#!/usr/bin/env python # # Azure Linux Agent # # Copyright 2015 Microsoft Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Requires Python 2.6+ and Openssl 1.0+ # # Implements parts of RFC 2131, 1541, 1497 and # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc227282%28PROT.10%29.aspx # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc227259%28PROT.13%29.aspx # import crypt import random import array import base64 import httplib import os import os.path import platform import pwd import re import shutil import socket import SocketServer import struct import string import subprocess import sys import tempfile import textwrap import threading import time import traceback import xml.dom.minidom import fcntl import inspect import zipfile import json import datetime import xml.sax.saxutils from distutils.version import LooseVersion if not hasattr(subprocess,'check_output'): def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs): r"""Backport from subprocess module from python 2.7""" if 'stdout' in kwargs: raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.') process = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs) output, unused_err = process.communicate() retcode = process.poll() if retcode: cmd = kwargs.get("args") if cmd is None: cmd = popenargs[0] raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output) return output # Exception classes used by this module. class CalledProcessError(Exception): def __init__(self, returncode, cmd, output=None): self.returncode = returncode self.cmd = cmd self.output = output def __str__(self): return "Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d" % (self.cmd, self.returncode) subprocess.check_output=check_output subprocess.CalledProcessError=CalledProcessError GuestAgentName = "WALinuxAgent" GuestAgentLongName = "Azure Linux Agent" GuestAgentVersion = "WALinuxAgent-2.0.16" ProtocolVersion = "2012-11-30" #WARNING this value is used to confirm the correct fabric protocol. Config = None WaAgent = None DiskActivated = False Openssl = "openssl" Children = [] ExtensionChildren = [] VMM_STARTUP_SCRIPT_NAME='install' VMM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME='linuxosconfiguration.xml' global RulesFiles RulesFiles = [ "/lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules", "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" ] VarLibDhcpDirectories = ["/var/lib/dhclient", "/var/lib/dhcpcd", "/var/lib/dhcp"] EtcDhcpClientConfFiles = ["/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf", "/etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf"] global LibDir LibDir = "/var/lib/waagent" global provisioned provisioned=False global provisionError provisionError=None HandlerStatusToAggStatus = {"installed":"Installing", "enabled":"Ready", "unintalled":"NotReady", "disabled":"NotReady"} WaagentConf = """\ # # Azure Linux Agent Configuration # Role.StateConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with the argument "Ready" when we report ready status # to the endpoint server. Role.ConfigurationConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role configuration. Role.TopologyConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role topology. Provisioning.Enabled=y # Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword=y # Password authentication for root account will be unavailable. Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair=y # Generate fresh host key pair. Provisioning.SshHostKeyPairType=rsa # Supported values are "rsa", "dsa" and "ecdsa". Provisioning.MonitorHostName=y # Monitor host name changes and publish changes via DHCP requests. ResourceDisk.Format=y # Format if unformatted. If 'n', resource disk will not be mounted. ResourceDisk.Filesystem=ext4 # Typically ext3 or ext4. FreeBSD images should use 'ufs2' here. ResourceDisk.MountPoint=/mnt/resource # ResourceDisk.EnableSwap=n # Create and use swapfile on resource disk. ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB=0 # Size of the swapfile. LBProbeResponder=y # Respond to load balancer probes if requested by Azure. Logs.Verbose=n # Enable verbose logs OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout=300 # Root device timeout in seconds. OS.OpensslPath=None # If "None", the system default version is used. """ README_FILENAME="DATALOSS_WARNING_README.txt" README_FILECONTENT="""\ WARNING: THIS IS A TEMPORARY DISK. Any data stored on this drive is SUBJECT TO LOSS and THERE IS NO WAY TO RECOVER IT. Please do not use this disk for storing any personal or application data. For additional details to please refer to the MSDN documentation at : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/jj672979.aspx """ ############################################################ # BEGIN DISTRO CLASS DEFS ############################################################ ############################################################ # AbstractDistro ############################################################ class AbstractDistro(object): """ AbstractDistro defines a skeleton neccesary for a concrete Distro class. Generic methods and attributes are kept here, distribution specific attributes and behavior are to be placed in the concrete child named distroDistro, where distro is the string returned by calling python platform.linux_distribution()[0]. So for CentOS the derived class is called 'centosDistro'. """ def __init__(self): """ Generic Attributes go here. These are based on 'majority rules'. This __init__() may be called or overriden by the child. """ self.agent_service_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) self.selinux=None self.service_cmd='/usr/sbin/service' self.ssh_service_restart_option='restart' self.ssh_service_name='ssh' self.ssh_config_file='/etc/ssh/sshd_config' self.hostname_file_path='/etc/hostname' self.dhcp_client_name='dhclient' self.requiredDeps = [ 'route', 'shutdown', 'ssh-keygen', 'useradd', 'usermod', 'openssl', 'sfdisk', 'fdisk', 'mkfs', 'sed', 'grep', 'sudo', 'parted' ] self.init_script_file='/etc/init.d/waagent' self.agent_package_name='WALinuxAgent' self.fileBlackList = [ "/root/.bash_history", "/var/log/waagent.log",'/etc/resolv.conf' ] self.agent_files_to_uninstall = ["/etc/waagent.conf", "/etc/logrotate.d/waagent"] self.grubKernelBootOptionsFile = '/etc/default/grub' self.grubKernelBootOptionsLine = 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=' self.getpidcmd = 'pidof' self.mount_dvd_cmd = 'mount' self.sudoers_dir_base = '/etc' self.waagent_conf_file = WaagentConf self.shadow_file_mode=0600 self.shadow_file_path="/etc/shadow" self.dhcp_enabled = False def isSelinuxSystem(self): """ Checks and sets self.selinux = True if SELinux is available on system. """ if self.selinux == None: if Run("which getenforce",chk_err=False): self.selinux = False else: self.selinux = True return self.selinux def isSelinuxRunning(self): """ Calls shell command 'getenforce' and returns True if 'Enforcing'. """ if self.isSelinuxSystem(): return RunGetOutput("getenforce")[1].startswith("Enforcing") else: return False def setSelinuxEnforce(self,state): """ Calls shell command 'setenforce' with 'state' and returns resulting exit code. """ if self.isSelinuxSystem(): if state: s = '1' else: s='0' return Run("setenforce "+s) def setSelinuxContext(self,path,cn): """ Calls shell 'chcon' with 'path' and 'cn' context. Returns exit result. """ if self.isSelinuxSystem(): if not os.path.exists(path): Error("Path does not exist: {0}".format(path)) return 1 return Run('chcon ' + cn + ' ' + path) def setHostname(self,name): """ Shell call to hostname. Returns resulting exit code. """ return Run('hostname ' + name) def publishHostname(self,name): """ Set the contents of the hostname file to 'name'. Return 1 on failure. """ try: r=SetFileContents(self.hostname_file_path, name) for f in EtcDhcpClientConfFiles: if os.path.exists(f) and FindStringInFile(f,r'^[^#]*?send\s*host-name.*?(|gethostname[(,)])') == None : r=ReplaceFileContentsAtomic('/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf', "send host-name \"" + name + "\";\n" + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("send host-name"), GetFileContents('/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf').split('\n')))) except: return 1 return r def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self): """ Create the waagent support files for service installation. Called by registerAgentService() Abstract Virtual Function. Over-ridden in concrete Distro classes. """ pass def registerAgentService(self): """ Calls installAgentService to create service files. Shell exec service registration commands. (e.g. chkconfig --add waagent) Abstract Virtual Function. Over-ridden in concrete Distro classes. """ pass def uninstallAgentService(self): """ Call service subsystem to remove waagent script. Abstract Virtual Function. Over-ridden in concrete Distro classes. """ pass def unregisterAgentService(self): """ Calls self.stopAgentService and call self.uninstallAgentService() """ self.stopAgentService() self.uninstallAgentService() def startAgentService(self): """ Service call to start the Agent service """ return Run(self.service_cmd + ' ' + self.agent_service_name + ' start') def stopAgentService(self): """ Service call to stop the Agent service """ return Run(self.service_cmd + ' ' + self.agent_service_name + ' stop',False) def restartSshService(self): """ Service call to re(start) the SSH service """ sshRestartCmd = self.service_cmd + " " + self.ssh_service_name + " " + self.ssh_service_restart_option retcode = Run(sshRestartCmd) if retcode > 0: Error("Failed to restart SSH service with return code:" + str(retcode)) return retcode def sshDeployPublicKey(self,fprint,path): """ Generic sshDeployPublicKey - over-ridden in some concrete Distro classes due to minor differences in openssl packages deployed """ error=0 SshPubKey = OvfEnv().OpensslToSsh(fprint) if SshPubKey != None: AppendFileContents(path, SshPubKey) else: Error("Failed: " + fprint + ".crt -> " + path) error = 1 return error def checkPackageInstalled(self,p): """ Query package database for prescence of an installed package. Abstract Virtual Function. Over-ridden in concrete Distro classes. """ pass def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p): """ Online check if updated package of walinuxagent is available. Abstract Virtual Function. Over-ridden in concrete Distro classes. """ pass def deleteRootPassword(self): """ Generic root password removal. """ filepath="/etc/shadow" ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath,"root:*LOCK*:14600::::::\n" + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("root:"),GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n')))) os.chmod(filepath,self.shadow_file_mode) if self.isSelinuxSystem(): self.setSelinuxContext(filepath,'system_u:object_r:shadow_t:s0') Log("Root password deleted.") return 0 def changePass(self,user,password): Log("Change user password") crypt_id = Config.get("Provisioning.PasswordCryptId") if crypt_id is None: crypt_id = "6" salt_len = Config.get("Provisioning.PasswordCryptSaltLength") try: salt_len = int(salt_len) if salt_len < 0 or salt_len > 10: salt_len = 10 except (ValueError, TypeError): salt_len = 10 return self.chpasswd(user, password, crypt_id=crypt_id, salt_len=salt_len) def chpasswd(self, username, password, crypt_id=6, salt_len=10): passwd_hash = self.gen_password_hash(password, crypt_id, salt_len) cmd = "usermod -p '{0}' {1}".format(passwd_hash, username) ret, output = RunGetOutput(cmd, log_cmd=False) if ret != 0: return "Failed to set password for {0}: {1}".format(username, output) def gen_password_hash(self, password, crypt_id, salt_len): collection = string.ascii_letters + string.digits salt = ''.join(random.choice(collection) for _ in range(salt_len)) salt = "${0}${1}".format(crypt_id, salt) return crypt.crypt(password, salt) def load_ata_piix(self): return WaAgent.TryLoadAtapiix() def unload_ata_piix(self): """ Generic function to remove ata_piix.ko. """ return WaAgent.TryUnloadAtapiix() def deprovisionWarnUser(self): """ Generic user warnings used at deprovision. """ print("WARNING! Nameserver configuration in /etc/resolv.conf will be deleted.") def deprovisionDeleteFiles(self): """ Files to delete when VM is deprovisioned """ for a in VarLibDhcpDirectories: Run("rm -f " + a + "/*") # Clear LibDir, remove nameserver and root bash history for f in os.listdir(LibDir) + self.fileBlackList: try: os.remove(f) except: pass return 0 def uninstallDeleteFiles(self): """ Files to delete when agent is uninstalled. """ for f in self.agent_files_to_uninstall: try: os.remove(f) except: pass return 0 def checkDependencies(self): """ Generic dependency check. Return 1 unless all dependencies are satisfied. """ if self.checkPackageInstalled('NetworkManager'): Error(GuestAgentLongName + " is not compatible with network-manager.") return 1 try: m= __import__('pyasn1') except ImportError: Error(GuestAgentLongName + " requires python-pyasn1 for your Linux distribution.") return 1 for a in self.requiredDeps: if Run("which " + a + " > /dev/null 2>&1",chk_err=False): Error("Missing required dependency: " + a) return 1 return 0 def packagedInstall(self,buildroot): """ Called from setup.py for use by RPM. Copies generated files waagent.conf, under the buildroot. """ if not os.path.exists(buildroot+'/etc'): os.mkdir(buildroot+'/etc') SetFileContents(buildroot+'/etc/waagent.conf', MyDistro.waagent_conf_file) if not os.path.exists(buildroot+'/etc/logrotate.d'): os.mkdir(buildroot+'/etc/logrotate.d') SetFileContents(buildroot+'/etc/logrotate.d/waagent', WaagentLogrotate) self.init_script_file=buildroot+self.init_script_file # this allows us to call installAgentServiceScriptFiles() if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.init_script_file)): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(self.init_script_file)) self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles() def GetIpv4Address(self): """ Return the ip of the first active non-loopback interface. """ addr='' iface,addr=GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback() return addr def GetMacAddress(self): return GetMacAddress() def GetInterfaceName(self): return GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback()[0] def RestartInterface(self, iface, max_retry=3): for retry in range(1, max_retry + 1): ret = Run("ifdown " + iface + " && ifup " + iface) if ret == 0: return Log("Failed to restart interface: {0}, ret={1}".format(iface, ret)) if retry < max_retry: Log("Retry restart interface in 5 seconds") time.sleep(5) def CreateAccount(self,user, password, expiration, thumbprint): return CreateAccount(user, password, expiration, thumbprint) def DeleteAccount(self,user): return DeleteAccount(user) def ActivateResourceDisk(self): """ Format, mount, and if specified in the configuration set resource disk as swap. """ global DiskActivated format = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Format") if format == None or format.lower().startswith("n"): DiskActivated = True return device = DeviceForIdePort(1) if device == None: Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Unable to detect disk topology.") return device = "/dev/" + device mountlist = RunGetOutput("mount")[1] mountpoint = GetMountPoint(mountlist, device) if(mountpoint): Log("ActivateResourceDisk: " + device + "1 is already mounted.") else: mountpoint = Config.get("ResourceDisk.MountPoint") if mountpoint == None: mountpoint = "/mnt/resource" CreateDir(mountpoint, "root", 0755) fs = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Filesystem") if fs == None: fs = "ext3" partition = device + "1" #Check partition type Log("Detect GPT...") ret = RunGetOutput("parted {0} print".format(device)) if ret[0] == 0 and "gpt" in ret[1]: Log("GPT detected.") #GPT(Guid Partition Table) is used. #Get partitions. parts = filter(lambda x : re.match("^\s*[0-9]+", x), ret[1].split("\n")) #If there are more than 1 partitions, remove all partitions #and create a new one using the entire disk space. if len(parts) > 1: for i in range(1, len(parts) + 1): Run("parted {0} rm {1}".format(device, i)) Run("parted {0} mkpart primary 0% 100%".format(device)) Run("mkfs." + fs + " " + partition + " -F") else: existingFS = RunGetOutput("sfdisk -q -c " + device + " 1", chk_err=False)[1].rstrip() if existingFS == "7" and fs != "ntfs": Run("sfdisk -c " + device + " 1 83") Run("mkfs." + fs + " " + partition) if Run("mount " + partition + " " + mountpoint, chk_err=False): #If mount failed, try to format the partition and mount again Warn("Failed to mount resource disk. Retry mounting.") Run("mkfs." + fs + " " + partition + " -F") if Run("mount " + partition + " " + mountpoint): Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to mount resource disk (" + partition + ").") return Log("Resource disk (" + partition + ") is mounted at " + mountpoint + " with fstype " + fs) #Create README file under the root of resource disk SetFileContents(os.path.join(mountpoint,README_FILENAME), README_FILECONTENT) DiskActivated = True #Create swap space swap = Config.get("ResourceDisk.EnableSwap") if swap == None or swap.lower().startswith("n"): return sizeKB = int(Config.get("ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB")) * 1024 if os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile") and os.path.getsize(mountpoint + "/swapfile") != (sizeKB * 1024): os.remove(mountpoint + "/swapfile") if not os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile"): Run("dd if=/dev/zero of=" + mountpoint + "/swapfile bs=1024 count=" + str(sizeKB)) Run("mkswap " + mountpoint + "/swapfile") Run("chmod 600 " + mountpoint + "/swapfile") if not Run("swapon " + mountpoint + "/swapfile"): Log("Enabled " + str(sizeKB) + " KB of swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile") else: Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to activate swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile") def Install(self): return Install() def mediaHasFilesystem(self,dsk): if len(dsk) == 0 : return False if Run("LC_ALL=C fdisk -l " + dsk + " | grep Disk"): return False return True def mountDVD(self,dvd,location): return RunGetOutput(self.mount_dvd_cmd + ' ' + dvd + ' ' + location) def GetHome(self): return GetHome() def getDhcpClientName(self): return self.dhcp_client_name def initScsiDiskTimeout(self): """ Set the SCSI disk timeout when the agent starts running """ self.setScsiDiskTimeout() def setScsiDiskTimeout(self): """ Iterate all SCSI disks(include hot-add) and set their timeout if their value are different from the OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout """ try: scsiTimeout = Config.get("OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout") for diskName in [disk for disk in os.listdir("/sys/block") if disk.startswith("sd")]: self.setBlockDeviceTimeout(diskName, scsiTimeout) except: pass def setBlockDeviceTimeout(self, device, timeout): """ Set SCSI disk timeout by set /sys/block/sd*/device/timeout """ if timeout != None and device: filePath = "/sys/block/" + device + "/device/timeout" if(GetFileContents(filePath).splitlines()[0].rstrip() != timeout): SetFileContents(filePath,timeout) Log("SetBlockDeviceTimeout: Update the device " + device + " with timeout " + timeout) def waitForSshHostKey(self, path): """ Provide a dummy waiting, since by default, ssh host key is created by waagent and the key should already been created. """ if(os.path.isfile(path)): return True else: Error("Can't find host key: {0}".format(path)) return False def isDHCPEnabled(self): return self.dhcp_enabled def stopDHCP(self): """ Stop the system DHCP client so that the agent can bind on its port. If the distro has set dhcp_enabled to True, it will need to provide an implementation of this method. """ raise NotImplementedError('stopDHCP method missing') def startDHCP(self): """ Start the system DHCP client. If the distro has set dhcp_enabled to True, it will need to provide an implementation of this method. """ raise NotImplementedError('startDHCP method missing') def translateCustomData(self, data): """ Translate the custom data from a Base64 encoding. Default to no-op. """ decodeCustomData = Config.get("Provisioning.DecodeCustomData") if decodeCustomData != None and decodeCustomData.lower().startswith("y"): return base64.b64decode(data) return data def getConfigurationPath(self): return "/etc/waagent.conf" def getProcessorCores(self): return int(RunGetOutput("grep 'processor.*:' /proc/cpuinfo |wc -l")[1]) def getTotalMemory(self): return int(RunGetOutput("grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo |awk '{print $2}'")[1])/1024 def getInterfaceNameByMac(self, mac): ret, output = RunGetOutput("ifconfig -a") if ret != 0: raise Exception("Failed to get network interface info") output = output.replace('\n', '') match = re.search(r"(eth\d).