# Windows Azure Linux Agent # # Copyright 2016 Microsoft Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ Handle packages and modules to enable RDMA for IB networking """ import os import re import time import threading import azurelinuxagent.common.conf as conf import azurelinuxagent.common.logger as logger import azurelinuxagent.common.utils.fileutil as fileutil import azurelinuxagent.common.utils.shellutil as shellutil from azurelinuxagent.common.utils.textutil import parse_doc, find, getattrib from azurelinuxagent.common.protocol.wire import SHARED_CONF_FILE_NAME dapl_config_paths = [ '/etc/dat.conf', '/etc/rdma/dat.conf', '/usr/local/etc/dat.conf' ] def setup_rdma_device(): logger.verbose("Parsing SharedConfig XML contents for RDMA details") xml_doc = parse_doc( fileutil.read_file(os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), SHARED_CONF_FILE_NAME))) if xml_doc is None: logger.error("Could not parse SharedConfig XML document") return instance_elem = find(xml_doc, "Instance") if not instance_elem: logger.error("Could not find in SharedConfig document") return rdma_ipv4_addr = getattrib(instance_elem, "rdmaIPv4Address") if not rdma_ipv4_addr: logger.error( "Could not find rdmaIPv4Address attribute on Instance element of SharedConfig.xml document") return rdma_mac_addr = getattrib(instance_elem, "rdmaMacAddress") if not rdma_mac_addr: logger.error( "Could not find rdmaMacAddress attribute on Instance element of SharedConfig.xml document") return # add colons to the MAC address (e.g. 00155D33FF1D -> # 00:15:5D:33:FF:1D) rdma_mac_addr = ':'.join([rdma_mac_addr[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(rdma_mac_addr), 2)]) logger.info("Found RDMA details. IPv4={0} MAC={1}".format( rdma_ipv4_addr, rdma_mac_addr)) # Set up the RDMA device with collected informatino RDMADeviceHandler(rdma_ipv4_addr, rdma_mac_addr).start() logger.info("RDMA: device is set up") return class RDMAHandler(object): driver_module_name = 'hv_network_direct' @staticmethod def get_rdma_version(): """Retrieve the firmware version information from the system. This depends on information provided by the Linux kernel.""" driver_info_source = '/var/lib/hyperv/.kvp_pool_0' base_kernel_err_msg = 'Kernel does not provide the necessary ' base_kernel_err_msg += 'information or the kvp daemon is not running.' if not os.path.isfile(driver_info_source): error_msg = 'RDMA: Source file "%s" does not exist. ' error_msg += base_kernel_err_msg logger.error(error_msg % driver_info_source) return lines = open(driver_info_source).read() if not lines: error_msg = 'RDMA: Source file "%s" is empty. ' error_msg += base_kernel_err_msg logger.error(error_msg % driver_info_source) return r = re.search("NdDriverVersion\0+(\d\d\d\.\d)", lines) if r: NdDriverVersion = r.groups()[0] return NdDriverVersion else: error_msg = 'RDMA: NdDriverVersion not found in "%s"' logger.error(error_msg % driver_info_source) return @staticmethod def is_kvp_daemon_running(): """Look for kvp daemon names in ps -ef output and return True/False """ # for centos, the hypervkvpd and the hv_kvp_daemon both are ok. # for suse, it uses hv_kvp_daemon kvp_daemon_names = ['hypervkvpd', 'hv_kvp_daemon'] exitcode, ps_out = shellutil.run_get_output("ps -ef") if exitcode != 0: raise Exception('RDMA: ps -ef failed: %s' % ps_out) for n in kvp_daemon_names: if n in ps_out: logger.info('RDMA: kvp daemon (%s) is running' % n) return True else: logger.verbose('RDMA: kvp daemon (%s) is not running' % n) return False def load_driver_module(self): """Load the kernel driver, this depends on the proper driver to be installed with the install_driver() method""" logger.info("RDMA: probing module '%s'" % self.driver_module_name) result = shellutil.run('modprobe %s' % self.driver_module_name) if result != 0: error_msg = 'Could not load "%s" kernel module. ' error_msg += 'Run "modprobe %s" as root for more details' logger.error( error_msg % (self.driver_module_name, self.driver_module_name) ) return logger.info('RDMA: Loaded the kernel driver successfully.') return True def install_driver(self): """Install the driver. This is distribution specific and must be overwritten in the child implementation.""" logger.error('RDMAHandler.install_driver not implemented') def is_driver_loaded(self): """Check if the network module is loaded in kernel space""" cmd = 'lsmod | grep ^%s' % self.driver_module_name status, loaded_modules = shellutil.run_get_output(cmd) logger.info('RDMA: Checking if the module loaded.') if loaded_modules: logger.info('RDMA: module loaded.') return True logger.info('RDMA: module not loaded.') def reboot_system(self): """Reboot the system. This is required as the kernel module for the rdma driver cannot be unloaded with rmmod""" logger.info('RDMA: Rebooting system.') ret = shellutil.run('shutdown -r now') if ret != 0: logger.error('RDMA: Failed to reboot the system') dapl_config_paths = [ '/etc/dat.conf', '/etc/rdma/dat.conf', '/usr/local/etc/dat.conf'] class