resolv.conf')
- else:
- Log("resolvconf is enabled; leaving /etc/resolv.conf intact")
- resolvConfD = '/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/'
- fileBlackList.extend([resolvConfD + 'tail', resolvConfD + 'originial' ])
- else:
- fileBlackList.extend(os.listdir(LibDir) + ['/etc/resolv.conf'])
- for f in os.listdir(LibDir) + fileBlackList:
- try:
- os.remove(f)
- except:
- pass
+ MyDistro.publishHostname('localhost.localdomain')
+ MyDistro.deprovisionDeleteFiles()
return 0
def SwitchCwd():
- if not IsWindows():
- CreateDir(LibDir, "root", 0700)
- os.chdir(LibDir)
+ """
+ Switch to cwd to /var/lib/waagent.
+ Create if not present.
+ """
+ CreateDir(LibDir, "root", 0700)
+ os.chdir(LibDir)
def Usage():
+ """
+ Print the arguments to waagent.
+ """
print("usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [-verbose] [-force] [-help|-install|-uninstall|-deprovision[+user]|-version|-serialconsole|-daemon]")
return 0
-if GuestAgentVersion == "":
- print("WARNING! This is a non-standard agent that does not include a valid version string.")
-if IsLinux() and not DetectLinuxDistro():
- print("WARNING! Unable to detect Linux distribution. Some functionality may be broken.")
-if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- sys.exit(Usage())
+def main():
+ """
+ Instantiate MyDistro, exit if distro class is not defined.
+ Parse command-line arguments, exit with usage() on error.
+ Instantiate ConfigurationProvider.
+ Call appropriate non-daemon methods and exit.
+ If daemon mode, enter Agent.Run() loop.
+ """
+ if GuestAgentVersion == "":
+ print("WARNING! This is a non-standard agent that does not include a valid version string.")
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ sys.exit(Usage())
-args = []
-force = False
-for a in sys.argv[1:]:
- if re.match("^([-/]*)(help|usage|\?)", a):
+ LoggerInit('/var/log/waagent.log','/dev/console')
+ global LinuxDistro
+ LinuxDistro=platform.dist()[0]
+ global MyDistro
+ MyDistro=GetMyDistro()
+ if MyDistro == None :
+ sys.exit(1)
+ args = []
+ global force
+ force = False
+ for a in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if re.match("^([-/]*)(help|usage|\?)", a):
+ sys.exit(Usage())
+ elif re.match("^([-/]*)verbose", a):
+ myLogger.verbose = True
+ elif re.match("^([-/]*)force", a):
+ force = True
+ elif re.match("^([-/]*)(setup|install)", a):
+ sys.exit(MyDistro.Install())
+ elif re.match("^([-/]*)(uninstall)", a):
+ sys.exit(Uninstall())
+ else:
+ args.append(a)
+ global Config
+ Config = ConfigurationProvider()
+ verbose = Config.get("Logs.Verbose")
+ if verbose != None and verbose.lower().startswith("y"):
+ myLogger.verbose=True
+ global daemon
+ daemon = False
+ for a in args:
+ if re.match("^([-/]*)deprovision\+user", a):
+ sys.exit(Deprovision(force, True))
+ elif re.match("^([-/]*)deprovision", a):
+ sys.exit(Deprovision(force, False))
+ elif re.match("^([-/]*)daemon", a):
+ daemon = True
+ elif re.match("^([-/]*)version", a):
+ print(GuestAgentVersion + " running on " + LinuxDistro)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif re.match("^([-/]*)serialconsole", a):
+ AppendToLinuxKernelCmdline("console=ttyS0 earlyprintk=ttyS0")
+ Log("Configured kernel to use ttyS0 as the boot console.")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print("Invalid command line parameter:" + a)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if daemon == False:
- elif re.match("^([-/]*)verbose", a):
- Verbose = True
- elif re.match("^([-/]*)force", a):
- force = True
- elif re.match("^([-/]*)(setup|install)", a):
- sys.exit(Install())
- elif re.match("^([-/]*)(uninstall)", a):
- sys.exit(Uninstall())
- else:
- args.append(a)
-Config = ConfigurationProvider()
-verbose = Config.get("Logs.Verbose")
-if verbose != None and verbose.lower().startswith("y"):
- Verbose = True
-daemon = False
-for a in args:
- if re.match("^([-/]*)deprovision\+user", a):
- sys.exit(Deprovision(force, True))
- elif re.match("^([-/]*)deprovision", a):
- sys.exit(Deprovision(force, False))
- elif re.match("^([-/]*)daemon", a):
- daemon = True
- elif re.match("^([-/]*)version", a):
- print(GuestAgentVersion + " running on " + LinuxDistro)
- sys.exit(0)
- elif re.match("^([-/]*)serialconsole", a):
- AddToLinuxKernelCmdline("console=ttyS0 earlyprintk=ttyS0")
- Log("Configured kernel to use ttyS0 as the boot console.")
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- print("Invalid command line parameter:" + a)
+ global modloaded
+ modloaded = False
+ try:
+ SwitchCwd()
+ Log(GuestAgentLongName + " Version: " + GuestAgentVersion)
+ if IsLinux():
+ Log("Linux Distribution Detected : " + LinuxDistro)
+ global WaAgent
+ WaAgent = Agent()
+ WaAgent.Run()
+ except Exception, e:
+ Error(traceback.format_exc())
+ Error("Exception: " + str(e))
-if daemon == False:
- sys.exit(Usage())
- SwitchCwd()
- Log(GuestAgentLongName + " Version: " + GuestAgentVersion)
- if IsLinux():
- Log("Linux Distribution Detected : " + LinuxDistro)
- WaAgent = Agent()
- WaAgent.Run()
-except Exception, e:
- Error(traceback.format_exc())
- Error("Exception: " + str(e))
- sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__' :
+ main()