WALinuxAgent Changelog ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 26 Feb 2013, WALinuxAgent 1.3.2 . Fix name error in _HttpGet/HttpPost exception handlers. 15 Feb 2013, WALinuxAgent 1.3.1 . Merge RPM packaging information. . Capture all system command output if an error has occurred. Normalization of shell commands on python subprocess module. . Duplicate non-verbose log output to /dev/console. This to support serial logging from boot when console=/dev/ttyS0 is set in the kernel boot options. . Merge Ubuntu packaging. . Fixed typo in DVD mounting procedure, thanks Ante. 18 Jan 2013, WALinuxAgent 1.3 . Add some error checking and robustness to DVD mounting operation during provisioning . Remove redundant check for IP and Port in LoadBalancerProbe . Add check to self.computername to detect empty hostname in configuration . Fix manual uninstall on Ubuntu 07 Dec 2012, WALinuxAgent 1.2 . Add Feature - ata_piix.ko module loaded if needed for CDROM device support . Added Init_Ubuntu upstart support and improved resolvconf support on Ubuntu . Additional logging for DoDhcpWork() . Update sock.recv timeout from 30 to 10 seconds . Fix 572301 - Linux waagent: deprovision, user is not deleted properly . Fix 578109 - Make LBProbeResponder construction more robust . Fix 575725 - Agent fails to provision user with public/private key pairs . Fix 573304 - DHCP broadcast response not received . Fix 576901 - Linux agent fails to delete root user password . Fix 577000 - Linux agent should report error messages to Fabric when passed an invalid hostname. 09 Nov 2012, WALinuxAgent 1.1 . Added sock.settimeout in DoDhcpWork() to properly timeout sock.recv . Added missingDefaultRoute to handle routing issues when DHCP responses not handled properly . Added Children.append to avoid zombies . Fixed ifrenew for compatibility . Fixed shadow password file for correct SELinux context . Minor cleanup work . Added Changelog :)