*(HWaddr|ether) {0}".format(mac), output, re.IGNORECASE) if match is None: raise Exception("Failed to get ifname with mac: {0}".format(mac)) output = match.group(0) eths = re.findall(r"eth\d", output) if eths is None or len(eths) == 0: raise Exception("Failed to get ifname with mac: {0}".format(mac)) return eths[-1] def configIpV4(self, ifName, addr, netmask=24): ret, output = RunGetOutput("ifconfig {0} up".format(ifName)) if ret != 0: raise Exception("Failed to bring up {0}: {1}".format(ifName, output)) ret, output = RunGetOutput("ifconfig {0} {1}/{2}".format(ifName, addr, netmask)) if ret != 0: raise Exception("Failed to config ipv4 for {0}: {1}".format(ifName, output)) def setDefaultGateway(self, gateway): Run("/sbin/route add default gw" + gateway, chk_err=False) def routeAdd(self, net, mask, gateway): Run("/sbin/route add -net " + net + " netmask " + mask + " gw " + gateway, chk_err=False) ############################################################ # GentooDistro ############################################################ gentoo_init_file = """\ #!/sbin/runscript command=/usr/sbin/waagent pidfile=/var/run/waagent.pid command_args=-daemon command_background=true name="Azure Linux Agent" depend() { need localmount use logger network after bootmisc modules } """ class gentooDistro(AbstractDistro): """ Gentoo distro concrete class """ def __init__(self): # super(gentooDistro,self).__init__() self.service_cmd='/sbin/service' self.ssh_service_name='sshd' self.hostname_file_path='/etc/conf.d/hostname' self.dhcp_client_name='dhcpcd' self.shadow_file_mode=0640 self.init_file=gentoo_init_file def publishHostname(self,name): try: if (os.path.isfile(self.hostname_file_path)): r=ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(self.hostname_file_path, "hostname=\"" + name + "\"\n" + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("hostname="), GetFileContents(self.hostname_file_path).split("\n")))) except: return 1 return r def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self): SetFileContents(self.init_script_file, self.init_file) os.chmod(self.init_script_file, 0755) def registerAgentService(self): self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles() return Run('rc-update add ' + self.agent_service_name + ' default') def uninstallAgentService(self): return Run('rc-update del ' + self.agent_service_name + ' default') def unregisterAgentService(self): self.stopAgentService() return self.uninstallAgentService() def checkPackageInstalled(self,p): if Run('eix -I ^' + p + '$',chk_err=False): return 0 else: return 1 def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p): if Run('eix -u ^' + p + '$',chk_err=False): return 0 else: return 1 def RestartInterface(self, iface): Run("/etc/init.d/net." + iface + " restart") ############################################################ # SuSEDistro ############################################################ suse_init_file = """\ #! /bin/sh # # Azure Linux Agent sysV init script # # Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation # Copyright SUSE LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # /etc/init.d/waagent # # and symbolic link # # /usr/sbin/rcwaagent # # System startup script for the waagent # ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: AzureLinuxAgent # Required-Start: $network sshd # Required-Stop: $network sshd # Default-Start: 3 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6 # Description: Start the AzureLinuxAgent ### END INIT INFO PYTHON=/usr/bin/python WAZD_BIN=/usr/sbin/waagent WAZD_CONF=/etc/waagent.conf WAZD_PIDFILE=/var/run/waagent.pid test -x "$WAZD_BIN" || { echo "$WAZD_BIN not installed"; exit 5; } test -e "$WAZD_CONF" || { echo "$WAZD_CONF not found"; exit 6; } . /etc/rc.status # First reset status of this service rc_reset # Return values acc. to LSB for all commands but status: # 0 - success # 1 - misc error # 2 - invalid or excess args # 3 - unimplemented feature (e.g. reload) # 4 - insufficient privilege # 5 - program not installed # 6 - program not configured # # Note that starting an already running service, stopping # or restarting a not-running service as well as the restart # with force-reload (in case signalling is not supported) are # considered a success. case "$1" in start) echo -n "Starting AzureLinuxAgent" ## Start daemon with startproc(8). If this fails ## the echo return value is set appropriate. startproc -f ${PYTHON} ${WAZD_BIN} -daemon rc_status -v ;; stop) echo -n "Shutting down AzureLinuxAgent" ## Stop daemon with killproc(8) and if this fails ## set echo the echo return value. killproc -p ${WAZD_PIDFILE} ${PYTHON} ${WAZD_BIN} rc_status -v ;; try-restart) ## Stop the service and if this succeeds (i.e. the ## service was running before), start it again. $0 status >/dev/null && $0 restart rc_status ;; restart) ## Stop the service and regardless of whether it was ## running or not, start it again. $0 stop sleep 1 $0 start rc_status ;; force-reload|reload) rc_status ;; status) echo -n "Checking for service AzureLinuxAgent " ## Check status with checkproc(8), if process is running ## checkproc will return with exit status 0. checkproc -p ${WAZD_PIDFILE} ${PYTHON} ${WAZD_BIN} rc_status -v ;; probe) ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|try-restart|restart|force-reload|reload}" exit 1 ;; esac rc_exit """ class SuSEDistro(AbstractDistro): """ SuSE Distro concrete class Put SuSE specific behavior here... """ def __init__(self): super(SuSEDistro,self).__init__() self.service_cmd='/sbin/service' self.ssh_service_name='sshd' self.kernel_boot_options_file='/boot/grub/menu.lst' self.hostname_file_path='/etc/HOSTNAME' self.requiredDeps += [ "/sbin/insserv" ] self.init_file=suse_init_file self.dhcp_client_name='dhcpcd' if ((DistInfo(fullname=1)[0] == 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server' and DistInfo()[1] >= '12') or \ (DistInfo(fullname=1)[0] == 'openSUSE' and DistInfo()[1] >= '13.2')): self.dhcp_client_name='wickedd-dhcp4' self.grubKernelBootOptionsFile = '/boot/grub/menu.lst' self.grubKernelBootOptionsLine = 'kernel' self.getpidcmd='pidof ' self.dhcp_enabled=True def checkPackageInstalled(self,p): if Run("rpm -q " + p,chk_err=False): return 0 else: return 1 def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p): if Run("zypper list-updates | grep " + p,chk_err=False): return 1 else: return 0 def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self): try: SetFileContents(self.init_script_file, self.init_file) os.chmod(self.init_script_file, 0744) except: pass def registerAgentService(self): self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles() return Run('insserv ' + self.agent_service_name) def uninstallAgentService(self): return Run('insserv -r ' + self.agent_service_name) def unregisterAgentService(self): self.stopAgentService() return self.uninstallAgentService() def startDHCP(self): Run("service " + self.dhcp_client_name + " start", chk_err=False) def stopDHCP(self): Run("service " + self.dhcp_client_name + " stop", chk_err=False) ############################################################ # redhatDistro ############################################################ redhat_init_file= """\ #!/bin/bash # # Init file for AzureLinuxAgent. # # chkconfig: 2345 60 80 # description: AzureLinuxAgent # # source function library . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions RETVAL=0 FriendlyName="AzureLinuxAgent" WAZD_BIN=/usr/sbin/waagent start() { echo -n $"Starting $FriendlyName: " $WAZD_BIN -daemon & } stop() { echo -n $"Stopping $FriendlyName: " killproc -p /var/run/waagent.pid $WAZD_BIN RETVAL=$? echo return $RETVAL } case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart) stop start ;; reload) ;; report) ;; status) status $WAZD_BIN RETVAL=$? ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}" RETVAL=1 esac exit $RETVAL """ class redhatDistro(AbstractDistro): """ Redhat Distro concrete class Put Redhat specific behavior here... """ def __init__(self): super(redhatDistro,self).__init__() self.service_cmd='/sbin/service' self.ssh_service_restart_option='condrestart' self.ssh_service_name='sshd' self.hostname_file_path= None if DistInfo()[1] < '7.0' else '/etc/hostname' self.init_file=redhat_init_file self.grubKernelBootOptionsFile = '/boot/grub/menu.lst' self.grubKernelBootOptionsLine = 'kernel' def publishHostname(self,name): super(redhatDistro,self).publishHostname(name) if DistInfo()[1] < '7.0' : filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/network" if os.path.isfile(filepath): ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "HOSTNAME=" + name + "\n" + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("HOSTNAME"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n')))) ethernetInterface = MyDistro.GetInterfaceName() filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + ethernetInterface if os.path.isfile(filepath): ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "DHCP_HOSTNAME=" + name + "\n" + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("DHCP_HOSTNAME"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n')))) return 0 def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self): SetFileContents(self.init_script_file, self.init_file) os.chmod(self.init_script_file, 0744) return 0 def registerAgentService(self): self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles() return Run('chkconfig --add waagent') def uninstallAgentService(self): return Run('chkconfig --del ' + self.agent_service_name) def unregisterAgentService(self): self.stopAgentService() return self.uninstallAgentService() def checkPackageInstalled(self,p): if Run("yum list installed " + p,chk_err=False): return 0 else: return 1 def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p): if Run("yum check-update | grep "+ p,chk_err=False): return 1 else: return 0 def checkDependencies(self): """ Generic dependency check. Return 1 unless all dependencies are satisfied. """ if DistInfo()[1] < '7.0' and self.checkPackageInstalled('NetworkManager'): Error(GuestAgentLongName + " is not compatible with network-manager.") return 1 try: m= __import__('pyasn1') except ImportError: Error(GuestAgentLongName + " requires python-pyasn1 for your Linux distribution.") return 1 for a in self.requiredDeps: if Run("which " + a + " > /dev/null 2>&1",chk_err=False): Error("Missing required dependency: " + a) return 1 return 0 ############################################################ # centosDistro ############################################################ class centosDistro(redhatDistro): """ CentOS Distro concrete class Put CentOS specific behavior here... """ def __init__(self): super(centosDistro,self).__init__() ############################################################ # oracleDistro ############################################################ class oracleDistro(redhatDistro): """ Oracle Distro concrete class Put Oracle specific behavior here... """ def __init__(self): super(oracleDistro, self).__init__() ############################################################ # asianuxDistro ############################################################ class asianuxDistro(redhatDistro): """ Asianux Distro concrete class Put Asianux specific behavior here... """ def __init__(self): super(asianuxDistro,self).__init__() ############################################################ # CoreOSDistro ############################################################ class CoreOSDistro(AbstractDistro): """ CoreOS Distro concrete class Put CoreOS specific behavior here... """ CORE_UID = 500 def __init__(self): super(CoreOSDistro,self).__init__() self.requiredDeps += [ "/usr/bin/systemctl" ] self.agent_service_name = 'waagent' self.init_script_file='/etc/systemd/system/waagent.service' self.fileBlackList.append("/etc/machine-id") self.dhcp_client_name='systemd-networkd' self.getpidcmd='pidof ' self.shadow_file_mode=0640 self.waagent_path='/usr/share/oem/bin' self.python_path='/usr/share/oem/python/bin' self.dhcp_enabled=True if 'PATH' in os.environ: os.environ['PATH'] = "{0}:{1}".format(os.environ['PATH'], self.python_path) else: os.environ['PATH'] = self.python_path if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = "{0}:{1}".format(os.environ['PYTHONPATH'], self.waagent_path) else: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = self.waagent_path def checkPackageInstalled(self,p): """ There is no package manager in CoreOS. Return 1 since it must be preinstalled. """ return 1 def checkDependencies(self): for a in self.requiredDeps: if Run("which " + a + " > /dev/null 2>&1",chk_err=False): Error("Missing required dependency: " + a) return 1 return 0 def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p): """ There is no package manager in CoreOS. Return 0 since it can't be updated via package. """ return 0 def startAgentService(self): return Run('systemctl start ' + self.agent_service_name) def stopAgentService(self): return Run('systemctl stop ' + self.agent_service_name) def restartSshService(self): """ SSH is socket activated on CoreOS. No need to restart it. """ return 0 def sshDeployPublicKey(self,fprint,path): """ We support PKCS8. """ if Run("ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f " + fprint + " >> " + path): return 1 else : return 0 def RestartInterface(self, iface): Run("systemctl restart systemd-networkd") def CreateAccount(self, user, password, expiration, thumbprint): """ Create a user account, with 'user', 'password', 'expiration', ssh keys and sudo permissions. Returns None if successful, error string on failure. """ userentry = None try: userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user) except: pass uidmin = None try: uidmin = int(GetLineStartingWith("UID_MIN", "/etc/login.defs").split()[1]) except: pass if uidmin == None: uidmin = 100 if userentry != None and userentry[2] < uidmin and userentry[2] != self.CORE_UID: Error("CreateAccount: " + user + " is a system user. Will not set password.") return "Failed to set password for system user: " + user + " (0x06)." if userentry == None: command = "useradd --create-home --password '*' " + user if expiration != None: command += " --expiredate " + expiration.split('.')[0] if Run(command): Error("Failed to create user account: " + user) return "Failed to create user account: " + user + " (0x07)." else: Log("CreateAccount: " + user + " already exists. Will update password.") if password != None: self.changePass(user, password) try: if password == None: SetFileContents("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n") else: SetFileContents("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) ALL\n") os.chmod("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", 0440) except: Error("CreateAccount: Failed to configure sudo access for user.") return "Failed to configure sudo privileges (0x08)." home = MyDistro.GetHome() if thumbprint != None: dir = home + "/" + user + "/.ssh" CreateDir(dir, user, 0700) pub = dir + "/id_rsa.pub" prv = dir + "/id_rsa" Run("ssh-keygen -y -f " + thumbprint + ".prv > " + pub) SetFileContents(prv, GetFileContents(thumbprint + ".prv")) for f in [pub, prv]: os.chmod(f, 0600) ChangeOwner(f, user) SetFileContents(dir + "/authorized_keys", GetFileContents(pub)) ChangeOwner(dir + "/authorized_keys", user) Log("Created user account: " + user) return None def startDHCP(self): Run("systemctl start " + self.dhcp_client_name, chk_err=False) def stopDHCP(self): Run("systemctl stop " + self.dhcp_client_name, chk_err=False) def translateCustomData(self, data): return base64.b64decode(data) def getConfigurationPath(self): return "/usr/share/oem/waagent.conf" ############################################################ # debianDistro ############################################################ debian_init_file = """\ #!/bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: AzureLinuxAgent # Required-Start: $network $syslog # Required-Stop: $network $syslog # Should-Start: $network $syslog # Should-Stop: $network $syslog # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: AzureLinuxAgent # Description: AzureLinuxAgent ### END INIT INFO . /lib/lsb/init-functions OPTIONS="-daemon" WAZD_BIN=/usr/sbin/waagent WAZD_PID=/var/run/waagent.pid case "$1" in start) log_begin_msg "Starting AzureLinuxAgent..." pid=$( pidofproc $WAZD_BIN ) if [ -n "$pid" ] ; then log_begin_msg "Already running." log_end_msg 0 exit 0 fi start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --background --exec $WAZD_BIN -- $OPTIONS log_end_msg $? ;; stop) log_begin_msg "Stopping AzureLinuxAgent..." start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $WAZD_PID ret=$? rm -f $WAZD_PID log_end_msg $ret ;; force-reload) $0 restart ;; restart) $0 stop $0 start ;; status) status_of_proc $WAZD_BIN && exit 0 || exit $? ;; *) log_success_msg "Usage: /etc/init.d/waagent {start|stop|force-reload|restart|status}" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 """ class debianDistro(AbstractDistro): """ debian Distro concrete class Put debian specific behavior here... """ def __init__(self): super(debianDistro,self).__init__() self.requiredDeps += [ "/usr/sbin/update-rc.d" ] self.init_file=debian_init_file self.agent_package_name='walinuxagent' self.dhcp_client_name='dhclient' self.getpidcmd='pidof ' self.shadow_file_mode=0640 def checkPackageInstalled(self,p): """ Check that the package is installed. Return 1 if installed, 0 if not installed. This method of using dpkg-query allows wildcards to be present in the package name. """ if not Run("dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}\n' '" + p + "' | grep ' installed' 2>&1",chk_err=False): return 1 else: return 0 def checkDependencies(self): """ Debian dependency check. python-pyasn1 is NOT needed. Return 1 unless all dependencies are satisfied. NOTE: using network*manager will catch either package name in Ubuntu or debian. """ if self.checkPackageInstalled('network*manager'): Error(GuestAgentLongName + " is not compatible with network-manager.") return 1 for a in self.requiredDeps: if Run("which " + a + " > /dev/null 2>&1",chk_err=False): Error("Missing required dependency: " + a) return 1 return 0 def checkPackageUpdateable(self,p): if Run("apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade -us | grep " + p,chk_err=False): return 1 else: return 0 def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self): """ If we are packaged - the service name is walinuxagent, do nothing. """ if self.agent_service_name == 'walinuxagent': return 0 try: SetFileContents(self.init_script_file, self.init_file) os.chmod(self.init_script_file, 0744) except OSError, e: ErrorWithPrefix('installAgentServiceScriptFiles','Exception: '+str(e)+' occured creating ' + self.init_script_file) return 1 return 0 def registerAgentService(self): if self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles() == 0: return Run('update-rc.d waagent defaults') else : return 1 def uninstallAgentService(self): return Run('update-rc.d -f ' + self.agent_service_name + ' remove') def unregisterAgentService(self): self.stopAgentService() return self.uninstallAgentService() def sshDeployPublicKey(self,fprint,path): """ We support PKCS8. """ if Run("ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f " + fprint + " >> " + path): return 1 else : return 0 ############################################################ # KaliDistro - WIP # Functioning on Kali 1.1.0a so far ############################################################ class KaliDistro(debianDistro): """ Kali Distro concrete class Put Kali specific behavior here... """ def __init__(self): super(KaliDistro,self).__init__() ############################################################ # UbuntuDistro ############################################################ ubuntu_upstart_file = """\ #walinuxagent - start Azure agent description "walinuxagent" author "Ben Howard " start on (filesystem and started rsyslog) pre-start script WALINUXAGENT_ENABLED=1 [ -r /etc/default/walinuxagent ] && . /etc/default/walinuxagent if [ "$WALINUXAGENT_ENABLED" != "1" ]; then exit 1 fi if [ ! -x /usr/sbin/waagent ]; then exit 1 fi #Load the udf module modprobe -b udf end script exec /usr/sbin/waagent -daemon """ class UbuntuDistro(debianDistro): """ Ubuntu Distro concrete class Put Ubuntu specific behavior here... """ def __init__(self): super(UbuntuDistro,self).