# Microsoft Azure Linux Agent # # Copyright 2014 Microsoft Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+ import crypt import random import string import struct import xml.dom.minidom as minidom import sys from distutils.version import LooseVersion def parse_doc(xml_text): """ Parse xml document from string """ #The minidom lib has some issue with unicode in python2. #Encode the string into utf-8 first xml_text = xml_text.encode('utf-8') return minidom.parseString(xml_text) def findall(root, tag, namespace=None): """ Get all nodes by tag and namespace under Node root. """ if root is None: return [] if namespace is None: return root.getElementsByTagName(tag) else: return root.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespace, tag) def find(root, tag, namespace=None): """ Get first node by tag and namespace under Node root. """ nodes = findall(root, tag, namespace=namespace) if nodes is not None and len(nodes) >= 1: return nodes[0] else: return None def gettext(node): """ Get node text """ if node is None: return None for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE: return child.data return None def findtext(root, tag, namespace=None): """ Get text of node by tag and namespace under Node root. """ node = find(root, tag, namespace=namespace) return gettext(node) def getattrib(node, attr_name): """ Get attribute of xml node """ if node is not None: return node.getAttribute(attr_name) else: return None def unpack(buf, offset, range): """ Unpack bytes into python values. """ result = 0 for i in range: result = (result << 8) | str_to_ord(buf[offset + i]) return result def unpack_little_endian(buf, offset, length): """ Unpack little endian bytes into python values. """ return unpack(buf, offset, list(range(length - 1, -1, -1))) def unpack_big_endian(buf, offset, length): """ Unpack big endian bytes into python values. """ return unpack(buf, offset, list(range(0, length))) def hex_dump3(buf, offset, length): """ Dump range of buf in formatted hex. """ return ''.join(['%02X' % str_to_ord(char) for char in buf[offset:offset + length]]) def hex_dump2(buf): """ Dump buf in formatted hex. """ return hex_dump3(buf, 0, len(buf)) def is_in_range(a, low, high): """ Return True if 'a' in 'low' <= a >= 'high' """ return (a >= low and a <= high) def is_printable(ch): """ Return True if character is displayable. """ return (is_in_range(ch, str_to_ord('A'), str_to_ord('Z')) or is_in_range(ch, str_to_ord('a'), str_to_ord('z')) or is_in_range(ch, str_to_ord('0'), str_to_ord('9'))) def hex_dump(buffer, size): """ Return Hex formated dump of a 'buffer' of 'size'. """ if size < 0: size = len(buffer) result = "" for i in range(0, size): if (i % 16) == 0: result += "%06X: " % i byte = buffer[i] if type(byte) == str: byte = ord(byte.decode('latin1')) result += "%02X " % byte if (i & 15) == 7: result += " " if ((i + 1) % 16) == 0 or (i + 1) == size: j = i while ((j + 1) % 16) != 0: result += " " if (j & 7) == 7: result += " " j += 1 result += " " for j in range(i - (i % 16), i + 1): byte=buffer[j] if type(byte) == str: byte = str_to_ord(byte.decode('latin1')) k = '.' if is_printable(byte): k = chr(byte) result += k if (i + 1) != size: result += "\n" return result def str_to_ord(a): """ Allows indexing into a string or an array of integers transparently. Generic utility function. """ if type(a) == type(b'') or type(a) == type(u''): a = ord(a) return a def compare_bytes(a, b, start, length): for offset in range(start, start + length): if str_to_ord(a[offset]) != str_to_ord(b[offset]): return False return True def int_to_ip4_addr(a): """ Build DHCP request string. """ return "%u.%u.%u.%u" % ((a >> 24) & 0xFF, (a >> 16) & 0xFF, (a >> 8) & 0xFF, (a) & 0xFF) def hexstr_to_bytearray(a): """ Return hex string packed into a binary struct. """ b = b"" for c in range(0, len(a) // 2): b += struct.pack("B", int(a[c * 2:c * 2 + 2], 16)) return b def set_ssh_config(config, name, val): notfound = True for i in range(0, len(config)): if config[i].startswith(name): config[i] = "{0} {1}".format(name, val) notfound = False elif config[i].startswith("Match"): #Match block must be put in the end of sshd config break if notfound: config.insert(i, "{0} {1}".format(name, val)) return config def remove_bom(c): if str_to_ord(c[0]) > 128 and str_to_ord(c[1]) > 128 and \ str_to_ord(c[2]) > 128: c = c[3:] return c def gen_password_hash(password, crypt_id, salt_len): collection = string.ascii_letters + string.digits salt = ''.join(random.choice(collection) for _ in range(salt_len)) salt = "${0}${1}".format(crypt_id, salt) return crypt.crypt(password, salt) Version = LooseVersion