# # Copyright 2014 Microsoft Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+ # import os import re import shutil import socket import array import struct import time import pwd import fcntl import azurelinuxagent.logger as logger from azurelinuxagent.future import text import azurelinuxagent.utils.fileutil as fileutil import azurelinuxagent.utils.shellutil as shellutil import azurelinuxagent.utils.textutil as textutil __RULES_FILES__ = [ "/lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules", "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" ] """ Define distro specific behavior. OSUtil class defines default behavior for all distros. Each concrete distro classes could overwrite default behavior if needed. """ class OSUtilError(Exception): pass class DefaultOSUtil(object): def __init__(self): self.lib_dir = "/var/lib/waagent" self.ext_log_dir = "/var/log/azure" self.dvd_mount_point = "/mnt/cdrom/secure" self.ovf_env_file_path = "/mnt/cdrom/secure/ovf-env.xml" self.agent_pid_file_path = "/var/run/waagent.pid" self.passwd_file_path = "/etc/shadow" self.home = '/home' self.sshd_conf_file_path = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' self.openssl_cmd = '/usr/bin/openssl' self.conf_file_path = '/etc/waagent.conf' self.selinux=None def get_lib_dir(self): return self.lib_dir def get_ext_log_dir(self): return self.ext_log_dir def get_dvd_mount_point(self): return self.dvd_mount_point def get_conf_file_path(self): return self.conf_file_path def get_ovf_env_file_path_on_dvd(self): return self.ovf_env_file_path def get_agent_pid_file_path(self): return self.agent_pid_file_path def get_openssl_cmd(self): return self.openssl_cmd def get_userentry(self, username): try: return pwd.getpwnam(username) except KeyError: return None def is_sys_user(self, username): userentry = self.get_userentry(username) uidmin = None try: uidmin_def = fileutil.get_line_startingwith("UID_MIN", "/etc/login.defs") if uidmin_def is not None: uidmin = int(uidmin_def.split()[1]) except IOError as e: pass if uidmin == None: uidmin = 100 if userentry != None and userentry[2] < uidmin: return True else: return False def useradd(self, username, expiration=None): """ Update password and ssh key for user account. New account will be created if not exists. """ if expiration is not None: cmd = "useradd -m {0} -e {1}".format(username, expiration) else: cmd = "useradd -m {0}".format(username) retcode, out = shellutil.run_get_output(cmd) if retcode != 0: raise OSUtilError(("Failed to create user account:{0}, " "retcode:{1}, " "output:{2}").format(username, retcode, out)) def chpasswd(self, username, password, use_salt=True, salt_type=6, salt_len=10): if self.is_sys_user(username): raise OSUtilError(("User {0} is a system user. " "Will not set passwd.").format(username)) passwd_hash = textutil.gen_password_hash(password, use_salt, salt_type, salt_len) try: passwd_content = fileutil.read_file(self.passwd_file_path) passwd = passwd_content.split("\n") new_passwd = [x for x in passwd if not x.startswith(username)] new_passwd.append("{0}:{1}:14600::::::".format(username, passwd_hash)) fileutil.write_file(self.passwd_file_path, "\n".join(new_passwd)) except IOError as e: raise OSUtilError(("Failed to set password for {0}: {1}" "").format(username, e)) def conf_sudoer(self, username, nopasswd): # for older distros create sudoers.d if not os.path.isdir('/etc/sudoers.d/'): # create the /etc/sudoers.d/ directory os.mkdir('/etc/sudoers.d/') # add the include of sudoers.d to the /etc/sudoers sudoers = '\n' + '#includedir /etc/sudoers.d/\n' fileutil.append_file('/etc/sudoers', sudoers) sudoer = None if nopasswd: sudoer = "{0} ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD\n".format(username) else: sudoer = "{0} ALL = (ALL) ALL\n".format(username) fileutil.append_file('/etc/sudoers.d/waagent', sudoer) fileutil.chmod('/etc/sudoers.d/waagent', 