__init__() self.init_script_file='/etc/init/waagent.conf' self.init_file=ubuntu_upstart_file self.fileBlackList = [ "/root/.bash_history", "/var/log/waagent.log"] self.dhcp_client_name=None self.getpidcmd='pidof ' def registerAgentService(self): return self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles() def uninstallAgentService(self): """ If we are packaged - the service name is walinuxagent, do nothing. """ if self.agent_service_name == 'walinuxagent': return 0 os.remove('/etc/init/' + self.agent_service_name + '.conf') def unregisterAgentService(self): """ If we are packaged - the service name is walinuxagent, do nothing. """ if self.agent_service_name == 'walinuxagent': return self.stopAgentService() return self.uninstallAgentService() def deprovisionWarnUser(self): """ Ubuntu specific warning string from Deprovision. """ print("WARNING! Nameserver configuration in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/{tail,original} will be deleted.") def deprovisionDeleteFiles(self): """ Ubuntu uses resolv.conf by default, so removing /etc/resolv.conf will break resolvconf. Therefore, we check to see if resolvconf is in use, and if so, we remove the resolvconf artifacts. """ if os.path.realpath('/etc/resolv.conf') != '/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf': Log("resolvconf is not configured. Removing /etc/resolv.conf") self.fileBlackList.append('/etc/resolv.conf') else: Log("resolvconf is enabled; leaving /etc/resolv.conf intact") resolvConfD = '/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/' self.fileBlackList.extend([resolvConfD + 'tail', resolvConfD + 'original']) for f in os.listdir(LibDir)+self.fileBlackList: try: os.remove(f) except: pass return 0 def getDhcpClientName(self): if self.dhcp_client_name != None : return self.dhcp_client_name if DistInfo()[1] == '12.04' : self.dhcp_client_name='dhclient3' else : self.dhcp_client_name='dhclient' return self.dhcp_client_name def waitForSshHostKey(self, path): """ Wait until the ssh host key is generated by cloud init. """ for retry in range(0, 10): if(os.path.isfile(path)): return True time.sleep(1) Error("Can't find host key: {0}".format(path)) return False ############################################################ # LinuxMintDistro ############################################################ class LinuxMintDistro(UbuntuDistro): """ LinuxMint Distro concrete class Put LinuxMint specific behavior here... """ def __init__(self): super(LinuxMintDistro,self).__init__() ############################################################ # fedoraDistro ############################################################ fedora_systemd_service = """\ [Unit] Description=Azure Linux Agent After=network.target After=sshd.service ConditionFileIsExecutable=/usr/sbin/waagent ConditionPathExists=/etc/waagent.conf [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/sbin/waagent -daemon [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ class fedoraDistro(redhatDistro): """ FedoraDistro concrete class Put Fedora specific behavior here... """ def __init__(self): super(fedoraDistro,self).__init__() self.service_cmd = '/usr/bin/systemctl' self.hostname_file_path = '/etc/hostname' self.init_script_file = '/usr/lib/systemd/system/' + self.agent_service_name + '.service' self.init_file = fedora_systemd_service self.grubKernelBootOptionsFile = '/etc/default/grub' self.grubKernelBootOptionsLine = 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=' def publishHostname(self, name): SetFileContents(self.hostname_file_path, name + '\n') ethernetInterface = MyDistro.GetInterfaceName() filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + ethernetInterface if os.path.isfile(filepath): ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "DHCP_HOSTNAME=" + name + "\n" + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("DHCP_HOSTNAME"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n')))) return 0 def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self): SetFileContents(self.init_script_file, self.init_file) os.chmod(self.init_script_file, 0644) return Run(self.service_cmd + ' daemon-reload') def registerAgentService(self): self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles() return Run(self.service_cmd + ' enable ' + self.agent_service_name) def uninstallAgentService(self): """ Call service subsystem to remove waagent script. """ return Run(self.service_cmd + ' disable ' + self.agent_service_name) def unregisterAgentService(self): """ Calls self.stopAgentService and call self.uninstallAgentService() """ self.stopAgentService() self.uninstallAgentService() def startAgentService(self): """ Service call to start the Agent service """ return Run(self.service_cmd + ' start ' + self.agent_service_name) def stopAgentService(self): """ Service call to stop the Agent service """ return Run(self.service_cmd + ' stop ' + self.agent_service_name, False) def restartSshService(self): """ Service call to re(start) the SSH service """ sshRestartCmd = self.service_cmd + " " + self.ssh_service_restart_option + " " + self.ssh_service_name retcode = Run(sshRestartCmd) if retcode > 0: Error("Failed to restart SSH service with return code:" + str(retcode)) return retcode def checkPackageInstalled(self, p): """ Query package database for prescence of an installed package. """ import rpm ts = rpm.TransactionSet() rpms = ts.dbMatch(rpm.RPMTAG_PROVIDES, p) return bool(len(rpms) > 0) def deleteRootPassword(self): return Run("/sbin/usermod root -p '!!'") def packagedInstall(self,buildroot): """ Called from setup.py for use by RPM. Copies generated files waagent.conf, under the buildroot. """ if not os.path.exists(buildroot+'/etc'): os.mkdir(buildroot+'/etc') SetFileContents(buildroot+'/etc/waagent.conf', MyDistro.waagent_conf_file) if not os.path.exists(buildroot+'/etc/logrotate.d'): os.mkdir(buildroot+'/etc/logrotate.d') SetFileContents(buildroot+'/etc/logrotate.d/WALinuxAgent', WaagentLogrotate) self.init_script_file=buildroot+self.init_script_file # this allows us to call installAgentServiceScriptFiles() if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.init_script_file)): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(self.init_script_file)) self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles() def CreateAccount(self, user, password, expiration, thumbprint): super(fedoraDistro, self).CreateAccount(user, password, expiration, thumbprint) Run('/sbin/usermod ' + user + ' -G wheel') def DeleteAccount(self, user): Run('/sbin/usermod ' + user + ' -G ""') super(fedoraDistro, self).DeleteAccount(user) ############################################################ # FreeBSD ############################################################ FreeBSDWaagentConf = """\ # # Azure Linux Agent Configuration # Role.StateConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with the argument "Ready" when we report ready status # to the endpoint server. Role.ConfigurationConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role configuration. Role.TopologyConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role topology. Provisioning.Enabled=y # Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword=y # Password authentication for root account will be unavailable. Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair=y # Generate fresh host key pair. Provisioning.SshHostKeyPairType=rsa # Supported values are "rsa", "dsa" and "ecdsa". Provisioning.MonitorHostName=y # Monitor host name changes and publish changes via DHCP requests. ResourceDisk.Format=y # Format if unformatted. If 'n', resource disk will not be mounted. ResourceDisk.Filesystem=ufs2 # ResourceDisk.MountPoint=/mnt/resource # ResourceDisk.EnableSwap=n # Create and use swapfile on resource disk. ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB=0 # Size of the swapfile. LBProbeResponder=y # Respond to load balancer probes if requested by Azure. Logs.Verbose=n # Enable verbose logs OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout=300 # Root device timeout in seconds. OS.OpensslPath=None # If "None", the system default version is used. """ bsd_init_file="""\ #! /bin/sh # PROVIDE: waagent # REQUIRE: DAEMON cleanvar sshd # BEFORE: LOGIN # KEYWORD: nojail . /etc/rc.subr export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin name="waagent" rcvar="waagent_enable" command="/usr/sbin/${name}" command_interpreter="/usr/local/bin/python" waagent_flags=" daemon &" pidfile="/var/run/waagent.pid" load_rc_config $name run_rc_command "$1" """ bsd_activate_resource_disk_txt="""\ #!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import imp # waagent has no '.py' therefore create waagent module import manually. __name__='setupmain' #prevent waagent.__main__ from executing waagent=imp.load_source('waagent','/tmp/waagent') waagent.LoggerInit('/var/log/waagent.log','/dev/console') from waagent import RunGetOutput,Run Config=waagent.ConfigurationProvider(None) format = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Format") if format == None or format.lower().startswith("n"): sys.exit(0) device_base = 'da1' device = "/dev/" + device_base for entry in RunGetOutput("mount")[1].split(): if entry.startswith(device + "s1"): waagent.Log("ActivateResourceDisk: " + device + "s1 is already mounted.") sys.exit(0) mountpoint = Config.get("ResourceDisk.MountPoint") if mountpoint == None: mountpoint = "/mnt/resource" waagent.CreateDir(mountpoint, "root", 0755) fs = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Filesystem") if waagent.FreeBSDDistro().mediaHasFilesystem(device) == False : Run("newfs " + device + "s1") if Run("mount " + device + "s1 " + mountpoint): waagent.Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to mount resource disk (" + device + "s1).") sys.exit(0) waagent.Log("Resource disk (" + device + "s1) is mounted at " + mountpoint + " with fstype " + fs) waagent.SetFileContents(os.path.join(mountpoint,waagent.README_FILENAME), waagent.README_FILECONTENT) swap = Config.get("ResourceDisk.EnableSwap") if swap == None or swap.lower().startswith("n"): sys.exit(0) sizeKB = int(Config.get("ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB")) * 1024 if os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile") and os.path.getsize(mountpoint + "/swapfile") != (sizeKB * 1024): os.remove(mountpoint + "/swapfile") if not os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile"): Run("dd if=/dev/zero of=" + mountpoint + "/swapfile bs=1024 count=" + str(sizeKB)) if Run("mdconfig -a -t vnode -f " + mountpoint + "/swapfile -u 0"): waagent.Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Configuring swap - Failed to create md0") if not Run("swapon /dev/md0"): waagent.Log("Enabled " + str(sizeKB) + " KB of swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile") else: waagent.Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to activate swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile") """ class FreeBSDDistro(AbstractDistro): """ """ def __init__(self): """ Generic Attributes go here. These are based on 'majority rules'. This __init__() may be called or overriden by the child. """ super(FreeBSDDistro,self).__init__() self.agent_service_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) self.selinux=False self.ssh_service_name='sshd' self.ssh_config_file='/etc/ssh/sshd_config' self.hostname_file_path='/etc/hostname' self.dhcp_client_name='dhclient' self.requiredDeps = [ 'route', 'shutdown', 'ssh-keygen', 'pw' , 'openssl', 'fdisk', 'sed', 'grep' , 'sudo'] self.init_script_file='/etc/rc.d/waagent' self.init_file=bsd_init_file self.agent_package_name='WALinuxAgent' self.fileBlackList = [ "/root/.bash_history", "/var/log/waagent.log",'/etc/resolv.conf' ] self.agent_files_to_uninstall = ["/etc/waagent.conf"] self.grubKernelBootOptionsFile = '/boot/loader.conf' self.grubKernelBootOptionsLine = '' self.getpidcmd = 'pgrep -n' self.mount_dvd_cmd = 'dd bs=2048 count=33 skip=295 if=' # custom data max len is 64k self.sudoers_dir_base = '/usr/local/etc' self.waagent_conf_file = FreeBSDWaagentConf def installAgentServiceScriptFiles(self): SetFileContents(self.init_script_file, self.init_file) os.chmod(self.init_script_file, 0777) AppendFileContents("/etc/rc.conf","waagent_enable='YES'\n") return 0 def registerAgentService(self): self.installAgentServiceScriptFiles() return Run("services_mkdb " + self.init_script_file) def sshDeployPublicKey(self,fprint,path): """ We support PKCS8. """ if Run("ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f " + fprint + " >> " + path): return 1 else : return 0 def deleteRootPassword(self): """ BSD root password removal. """ filepath="/etc/master.passwd" ReplaceStringInFile(filepath,r'root:.*?:','root::') #ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath,"root:*LOCK*:14600::::::\n" # + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("root:"),GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n')))) os.chmod(filepath,self.shadow_file_mode) if self.isSelinuxSystem(): self.setSelinuxContext(filepath,'system_u:object_r:shadow_t:s0') RunGetOutput("pwd_mkdb -u root /etc/master.passwd") Log("Root password deleted.") return 0 def changePass(self,user,password): return RunSendStdin("pw usermod " + user + " -h 0 ",password, log_cmd=False) def load_ata_piix(self): return 0 def unload_ata_piix(self): return 0 def checkDependencies(self): """ FreeBSD dependency check. Return 1 unless all dependencies are satisfied. """ for a in self.requiredDeps: if Run("which " + a + " > /dev/null 2>&1",chk_err=False): Error("Missing required dependency: " + a) return 1 return 0 def packagedInstall(self,buildroot): pass def GetInterfaceName(self): """ Return the ip of the active ethernet interface. """ iface,inet,mac=self.GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo() return iface def RestartInterface(self, iface): Run("service netif restart") def GetIpv4Address(self): """ Return the ip of the active ethernet interface. """ iface,inet,mac=self.GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo() return inet def GetMacAddress(self): """ Return the ip of the active ethernet interface. """ iface,inet,mac=self.GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo() l=mac.split(':') r=[] for i in l: r.append(string.atoi(i,16)) return r def GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo(self): """ There is no SIOCGIFCONF on freeBSD - just parse ifconfig. Returns strings: iface, inet4_addr, and mac or 'None,None,None' if unable to parse. We will sleep and retry as the network must be up. """ code,output=RunGetOutput("ifconfig",chk_err=False) Log(output) retries=10 cmd='ifconfig | grep -A2 -B2 ether | grep -B3 inet | grep -A4 UP ' code=1 while code > 0 : if code > 0 and retries == 0: Error("GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo - Failed to detect ethernet interface") return None, None, None code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,chk_err=False) retries-=1 if code > 0 and retries > 0 : Log("GetFreeBSDEthernetInfo - Error: retry ethernet detection " + str(retries)) if retries == 9 : c,o=RunGetOutput("ifconfig | grep -A1 -B2 ether",chk_err=False) if c == 0: t=o.replace('\n',' ') t=t.split() i=t[0][:-1] Log(RunGetOutput('id')[1]) Run('dhclient '+i) time.sleep(10) j=output.replace('\n',' ') j=j.split() iface=j[0][:-1] for i in range(len(j)): if j[i] == 'inet' : inet=j[i+1] elif j[i] == 'ether' : mac=j[i+1] return iface, inet, mac def CreateAccount(self,user, password, expiration, thumbprint): """ Create a user account, with 'user', 'password', 'expiration', ssh keys and sudo permissions. Returns None if successful, error string on failure. """ userentry = None try: userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user) except: pass uidmin = None try: if os.path.isfile("/etc/login.defs"): uidmin = int(GetLineStartingWith("UID_MIN", "/etc/login.defs").split()[1]) except: pass if uidmin == None: uidmin = 100 if userentry != None and userentry[2] < uidmin: Error("CreateAccount: " + user + " is a system user. Will not set password.") return "Failed to set password for system user: " + user + " (0x06)." if userentry == None: command = "pw useradd " + user + " -m" if expiration != None: command += " -e " + expiration.split('.')[0] if Run(command): Error("Failed to create user account: " + user) return "Failed to create user account: " + user + " (0x07)." else: Log("CreateAccount: " + user + " already exists. Will update password.") if password != None: self.changePass(user,password) try: # for older distros create sudoers.d if not os.path.isdir(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+'/sudoers.d/'): # create the /etc/sudoers.d/ directory os.mkdir(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+'/sudoers.d') # add the include of sudoers.d to the /etc/sudoers SetFileContents(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+'/sudoers',GetFileContents(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+'/sudoers')+'\n#includedir ' + MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base + '/sudoers.d\n') if password == None: SetFileContents(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+"/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n") else: SetFileContents(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+"/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) ALL\n") os.chmod(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+"/sudoers.d/waagent", 0440) except: Error("CreateAccount: Failed to configure sudo access for user.") return "Failed to configure sudo privileges (0x08)." home = MyDistro.GetHome() if thumbprint != None: dir = home + "/" + user + "/.ssh" CreateDir(dir, user, 0700) pub = dir + "/id_rsa.pub" prv = dir + "/id_rsa" Run("ssh-keygen -y -f " + thumbprint + ".prv > " + pub) SetFileContents(prv, GetFileContents(thumbprint + ".prv")) for f in [pub, prv]: os.chmod(f, 0600) ChangeOwner(f, user) SetFileContents(dir + "/authorized_keys", GetFileContents(pub)) ChangeOwner(dir + "/authorized_keys", user) Log("Created user account: " + user) return None def DeleteAccount(self,user): """ Delete the 'user'. Clear utmp first, to avoid error. Removes the /etc/sudoers.d/waagent file. """ userentry = None try: userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user) except: pass if userentry == None: Error("DeleteAccount: " + user + " not found.") return uidmin = None try: if os.path.isfile("/etc/login.defs"): uidmin = int(GetLineStartingWith("UID_MIN", "/etc/login.defs").split()[1]) except: pass if uidmin == None: uidmin = 100 if userentry[2] < uidmin: Error("DeleteAccount: " + user + " is a system user. Will not delete account.") return Run("> /var/run/utmp") #Delete utmp to prevent error if we are the 'user' deleted pid = subprocess.Popen(['rmuser', '-y', user], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE).pid try: os.remove(MyDistro.sudoers_dir_base+"/sudoers.d/waagent") except: pass return def ActivateResourceDiskNoThread(self): """ Format, mount, and if specified in the configuration set resource disk as swap. """ global DiskActivated Run('cp /usr/sbin/waagent /tmp/') SetFileContents('/tmp/bsd_activate_resource_disk.py',bsd_activate_resource_disk_txt) Run('chmod +x /tmp/bsd_activate_resource_disk.py') pid = subprocess.Popen(["/tmp/bsd_activate_resource_disk.py", ""]).pid Log("Spawning bsd_activate_resource_disk.py") DiskActivated = True return def Install(self): """ Install the agent service. Check dependencies. Create /etc/waagent.conf and move old version to /etc/waagent.conf.old Copy RulesFiles to /var/lib/waagent Create /etc/logrotate.d/waagent Set /etc/ssh/sshd_config ClientAliveInterval to 180 Call ApplyVNUMAWorkaround() """ if MyDistro.checkDependencies(): return 1 os.chmod(sys.argv[0], 0755) SwitchCwd() for a in RulesFiles: if os.path.isfile(a): if os.path.isfile(GetLastPathElement(a)): os.remove(GetLastPathElement(a)) shutil.move(a, ".") Warn("Moved " + a + " -> " + LibDir + "/" + GetLastPathElement(a) ) MyDistro.registerAgentService() if os.path.isfile("/etc/waagent.conf"): try: os.remove("/etc/waagent.conf.old") except: pass try: os.rename("/etc/waagent.conf", "/etc/waagent.conf.old") Warn("Existing /etc/waagent.conf has been renamed to /etc/waagent.conf.old") except: pass SetFileContents("/etc/waagent.conf", self.waagent_conf_file) if os.path.exists('/usr/local/etc/logrotate.d/'): SetFileContents("/usr/local/etc/logrotate.d/waagent", WaagentLogrotate) filepath = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("ClientAliveInterval"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))) + "\nClientAliveInterval 180\n") Log("Configured SSH client probing to keep connections alive.") #ApplyVNUMAWorkaround() return 0 def mediaHasFilesystem(self,dsk): if Run('LC_ALL=C fdisk -p ' + dsk + ' | grep "invalid fdisk partition table found" ',False): return False return True def mountDVD(self,dvd,location): #At this point we cannot read a joliet option udf DVD in freebsd10 - so we 'dd' it into our location retcode,out = RunGetOutput(self.mount_dvd_cmd + dvd + ' of=' + location + '/ovf-env.xml') if retcode != 0: return retcode,out ovfxml = (GetFileContents(location+"/ovf-env.xml",asbin=False)) if ord(ovfxml[0]) > 128 and ord(ovfxml[1]) > 128 and ord(ovfxml[2]) > 128 : ovfxml = ovfxml[3:] # BOM is not stripped. First three bytes are > 128 and not unicode chars so we ignore them. ovfxml = ovfxml.strip(chr(0x00)) ovfxml = "".join(filter(lambda x: ord(x)<128, ovfxml)) ovfxml = re.sub(r'.