# Windows Azure Linux Agent # # Copyright 2014 Microsoft Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+ import os import socket import array import time import azurelinuxagent.logger as logger from azurelinuxagent.utils.osutil import OSUTIL from azurelinuxagent.exception import AgentNetworkError import azurelinuxagent.utils.fileutil as fileutil import azurelinuxagent.utils.shellutil as shellutil from azurelinuxagent.utils.textutil import * WIRE_SERVER_ADDR_FILE_NAME="WireServer" class DhcpHandler(object): def __init__(self): self.endpoint = None self.gateway = None self.routes = None def wait_for_network(self): ipv4 = OSUTIL.get_ip4_addr() while ipv4 == '' or ipv4 == '': logger.info("Waiting for network.") time.sleep(10) OSUTIL.start_network() ipv4 = OSUTIL.get_ip4_addr() def probe(self): logger.info("Send dhcp request") self.wait_for_network() mac_addr = OSUTIL.get_mac_addr() req = build_dhcp_request(mac_addr) resp = send_dhcp_request(req) if resp is None: logger.warn("Failed to detect wire server.") return endpoint, gateway, routes = parse_dhcp_resp(resp) self.endpoint = endpoint logger.info("Wire server endpoint:{0}", endpoint) logger.info("Gateway:{0}", gateway) logger.info("Routes:{0}", routes) if endpoint is not None: path = os.path.join(OSUTIL.get_lib_dir(), WIRE_SERVER_ADDR_FILE_NAME) fileutil.write_file(path, endpoint) self.gateway = gateway self.routes = routes self.conf_routes() def get_endpoint(self): return self.endpoint def conf_routes(self): logger.info("Configure routes") #Add default gateway if self.gateway is not None: OSUTIL.route_add(0 , 0, self.gateway) if self.routes is not None: for route in self.routes: OSUTIL.route_add(route[0], route[1], route[2]) def validate_dhcp_resp(request, response): bytes_recv = len(response) if bytes_recv < 0xF6: logger.error("HandleDhcpResponse: Too few bytes received:{0}", bytes_recv) return False logger.verb("BytesReceived:{0}", hex(bytes_recv)) logger.verb("DHCP response:{0}", hex_dump(response, bytes_recv)) # check transactionId, cookie, MAC address cookie should never mismatch # transactionId and MAC address may mismatch if we see a response # meant from another machine if not compare_bytes(request, response, 0xEC, 4): logger.verb("Cookie not match:\nsend={0},\nreceive={1}", hex_dump3(request, 0xEC, 4), hex_dump3(response, 0xEC, 4)) raise AgentNetworkError("Cookie in dhcp respones " "doesn't match the request") if not compare_bytes(request, response, 4, 4): logger.verb("TransactionID not match:\nsend={0},\nreceive={1}", hex_dump3(request, 4, 4), hex_dump3(response, 4, 4)) raise AgentNetworkError("TransactionID in dhcp respones " "doesn't match the request") if not compare_bytes(request, response, 0x1C, 6): logger.verb("Mac Address not match:\nsend={0},\nreceive={1}", hex_dump3(request, 0x1C, 6), hex_dump3(response, 0x1C, 6)) raise AgentNetworkError("Mac Addr in dhcp respones " "doesn't match the request") def parse_route(response, option, i, length, bytes_recv): # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc227282%28PROT.10%29.aspx logger.verb("Routes at offset: {0} with length:{1}", hex(i), hex(length)) routes = [] if length < 5: logger.error("Data too small for option:{0}", option) j = i + 2 while j < (i + length + 2): mask_len_bits = str_to_ord(response[j]) mask_len_bytes = (((mask_len_bits + 7) & ~7) >> 3) mask = 0xFFFFFFFF & (0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - mask_len_bits)) j += 1 net = unpack_big_endian(response, j, mask_len_bytes) net <<= (32 - mask_len_bytes * 8) net &= mask j += mask_len_bytes gateway = unpack_big_endian(response, j, 4) j += 4 routes.append((net, mask, gateway)) if j != (i + length + 2): logger.error("Unable to parse routes") return routes def parse_ip_addr(response, option, i, length, bytes_recv): if i + 5 < bytes_recv: if length != 4: logger.error("Endpoint or Default Gateway not 4 bytes") return None addr = unpack_big_endian(response, i + 2, 4) ip_addr = int_to_ip4_addr(addr) return ip_addr else: logger.error("Data too small for option:{0}", option) return None def parse_dhcp_resp(response): """ Parse DHCP response: Returns endpoint server or None on error. """ logger.verb("parse Dhcp Response") bytes_recv = len(response) endpoint = None gateway = None routes = None # Walk all the returned options, parsing out what we need, ignoring the # others. We need the custom option 245 to find the the endpoint we talk to, # as well as, to handle some Linux DHCP client incompatibilities, # options 3 for default gateway and 249 for routes. And 255 is end. i = 0xF0 # offset to first option while i < bytes_recv: option = str_to_ord(response[i]) length = 0 if (i + 1) < bytes_recv: length = str_to_ord(response[i + 1]) logger.verb("DHCP option {0} at offset:{1} with length:{2}", hex(option), hex(i), hex(length)) if option == 255: logger.verb("DHCP packet ended at offset:{0}", hex(i)) break elif option == 249: routes = parse_route(response, option, i, length, bytes_recv) elif option == 3: gateway = parse_ip_addr(response, option, i, length, bytes_recv) logger.verb("Default gateway:{0}, at {1}", gateway, hex(i)) elif option == 245: endpoint = parse_ip_addr(response, option, i, length, bytes_recv) logger.verb("Azure wire protocol endpoint:{0}, at {1}", gateway, hex(i)) else: logger.verb("Skipping DHCP option:{0} at {1} with length {2}", hex(option), hex(i), hex(length)) i += length + 2 return endpoint, gateway, routes def allow_dhcp_broadcast(func): """ Temporary allow broadcase for dhcp. Remove the route when done. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): missing_default_route = OSUTIL.is_missing_default_route() ifname = OSUTIL.get_if_name() if missing_default_route: OSUTIL.set_route_for_dhcp_broadcast(ifname) result = func(*args, **kwargs) if missing_default_route: OSUTIL.remove_route_for_dhcp_broadcast(ifname) return result return wrapper def disable_dhcp_service(func): """ In some distros, dhcp service needs to be shutdown before agent probe endpoint through dhcp. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if OSUTIL.is_dhcp_enabled(): OSUTIL.stop_dhcp_service() result = func(*args, **kwargs) OSUTIL.start_dhcp_service() return result else: return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper @allow_dhcp_broadcast @disable_dhcp_service def send_dhcp_request(request): __waiting_duration__ = [0, 10, 30, 60, 60] for duration in __waiting_duration__: try: OSUTIL.allow_dhcp_broadcast() response = socket_send(request) validate_dhcp_resp(request, response) return response except AgentNetworkError as e: logger.warn("Failed to send DHCP request: {0}", e) time.sleep(duration) return None def socket_send(request): sock = None try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind(("", 68)) sock.sendto(request, ("", 67)) sock.settimeout(10) logger.verb("Send DHCP request: Setting socket.timeout=10, " "entering recv") response = sock.recv(1024) return response except IOError as e: raise AgentNetworkError("{0}".format(e)) finally: if sock is not None: sock.close() def build_dhcp_request(mac_addr): """ Build DHCP request string. """ # # typedef struct _DHCP { # UINT8 Opcode; /* op: BOOTREQUEST or BOOTREPLY */ # UINT8 HardwareAddressType; /* htype: ethernet */ # UINT8 HardwareAddressLength; /* hlen: 6 (48 bit mac address) */ # UINT8 Hops; /* hops: 0 */ # UINT8 TransactionID[4]; /* xid: random */ # UINT8 Seconds[2]; /* secs: 0 */ # UINT8 Flags[2]; /* flags: 0 or 0x8000 for broadcast */ # UINT8 ClientIpAddress[4]; /* ciaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 YourIpAddress[4]; /* yiaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 ServerIpAddress[4]; /* siaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 RelayAgentIpAddress[4]; /* giaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 ClientHardwareAddress[16]; /* chaddr: 6 byte eth MAC address */ # UINT8 ServerName[64]; /* sname: 0 */ # UINT8 BootFileName[128]; /* file: 0 */ # UINT8 MagicCookie[4]; /* 99 130 83 99 */ # /* 0x63 0x82 0x53 0x63 */ # /* options -- hard code ours */ # # UINT8 MessageTypeCode; /* 53 */ # UINT8 MessageTypeLength; /* 1 */ # UINT8 MessageType; /* 1 for DISCOVER */ # UINT8 End; /* 255 */ # } DHCP; # # tuple of 244 zeros # (struct.pack_into would be good here, but requires Python 2.5) request = [0] * 244 trans_id = gen_trans_id() # Opcode = 1 # HardwareAddressType = 1 (ethernet/MAC) # HardwareAddressLength = 6 (ethernet/MAC/48 bits) for a in range(0, 3): request[a] = [1, 1, 6][a] # fill in transaction id (random number to ensure response matches request) for a in range(0, 4): request[4 + a] = str_to_ord(trans_id[a]) logger.verb("BuildDhcpRequest: transactionId:%s,%04X" % ( hex_dump2(trans_id), unpack_big_endian(request, 4, 4))) # fill in ClientHardwareAddress for a in range(0, 6): request[0x1C + a] = str_to_ord(mac_addr[a]) # DHCP Magic Cookie: 99, 130, 83, 99 # MessageTypeCode = 53 DHCP Message Type # MessageTypeLength = 1 # MessageType = DHCPDISCOVER # End = 255 DHCP_END for a in range(0, 8): request[0xEC + a] = [99, 130, 83, 99, 53, 1, 1, 255][a] return array.array("B", request) def gen_trans_id(): return os.urandom(4)