0o440) def del_root_password(self): try: passwd_content = fileutil.read_file(self.passwd_file_path) passwd = passwd_content.split('\n') new_passwd = [x for x in passwd if not x.startswith("root:")] new_passwd.insert(0, "root:*LOCK*:14600::::::") fileutil.write_file(self.passwd_file_path, "\n".join(new_passwd)) except IOError as e: raise OSUtilError("Failed to delete root password:{0}".format(e)) def get_home(self): return self.home def get_pubkey_from_prv(self, file_name): cmd = "{0} rsa -in {1} -pubout 2>/dev/null".format(self.openssl_cmd, file_name) pub = shellutil.run_get_output(cmd)[1] return pub def get_pubkey_from_crt(self, file_name): cmd = "{0} x509 -in {1} -pubkey -noout".format(self.openssl_cmd, file_name) pub = shellutil.run_get_output(cmd)[1] return pub def _norm_path(self, filepath): home = self.get_home() # Expand HOME variable if present in path path = os.path.normpath(filepath.replace("$HOME", home)) return path def get_thumbprint_from_crt(self, file_name): cmd="{0} x509 -in {1} -fingerprint -noout".format(self.openssl_cmd, file_name) thumbprint = shellutil.run_get_output(cmd)[1] thumbprint = thumbprint.rstrip().split('=')[1].replace(':', '').upper() return thumbprint def deploy_ssh_keypair(self, username, keypair): """ Deploy id_rsa and id_rsa.pub """ path, thumbprint = keypair path = self._norm_path(path) dir_path = os.path.dirname(path) fileutil.mkdir(dir_path, mode=0o700, owner=username) lib_dir = self.get_lib_dir() prv_path = os.path.join(lib_dir, thumbprint + '.prv') if not os.path.isfile(prv_path): raise OSUtilError("Can't find {0}.prv".format(thumbprint)) shutil.copyfile(prv_path, path) pub_path = path + '.pub' pub = self.get_pubkey_from_prv(prv_path) fileutil.write_file(pub_path, pub) self.set_selinux_context(pub_path, 'unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0') self.set_selinux_context(path, 'unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0') os.chmod(path, 0o644) os.chmod(pub_path, 0o600) def openssl_to_openssh(self, input_file, output_file): shellutil.run("ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f {0} >> {1}".format(input_file, output_file)) def deploy_ssh_pubkey(self, username, pubkey): """ Deploy authorized_key """ path, thumbprint, value = pubkey if path is None: raise OSUtilError("Publich key path is None") path = self._norm_path(path) dir_path = os.path.dirname(path) fileutil.mkdir(dir_path, mode=0o700, owner=username) if value is not None: if not value.startswith("ssh-"): raise OSUtilError("Bad public key: {0}".format(value)) fileutil.write_file(path, value) elif thumbprint is not None: lib_dir = self.get_lib_dir() crt_path = os.path.join(lib_dir, thumbprint + '.crt') if not os.path.isfile(crt_path): raise OSUtilError("Can't find {0}.crt".format(thumbprint)) pub_path = os.path.join(lib_dir, thumbprint + '.pub') pub = self.get_pubkey_from_crt(crt_path) fileutil.write_file(pub_path, pub) self.set_selinux_context(pub_path, 'unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0') self.openssl_to_openssh(pub_path, path) fileutil.chmod(pub_path, 0o600) else: raise OSUtilError("SSH public key Fingerprint and Value are None") self.set_selinux_context(path, 'unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0') fileutil.chowner(path, username) fileutil.chmod(path, 0o644) def is_selinux_system(self): """ Checks and sets self.selinux = True if SELinux is available on system. """ if self.selinux == None: if shellutil.run("which getenforce", chk_err=False) == 0: self.selinux = True else: self.selinux = False return self.selinux def is_selinux_enforcing(self): """ Calls shell command 'getenforce' and returns True if 'Enforcing'. """ if self.is_selinux_system(): output = shellutil.run_get_output("getenforce")[1] return output.startswith("Enforcing") else: return False