*\Z','',ovfxml,0,re.DOTALL) ovfxml += '' SetFileContents(location+"/ovf-env.xml", ovfxml) return retcode,out def GetHome(self): return '/home' def initScsiDiskTimeout(self): """ Set the SCSI disk timeout by updating the kernal config """ timeout = Config.get("OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout") if timeout: Run("sysctl kern.cam.da.default_timeout=" + timeout) def setScsiDiskTimeout(self): return def setBlockDeviceTimeout(self, device, timeout): return def getProcessorCores(self): return int(RunGetOutput("sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{print $2}'")[1]) def getTotalMemory(self): return int(RunGetOutput("sysctl hw.realmem | awk '{print $2}'")[1])/1024 def setDefaultGateway(self, gateway): Run("/sbin/route add default " + gateway, chk_err=False) def routeAdd(self, net, mask, gateway): Run("/sbin/route add -net " + net + " " + mask + " " + gateway, chk_err=False) ############################################################ # END DISTRO CLASS DEFS ############################################################ # This lets us index into a string or an array of integers transparently. def Ord(a): """ Allows indexing into a string or an array of integers transparently. Generic utility function. """ if type(a) == type("a"): a = ord(a) return a def IsLinux(): """ Returns True if platform is Linux. Generic utility function. """ return (platform.uname()[0] == "Linux") def GetLastPathElement(path): """ Similar to basename. Generic utility function. """ return path.rsplit('/', 1)[1] def GetFileContents(filepath,asbin=False): """ Read and return contents of 'filepath'. """ mode='r' if asbin: mode+='b' c=None try: with open(filepath, mode) as F : c=F.read() except IOError, e: ErrorWithPrefix('GetFileContents','Reading from file ' + filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e)) return None return c def SetFileContents(filepath, contents): """ Write 'contents' to 'filepath'. """ if type(contents) == str : contents=contents.encode('latin-1', 'ignore') try: with open(filepath, "wb+") as F : F.write(contents) except IOError, e: ErrorWithPrefix('SetFileContents','Writing to file ' + filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e)) return None return 0 def AppendFileContents(filepath, contents): """ Append 'contents' to 'filepath'. """ if type(contents) == str : contents=contents.encode('latin-1') try: with open(filepath, "a+") as F : F.write(contents) except IOError, e: ErrorWithPrefix('AppendFileContents','Appending to file ' + filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e)) return None return 0 def ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, contents): """ Write 'contents' to 'filepath' by creating a temp file, and replacing original. """ handle, temp = tempfile.mkstemp(dir = os.path.dirname(filepath)) if type(contents) == str : contents=contents.encode('latin-1') try: os.write(handle, contents) except IOError, e: ErrorWithPrefix('ReplaceFileContentsAtomic','Writing to file ' + filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e)) return None finally: os.close(handle) try: os.rename(temp, filepath) return None except IOError, e: ErrorWithPrefix('ReplaceFileContentsAtomic','Renaming ' + temp+ ' to ' + filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e)) try: os.remove(filepath) except IOError, e: ErrorWithPrefix('ReplaceFileContentsAtomic','Removing '+ filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e)) try: os.rename(temp,filepath) except IOError, e: ErrorWithPrefix('ReplaceFileContentsAtomic','Removing '+ filepath + ' Exception is ' + str(e)) return 1 return 0 def GetLineStartingWith(prefix, filepath): """ Return line from 'filepath' if the line startswith 'prefix' """ for line in GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'): if line.startswith(prefix): return line return None def Run(cmd,chk_err=True): """ Calls RunGetOutput on 'cmd', returning only the return code. If chk_err=True then errors will be reported in the log. If chk_err=False then errors will be suppressed from the log. """ retcode,out=RunGetOutput(cmd,chk_err) return retcode def RunGetOutput(cmd, chk_err=True, log_cmd=True): """ Wrapper for subprocess.check_output. Execute 'cmd'. Returns return code and STDOUT, trapping expected exceptions. Reports exceptions to Error if chk_err parameter is True """ if log_cmd: LogIfVerbose(cmd) try: output=subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError,e : if chk_err and log_cmd: Error('CalledProcessError. Error Code is ' + str(e.returncode) ) Error('CalledProcessError. Command string was ' + e.cmd ) Error('CalledProcessError. Command result was ' + (e.output[:-1]).decode('latin-1')) return e.returncode,e.output.decode('latin-1') return 0,output.decode('latin-1') def RunSendStdin(cmd, input, chk_err=True, log_cmd=True): """ Wrapper for subprocess.Popen. Execute 'cmd', sending 'input' to STDIN of 'cmd'. Returns return code and STDOUT, trapping expected exceptions. Reports exceptions to Error if chk_err parameter is True """ if log_cmd: LogIfVerbose(cmd+input) try: me=subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output=me.communicate(input) except OSError , e : if chk_err and log_cmd: Error('CalledProcessError. Error Code is ' + str(me.returncode) ) Error('CalledProcessError. Command string was ' + cmd ) Error('CalledProcessError. Command result was ' + output[0].decode('latin-1')) return 1,output[0].decode('latin-1') if me.returncode is not 0 and chk_err is True and log_cmd: Error('CalledProcessError. Error Code is ' + str(me.returncode) ) Error('CalledProcessError. Command string was ' + cmd ) Error('CalledProcessError. Command result was ' + output[0].decode('latin-1')) return me.returncode,output[0].decode('latin-1') def GetNodeTextData(a): """ Filter non-text nodes from DOM tree """ for b in a.childNodes: if b.nodeType == b.TEXT_NODE: return b.data def GetHome(): """ Attempt to guess the $HOME location. Return the path string. """ home = None try: home = GetLineStartingWith("HOME", "/etc/default/useradd").split('=')[1].strip() except: pass if (home == None) or (home.startswith("/") == False): home = "/home" return home def ChangeOwner(filepath, user): """ Lookup user. Attempt chown 'filepath' to 'user'. """ p = None try: p = pwd.getpwnam(user) except: pass if p != None: if not os.path.exists(filepath): Error("Path does not exist: {0}".format(filepath)) else: os.chown(filepath, p[2], p[3]) def CreateDir(dirpath, user, mode): """ Attempt os.makedirs, catch all exceptions. Call ChangeOwner afterwards. """ try: os.makedirs(dirpath, mode) except: pass ChangeOwner(dirpath, user) def CreateAccount(user, password, expiration, thumbprint): """ Create a user account, with 'user', 'password', 'expiration', ssh keys and sudo permissions. Returns None if successful, error string on failure. """ userentry = None try: userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user) except: pass uidmin = None try: uidmin = int(GetLineStartingWith("UID_MIN", "/etc/login.defs").split()[1]) except: pass if uidmin == None: uidmin = 100 if userentry != None and userentry[2] < uidmin: Error("CreateAccount: " + user + " is a system user. Will not set password.") return "Failed to set password for system user: " + user + " (0x06)." if userentry == None: command = "useradd -m " + user if expiration != None: command += " -e " + expiration.split('.')[0] if Run(command): Error("Failed to create user account: " + user) return "Failed to create user account: " + user + " (0x07)." else: Log("CreateAccount: " + user + " already exists. Will update password.") if password != None: MyDistro.changePass(user, password) try: # for older distros create sudoers.d if not os.path.isdir('/etc/sudoers.d/'): # create the /etc/sudoers.d/ directory os.mkdir('/etc/sudoers.d/') # add the include of sudoers.d to the /etc/sudoers SetFileContents('/etc/sudoers',GetFileContents('/etc/sudoers')+'\n#includedir /etc/sudoers.d\n') if password == None: SetFileContents("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n") else: SetFileContents("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) ALL\n") os.chmod("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", 0440) except: Error("CreateAccount: Failed to configure sudo access for user.") return "Failed to configure sudo privileges (0x08)." home = MyDistro.GetHome() if thumbprint != None: dir = home + "/" + user + "/.ssh" CreateDir(dir, user, 0700) pub = dir + "/id_rsa.pub" prv = dir + "/id_rsa" Run("ssh-keygen -y -f " + thumbprint + ".prv > " + pub) SetFileContents(prv, GetFileContents(thumbprint + ".prv")) for f in [pub, prv]: os.chmod(f, 0600) ChangeOwner(f, user) SetFileContents(dir + "/authorized_keys", GetFileContents(pub)) ChangeOwner(dir + "/authorized_keys", user) Log("Created user account: " + user) return None def DeleteAccount(user): """ Delete the 'user'. Clear utmp first, to avoid error. Removes the /etc/sudoers.d/waagent file. """ userentry = None try: userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user) except: pass if userentry == None: Error("DeleteAccount: " + user + " not found.") return uidmin = None try: uidmin = int(GetLineStartingWith("UID_MIN", "/etc/login.defs").split()[1]) except: pass if uidmin == None: uidmin = 100 if userentry[2] < uidmin: Error("DeleteAccount: " + user + " is a system user. Will not delete account.") return Run("> /var/run/utmp") #Delete utmp to prevent error if we are the 'user' deleted Run("userdel -f -r " + user) try: os.remove("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent") except: pass return def IsInRangeInclusive(a, low, high): """ Return True if 'a' in 'low' <= a >= 'high' """ return (a >= low and a <= high) def IsPrintable(ch): """ Return True if character is displayable. """ return IsInRangeInclusive(ch, Ord('A'), Ord('Z')) or IsInRangeInclusive(ch, Ord('a'), Ord('z')) or IsInRangeInclusive(ch, Ord('0'), Ord('9')) def HexDump(buffer, size): """ Return Hex formated dump of a 'buffer' of 'size'. """ if size < 0: size = len(buffer) result = "" for i in range(0, size): if (i % 16) == 0: result += "%06X: " % i byte = buffer[i] if type(byte) == str: byte = ord(byte.decode('latin1')) result += "%02X " % byte if (i & 15) == 7: result += " " if ((i + 1) % 16) == 0 or (i + 1) == size: j = i while ((j + 1) % 16) != 0: result += " " if (j & 7) == 7: result += " " j += 1 result += " " for j in range(i - (i % 16), i + 1): byte=buffer[j] if type(byte) == str: byte = ord(byte.decode('latin1')) k = '.' if IsPrintable(byte): k = chr(byte) result += k if (i + 1) != size: result += "\n" return result def SimpleLog(file_path,message): if not file_path or len(message) < 1: return t = time.localtime() t = "%04u/%02u/%02u %02u:%02u:%02u " % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec) lines=re.sub(re.compile(r'^(.)',re.MULTILINE),t+r'\1',message) with open(file_path, "a") as F : lines = filter(lambda x : x in string.printable, lines) F.write(lines.encode('ascii','ignore') + "\n") class Logger(object): """ The Agent's logging assumptions are: For Log, and LogWithPrefix all messages are logged to the self.file_path and to the self.con_path. Setting either path parameter to None skips that log. If Verbose is enabled, messages calling the LogIfVerbose method will be logged to file_path yet not to con_path. Error and Warn messages are normal log messages with the 'ERROR:' or 'WARNING:' prefix added. """ def __init__(self,filepath,conpath,verbose=False): """ Construct an instance of Logger. """ self.file_path=filepath self.con_path=conpath self.verbose=verbose def ThrottleLog(self,counter): """ Log everything up to 10, every 10 up to 100, then every 100. """ return (counter < 10) or ((counter < 100) and ((counter % 10) == 0)) or ((counter % 100) == 0) def LogToFile(self,message): """ Write 'message' to logfile. """ if self.file_path: try: with open(self.file_path, "a") as F : message = filter(lambda x : x in string.printable, message) F.write(message.encode('ascii','ignore') + "\n") except IOError, e: print e pass def LogToCon(self,message): """ Write 'message' to /dev/console. This supports serial port logging if the /dev/console is redirected to ttys0 in kernel boot options. """ if self.con_path: try: with open(self.con_path, "w") as C : message = filter(lambda x : x in string.printable, message) C.write(message.encode('ascii','ignore') + "\n") except IOError, e: pass def Log(self,message): """ Standard Log function. Logs to self.file_path, and con_path """ self.LogWithPrefix("", message) def LogWithPrefix(self,prefix, message): """ Prefix each line of 'message' with current time+'prefix'. """ t = time.localtime() t = "%04u/%02u/%02u %02u:%02u:%02u " % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec) t += prefix for line in message.split('\n'): line = t + line self.LogToFile(line) self.LogToCon(line) def NoLog(self,message): """ Don't Log. """ pass def LogIfVerbose(self,message): """ Only log 'message' if global Verbose is True. """ self.LogWithPrefixIfVerbose('',message) def LogWithPrefixIfVerbose(self,prefix, message): """ Only log 'message' if global Verbose is True. Prefix each line of 'message' with current time+'prefix'. """ if self.verbose == True: t = time.localtime() t = "%04u/%02u/%02u %02u:%02u:%02u " % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec) t += prefix for line in message.split('\n'): line = t + line self.LogToFile(line) self.LogToCon(line) def Warn(self,message): """ Prepend the text "WARNING:" to the prefix for each line in 'message'. """ self.LogWithPrefix("WARNING:", message) def Error(self,message): """ Call ErrorWithPrefix(message). """ ErrorWithPrefix("", message) def ErrorWithPrefix(self,prefix, message): """ Prepend the text "ERROR:" to the prefix for each line in 'message'. Errors written to logfile, and /dev/console """ self.LogWithPrefix("ERROR:", message) def LoggerInit(log_file_path,log_con_path,verbose=False): """ Create log object and export its methods to global scope. """ global Log,LogWithPrefix,LogIfVerbose,LogWithPrefixIfVerbose,Error,ErrorWithPrefix,Warn,NoLog,ThrottleLog,myLogger l=Logger(log_file_path,log_con_path,verbose) Log,LogWithPrefix,LogIfVerbose,LogWithPrefixIfVerbose,Error,ErrorWithPrefix,Warn,NoLog,ThrottleLog,myLogger = l.Log,l.LogWithPrefix,l.LogIfVerbose,l.LogWithPrefixIfVerbose,l.Error,l.ErrorWithPrefix,l.Warn,l.NoLog,l.ThrottleLog,l def Linux_ioctl_GetInterfaceMac(ifname): """ Return the mac-address bound to the socket. """ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) info = fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8927, struct.pack('256s', (ifname[:15]+('\0'*241)).encode('latin-1'))) return ''.join(['%02X' % Ord(char) for char in info[18:24]]) def GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback(): """ Return the interface name, and ip addr of the first active non-loopback interface. """ iface='' expected=16 # how many devices should I expect... is_64bits = sys.maxsize > 2**32 struct_size=40 if is_64bits else 32 # for 64bit the size is 40 bytes, for 32bits it is 32 bytes. s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) buff=array.array('B', b'\0' * (expected*struct_size)) retsize=(struct.unpack('iL', fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8912, struct.pack('iL',expected*struct_size,buff.buffer_info()[0]))))[0] if retsize == (expected*struct_size) : Warn('SIOCGIFCONF returned more than ' + str(expected) + ' up network interfaces.') s=buff.tostring() preferred_nic = Config.get("Network.Interface") for i in range(0,struct_size*expected,struct_size): iface=s[i:i+16].split(b'\0', 1)[0] if iface == b'lo': continue elif preferred_nic is None: break elif iface == preferred_nic: break return iface.decode('latin-1'), socket.inet_ntoa(s[i+20:i+24]) def GetIpv4Address(): """ Return the ip of the first active non-loopback interface. """ iface,addr=GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback() return addr def HexStringToByteArray(a): """ Return hex string packed into a binary struct. """ b = b"" for c in range(0, len(a) // 2): b += struct.pack("B", int(a[c * 2:c * 2 + 2], 16)) return b def GetMacAddress(): """ Convienience function, returns mac addr bound to first non-loobback interface. """ ifname='' while len(ifname) < 2 : ifname=GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback()[0] a = Linux_ioctl_GetInterfaceMac(ifname) return HexStringToByteArray(a) def DeviceForIdePort(n): """ Return device name attached to ide port 'n'. """ if n > 3: return None g0 = "00000000" if n > 1: g0 = "00000001" n = n - 2 device = None path = "/sys/bus/vmbus/devices/" for vmbus in os.listdir(path): guid = GetFileContents(path + vmbus + "/device_id").lstrip('{').split('-') if guid[0] == g0 and guid[1] == "000" + str(n): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path + vmbus): if root.endswith("/block"): device = dirs[0] break else : #older distros for d in dirs: if ':' in d and "block" == d.split(':')[0]: device = d.split(':')[1] break break return device class HttpResourceGoneError(Exception): pass def DoInstallRHUIRPM(): """ Install RHUI RPM according to VM region """ rhuiRPMinstalled = os.path.exists(LibDir + "/rhuirpminstalled") if rhuiRPMinstalled: return else: SetFileContents(LibDir + "/rhuirpminstalled", "") Log("Begin to install RHUI RPM") cmd = "grep '' /var/lib/waagent/ExtensionsConfig* --no-filename | sed 's///g' | sed 's/<\/Location>//g' | sed 's/ //g' | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | uniq" retcode,out = RunGetOutput(cmd, True) region = out.rstrip("\n") #try a few times at most to get the region info retry = 0 for i in range(0, 8): if (region != ""): break Log("region info is empty, now wait 15 seconds...") time.sleep(15) retcode,out = RunGetOutput(cmd, True) region = out.rstrip("\n") if region == "": Log("could not detect region info, now use the default region: eastus2") region = "eastus2" scriptFilePath = "/tmp/install-rhui-rpm.sh" if not os.path.exists(scriptFilePath): Error(scriptFilePath + " does not exist, now quit RHUI RPM installation."); return #chmod a+x script file os.chmod(scriptFilePath, 0100) Log("begin to run " + scriptFilePath) #execute the downloaded script file retcode,out = RunGetOutput(scriptFilePath, True) if retcode != 0: Error("execute script " + scriptFilePath + " failed, return code: " + str(retcode) + ", now exit RHUI RPM installation."); return Log("install RHUI RPM completed") class Util(object): """ Http communication class. Base of GoalState, and Agent classes. """ RetryWaitingInterval=10 def __init__(self): self.Endpoint = None def _ParseUrl(self, url): secure = False host = self.Endpoint path = url port = None #"http[s]://hostname[:port][/]" if url.startswith("http://"): url = url[7:] if "/" in url: host = url[0: url.index("/")] path = url[url.index("/"):] else: host = url path = "/" elif url.startswith("https://"): secure = True url = url[8:] if "/" in url: host = url[0: url.index("/")] path = url[url.index("/"):] else: host = url path = "/" if host is None: raise ValueError("Host is invalid:{0}".format(url)) if(":" in host): pos = host.rfind(":") port = int(host[pos + 1:]) host = host[0:pos] return host, port, secure, path def GetHttpProxy(self, secure): """ Get http_proxy and https_proxy from environment variables. Username and password is not supported now. """ host = Config.get("HttpProxy.Host") port = Config.get("HttpProxy.Port") return (host, port) def _HttpRequest(self, method, host, path, port=None, data=None, secure=False, headers=None, proxyHost=None, proxyPort=None): resp = None conn = None try: if secure: port = 443 if port is None else port if proxyHost is not None and proxyPort is not None: conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(proxyHost, proxyPort, timeout=10) conn.set_tunnel(host, port) #If proxy is used, full url is needed. path = "https://{0}:{1}{2}".format(host, port, path) else: conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, port, timeout=10) else: port = 80 if port is None else port if proxyHost is not None and proxyPort is not None: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(proxyHost, proxyPort, timeout=10) #If proxy is used, full url is needed. path = "http://{0}:{1}{2}".format(host, port, path) else: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port, timeout=10) if headers == None: conn.request(method, path, data) else: conn.request(method, path, data, headers) resp = conn.getresponse() except httplib.HTTPException, e: Error('HTTPException {0}, args:{1}'.format(e, repr(e.args))) except IOError, e: Error('Socket IOError {0}, args:{1}'.format(e, repr(e.args))) return resp def HttpRequest(self, method, url, data=None, headers=None, maxRetry=3, chkProxy=False): """ Sending http request to server On error, sleep 10 and maxRetry times. Return the output buffer or None. """ LogIfVerbose("HTTP Req: {0} {1}".format(method, url)) LogIfVerbose("HTTP Req: Data={0}".format(data)) LogIfVerbose("HTTP Req: Header={0}".format(headers)) try: host, port, secure, path = self._ParseUrl(url) except ValueError, e: Error("Failed to parse url:{0}".format(url)) return None #Check proxy proxyHost, proxyPort = (None, None) if chkProxy: proxyHost, proxyPort = self.GetHttpProxy(secure) #If httplib module is not built with ssl support. Fallback to http if secure and not hasattr(httplib, "HTTPSConnection"): Warn("httplib is not built with ssl support") secure = False proxyHost, proxyPort = self.GetHttpProxy(secure) #If httplib module doesn't support https tunnelling. Fallback to http if secure and \ proxyHost is not None and \ proxyPort is not None and \ not hasattr(httplib.HTTPSConnection, "set_tunnel"): Warn("httplib doesn't support https tunnelling(new in python 2.7)") secure = False proxyHost, proxyPort = self.GetHttpProxy(secure) resp = self._HttpRequest(method, host, path, port=port, data=data, secure=secure, headers=headers, proxyHost=proxyHost, proxyPort=proxyPort) for retry in range(0, maxRetry): if resp is not None and \ (resp.status == httplib.OK or \ resp.status == httplib.CREATED or \ resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED): return resp; if resp is not None and resp.status == httplib.GONE: raise HttpResourceGoneError("Http resource gone.") Error("Retry={0}".format(retry)) Error("HTTP Req: {0} {1}".format(method, url)) Error("HTTP Req: Data={0}".format(data)) Error("HTTP Req: Header={0}".format(headers)) if resp is None: Error("HTTP Err: response is empty.".format(retry)) else: Error("HTTP Err: Status={0}".format(resp.status)) Error("HTTP Err: Reason={0}".format(resp.reason)) Error("HTTP Err: Header={0}".format(resp.getheaders())) Error("HTTP Err: Body={0}".format(resp.read())) time.sleep(self.