RDMADeviceHandler(object): """ Responsible for writing RDMA IP and MAC address to the /dev/hvnd_rdma interface. """ rdma_dev = '/dev/hvnd_rdma' device_check_timeout_sec = 120 device_check_interval_sec = 1 ipv4_addr = None mac_adr = None def __init__(self, ipv4_addr, mac_addr): self.ipv4_addr = ipv4_addr self.mac_addr = mac_addr def start(self): """ Start a thread in the background to process the RDMA tasks and returns. """ logger.info("RDMA: starting device processing in the background.") threading.Thread(target=self.process).start() def process(self): try: RDMADeviceHandler.update_dat_conf(dapl_config_paths, self.ipv4_addr) skip_rdma_device = False retcode,out = shellutil.run_get_output("modinfo hv_network_direct") if retcode == 0: version = re.search("version:\s+(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\D", out, re.IGNORECASE) if version: v1 = int(version.groups(0)[0]) v2 = int(version.groups(0)[1]) if v1>4 or v1==4 and v2>0: logger.info("Skip setting /dev/hvnd_rdma on 4.1 or later") skip_rdma_device = True else: logger.info("RDMA: hv_network_direct driver version not present, assuming 4.0.x or older.") else: logger.warn("RDMA: failed to get module info on hv_network_direct.") if not skip_rdma_device: RDMADeviceHandler.wait_rdma_device( self.rdma_dev, self.device_check_timeout_sec, self.device_check_interval_sec) RDMADeviceHandler.write_rdma_config_to_device( self.rdma_dev, self.ipv4_addr, self.mac_addr) RDMADeviceHandler.update_network_interface(self.mac_addr, self.ipv4_addr) except Exception as e: logger.error("RDMA: device processing failed: {0}".format(e)) @staticmethod def update_dat_conf(paths, ipv4_addr): """ Looks at paths for dat.conf file and updates the ip address for the infiniband interface. """ logger.info("Updating DAPL configuration file") for f in paths: logger.info("RDMA: trying {0}".format(f)) if not os.path.isfile(f): logger.info( "RDMA: DAPL config not found at {0}".format(f)) continue logger.info("RDMA: DAPL config is at: {0}".format(f)) cfg = fileutil.read_file(f) new_cfg = RDMADeviceHandler.replace_dat_conf_contents( cfg, ipv4_addr) fileutil.write_file(f, new_cfg) logger.info("RDMA: DAPL configuration is updated") return raise Exception("RDMA: DAPL configuration file not found at predefined paths") @staticmethod def replace_dat_conf_contents(cfg, ipv4_addr): old = "ofa-v2-ib0 u2.0 nonthreadsafe default libdaplofa.so.2 dapl.2.0 \"\S+ 0\"" new = "ofa-v2-ib0 u2.0 nonthreadsafe default libdaplofa.so.2 dapl.2.0 \"{0} 0\"".format( ipv4_addr) return re.sub(old, new, cfg) @staticmethod def write_rdma_config_to_device(path, ipv4_addr, mac_addr): data = RDMADeviceHandler.generate_rdma_config(ipv4_addr, mac_addr) logger.info( "RDMA: Updating device with configuration: {0}".format(data)) with open(path, "w") as f: logger.info("RDMA: Device opened for writing") f.write(data) logger.info("RDMA: Updated device with IPv4/MAC addr successfully") @staticmethod def generate_rdma_config(ipv4_addr, mac_addr): return 'rdmaMacAddress="{0}" rdmaIPv4Address="{1}"'.format(mac_addr, ipv4_addr) @staticmethod def wait_rdma_device(path, timeout_sec, check_interval_sec): logger.info("RDMA: waiting for device={0} timeout={1}s".format(path, timeout_sec)) total_retries = timeout_sec/check_interval_sec n = 0 while n < total_retries: if os.path.exists(path): logger.info("RDMA: device ready") return logger.verbose( "RDMA: device not ready, sleep {0}s".format(check_interval_sec)) time.sleep(check_interval_sec) n += 1 logger.error("RDMA device wait timed out") raise Exception("The device did not show up in {0} seconds ({1} retries)".format( timeout_sec, total_retries)) @staticmethod def update_network_interface(mac_addr, ipv4_addr): netmask=16 logger.info("RDMA: will update the network interface with IPv4/MAC") if_name=RDMADeviceHandler.get_interface_by_mac(mac_addr) logger.info("RDMA: network interface found: {0}", if_name) logger.info("RDMA: bringing network interface up") if shellutil.run("ifconfig {0} up".format(if_name)) != 0: raise Exception("Could not bring up RMDA interface: {0}".format(if_name)) logger.info("RDMA: configuring IPv4 addr and netmask on interface") addr = '{0}/{1}'.format(ipv4_addr, netmask) if shellutil.run("ifconfig {0} {1}".format(if_name, addr)) != 0: raise Exception("Could set addr to {1} on {0}".format(if_name, addr)) logger.info("RDMA: network address and netmask configured on interface") @staticmethod def get_interface_by_mac(mac): ret, output = shellutil.run_get_output("ifconfig -a") if ret != 0: raise Exception("Failed to list network interfaces") output = output.replace('\n', '') match = re.search(r"(eth\d).*(HWaddr|ether) {0}".format(mac), output, re.IGNORECASE) if match is None: raise Exception("Failed to get ifname with mac: {0}".format(mac)) output = match.group(0) eths = re.findall(r"eth\d", output) if eths is None or len(eths) == 0: raise Exception("ifname with mac: {0} not found".format(mac)) return eths[-1]