def set_selinux_enforce(self, state): """ Calls shell command 'setenforce' with 'state' and returns resulting exit code. """ if self.is_selinux_system(): if state: s = '1' else: s='0' return shellutil.run("setenforce "+s) def set_selinux_context(self, path, con): """ Calls shell 'chcon' with 'path' and 'con' context. Returns exit result. """ if self.is_selinux_system(): return shellutil.run('chcon ' + con + ' ' + path) def get_sshd_conf_file_path(self): return self.sshd_conf_file_path def set_ssh_client_alive_interval(self): conf_file_path = self.get_sshd_conf_file_path() conf = fileutil.read_file(conf_file_path).split("\n") textutil.set_ssh_config(conf, "ClientAliveInterval", "180") fileutil.write_file(conf_file_path, '\n'.join(conf)) logger.info("Configured SSH client probing to keep connections alive.") def conf_sshd(self, disable_password): option = "no" if disable_password else "yes" conf_file_path = self.get_sshd_conf_file_path() conf = fileutil.read_file(conf_file_path).split("\n") textutil.set_ssh_config(conf, "PasswordAuthentication", option) textutil.set_ssh_config(conf, "ChallengeResponseAuthentication", option) fileutil.write_file(conf_file_path, "\n".join(conf)) logger.info("Disabled SSH password-based authentication methods.") def get_dvd_device(self, dev_dir='/dev'): patten=r'(sr[0-9]|hd[c-z]|cdrom[0-9])' for dvd in [re.match(patten, dev) for dev in os.listdir(dev_dir)]: if dvd is not None: return "/dev/{0}".format(dvd.group(0)) raise OSUtilError("Failed to get dvd device") def mount_dvd(self, max_retry=6, chk_err=True): dvd = self.get_dvd_device() mount_point = self.get_dvd_mount_point() mountlist = shellutil.run_get_output("mount")[1] existing = self.get_mount_point(mountlist, dvd) if existing is not None: #Already mounted logger.info("{0} is already mounted at {1}", dvd, existing) return if not os.path.isdir(mount_point): os.makedirs(mount_point) for retry in range(0, max_retry): retcode = self.mount(dvd, mount_point, option="-o ro -t iso9660,udf", chk_err=chk_err) if retcode == 0: logger.info("Successfully mounted dvd") return if retry < max_retry - 1: logger.warn("Mount dvd failed: retry={0}, ret={1}", retry, retcode) time.sleep(5) if chk_err: raise OSUtilError("Failed to mount dvd.") def umount_dvd(self, chk_err=True): mount_point = self.get_dvd_mount_point() retcode = self.umount(mount_point, chk_err=chk_err) if chk_err and retcode != 0: raise OSUtilError("Failed to umount dvd.") def eject_dvd(self, chk_err=True): retcode = shellutil.run("eject") if chk_err and retcode != 0: raise OSUtilError("Failed to eject dvd") def load_atappix_mod(self): if self.is_atapiix_mod_loaded(): return ret, kern_version = shellutil.run_get_output("uname -r") if ret != 0: raise Exception("Failed to call uname -r") mod_path = os.path.join('/lib/modules', kern_version.strip('\n'), 'kernel/drivers/ata/ata_piix.ko') if not os.path.isfile(mod_path): raise Exception("Can't find module file:{0}".format(mod_path)) ret, output = shellutil.run_get_output("insmod " + mod_path) if ret != 0: raise Exception("Error calling insmod for ATAPI CD-ROM driver") if not self.is_atapiix_mod_loaded(max_retry=3): raise Exception("Failed to load ATAPI CD-ROM driver") def is_atapiix_mod_loaded(self, max_retry=1): for retry in range(0, max_retry): ret = shellutil.run("lsmod | grep ata_piix", chk_err=False) if ret == 0: logger.info("Module driver for ATAPI CD-ROM is already present.") return True if retry < max_retry - 1: time.sleep(1) return False def mount(self, dvd, mount_point, option="", chk_err=True): cmd = "mount {0} {1} {2}".format(dvd, option, mount_point) return shellutil.run_get_output(cmd, chk_err)[0] def umount(self, mount_point, chk_err=True): return shellutil.run("umount {0}".format(mount_point), chk_err=chk_err) def allow_dhcp_broadcast(self): #Open DHCP port if iptables is enabled. # We