__class__.RetryWaitingInterval) resp = self._HttpRequest(method, host, path, port=port, data=data, secure=secure, headers=headers, proxyHost=proxyHost, proxyPort=proxyPort) return None def HttpGet(self, url, headers=None, maxRetry=3, chkProxy=False): return self.HttpRequest("GET", url, headers=headers, maxRetry=maxRetry, chkProxy=chkProxy) def HttpHead(self, url, headers=None, maxRetry=3, chkProxy=False): return self.HttpRequest("HEAD", url, headers=headers, maxRetry=maxRetry, chkProxy=chkProxy) def HttpPost(self, url, data, headers=None, maxRetry=3, chkProxy=False): return self.HttpRequest("POST", url, data=data, headers=headers, maxRetry=maxRetry, chkProxy=chkProxy) def HttpPut(self, url, data, headers=None, maxRetry=3, chkProxy=False): return self.HttpRequest("PUT", url, data=data, headers=headers, maxRetry=maxRetry, chkProxy=chkProxy) def HttpDelete(self, url, headers=None, maxRetry=3, chkProxy=False): return self.HttpRequest("DELETE", url, headers=headers, maxRetry=maxRetry, chkProxy=chkProxy) def HttpGetWithoutHeaders(self, url, maxRetry=3, chkProxy=False): """ Return data from an HTTP get on 'url'. """ resp = self.HttpGet(url, headers=None, maxRetry=maxRetry, chkProxy=chkProxy) return resp.read() if resp is not None else None def HttpGetWithHeaders(self, url, maxRetry=3, chkProxy=False): """ Return data from an HTTP get on 'url' with x-ms-agent-name and x-ms-version headers. """ resp = self.HttpGet(url, headers={ "x-ms-agent-name": GuestAgentName, "x-ms-version": ProtocolVersion }, maxRetry=maxRetry, chkProxy=chkProxy) return resp.read() if resp is not None else None def HttpSecureGetWithHeaders(self, url, transportCert, maxRetry=3, chkProxy=False): """ Return output of get using ssl cert. """ resp = self.HttpGet(url, headers={ "x-ms-agent-name": GuestAgentName, "x-ms-version": ProtocolVersion, "x-ms-cipher-name": "DES_EDE3_CBC", "x-ms-guest-agent-public-x509-cert": transportCert }, maxRetry=maxRetry, chkProxy=chkProxy) return resp.read() if resp is not None else None def HttpPostWithHeaders(self, url, data, maxRetry=3, chkProxy=False): headers = { "x-ms-agent-name": GuestAgentName, "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-version": ProtocolVersion } try: return self.HttpPost(url, data=data, headers=headers, maxRetry=maxRetry, chkProxy=chkProxy) except HttpResourceGoneError as e: Error("Failed to post: {0} {1}".format(url, e)) return None __StorageVersion="2014-02-14" def GetBlobType(url): restutil = Util() #Check blob type LogIfVerbose("Check blob type.") timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) blobPropResp = restutil.HttpHead(url, { "x-ms-date" : timestamp, 'x-ms-version' : __StorageVersion }, chkProxy=True); blobType = None if blobPropResp is None: Error("Can't get status blob type.") return None blobType = blobPropResp.getheader("x-ms-blob-type") LogIfVerbose("Blob type={0}".format(blobType)) return blobType def PutBlockBlob(url, data): restutil = Util() LogIfVerbose("Upload block blob") timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) ret = restutil.HttpPut(url, data, { "x-ms-date" : timestamp, "x-ms-blob-type" : "BlockBlob", "Content-Length": str(len(data)), "x-ms-version" : __StorageVersion }, chkProxy=True) if ret is None: Error("Failed to upload block blob for status.") return -1 return 0 def PutPageBlob(url, data): restutil = Util() LogIfVerbose("Replace old page blob") timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) #Align to 512 bytes pageBlobSize = ((len(data) + 511) / 512) * 512 ret = restutil.HttpPut(url, "", { "x-ms-date" : timestamp, "x-ms-blob-type" : "PageBlob", "Content-Length": "0", "x-ms-blob-content-length" : str(pageBlobSize), "x-ms-version" : __StorageVersion }, chkProxy=True) if ret is None: Error("Failed to clean up page blob for status") return -1 if url.index('?') < 0: url = "{0}?comp=page".format(url) else: url = "{0}&comp=page".format(url) LogIfVerbose("Upload page blob") pageMax = 4 * 1024 * 1024 #Max page size: 4MB start = 0 end = 0 while end < len(data): end = min(len(data), start + pageMax) contentSize = end - start #Align to 512 bytes pageEnd = ((end + 511) / 512) * 512 bufSize = pageEnd - start buf = bytearray(bufSize) buf[0 : contentSize] = data[start : end] ret = restutil.HttpPut(url, buffer(buf), { "x-ms-date" : timestamp, "x-ms-range" : "bytes={0}-{1}".format(start, pageEnd - 1), "x-ms-page-write" : "update", "x-ms-version" : __StorageVersion, "Content-Length": str(pageEnd - start) }, chkProxy=True) if ret is None: Error("Failed to upload page blob for status") return -1 start = end return 0 def UploadStatusBlob(url, data): LogIfVerbose("Upload status blob") LogIfVerbose("Status={0}".format(data)) blobType = GetBlobType(url) if blobType == "BlockBlob": return PutBlockBlob(url, data) elif blobType == "PageBlob": return PutPageBlob(url, data) else: Error("Unknown blob type: {0}".format(blobType)) return -1 class TCPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): """ Callback object for LoadBalancerProbeServer. Recv and send LB probe messages. """ def __init__(self,lb_probe): super(TCPHandler,self).__init__() self.lb_probe=lb_probe def GetHttpDateTimeNow(self): """ Return formatted gmtime "Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 04:53:10 GMT" """ return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime()) def handle(self): """ Log LB probe messages, read the socket buffer, send LB probe response back to server. """ self.lb_probe.ProbeCounter = (self.lb_probe.ProbeCounter + 1) % 1000000 log = [NoLog, LogIfVerbose][ThrottleLog(self.lb_probe.ProbeCounter)] strCounter = str(self.lb_probe.ProbeCounter) if self.lb_probe.ProbeCounter == 1: Log("Receiving LB probes.") log("Received LB probe # " + strCounter) self.request.recv(1024) self.request.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: " + self.GetHttpDateTimeNow() + "\r\n\r\nOK") class LoadBalancerProbeServer(object): """ Threaded object to receive and send LB probe messages. Load Balancer messages but be recv'd by the load balancing server, or this node may be shut-down. """ def __init__(self, port): self.ProbeCounter = 0 self.server = SocketServer.TCPServer((self.get_ip(), port), TCPHandler) self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.server.serve_forever) self.server_thread.setDaemon(True) self.server_thread.start() def shutdown(self): self.server.shutdown() def get_ip(self): for retry in range(1,6): ip = MyDistro.GetIpv4Address() if ip == None : Log("LoadBalancerProbeServer: GetIpv4Address() returned None, sleeping 10 before retry " + str(retry+1) ) time.sleep(10) else: return ip class ConfigurationProvider(object): """ Parse amd store key:values in waagent.conf """ def __init__(self, walaConfigFile): self.values = dict() if 'MyDistro' not in globals(): global MyDistro MyDistro = GetMyDistro() if walaConfigFile is None: walaConfigFile = MyDistro.getConfigurationPath() if os.path.isfile(walaConfigFile) == False: raise Exception("Missing configuration in {0}".format(walaConfigFile)) try: for line in GetFileContents(walaConfigFile).split('\n'): if not line.startswith("#") and "=" in line: parts = line.split()[0].split('=') value = parts[1].strip("\" ") if value != "None": self.values[parts[0]] = value else: self.values[parts[0]] = None except: Error("Unable to parse {0}".format(walaConfigFile)) raise return def get(self, key): return self.values.get(key) class EnvMonitor(object): """ Montor changes to dhcp and hostname. If dhcp clinet process re-start has occurred, reset routes, dhcp with fabric. """ def __init__(self): self.shutdown = False self.HostName = socket.gethostname() self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.monitor) self.server_thread.setDaemon(True) self.server_thread.start() self.published = False def monitor(self): """ Monitor dhcp client pid and hostname. If dhcp clinet process re-start has occurred, reset routes, dhcp with fabric. """ publish = Config.get("Provisioning.MonitorHostName") dhcpcmd = MyDistro.getpidcmd+ ' ' + MyDistro.getDhcpClientName() dhcppid = RunGetOutput(dhcpcmd)[1] while not self.shutdown: for a in RulesFiles: if os.path.isfile(a): if os.path.isfile(GetLastPathElement(a)): os.remove(GetLastPathElement(a)) shutil.move(a, ".") Log("EnvMonitor: Moved " + a + " -> " + LibDir) MyDistro.setScsiDiskTimeout() if publish != None and publish.lower().startswith("y"): try: if socket.gethostname() != self.HostName: Log("EnvMonitor: Detected host name change: " + self.HostName + " -> " + socket.gethostname()) self.HostName = socket.gethostname() WaAgent.UpdateAndPublishHostName(self.HostName) dhcppid = RunGetOutput(dhcpcmd)[1] self.published = True except: pass else: self.published = True pid = "" if not os.path.isdir("/proc/" + dhcppid.strip()): pid = RunGetOutput(dhcpcmd)[1] if pid != "" and pid != dhcppid: Log("EnvMonitor: Detected dhcp client restart. Restoring routing table.") WaAgent.RestoreRoutes() dhcppid = pid for child in Children: if child.poll() != None: Children.remove(child) time.sleep(5) def SetHostName(self, name): """ Generic call to MyDistro.setHostname(name). Complian to Log on error. """ if socket.gethostname() == name: self.published = True elif MyDistro.setHostname(name): Error("Error: SetHostName: Cannot set hostname to " + name) return ("Error: SetHostName: Cannot set hostname to " + name) def IsHostnamePublished(self): """ Return self.published """ return self.published def ShutdownService(self): """ Stop server comminucation and join the thread to main thread. """ self.shutdown = True self.server_thread.join() class Certificates(object): """ Object containing certificates of host and provisioned user. Parses and splits certificates into files. """ # # 2010-12-15 # 2 # Pkcs7BlobWithPfxContents # MIILTAY... # # def __init__(self): self.reinitialize() def reinitialize(self): """ Reset the Role, Incarnation """ self.Incarnation = None self.Role = None def Parse(self, xmlText): """ Parse multiple certificates into seperate files. """ self.reinitialize() SetFileContents("Certificates.xml", xmlText) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText) for a in [ "CertificateFile", "Version", "Incarnation", "Format", "Data", ]: if not dom.getElementsByTagName(a): Error("Certificates.Parse: Missing " + a) return None node = dom.childNodes[0] if node.localName != "CertificateFile": Error("Certificates.Parse: root not CertificateFile") return None SetFileContents("Certificates.p7m", "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" + "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"Certificates.p7m\"\n" + "Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-mime; name=\"Certificates.p7m\"\n" + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" + GetNodeTextData(dom.getElementsByTagName("Data")[0])) if Run(Openssl + " cms -decrypt -in Certificates.p7m -inkey TransportPrivate.pem -recip TransportCert.pem | " + Openssl + " pkcs12 -nodes -password pass: -out Certificates.pem"): Error("Certificates.Parse: Failed to extract certificates from CMS message.") return self # There may be multiple certificates in this package. Split them. file = open("Certificates.pem") pindex = 1 cindex = 1 output = open("temp.pem", "w") for line in file.readlines(): output.write(line) if re.match(r'[-]+END .*?(KEY|CERTIFICATE)[-]+$',line): output.close() if re.match(r'[-]+END .*?KEY[-]+$',line): os.rename("temp.pem", str(pindex) + ".prv") pindex += 1 else: os.rename("temp.pem", str(cindex) + ".crt") cindex += 1 output = open("temp.pem", "w") output.close() os.remove("temp.pem") keys = dict() index = 1 filename = str(index) + ".crt" while os.path.isfile(filename): thumbprint = (RunGetOutput(Openssl + " x509 -in " + filename + " -fingerprint -noout")[1]).rstrip().split('=')[1].replace(':', '').upper() pubkey=RunGetOutput(Openssl + " x509 -in " + filename + " -pubkey -noout")[1] keys[pubkey] = thumbprint os.rename(filename, thumbprint + ".crt") os.chmod(thumbprint + ".crt", 0600) MyDistro.setSelinuxContext(thumbprint + '.crt','unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0') index += 1 filename = str(index) + ".crt" index = 1 filename = str(index) + ".prv" while os.path.isfile(filename): pubkey = RunGetOutput(Openssl + " rsa -in " + filename + " -pubout 2> /dev/null ")[1] os.rename(filename, keys[pubkey] + ".prv") os.chmod(keys[pubkey] + ".prv", 0600) MyDistro.setSelinuxContext( keys[pubkey] + '.prv','unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0') index += 1 filename = str(index) + ".prv" return self class SharedConfig(object): """ Parse role endpoint server and goal state config. """ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # def __init__(self): self.reinitialize() def reinitialize(self): """ Reset members. """ self.RdmaMacAddress = None self.RdmaIPv4Address = None self.xmlText = None def Parse(self, xmlText): """ Parse and write configuration to file SharedConfig.xml. """ LogIfVerbose(xmlText) self.reinitialize() self.xmlText = xmlText dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText) for a in [ "SharedConfig", "Deployment", "Service", "ServiceInstance", "Incarnation", "Role", ]: if not dom.getElementsByTagName(a): Error("SharedConfig.Parse: Missing " + a) node = dom.childNodes[0] if node.localName != "SharedConfig": Error("SharedConfig.Parse: root not SharedConfig") nodes = dom.getElementsByTagName("Instance") if nodes is not None and len(nodes) != 0: node = nodes[0] if node.hasAttribute("rdmaMacAddress"): addr = node.getAttribute("rdmaMacAddress") self.RdmaMacAddress = addr[0:2] for i in range(1, 6): self.RdmaMacAddress += ":" + addr[2 * i : 2 *i + 2] if node.hasAttribute("rdmaIPv4Address"): self.RdmaIPv4Address = node.getAttribute("rdmaIPv4Address") return self def Save(self): LogIfVerbose("Save SharedConfig.xml") SetFileContents("SharedConfig.xml", self.xmlText) def InvokeTopologyConsumer(self): program = Config.get("Role.TopologyConsumer") if program != None: try: Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, LibDir + "/SharedConfig.xml"])) except OSError, e : ErrorWithPrefix('Agent.Run','Exception: '+ str(e) +' occured launching ' + program ) def Process(self): global rdma_configured if not rdma_configured and self.RdmaMacAddress is not None and self.RdmaIPv4Address is not None: handler = RdmaHandler(self.RdmaMacAddress, self.RdmaIPv4Address) handler.start() rdma_configured = True self.InvokeTopologyConsumer() rdma_configured = False class RdmaError(Exception): pass class RdmaHandler(object): """ Handle rdma configuration. """ def __init__(self, mac, ip_addr, dev="/dev/hvnd_rdma", dat_conf_files=['/etc/dat.conf', '/etc/rdma/dat.conf', '/usr/local/etc/dat.conf']): self.mac = mac self.ip_addr = ip_addr self.dev = dev self.dat_conf_files = dat_conf_files self.data = ('rdmaMacAddress="{0}" rdmaIPv4Address="{1}"' '').format(self.mac, self.ip_addr) def start(self): """ Start a new thread to process rdma """ threading.Thread(target=self.process).start() def process(self): try: self.set_dat_conf() self.set_rdma_dev() self.set_rdma_ip() except RdmaError as e: Error("Failed to config rdma device: {0}".format(e)) def set_dat_conf(self): """ Agent needs to search all possible locations for dat.conf """ Log("Set dat.conf") for dat_conf_file in self.dat_conf_files: if not os.path.isfile(dat_conf_file): continue try: self.write_dat_conf(dat_conf_file) except IOError as e: raise RdmaError("Failed to write to dat.conf: {0}".format(e)) def write_dat_conf(self, dat_conf_file): Log("Write config to {0}".format(dat_conf_file)) old = ("ofa-v2-ib0 u2.0 nonthreadsafe default libdaplofa.so.2 " "dapl.2.0 \"\S+ 0\"") new = ("ofa-v2-ib0 u2.0 nonthreadsafe default libdaplofa.so.2 " "dapl.2.0 \"{0} 0\"").format(self.ip_addr) lines = GetFileContents(dat_conf_file) lines = re.sub(old, new, lines) SetFileContents(dat_conf_file, lines) def set_rdma_dev(self): """ Write config string to /dev/hvnd_rdma """ Log("Set /dev/hvnd_rdma") self.wait_rdma_dev() self.write_rdma_dev_conf() def write_rdma_dev_conf(self): Log("Write rdma config to {0}: {1}".format(self.dev, self.data)) try: with open(self.dev, "w") as c: c.write(self.data) except IOError, e: raise RdmaError("Error writing {0}, {1}".format(self.dev, e)) def wait_rdma_dev(self): Log("Wait for /dev/hvnd_rdma") retry = 0 while retry < 120: if os.path.exists(self.dev): return time.sleep(1) retry += 1 raise RdmaError("The device doesn't show up in 120 seconds") def set_rdma_ip(self): Log("Set ip addr for rdma") try: if_name = MyDistro.getInterfaceNameByMac(self.mac) #Azure is using 12 bits network mask for infiniband. MyDistro.configIpV4(if_name, self.ip_addr, 12) except Exception as e: raise RdmaError("Failed to config rdma device: {0}".format(e)) class ExtensionsConfig(object): """ Parse ExtensionsConfig, downloading and unpacking them to /var/lib/waagent. Install if true, remove if it is set to false. """ # # # # # # # {"runtimeSettings":[{"handlerSettings":{"protectedSettingsCertThumbprint":"1BE9A13AA1321C7C515EF109746998BAB6D86FD1", #"protectedSettings":"MIIByAYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIBuTCCAbUCAQAxggFxMIIBbQIBADBVMEExPzA9BgoJkiaJk/IsZAEZFi9XaW5kb3dzIEF6dXJlIFNlcnZpY2UgTWFuYWdlbWVudCBmb3IgR #Xh0ZW5zaW9ucwIQZi7dw+nhc6VHQTQpCiiV2zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAQCKr09QKMGhwYe+O4/a8td+vpB4eTR+BQso84cV5KCAnD6iUIMcSYTrn9aveY6v6ykRLEw8GRKfri2d6 #tvVDggUrBqDwIgzejGTlCstcMJItWa8Je8gHZVSDfoN80AEOTws9Fp+wNXAbSuMJNb8EnpkpvigAWU2v6pGLEFvSKC0MCjDTkjpjqciGMcbe/r85RG3Zo21HLl0xNOpjDs/qqikc/ri43Y76E/X #v1vBSHEGMFprPy/Hwo3PqZCnulcbVzNnaXN3qi/kxV897xGMPPC3IrO7Nc++AT9qRLFI0841JLcLTlnoVG1okPzK9w6ttksDQmKBSHt3mfYV+skqs+EOMDsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAUBggqh #kiG9w0DBwQITgu0Nu3iFPuAGD6/QzKdtrnCI5425fIUy7LtpXJGmpWDUA==","publicSettings":{"port":"3000"}}}]} # # #https://ostcextensions.blob.core.test-cint.azure-test.net/vhds/eg-plugin7-vm.eg-plugin7-vm.eg-plugin7-vm.status?sr=b&sp=rw& #se=9999-01-01&sk=key1&sv=2012-02-12&sig=wRUIDN1x2GC06FWaetBP9sjjifOWvRzS2y2XBB4qoBU%3D def __init__(self): self.reinitialize() def reinitialize(self): """ Reset members. """ self.Extensions = None self.Plugins = None self.Util = None def Parse(self, xmlText): """ Write configuration to file ExtensionsConfig.xml. Log plugin specific activity to /var/log/azure/.//CommandExecution.log. If state is enabled: if the plugin is installed: if the new plugin's version is higher if DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade is false or if true, the version is a minor version do upgrade: download the new archive do the updateCommand. disable the old plugin and remove enable the new plugin if the new plugin's version is the same or lower: create the new .settings file from the configuration received do the enableCommand if the plugin is not installed: download/unpack archive and call the installCommand/Enable if state is disabled: call disableCommand if state is uninstall: call uninstallCommand remove old plugin directory. """ self.reinitialize() self.Util=Util() dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText) LogIfVerbose(xmlText) self.plugin_log_dir='/var/log/azure' if not os.path.exists(self.plugin_log_dir): os.mkdir(self.plugin_log_dir) try: self.Extensions=dom.getElementsByTagName("Extensions") pg = dom.getElementsByTagName("Plugins") if len(pg) > 0: self.Plugins = pg[0].getElementsByTagName("Plugin") else: self.Plugins = [] incarnation=self.Extensions[0].getAttribute("goalStateIncarnation") SetFileContents('ExtensionsConfig.'+incarnation+'.xml', xmlText) except Exception, e: Error('ERROR: Error parsing ExtensionsConfig: {0}.'.format(e)) return None for p in self.Plugins: if len(p.getAttribute("location"))<1: # this plugin is inside the PluginSettings continue p.setAttribute('restricted','false') previous_version = None version=p.getAttribute("version") name=p.getAttribute("name") plog_dir=self.plugin_log_dir+'/'+name +'/'+ version if not os.path.exists(plog_dir): os.makedirs(plog_dir) p.plugin_log=plog_dir+'/CommandExecution.log' handler=name + '-' + version if p.getAttribute("isJson") != 'true': Error("Plugin " + name+" version: " +version+" is not a JSON Extension. Skipping.") continue Log("Found Plugin: " + name + ' version: ' + version) if p.getAttribute("state") == 'disabled' or p.getAttribute("state") == 'uninstall': #disable zip_dir=LibDir+"/" + name + '-' + version mfile=None for root, dirs, files in os.walk(zip_dir): for f in files: if f in ('HandlerManifest.json'): mfile=os.path.join(root,f) if mfile != None: break if mfile == None : Error('HandlerManifest.json not found.') continue manifest = GetFileContents(mfile) p.setAttribute('manifestdata',manifest) if self.launchCommand(p.plugin_log,name,version,'disableCommand') == None : self.SetHandlerState(handler, 'Enabled') Error('Unable to disable '+name) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'ERROR: Unable to disable '+name) else : self.SetHandlerState(handler, 'Disabled') Log(name+' is disabled') SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,name+' is disabled') # uninstall if needed if p.getAttribute("state") == 'uninstall': if self.launchCommand(p.plugin_log,name,version,'uninstallCommand') == None : self.SetHandlerState(handler, 'Installed') Error('Unable to uninstall '+name) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Unable to uninstall '+name) else : self.SetHandlerState(handler, 'NotInstalled') Log(name+' uninstallCommand completed .') # remove the plugin Run('rm -rf ' + LibDir + '/' + name +'-'+ version + '*') Log(name +'-'+ version + ' extension files deleted.') SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,name +'-'+ version + ' extension files deleted.') continue # state is enabled # if the same plugin exists and the version is newer or # does not exist then download and unzip the new plugin plg_dir=None latest_version_installed = LooseVersion("0.0") for item in os.listdir(LibDir): itemPath = os.path.join(LibDir, item) if os.path.isdir(itemPath) and name in item: try: #Split plugin dir name with '-' to get intalled plugin name and version sperator = item.rfind('-') if sperator < 0: continue installed_plg_name = item[0:sperator] installed_plg_version = LooseVersion(item[sperator + 1:]) #Check installed plugin name and compare installed version to get the latest version installed if installed_plg_name == name and installed_plg_version > latest_version_installed: plg_dir = itemPath previous_version = str(installed_plg_version) latest_version_installed = installed_plg_version except Exception as e: Warn("Invalid plugin dir name: {0} {1}".format(item, e)) continue if plg_dir == None or LooseVersion(version) > LooseVersion(previous_version) : location=p.getAttribute("location") Log("Downloading plugin manifest: " + name + " from " + location) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"Downloading plugin manifest: " + name + " from " + location) self.Util.Endpoint=location.split('/')[2] Log("Plugin server is: " + self.Util.Endpoint) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"Plugin server is: " + self.Util.Endpoint) manifest=self.Util.HttpGetWithoutHeaders(location, chkProxy=True) if manifest == None: Error("Unable to download plugin manifest" + name + " from primary location. Attempting with failover location.") SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"Unable to download plugin manifest" + name + " from primary location. Attempting with failover location.") failoverlocation=p.getAttribute("failoverlocation") self.Util.Endpoint=failoverlocation.split('/')[2] Log("Plugin failover server is: " + self.Util.Endpoint) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"Plugin failover server is: " + self.Util.Endpoint) manifest=self.Util.HttpGetWithoutHeaders(failoverlocation, chkProxy=True) #if failoverlocation also fail what to do then? if manifest == None: AddExtensionEvent(name,WALAEventOperation.Download,False,0,version,"Download mainfest fail "+failoverlocation) Log("Plugin manifest " + name + " downloading failed from failover location.") SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"Plugin manifest " + name + " downloading failed from failover location.") filepath=LibDir+"/" + name + '.' + incarnation + '.manifest' if os.path.splitext(location)[-1] == '.xml' : #if this is an xml file we may have a BOM if ord(manifest[0]) > 128 and ord(manifest[1]) > 128 and ord(manifest[2]) > 128: manifest=manifest[3:] SetFileContents(filepath,manifest) #Get the bundle url from the manifest p.setAttribute('manifestdata',manifest) man_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(manifest) bundle_uri = "" for mp in man_dom.getElementsByTagName("Plugin"): if GetNodeTextData(mp.getElementsByTagName("Version")[0]) == version: bundle_uri = GetNodeTextData(mp.getElementsByTagName("Uri")[0]) break if len(mp.getElementsByTagName("DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade")): if GetNodeTextData(mp.getElementsByTagName("DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade")[0]) == 'true' and previous_version !=None and previous_version.split('.')[0] != version.split('.')[0] : Log('DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade is true, this major version is restricted from upgrade.') SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade is true, this major version is restricted from upgrade.') p.setAttribute('restricted','true') continue if len(bundle_uri) < 1 : Error("Unable to fetch Bundle URI from manifest for " + name + " v " + version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"Unable to fetch Bundle URI from manifest for " + name + " v " + version) continue Log("Bundle URI = " + bundle_uri) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"Bundle URI = " + bundle_uri) # Download the zipfile archive and save as '.zip' bundle=self.Util.HttpGetWithoutHeaders(bundle_uri, chkProxy=True) if bundle == None: AddExtensionEvent(name,WALAEventOperation.Download,True,0,version,"Download zip fail "+bundle_uri) Error("Unable to download plugin bundle" + bundle_uri ) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"Unable to download plugin bundle" + bundle_uri ) continue AddExtensionEvent(name,WALAEventOperation.Download,True,0,version,"Download Success") b=bytearray(bundle) filepath=LibDir+"/" + os.path.basename(bundle_uri) + '.zip' SetFileContents(filepath,b) Log("Plugin bundle" + bundle_uri + "downloaded successfully length = " + str(len(bundle))) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"Plugin bundle" + bundle_uri + "downloaded successfully length = " + str(len(bundle))) # unpack the archive z=zipfile.ZipFile(filepath) zip_dir=LibDir+"/" + name + '-' + version z.extractall(zip_dir) Log('Extracted ' + bundle_uri + ' to ' + zip_dir) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Extracted ' + bundle_uri + ' to ' + zip_dir) # zip no file perms in .zip so set all the scripts to +x Run( "find " + zip_dir +" -type f | xargs chmod u+x ") #write out the base64 config data so the plugin can process it. mfile=None for root, dirs, files in os.walk(zip_dir): for f in files: if f in ('HandlerManifest.json'): mfile=os.path.join(root,f) if mfile != None: break if mfile == None : Error('HandlerManifest.json not found.') SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'HandlerManifest.json not found.') continue manifest = GetFileContents(mfile) p.setAttribute('manifestdata',manifest) # create the status and config dirs Run('mkdir -p ' + root + '/status') Run('mkdir -p ' + root + '/config') # write out the configuration data to goalStateIncarnation.settings file in the config path. config='' seqNo='0' if len(dom.getElementsByTagName("PluginSettings")) != 0 : pslist=dom.getElementsByTagName("PluginSettings")[0].getElementsByTagName("Plugin") for ps in pslist: if name == ps.getAttribute("name") and version == ps.getAttribute("version"): Log("Found RuntimeSettings for " + name + " V " + version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"Found RuntimeSettings for " + name + " V " + version) config=GetNodeTextData(ps.getElementsByTagName("RuntimeSettings")[0]) seqNo=ps.getElementsByTagName("RuntimeSettings")[0].getAttribute("seqNo") break if config == '': Log("No RuntimeSettings for " + name + " V " + version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"No RuntimeSettings for " + name + " V " + version) SetFileContents(root +"/config/" + seqNo +".settings", config ) #create HandlerEnvironment.json handler_env='[{ "name": "'+name+'", "seqNo": "'+seqNo+'", "version": 1.0, "handlerEnvironment": { "logFolder": "'+os.path.dirname(p.plugin_log)+'", "configFolder": "' + root + '/config", "statusFolder": "' + root + '/status", "heartbeatFile": "'+ root + '/heartbeat.log"}}]' SetFileContents(root+'/HandlerEnvironment.json',handler_env) self.SetHandlerState(handler, 'NotInstalled') cmd = '' getcmd='installCommand' if plg_dir != None and previous_version != None and LooseVersion(version) > LooseVersion(previous_version): previous_handler=name+'-'+previous_version if self.GetHandlerState(previous_handler) != 'NotInstalled': getcmd='updateCommand' # disable the old plugin if it exists if self.launchCommand(p.plugin_log,name,previous_version,'disableCommand') == None : self.SetHandlerState(previous_handler, 'Enabled') Error('Unable to disable old plugin '+name+' version ' + previous_version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Unable to disable old plugin '+name+' version ' + previous_version) else : self.SetHandlerState(previous_handler, 'Disabled') Log(name+' version ' + previous_version + ' is disabled') SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,name+' version ' + previous_version + ' is disabled') try: Log("Copy status file from old plugin dir to new") old_plg_dir = plg_dir new_plg_dir = os.path.join(LibDir, "{0}-{1}".format(name, version)) old_ext_status_dir = os.path.join(old_plg_dir, "status") new_ext_status_dir = os.path.join(new_plg_dir, "status") if os.path.isdir(old_ext_status_dir): for status_file in os.listdir(old_ext_status_dir): status_file_path = os.path.join(old_ext_status_dir, status_file) if os.path.isfile(status_file_path): shutil.copy2(status_file_path, new_ext_status_dir) mrseq_file = os.path.join(old_plg_dir, "mrseq") if os.path.isfile(mrseq_file): shutil.copy(mrseq_file, new_plg_dir) except Exception as e: Error("Failed to copy status file.") isupgradeSuccess = True if getcmd=='updateCommand': if self.launchCommand(p.plugin_log,name,version,getcmd,previous_version) == None : Error('Update failed for '+name+'-'+version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Update failed for '+name+'-'+version) isupgradeSuccess=False else : Log('Update complete'+name+'-'+version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Update complete'+name+'-'+version) # if we updated - call unistall for the old plugin if self.launchCommand(p.plugin_log,name,previous_version,'uninstallCommand') == None : self.SetHandlerState(previous_handler, 'Installed') Error('Uninstall failed for '+name+'-'+previous_version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Uninstall failed for '+name+'-'+previous_version) isupgradeSuccess=False else : self.SetHandlerState(previous_handler, 'NotInstalled') Log('Uninstall complete'+ previous_handler ) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Uninstall complete'+ name +'-' + previous_version) try: #rm old plugin dir if os.path.isdir(plg_dir): shutil.rmtree(plg_dir) Log(name +'-'+ previous_version + ' extension files deleted.') SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,name +'-'+ previous_version + ' extension files deleted.') except Exception as e: Error("Failed to remove old plugin directory") AddExtensionEvent(name,WALAEventOperation.Upgrade,isupgradeSuccess,0,previous_version) else : # run install if self.launchCommand(p.plugin_log,name,version,getcmd) == None : self.SetHandlerState(handler, 'NotInstalled') Error('Installation failed for '+name+'-'+version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Installation failed for '+name+'-'+version) else : self.SetHandlerState(handler, 'Installed') Log('Installation completed for '+name+'-'+version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Installation completed for '+name+'-'+version) #end if plg_dir == none or version > = prev # change incarnation of settings file so it knows how to name status... zip_dir=LibDir+"/" + name + '-' + version mfile=None for root, dirs, files in os.walk(zip_dir): for f in files: if f in ('HandlerManifest.json'): mfile=os.path.join(root,f) if mfile != None: break if mfile == None : Error('HandlerManifest.json not found.') SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'HandlerManifest.json not found.') continue manifest = GetFileContents(mfile) p.setAttribute('manifestdata',manifest) config='' seqNo='0' if len(dom.getElementsByTagName("PluginSettings")) != 0 : try: pslist=dom.getElementsByTagName("PluginSettings")[0].getElementsByTagName("Plugin") except: Error('Error parsing ExtensionsConfig.') SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Error parsing ExtensionsConfig.') continue for ps in pslist: if name == ps.getAttribute("name") and version == ps.getAttribute("version"): Log("Found RuntimeSettings for " + name + " V " + version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"Found RuntimeSettings for " + name + " V " + version) config=GetNodeTextData(ps.getElementsByTagName("RuntimeSettings")[0]) seqNo=ps.getElementsByTagName("RuntimeSettings")[0].getAttribute("seqNo") break if config == '': Error("No RuntimeSettings for " + name + " V " + version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,"No RuntimeSettings for " + name + " V " + version) SetFileContents(root +"/config/" + seqNo +".settings", config ) # state is still enable if (self.GetHandlerState(handler) == 'NotInstalled'): # run install first if true if self.launchCommand(p.plugin_log,name,version,'installCommand') == None : self.SetHandlerState(handler, 'NotInstalled') Error('Installation failed for '+name+'-'+version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Installation failed for '+name+'-'+version) else : self.SetHandlerState(handler, 'Installed') Log('Installation completed for '+name+'-'+version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Installation completed for '+name+'-'+version) if (self.GetHandlerState(handler) != 'NotInstalled'): if self.launchCommand(p.plugin_log,name,version,'enableCommand') == None : self.SetHandlerState(handler, 'Installed') Error('Enable failed for '+name+'-'+version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Enable failed for '+name+'-'+version) else : self.SetHandlerState(handler, 'Enabled') Log('Enable completed for '+name+'-'+version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Enable completed for '+name+'-'+version) # this plugin processing is complete Log('Processing completed for '+name+'-'+version) SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Processing completed for '+name+'-'+version) #end plugin processing loop Log('Finished processing ExtensionsConfig.xml') try: SimpleLog(p.plugin_log,'Finished processing ExtensionsConfig.xml') except: pass return self def launchCommand(self,plugin_log,name,version,command,prev_version=None): commandToEventOperation={ "installCommand":WALAEventOperation.Install, "uninstallCommand":WALAEventOperation.UnIsntall, "updateCommand": WALAEventOperation.Upgrade, "enableCommand": WALAEventOperation.Enable, "disableCommand": WALAEventOperation.Disable, } isSuccess=True start = datetime.datetime.now() r=self.__launchCommandWithoutEventLog(plugin_log,name,version,command,prev_version) if r==None: isSuccess=False Duration = int((datetime.datetime.now() - start).seconds) if commandToEventOperation.get(command): AddExtensionEvent(name,commandToEventOperation[command],isSuccess,Duration,version) return r def __launchCommandWithoutEventLog(self,plugin_log,name,version,command,prev_version=None): # get the manifest and read the command mfile=None zip_dir=LibDir+"/" + name + '-' + version for root, dirs, files in os.walk(zip_dir): for f in files: if f in ('HandlerManifest.json'): mfile=os.path.join(root,f) if mfile != None: break if mfile == None : Error('HandlerManifest.json not found.') SimpleLog(plugin_log,'HandlerManifest.json not found.') return None manifest = GetFileContents(mfile) try: jsn = json.loads(manifest) except: Error('Error parsing HandlerManifest.json.') SimpleLog(plugin_log,'Error parsing HandlerManifest.json.') return None if type(jsn)==list: jsn=jsn[0] if jsn.has_key('handlerManifest') : cmd = jsn['handlerManifest'][command] else : Error('Key handlerManifest not found. Handler cannot be installed.') SimpleLog(plugin_log,'Key handlerManifest not found. Handler cannot be installed.') if len(cmd) == 0 : Error('Unable to read ' + command ) SimpleLog(plugin_log,'Unable to read ' + command ) return None # for update we send the path of the old installation arg='' if prev_version != None : arg=' ' + LibDir+'/' + name + '-' + prev_version dirpath=os.path.dirname(mfile) LogIfVerbose('Command is '+ dirpath+'/'+ cmd) # launch pid=None try: child = subprocess.Popen(dirpath+'/'+cmd+arg,shell=True,cwd=dirpath,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except Exception as e: Error('Exception launching ' + cmd + str(e)) SimpleLog(plugin_log,'Exception launching ' + cmd + str(e)) pid = child.pid if pid == None or pid < 1 : ExtensionChildren.append((-1,root)) Error('Error launching ' + cmd + '.') SimpleLog(plugin_log,'Error launching ' + cmd + '.') else : ExtensionChildren.append((pid,root)) Log("Spawned "+ cmd + " PID " + str(pid)) SimpleLog(plugin_log,"Spawned "+ cmd + " PID " + str(pid)) # wait until install/upgrade is finished timeout = 300 # 5 minutes retry = timeout/5 while retry > 0 and child.poll() == None: LogIfVerbose(cmd + ' still running with PID ' + str(pid)) time.sleep(5) retry-=1 if retry==0: Error('Process exceeded timeout of ' + str(timeout) + ' seconds. Terminating process ' + str(pid)) SimpleLog(plugin_log,'Process exceeded timeout of ' + str(timeout) + ' seconds. Terminating process ' + str(pid)) os.kill(pid,9) return None code = child.wait() if code == None or code != 0: Error('Process ' + str(pid) + ' returned non-zero exit code (' + str(code) + ')') SimpleLog(plugin_log,'Process ' + str(pid) + ' returned non-zero exit code (' + str(code) + ')') return None Log(command + ' completed.') SimpleLog(plugin_log,command + ' completed.') return 0 def ReportHandlerStatus(self): """ Collect all status reports. """ # { "version": "1.0", "timestampUTC": "2014-03-31T21:28:58Z", # "aggregateStatus": { # "guestAgentStatus": { "version": "2.0.4PRE", "status": "Ready", "formattedMessage": { "lang": "en-US", "message": "GuestAgent is running and accepting new configurations." } }, # "handlerAggregateStatus": [{ # "handlerName": "ExampleHandlerLinux", "handlerVersion": "1.0", "status": "Ready", "runtimeSettingsStatus": { # "sequenceNumber": "2", "settingsStatus": { "timestampUTC": "2014-03-31T23:46:00Z", "status": { "name": "ExampleHandlerLinux", "operation": "Command Execution Finished", "configurationAppliedTime": "2014-03-31T23:46:00Z", "status": "success", "formattedMessage": { "lang": "en-US", "message": "Finished executing command" }, # "substatus": [ # { "name": "StdOut", "status": "success", "formattedMessage": { "lang": "en-US", "message": "Goodbye world!" } }, # { "name": "StdErr", "status": "success", "formattedMessage": { "lang": "en-US", "message": "" } } # ] # } } } } # ] # }} try: incarnation=self.Extensions[0].getAttribute("goalStateIncarnation") except: Error('Error parsing attribute "goalStateIncarnation". Unable to send status reports') return -1 status='' statuses='' for p in self.Plugins: if p.getAttribute("state") == 'uninstall' or p.getAttribute("restricted") == 'true' : continue version=p.getAttribute("version") name=p.getAttribute("name") if p.getAttribute("isJson") != 'true': LogIfVerbose("Plugin " + name+" version: " +version+" is not a JSON Extension. Skipping.") continue reportHeartbeat = False if len(p.getAttribute("manifestdata"))<1: Error("Failed to get manifestdata.") else: reportHeartbeat = json.loads(p.getAttribute("manifestdata"))[0]['handlerManifest']['reportHeartbeat'] if len(statuses)>0: statuses+=',' statuses+=self.GenerateAggStatus(name, version, reportHeartbeat) tstamp=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) #header #agent state if provisioned == False: if provisionError == None : agent_state='Provisioning' agent_msg='Guest Agent is starting.' else: agent_state='Provisioning Error.' agent_msg=provisionError else: agent_state='Ready' agent_msg='GuestAgent is running and accepting new configurations.' status='{"version":"1.0","timestampUTC":"'+tstamp+'","aggregateStatus":{"guestAgentStatus":{"version":"'+GuestAgentVersion+'","status":"'+agent_state+'","formattedMessage":{"lang":"en-US","message":"'+agent_msg+'"}},"handlerAggregateStatus":['+statuses+']}}' try: uri=GetNodeTextData(self.Extensions[0].getElementsByTagName("StatusUploadBlob")[0]).replace('&','&') except: Error('Error parsing element "StatusUploadBlob". Unable to send status reports') return -1 LogIfVerbose('Status report '+status+' sent to ' + uri) return UploadStatusBlob(uri, status.encode("utf-8")) def GetCurrentSequenceNumber(self, plugin_base_dir): """ Get the settings file with biggest file number in config folder """ config_dir = os.path.join(plugin_base_dir, 'config') seq_no = 0 for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(config_dir): for file in files: try: cur_seq_no = int(os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0]) if cur_seq_no > seq_no: seq_no = cur_seq_no except ValueError: continue return str(seq_no) def GenerateAggStatus(self, name, version, reportHeartbeat = False): """ Generate the status which Azure can understand by the status and heartbeat reported by extension """ plugin_base_dir = LibDir+'/'+name+'-'+version+'/' current_seq_no = self.GetCurrentSequenceNumber(plugin_base_dir) status_file=os.path.join(plugin_base_dir, 'status/', current_seq_no +'.status') heartbeat_file = os.path.join(plugin_base_dir, 'heartbeat.log') handler_state_file = os.path.join(plugin_base_dir, 'config', 'HandlerState') agg_state = 'NotReady' handler_state = None status_obj = None status_code = None formatted_message = None localized_message = None if os.path.exists(handler_state_file): handler_state = GetFileContents(handler_state_file).lower() if HandlerStatusToAggStatus.has_key(handler_state): agg_state = HandlerStatusToAggStatus[handler_state] if reportHeartbeat: if os.path.exists(heartbeat_file): d=int(time.time()-os.stat(heartbeat_file).st_mtime) if d > 600 : # not updated for more than 10 min agg_state = 'Unresponsive' else: try: heartbeat = json.loads(GetFileContents(heartbeat_file))[0]["heartbeat"] agg_state = heartbeat.get("status") status_code = heartbeat.get("code") formatted_message = heartbeat.get("formattedMessage") localized_message = heartbeat.get("message") except: Error("Incorrect heartbeat file. Ignore it. ") else: agg_state = 'Unresponsive' #get status file reported by extension if os.path.exists(status_file): # raw status generated by extension is an array, get the first item and remove the unnecessary element try: status_obj = json.loads(GetFileContents(status_file))[0] del status_obj["version"] except: Error("Incorrect status file. Will NOT settingsStatus in settings. ") agg_status_obj = {"handlerName": name, "handlerVersion": version, "status": agg_state, "runtimeSettingsStatus" : {"sequenceNumber": current_seq_no}} if status_obj: agg_status_obj["runtimeSettingsStatus"]["settingsStatus"] = status_obj if status_code != None: agg_status_obj["code"] = status_code if formatted_message: agg_status_obj["formattedMessage"] = formatted_message if localized_message: agg_status_obj["message"] = localized_message agg_status_string = json.dumps(agg_status_obj) LogIfVerbose("Handler Aggregated Status:" + agg_status_string) return agg_status_string def SetHandlerState(self, handler, state=''): zip_dir=LibDir+"/" + handler mfile=None for root, dirs, files in os.walk(zip_dir): for f in files: if f in ('HandlerManifest.json'): mfile=os.path.join(root,f) if mfile != None: break if mfile == None : Error('SetHandlerState(): HandlerManifest.json not found, cannot set HandlerState.') return None Log("SetHandlerState: "+handler+", "+state) return SetFileContents(os.path.dirname(mfile)+'/config/HandlerState', state) def GetHandlerState(self, handler): handlerState = GetFileContents(handler+'/config/HandlerState') if (handlerState): return handlerState.rstrip('\r\n') else: return 'NotInstalled' class HostingEnvironmentConfig(object): """ Parse Hosting enviromnet config and store in HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml """ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # def __init__(self): self.reinitialize() def reinitialize(self): """ Reset Members. """ self.StoredCertificates = None self.Deployment = None self.Incarnation = None self.Role = None self.HostingEnvironmentSettings = None self.ApplicationSettings = None self.Certificates = None self.ResourceReferences = None def Parse(self, xmlText): """ Parse and create HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml. """ self.reinitialize() SetFileContents("HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml", xmlText) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText) for a in [ "HostingEnvironmentConfig", "Deployment", "Service", "ServiceInstance", "Incarnation", "Role", ]: if not dom.getElementsByTagName(a): Error("HostingEnvironmentConfig.Parse: Missing " + a) return None node = dom.childNodes[0] if node.localName != "HostingEnvironmentConfig": Error("HostingEnvironmentConfig.Parse: root not HostingEnvironmentConfig") return None self.ApplicationSettings = dom.getElementsByTagName("Setting") self.Certificates = dom.getElementsByTagName("StoredCertificate") return self def DecryptPassword(self, e): """ Return decrypted password. """ SetFileContents("password.p7m", "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" + "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"password.p7m\"\n" + "Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-mime; name=\"password.p7m\"\n" + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" + textwrap.fill(e, 64)) return RunGetOutput(Openssl + " cms -decrypt -in password.p7m -inkey Certificates.pem -recip Certificates.pem")[1] def ActivateResourceDisk(self): return MyDistro.ActivateResourceDisk() def Process(self): """ Execute ActivateResourceDisk in separate thread. Create the user account. Launch ConfigurationConsumer if specified in the config. """ no_thread = False if DiskActivated == False: for m in inspect.getmembers(MyDistro): if 'ActivateResourceDiskNoThread' in m: no_thread = True break if no_thread == True : MyDistro.ActivateResourceDiskNoThread() else : diskThread = threading.Thread(target = self.ActivateResourceDisk) diskThread.start() User = None Pass = None Expiration = None Thumbprint = None for b in self.ApplicationSettings: sname = b.getAttribute("name") svalue = b.getAttribute("value") if User != None and Pass != None: if User != "root" and User != "" and Pass != "": CreateAccount(User, Pass, Expiration, Thumbprint) else: Error("Not creating user account: " + User) for c in self.Certificates: csha1 = c.getAttribute("certificateId").split(':')[1].upper() if os.path.isfile(csha1 + ".prv"): Log("Private key with thumbprint: " + csha1 + " was retrieved.") if os.path.isfile(csha1 + ".crt"): Log("Public cert with thumbprint: " + csha1 + " was retrieved.") program = Config.get("Role.ConfigurationConsumer") if program != None: try: Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, LibDir + "/HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml"])) except OSError, e : ErrorWithPrefix('HostingEnvironmentConfig.Process','Exception: '+ str(e) +' occured launching ' + program ) class GoalState(Util): """ Primary container for all configuration except OvfXml. Encapsulates http communication with endpoint server. Initializes and populates: self.HostingEnvironmentConfig self.SharedConfig self.ExtensionsConfig self.Certificates """ # # # 2010-12-15 # 1 # # Started # # 16001 # # # # c6d5526c-5ac2-4200-b6e2-56f2b70c5ab2 # # # MachineRole_IN_0 # Started # # # # # # # # # # # # # There is only one Role for VM images. # # Of primary interest is: # LBProbePorts -- an http server needs to run here # We also note Container/ContainerID and RoleInstance/InstanceId to form the health report. # And of course, Incarnation # def __init__(self, Agent): self.Agent = Agent self.Endpoint = Agent.Endpoint self.TransportCert = Agent.TransportCert self.reinitialize() def reinitialize(self): self.Incarnation = None # integer self.ExpectedState = None # "Started" self.HostingEnvironmentConfigUrl = None self.HostingEnvironmentConfigXml = None self.HostingEnvironmentConfig = None self.SharedConfigUrl = None self.SharedConfigXml = None self.SharedConfig = None self.CertificatesUrl = None self.CertificatesXml = None self.Certificates = None self.ExtensionsConfigUrl = None self.ExtensionsConfigXml = None self.ExtensionsConfig = None self.RoleInstanceId = None self.ContainerId = None self.LoadBalancerProbePort = None # integer, ?list of integers def Parse(self, xmlText): """ Request configuration data from endpoint server. Parse and populate contained configuration objects. Calls Certificates().Parse() Calls SharedConfig().Parse Calls ExtensionsConfig().Parse Calls HostingEnvironmentConfig().Parse """ self.reinitialize() LogIfVerbose(xmlText) node = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText).childNodes[0] if node.localName != "GoalState": Error("GoalState.Parse: root not GoalState") return None for a in node.childNodes: if a.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if a.localName == "Incarnation": self.Incarnation = GetNodeTextData(a) elif a.localName == "Machine": for b in a.childNodes: if b.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if b.localName == "ExpectedState": self.ExpectedState = GetNodeTextData(b) Log("ExpectedState: " + self.ExpectedState) elif b.localName == "LBProbePorts": for c in b.childNodes: if c.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and c.localName == "Port": self.LoadBalancerProbePort = int(GetNodeTextData(c)) elif a.localName == "Container": for b in a.childNodes: if b.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if b.localName == "ContainerId": self.ContainerId = GetNodeTextData(b) Log("ContainerId: " + self.ContainerId) elif b.localName == "RoleInstanceList": for c in b.childNodes: if c.localName == "RoleInstance": for d in c.childNodes: if d.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if d.localName == "InstanceId": self.RoleInstanceId = GetNodeTextData(d) Log("RoleInstanceId: " + self.RoleInstanceId) elif d.localName == "State": pass elif d.localName == "Configuration": for e in d.childNodes: if e.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: LogIfVerbose(e.localName) if e.localName == "HostingEnvironmentConfig": self.HostingEnvironmentConfigUrl = GetNodeTextData(e) LogIfVerbose("HostingEnvironmentConfigUrl:" + self.HostingEnvironmentConfigUrl) self.HostingEnvironmentConfigXml = self.HttpGetWithHeaders(self.HostingEnvironmentConfigUrl) self.HostingEnvironmentConfig = HostingEnvironmentConfig().Parse(self.HostingEnvironmentConfigXml) elif e.localName == "SharedConfig": self.SharedConfigUrl = GetNodeTextData(e) LogIfVerbose("SharedConfigUrl:" + self.SharedConfigUrl) self.SharedConfigXml = self.HttpGetWithHeaders(self.SharedConfigUrl) self.SharedConfig = SharedConfig().Parse(self.SharedConfigXml) self.SharedConfig.Save() elif e.localName == "ExtensionsConfig": self.ExtensionsConfigUrl = GetNodeTextData(e) LogIfVerbose("ExtensionsConfigUrl:" + self.ExtensionsConfigUrl) self.ExtensionsConfigXml = self.HttpGetWithHeaders(self.ExtensionsConfigUrl) elif e.localName == "Certificates": self.CertificatesUrl = GetNodeTextData(e) LogIfVerbose("CertificatesUrl:" + self.CertificatesUrl) self.CertificatesXml = self.HttpSecureGetWithHeaders(self.CertificatesUrl, self.TransportCert) self.Certificates = Certificates().Parse(self.CertificatesXml) if self.Incarnation == None: Error("GoalState.Parse: Incarnation missing") return None if self.ExpectedState == None: Error("GoalState.Parse: ExpectedState missing") return None if self.RoleInstanceId == None: Error("GoalState.Parse: RoleInstanceId missing") return None if self.ContainerId == None: Error("GoalState.Parse: ContainerId missing") return None SetFileContents("GoalState." + self.Incarnation + ".xml", xmlText) return self def Process(self): """ Calls HostingEnvironmentConfig.Process() """ LogIfVerbose("Process goalstate") self.HostingEnvironmentConfig.Process() self.SharedConfig.Process() class OvfEnv(object): """ Read, and process provisioning info from provisioning file OvfEnv.xml """ # # # # # 1.0 # # LinuxProvisioningConfiguration # HostName # UserName # UserPassword # false # # # # EB0C0AB4B2D5FC35F2F0658D19F44C8283E2DD62 # $HOME/UserName/.ssh/authorized_keys # # # # # EB0C0AB4B2D5FC35F2F0658D19F44C8283E2DD62 # $HOME/UserName/.ssh/id_rsa # # # # # # # def __init__(self): self.reinitialize() def reinitialize(self): """ Reset members. """ self.WaNs = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure" self.OvfNs = "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1" self.MajorVersion = 1 self.MinorVersion = 0 self.ComputerName = None self.AdminPassword = None self.UserName = None self.UserPassword = None self.CustomData = None self.DisableSshPasswordAuthentication = True self.SshPublicKeys = [] self.SshKeyPairs = [] def Parse(self, xmlText, isDeprovision = False): """ Parse xml tree, retreiving user and ssh key information. Return self. """ self.reinitialize() LogIfVerbose(re.sub(".*?<", "*<", xmlText)) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText) if len(dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.OvfNs, "Environment")) != 1: Error("Unable to parse OVF XML.") section = None newer = False for p in dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "ProvisioningSection"): for n in p.childNodes: if n.localName == "Version": verparts = GetNodeTextData(n).split('.') major = int(verparts[0]) minor = int(verparts[1]) if major > self.MajorVersion: newer = True if major != self.MajorVersion: break if minor > self.MinorVersion: newer = True section = p if newer == True: Warn("Newer provisioning configuration detected. Please consider updating waagent.") if section == None: Error("Could not find ProvisioningSection with major version=" + str(self.MajorVersion)) return None self.ComputerName = GetNodeTextData(section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "HostName")[0]) self.UserName = GetNodeTextData(section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "UserName")[0]) if isDeprovision == True: return self try: self.UserPassword = GetNodeTextData(section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "UserPassword")[0]) except: pass CDSection=None try: CDSection=section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "CustomData") if len(CDSection) > 0 : self.CustomData=GetNodeTextData(CDSection[0]) if len(self.CustomData)>0: SetFileContents(LibDir + '/CustomData', bytearray(MyDistro.translateCustomData(self.CustomData), 'utf-8')) Log('Wrote ' + LibDir + '/CustomData') else : Error(' contains no data!') except Exception, e: Error( str(e)+' occured creating ' + LibDir + '/CustomData') disableSshPass = section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "DisableSshPasswordAuthentication") if len(disableSshPass) != 0: self.DisableSshPasswordAuthentication = (GetNodeTextData(disableSshPass[0]).lower() == "true") for pkey in section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "PublicKey"): LogIfVerbose(repr(pkey)) fp = None path = None for c in pkey.childNodes: if c.localName == "Fingerprint": fp = GetNodeTextData(c).upper() LogIfVerbose(fp) if c.localName == "Path": path = GetNodeTextData(c) LogIfVerbose(path) self.SshPublicKeys += [[fp, path]] for keyp in section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "KeyPair"): fp = None path = None LogIfVerbose(repr(keyp)) for c in keyp.childNodes: if c.localName == "Fingerprint": fp = GetNodeTextData(c).upper() LogIfVerbose(fp) if c.localName == "Path": path = GetNodeTextData(c) LogIfVerbose(path) self.SshKeyPairs += [[fp, path]] return self def PrepareDir(self, filepath): """ Create home dir for self.UserName Change owner and return path. """ home = MyDistro.GetHome() # Expand HOME variable if present in path path = os.path.normpath(filepath.replace("$HOME", home)) if (path.startswith("/") == False) or (path.endswith("/") == True): return None dir = path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] if dir != "": CreateDir(dir, "root", 0700) if path.startswith(os.path.normpath(home + "/" + self.UserName + "/")): ChangeOwner(dir, self.UserName) return path def NumberToBytes(self, i): """ Pack number into bytes. Retun as string. """ result = [] while i: result.append(chr(i & 0xFF)) i >>= 8 result.reverse() return ''.join(result) def BitsToString(self, a): """ Return string representation of bits in a. """ index=7 s = "" c = 0 for bit in a: c = c | (bit << index) index = index - 1 if index == -1: s = s + struct.pack('>B', c) c = 0 index = 7 return s def OpensslToSsh(self, file): """ Return base-64 encoded key appropriate for ssh. """ from pyasn1.codec.der import decoder as der_decoder try: f = open(file).read().replace('\n','').split("KEY-----")[1].split('-')[0] k=der_decoder.decode(self.BitsToString(der_decoder.decode(base64.b64decode(f))[0][1]))[0] n=k[0] e=k[1] keydata="" keydata += struct.pack('>I',len("ssh-rsa")) keydata += "ssh-rsa" keydata += struct.pack('>I',len(self.NumberToBytes(e))) keydata += self.NumberToBytes(e) keydata += struct.pack('>I',len(self.NumberToBytes(n)) + 1) keydata += "\0" keydata += self.NumberToBytes(n) except Exception, e: print("OpensslToSsh: Exception " + str(e)) return None return "ssh-rsa " + base64.b64encode(keydata) + "\n" def Process(self): """ Process all certificate and key info. DisableSshPasswordAuthentication if configured. CreateAccount(user) Wait for WaAgent.EnvMonitor.IsHostnamePublished(). Restart ssh service. """ error = None if self.ComputerName == None : return "Error: Hostname missing" error=WaAgent.EnvMonitor.SetHostName(self.ComputerName) if error: return error if self.DisableSshPasswordAuthentication: filepath = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" # Disable RFC 4252 and RFC 4256 authentication schemes. ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not (a.startswith("PasswordAuthentication") or a.startswith("ChallengeResponseAuthentication")), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))) + "\nPasswordAuthentication no\nChallengeResponseAuthentication no\n") Log("Disabled SSH password-based authentication methods.") if self.AdminPassword != None: MyDistro.changePass('root',self.AdminPassword) if self.UserName != None: error = MyDistro.CreateAccount(self.UserName, self.UserPassword, None, None) sel = MyDistro.isSelinuxRunning() if sel : MyDistro.setSelinuxEnforce(0) home = MyDistro.GetHome() for pkey in self.SshPublicKeys: Log("Deploy public key:{0}".format(pkey[0])) if not os.path.isfile(pkey[0] + ".crt"): Error("PublicKey not found: " + pkey[0]) error = "Failed to deploy public key (0x09)." continue path = self.PrepareDir(pkey[1]) if path == None: Error("Invalid path: " + pkey[1] + " for PublicKey: " + pkey[0]) error = "Invalid path for public key (0x03)." continue Run(Openssl + " x509 -in " + pkey[0] + ".crt -noout -pubkey > " + pkey[0] + ".pub") MyDistro.setSelinuxContext(pkey[0] + '.pub','unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0') MyDistro.sshDeployPublicKey(pkey[0] + '.pub',path) MyDistro.setSelinuxContext(path,'unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0') if path.startswith(os.path.normpath(home + "/" + self.UserName + "/")): ChangeOwner(path, self.UserName) for keyp in self.SshKeyPairs: Log("Deploy key pair:{0}".format(keyp[0])) if not os.path.isfile(keyp[0] + ".prv"): Error("KeyPair not found: " + keyp[0]) error = "Failed to deploy key pair (0x0A)." continue path = self.PrepareDir(keyp[1]) if path == None: Error("Invalid path: " + keyp[1] + " for KeyPair: " + keyp[0]) error = "Invalid path for key pair (0x05)." continue SetFileContents(path, GetFileContents(keyp[0] + ".prv")) os.chmod(path, 0600) Run("ssh-keygen -y -f " + keyp[0] + ".prv > " + path + ".pub") MyDistro.setSelinuxContext(path,'unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0') MyDistro.setSelinuxContext(path + '.pub','unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0') if path.startswith(os.path.normpath(home + "/" + self.UserName + "/")): ChangeOwner(path, self.UserName) ChangeOwner(path + ".pub", self.UserName) if sel : MyDistro.setSelinuxEnforce(1) while not WaAgent.EnvMonitor.IsHostnamePublished(): time.sleep(1) MyDistro.restartSshService() return error class WALAEvent(object): def __init__(self): self.providerId="" self.eventId=1 self.OpcodeName="" self.KeywordName="" self.TaskName="" self.TenantName="" self.RoleName="" self.RoleInstanceName="" self.ContainerId="" self.ExecutionMode="IAAS" self.OSVersion="" self.GAVersion="" self.RAM=0 self.Processors=0 def ToXml(self): strEventid=u''.format(self.eventId) strProviderid=u''.format(self.providerId) strRecordFormat = u'' strRecordNoQuoteFormat = u'' strMtStr=u'mt:wstr' strMtUInt64=u'mt:uint64' strMtBool=u'mt:bool' strMtFloat=u'mt:float64' strEventsData=u"" for attName in self.