supress error logging on error. shellutil.run("iptables -D INPUT -p udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT", chk_err=False) shellutil.run("iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT", chk_err=False) def gen_transport_cert(self): """ Create ssl certificate for https communication with endpoint server. """ cmd = ("{0} req -x509 -nodes -subj /CN=LinuxTransport -days 32768 " "-newkey rsa:2048 -keyout TransportPrivate.pem " "-out TransportCert.pem").format(self.openssl_cmd) shellutil.run(cmd) def remove_rules_files(self, rules_files=__RULES_FILES__): lib_dir = self.get_lib_dir() for src in rules_files: file_name = fileutil.base_name(src) dest = os.path.join(lib_dir, file_name) if os.path.isfile(dest): os.remove(dest) if os.path.isfile(src): logger.warn("Move rules file {0} to {1}", file_name, dest) shutil.move(src, dest) def restore_rules_files(self, rules_files=__RULES_FILES__): lib_dir = self.get_lib_dir() for dest in rules_files: filename = fileutil.base_name(dest) src = os.path.join(lib_dir, filename) if os.path.isfile(dest): continue if os.path.isfile(src): logger.warn("Move rules file {0} to {1}", filename, dest) shutil.move(src, dest) def get_mac_addr(self): """ Convienience function, returns mac addr bound to first non-loobback interface. """ ifname='' while len(ifname) < 2 : ifname=self.get_first_if()[0] addr = self.get_if_mac(ifname) return textutil.hexstr_to_bytearray(addr) def get_if_mac(self, ifname): """ Return the mac-address bound to the socket. """ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) param = struct.pack('256s', (ifname[:15]+('\0'*241)).encode('latin-1')) info = fcntl.ioctl(sock.fileno(), 0x8927, param) return ''.join(['%02X' % textutil.str_to_ord(char) for char in info[18:24]]) def get_first_if(self): """ Return the interface name, and ip addr of the first active non-loopback interface. """ iface='' expected=16 # how many devices should I expect... struct_size=40 # for 64bit the size is 40 bytes sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) buff=array.array('B', b'\0' * (expected * struct_size)) param = struct.pack('iL', expected*struct_size, buff.buffer_info()[0]) ret = fcntl.ioctl(sock.fileno(), 0x8912, param) retsize=(struct.unpack('iL', ret)[0]) if retsize == (expected * struct_size): logger.warn(('SIOCGIFCONF returned more than {0} up ' 'network interfaces.'), expected) sock = buff.tostring() for i in range(0, struct_size * expected, struct_size): iface=sock[i:i+16].split(b'\0', 1)[0] if iface == b'lo': continue else: break return iface.decode('latin-1'), socket.inet_ntoa(sock[i+20:i+24]) def is_missing_default_route(self): routes = shellutil.run_get_output("route -n")[1] for route in routes.split("\n"): if route.startswith(" ") or route.startswith("default "): return False return True def get_if_name(self): return self.get_first_if()[0] def get_ip4_addr(self): return self.get_first_if()[1] def set_route_for_dhcp_broadcast(self, ifname): return shellutil.run("route add dev {0}".format(ifname), chk_err=False) def remove_route_for_dhcp_broadcast(self, ifname): shellutil.run("route del dev {0}".format(ifname), chk_err=False) def is_dhcp_enabled(self): return False def stop_dhcp_service(self): pass def start_dhcp_service(self): pass def start_network(self): pass def start_agent_service(self): pass def stop_agent_service(self): pass def register_agent_service(self): pass def unregister_agent_service(self): pass def restart_ssh_service(self): pass def route_add(self, net, mask, gateway): """ Add specified route using /sbin/route add -net. """ cmd = ("/sbin/route add -net " "{0} netmask {1} gw {2}").format(net, mask, gateway) return shellutil.run(cmd, chk_err=False) def get_dhcp_pid(self): ret= shellutil.run_get_output("pidof dhclient") return ret[1] if ret[0] == 0 else None def set_hostname(self, hostname): fileutil.write_file('/etc/hostname', hostname) shellutil.run("hostname {0}".format(hostname), chk_err=False) def set_dhcp_hostname(self, hostname): autosend = r'^[^#]*?send\s*host-name.*?(|gethostname[(,)])' dhclient_files = ['/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf', '/etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf'] for conf_file in dhclient_files: if not os.path.isfile(conf_file): continue if fileutil.findstr_in_file(conf_file, autosend): #Return if auto send host-name is configured return fileutil.update_conf_file(conf_file, 'send host-name', 'send host-name {0}'.format(hostname)) def restart_if(self, ifname): shellutil.run("ifdown {0} && ifup {1}".format(ifname, ifname)) def publish_hostname(self, hostname): self.set_dhcp_hostname(hostname) ifname = self.get_if_name() self.restart_if(ifname) def set_scsi_disks_timeout(self, timeout): for dev in os.listdir("/sys/block"): if dev.startswith('sd'): self.set_block_device_timeout(dev, timeout) def set_block_device_timeout(self, dev, timeout): if dev is not None and timeout is not None: file_path = "/sys/block/{0}/device/timeout".format(dev) content = fileutil.read_file(file_path) original = content.splitlines()[0].rstrip() if original != timeout: fileutil.write_file(file_path, timeout) logger.info("Set block dev timeout: {0} with timeout: {1}", dev, timeout) def get_mount_point(self, mountlist, device): """ Example of mountlist: /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw) proc on /proc type proc (rw) sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620) tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,rootcontext="system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t:s0") none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw) /dev/sdb1 on /mnt/resource type ext4 (rw) """ if (mountlist and device): for entry in mountlist.split('\n'): if(re.search(device, entry)): tokens = entry.split() #Return the 3rd column of this line return tokens[2] if len(tokens) > 2 else None return None def device_for_ide_port(self, port_id): """ Return device name attached to ide port 'n'. """ if port_id > 3: return None g0 = "00000000" if port_id > 1: g0 = "00000001" port_id = port_id - 2 device = None path = "/sys/bus/vmbus/devices/" for vmbus in os.listdir(path): deviceid = fileutil.read_file(os.path.join(path, vmbus, "device_id")) guid = deviceid.lstrip('{').split('-') if guid[0] == g0 and guid[1] == "000" + text(port_id): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path + vmbus): if root.endswith("/block"): device = dirs[0] break else : #older distros for d in dirs: if ':' in d and "block" == d.split(':')[0]: device = d.split(':')[1] break break return device def del_account(self, username): if self.is_sys_user(username): logger.error("{0} is a system user. Will not delete it.", username) shellutil.run("> /var/run/utmp") shellutil.run("userdel -f -r " + username) #Remove user from suders if os.path.isfile("/etc/suders.d/waagent"): try: content = fileutil.read_file("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent") sudoers = content.split("\n") sudoers = [x for x in sudoers if username not in x] fileutil.write_file("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", "\n".join(sudoers)) except IOError as e: raise OSUtilError("Failed to remove sudoer: {0}".format(e)) def decode_customdata(self, data): return data def get_total_mem(self): cmd = "grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo |awk '{print $2}'" ret = shellutil.run_get_output(cmd) if ret[0] == 0: return int(ret[1])/1024 else: raise OSUtilError("Failed to get total memory: {0}".format(ret[1])) def get_processor_cores(self): ret = shellutil.run_get_output("grep 'processor.*:' /proc/cpuinfo |wc -l") if ret[0] == 0: return int(ret[1]) else: raise OSUtilError("Failed to get procerssor cores")