__dict__: if attName in ["eventId","filedCount","providerId"]: continue attValue = self.__dict__[attName] if type(attValue) is int: strEventsData+=strRecordFormat.format(attName,attValue,strMtUInt64) continue if type(attValue) is str: attValue = xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(attValue) strEventsData+=strRecordNoQuoteFormat.format(attName,attValue,strMtStr) continue if str(type(attValue)).count("'unicode'") >0 : attValue = xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(attValue) strEventsData+=strRecordNoQuoteFormat.format(attName,attValue,strMtStr) continue if type(attValue) is bool: strEventsData+=strRecordFormat.format(attName,attValue,strMtBool) continue if type(attValue) is float: strEventsData+=strRecordFormat.format(attName,attValue,strMtFloat) continue Log("Warning: property "+attName+":"+str(type(attValue))+":type"+str(type(attValue))+"Can't convert to events data:"+":type not supported") return u"{0}{1}{2}".format(strProviderid,strEventid,strEventsData) def Save(self): eventfolder = LibDir+"/events" if not os.path.exists(eventfolder): os.mkdir(eventfolder) os.chmod(eventfolder,0700) if len(os.listdir(eventfolder)) > 1000: raise Exception("WriteToFolder:Too many file under "+eventfolder+" exit") filename = os.path.join(eventfolder,str(int(time.time()*1000000))) with open(filename+".tmp",'wb+') as hfile: hfile.write(self.ToXml().encode("utf-8")) os.rename(filename+".tmp",filename+".tld") class WALAEventOperation: HeartBeat="HeartBeat" Provision = "Provision" Install = "Install" UnIsntall = "UnInstall" Disable = "Disable" Enable = "Enable" Download = "Download" Upgrade = "Upgrade" Update = "Update" def AddExtensionEvent(name,op,isSuccess,duration=0,version="1.0",message="",type="",isInternal=False): event = ExtensionEvent() event.Name=name event.Version=version event.IsInternal=isInternal event.Operation=op event.OperationSuccess=isSuccess event.Message=message event.Duration=duration event.ExtensionType=type try: event.Save() except: Error("Error "+traceback.format_exc()) class ExtensionEvent(WALAEvent): def __init__(self): WALAEvent.__init__(self) self.eventId=1 self.providerId="69B669B9-4AF8-4C50-BDC4-6006FA76E975" self.Name="" self.Version="" self.IsInternal=False self.Operation="" self.OperationSuccess=True self.ExtensionType="" self.Message="" self.Duration=0 class WALAEventMonitor(WALAEvent): def __init__(self,postMethod): WALAEvent.__init__(self) self.post = postMethod self.sysInfo={} self.eventdir = LibDir+"/events" self.issysteminfoinitilized = False def StartEventsLoop(self): eventThread = threading.Thread(target = self.EventsLoop) eventThread.setDaemon(True) eventThread.start() def EventsLoop(self): LastReportHeartBeatTime = datetime.datetime.min try: while True: if (datetime.datetime.now()-LastReportHeartBeatTime) > \ datetime.timedelta(minutes=30): LastReportHeartBeatTime = datetime.datetime.now() AddExtensionEvent(op=WALAEventOperation.HeartBeat,name="WALA",isSuccess=True) self.postNumbersInOneLoop=0 self.CollectAndSendWALAEvents() time.sleep(60) except: Error("Exception in events loop:"+traceback.format_exc()) def SendEvent(self,providerid,events): dataFormat = u'{1}'\ '' data = dataFormat.format(providerid,events) self.post("/machine/?comp=telemetrydata", data) def CollectAndSendWALAEvents(self): if not os.path.exists(self.eventdir): return #Throtting, can't send more than 3 events in 15 seconds eventSendNumber=0 eventFiles = os.listdir(self.eventdir) events = {} for file in eventFiles: if not file.endswith(".tld"): continue with open(os.path.join(self.eventdir,file),"rb") as hfile: #if fail to open or delete the file, throw exception xmlStr = hfile.read().decode("utf-8",'ignore') os.remove(os.path.join(self.eventdir,file)) params="" eventid="" providerid="" #if exception happen during process an event, catch it and continue try: xmlStr = self.AddSystemInfo(xmlStr) for node in xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlStr.encode("utf-8")).childNodes[0].childNodes: if node.tagName == "Param": params+=node.toxml() if node.tagName == "Event": eventid=node.getAttribute("id") if node.tagName == "Provider": providerid = node.getAttribute("id") except: Error(traceback.format_exc()) continue if len(params)==0 or len(eventid)==0 or len(providerid)==0: Error("Empty filed in params:"+params+" event id:"+eventid+" provider id:"+providerid) continue eventstr = u''.format(eventid,params) if not events.get(providerid): events[providerid]="" if len(events[providerid]) >0 and len(events.get(providerid)+eventstr)>= 63*1024: eventSendNumber+=1 self.SendEvent(providerid,events.get(providerid)) if eventSendNumber %3 ==0: time.sleep(15) events[providerid]="" if len(eventstr) >= 63*1024: Error("Signle event too large abort "+eventstr[:300]) continue events[providerid]=events.get(providerid)+eventstr for key in events.keys(): if len(events[key]) > 0: eventSendNumber+=1 self.SendEvent(key,events[key]) if eventSendNumber%3 == 0: time.sleep(15) def AddSystemInfo(self,eventData): if not self.issysteminfoinitilized: self.issysteminfoinitilized=True try: self.sysInfo["OSVersion"]=platform.system()+":"+"-".join(DistInfo(1))+":"+platform.release() self.sysInfo["GAVersion"]=GuestAgentVersion self.sysInfo["RAM"]=MyDistro.getTotalMemory() self.sysInfo["Processors"]=MyDistro.getProcessorCores() sharedConfig = xml.dom.minidom.parse("/var/lib/waagent/SharedConfig.xml").childNodes[0] hostEnvConfig= xml.dom.minidom.parse("/var/lib/waagent/HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml").childNodes[0] gfiles = RunGetOutput("ls -t /var/lib/waagent/GoalState.*.xml")[1] goalStateConfi = xml.dom.minidom.parse(gfiles.split("\n")[0]).childNodes[0] self.sysInfo["TenantName"]=hostEnvConfig.getElementsByTagName("Deployment")[0].getAttribute("name") self.sysInfo["RoleName"]=hostEnvConfig.getElementsByTagName("Role")[0].getAttribute("name") self.sysInfo["RoleInstanceName"]=sharedConfig.getElementsByTagName("Instance")[0].getAttribute("id") self.sysInfo["ContainerId"]=goalStateConfi.getElementsByTagName("ContainerId")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue except: Error(traceback.format_exc()) eventObject = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(eventData.encode("utf-8")).childNodes[0] for node in eventObject.childNodes: if node.tagName == "Param": name = node.getAttribute("Name") if self.sysInfo.get(name): node.setAttribute("Value",xml.sax.saxutils.escape(str(self.sysInfo[name]))) return eventObject.toxml() class Agent(Util): """ Primary object container for the provisioning process. """ def __init__(self): self.GoalState = None self.Endpoint = None self.LoadBalancerProbeServer = None self.HealthReportCounter = 0 self.TransportCert = "" self.EnvMonitor = None self.SendData = None self.DhcpResponse = None def CheckVersions(self): """ Query endpoint server for wire protocol version. Fail if our desired protocol version is not seen. """ # # # # 2010-12-15 # # # 2010-12-15 # 2010-28-10 # # global ProtocolVersion protocolVersionSeen = False node = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self.HttpGetWithoutHeaders("/?comp=versions")).childNodes[0] if node.localName != "Versions": Error("CheckVersions: root not Versions") return False for a in node.childNodes: if a.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and a.localName == "Supported": for b in a.childNodes: if b.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and b.localName == "Version": v = GetNodeTextData(b) LogIfVerbose("Fabric supported wire protocol version: " + v) if v == ProtocolVersion: protocolVersionSeen = True if a.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and a.localName == "Preferred": v = GetNodeTextData(a.getElementsByTagName("Version")[0]) Log("Fabric preferred wire protocol version: " + v) if not protocolVersionSeen: Warn("Agent supported wire protocol version: " + ProtocolVersion + " was not advertised by Fabric.") else: Log("Negotiated wire protocol version: " + ProtocolVersion) return True def Unpack(self, buffer, offset, range): """ Unpack bytes into python values. """ result = 0 for i in range: result = (result << 8) | Ord(buffer[offset + i]) return result def UnpackLittleEndian(self, buffer, offset, length): """ Unpack little endian bytes into python values. """ return self.Unpack(buffer, offset, list(range(length - 1, -1, -1))) def UnpackBigEndian(self, buffer, offset, length): """ Unpack big endian bytes into python values. """ return self.Unpack(buffer, offset, list(range(0, length))) def HexDump3(self, buffer, offset, length): """ Dump range of buffer in formatted hex. """ return ''.join(['%02X' % Ord(char) for char in buffer[offset:offset + length]]) def HexDump2(self, buffer): """ Dump buffer in formatted hex. """ return self.HexDump3(buffer, 0, len(buffer)) def BuildDhcpRequest(self): """ Build DHCP request string. """ # # typedef struct _DHCP { # UINT8 Opcode; /* op: BOOTREQUEST or BOOTREPLY */ # UINT8 HardwareAddressType; /* htype: ethernet */ # UINT8 HardwareAddressLength; /* hlen: 6 (48 bit mac address) */ # UINT8 Hops; /* hops: 0 */ # UINT8 TransactionID[4]; /* xid: random */ # UINT8 Seconds[2]; /* secs: 0 */ # UINT8 Flags[2]; /* flags: 0 or 0x8000 for broadcast */ # UINT8 ClientIpAddress[4]; /* ciaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 YourIpAddress[4]; /* yiaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 ServerIpAddress[4]; /* siaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 RelayAgentIpAddress[4]; /* giaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 ClientHardwareAddress[16]; /* chaddr: 6 byte ethernet MAC address */ # UINT8 ServerName[64]; /* sname: 0 */ # UINT8 BootFileName[128]; /* file: 0 */ # UINT8 MagicCookie[4]; /* 99 130 83 99 */ # /* 0x63 0x82 0x53 0x63 */ # /* options -- hard code ours */ # # UINT8 MessageTypeCode; /* 53 */ # UINT8 MessageTypeLength; /* 1 */ # UINT8 MessageType; /* 1 for DISCOVER */ # UINT8 End; /* 255 */ # } DHCP; # # tuple of 244 zeros # (struct.pack_into would be good here, but requires Python 2.5) sendData = [0] * 244 transactionID = os.urandom(4) macAddress = MyDistro.GetMacAddress() # Opcode = 1 # HardwareAddressType = 1 (ethernet/MAC) # HardwareAddressLength = 6 (ethernet/MAC/48 bits) for a in range(0, 3): sendData[a] = [1, 1, 6][a] # fill in transaction id (random number to ensure response matches request) for a in range(0, 4): sendData[4 + a] = Ord(transactionID[a]) LogIfVerbose("BuildDhcpRequest: transactionId:%s,%04X" % (self.HexDump2(transactionID), self.UnpackBigEndian(sendData, 4, 4))) # fill in ClientHardwareAddress for a in range(0, 6): sendData[0x1C + a] = Ord(macAddress[a]) # DHCP Magic Cookie: 99, 130, 83, 99 # MessageTypeCode = 53 DHCP Message Type # MessageTypeLength = 1 # MessageType = DHCPDISCOVER # End = 255 DHCP_END for a in range(0, 8): sendData[0xEC + a] = [99, 130, 83, 99, 53, 1, 1, 255][a] return array.array("B", sendData) def IntegerToIpAddressV4String(self, a): """ Build DHCP request string. """ return "%u.%u.%u.%u" % ((a >> 24) & 0xFF, (a >> 16) & 0xFF, (a >> 8) & 0xFF, a & 0xFF) def RouteAdd(self, net, mask, gateway): """ Add specified route using /sbin/route add -net. """ net = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(net) mask = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(mask) gateway = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(gateway) Log("Route add: net={0}, mask={1}, gateway={2}".format(net, mask, gateway)) MyDistro.routeAdd(net, mask, gateway) def SetDefaultGateway(self, gateway): """ Set default gateway """ gateway = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(gateway) Log("Set default gateway: {0}".format(gateway)) MyDistro.setDefaultGateway(gateway) def HandleDhcpResponse(self, sendData, receiveBuffer): """ Parse DHCP response: Set default gateway. Set default routes. Retrieve endpoint server. Returns endpoint server or None on error. """ LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse") bytesReceived = len(receiveBuffer) if bytesReceived < 0xF6: Error("HandleDhcpResponse: Too few bytes received " + str(bytesReceived)) return None LogIfVerbose("BytesReceived: " + hex(bytesReceived)) LogWithPrefixIfVerbose("DHCP response:", HexDump(receiveBuffer, bytesReceived)) # check transactionId, cookie, MAC address # cookie should never mismatch # transactionId and MAC address may mismatch if we see a response meant from another machine for offsets in [list(range(4, 4 + 4)), list(range(0x1C, 0x1C + 6)), list(range(0xEC, 0xEC + 4))]: for offset in offsets: sentByte = Ord(sendData[offset]) receivedByte = Ord(receiveBuffer[offset]) if sentByte != receivedByte: LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: sent cookie:" + self.HexDump3(sendData, 0xEC, 4)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: rcvd cookie:" + self.HexDump3(receiveBuffer, 0xEC, 4)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: sent transactionID:" + self.HexDump3(sendData, 4, 4)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: rcvd transactionID:" + self.HexDump3(receiveBuffer, 4, 4)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: sent ClientHardwareAddress:" + self.HexDump3(sendData, 0x1C, 6)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: rcvd ClientHardwareAddress:" + self.HexDump3(receiveBuffer, 0x1C, 6)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: transactionId, cookie, or MAC address mismatch") return None endpoint = None # # Walk all the returned options, parsing out what we need, ignoring the others. # We need the custom option 245 to find the the endpoint we talk to, # as well as, to handle some Linux DHCP client incompatibilities, # options 3 for default gateway and 249 for routes. And 255 is end. # i = 0xF0 # offset to first option while i < bytesReceived: option = Ord(receiveBuffer[i]) length = 0 if (i + 1) < bytesReceived: length = Ord(receiveBuffer[i + 1]) LogIfVerbose("DHCP option " + hex(option) + " at offset:" + hex(i) + " with length:" + hex(length)) if option == 255: LogIfVerbose("DHCP packet ended at offset " + hex(i)) break elif option == 249: # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc227282%28PROT.10%29.aspx LogIfVerbose("Routes at offset:" + hex(i) + " with length:" + hex(length)) if length < 5: Error("Data too small for option " + str(option)) j = i + 2 while j < (i + length + 2): maskLengthBits = Ord(receiveBuffer[j]) maskLengthBytes = (((maskLengthBits + 7) & ~7) >> 3) mask = 0xFFFFFFFF & (0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - maskLengthBits)) j += 1 net = self.UnpackBigEndian(receiveBuffer, j, maskLengthBytes) net <<= (32 - maskLengthBytes * 8) net &= mask j += maskLengthBytes gateway = self.UnpackBigEndian(receiveBuffer, j, 4) j += 4 self.RouteAdd(net, mask, gateway) if j != (i + length + 2): Error("HandleDhcpResponse: Unable to parse routes") elif option == 3 or option == 245: if i + 5 < bytesReceived: if length != 4: Error("HandleDhcpResponse: Endpoint or Default Gateway not 4 bytes") return None gateway = self.UnpackBigEndian(receiveBuffer, i + 2, 4) IpAddress = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(gateway) if option == 3: self.SetDefaultGateway(gateway) name = "DefaultGateway" else: endpoint = IpAddress name = "Azure wire protocol endpoint" LogIfVerbose(name + ": " + IpAddress + " at " + hex(i)) else: Error("HandleDhcpResponse: Data too small for option " + str(option)) else: LogIfVerbose("Skipping DHCP option " + hex(option) + " at " + hex(i) + " with length " + hex(length)) i += length + 2 return endpoint def DoDhcpWork(self): """ Discover the wire server via DHCP option 245. And workaround incompatibility with Azure DHCP servers. """ ShortSleep = False # Sleep 1 second before retrying DHCP queries. ifname=None sleepDurations = [0, 10, 30, 60, 60] maxRetry = len(sleepDurations) lastTry = (maxRetry - 1) for retry in range(0, maxRetry): try: #Open DHCP port if iptables is enabled. Run("iptables -D INPUT -p udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT",chk_err=False) # We supress error logging on error. Run("iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT",chk_err=False) # We supress error logging on error. strRetry = str(retry) prefix = "DoDhcpWork: try=" + strRetry LogIfVerbose(prefix) sendData = self.BuildDhcpRequest() LogWithPrefixIfVerbose("DHCP request:", HexDump(sendData, len(sendData))) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) missingDefaultRoute = True try: if DistInfo()[0] == 'FreeBSD': missingDefaultRoute = True else: routes = RunGetOutput("route -n")[1] for line in routes.split('\n'): if line.startswith(" ") or line.startswith("default "): missingDefaultRoute = False except: pass if missingDefaultRoute: # This is required because sending after binding to fails with # network unreachable when the default gateway is not set up. ifname=MyDistro.GetInterfaceName() Log("DoDhcpWork: Missing default route - adding broadcast route for DHCP.") if DistInfo()[0] == 'FreeBSD': Run("route add -net -iface " + ifname,chk_err=False) else: Run("route add dev " + ifname,chk_err=False) if MyDistro.isDHCPEnabled(): MyDistro.stopDHCP() sock.bind(("", 68)) sock.sendto(sendData, ("", 67)) sock.settimeout(10) Log("DoDhcpWork: Setting socket.timeout=10, entering recv") receiveBuffer = sock.recv(1024) endpoint = self.HandleDhcpResponse(sendData, receiveBuffer) if endpoint == None: LogIfVerbose("DoDhcpWork: No endpoint found") if endpoint != None or retry == lastTry: if endpoint != None: self.SendData = sendData self.DhcpResponse = receiveBuffer if retry == lastTry: LogIfVerbose("DoDhcpWork: try=" + strRetry) return endpoint sleepDuration = [sleepDurations[retry % len(sleepDurations)], 1][ShortSleep] LogIfVerbose("DoDhcpWork: sleep=" + str(sleepDuration)) time.sleep(sleepDuration) except Exception, e: ErrorWithPrefix(prefix, str(e)) ErrorWithPrefix(prefix, traceback.format_exc()) finally: sock.close() if missingDefaultRoute: #We added this route - delete it Log("DoDhcpWork: Removing broadcast route for DHCP.") if DistInfo()[0] == 'FreeBSD': Run("route del -net -iface " + ifname,chk_err=False) else: Run("route del dev " + ifname,chk_err=False) # We supress error logging on error. if MyDistro.isDHCPEnabled(): MyDistro.startDHCP() return None def UpdateAndPublishHostName(self, name): """ Set hostname locally and publish to iDNS """ Log("Setting host name: " + name) MyDistro.publishHostname(name) ethernetInterface = MyDistro.GetInterfaceName() MyDistro.RestartInterface(ethernetInterface) self.RestoreRoutes() def RestoreRoutes(self): """ If there is a DHCP response, then call HandleDhcpResponse. """ if self.SendData != None and self.DhcpResponse != None: self.HandleDhcpResponse(self.SendData, self.DhcpResponse) def UpdateGoalState(self): """ Retreive goal state information from endpoint server. Parse xml and initialize Agent.GoalState object. Return object or None on error. """ goalStateXml = None maxRetry = 9 log = NoLog for retry in range(1, maxRetry + 1): strRetry = str(retry) log("retry UpdateGoalState,retry=" + strRetry) goalStateXml = self.HttpGetWithHeaders("/machine/?comp=goalstate") if goalStateXml != None: break log = Log time.sleep(retry) if not goalStateXml: Error("UpdateGoalState failed.") return Log("Retrieved GoalState from Azure Fabric.") self.GoalState = GoalState(self).Parse(goalStateXml) return self.GoalState def ReportReady(self): """ Send health report 'Ready' to server. This signals the fabric that our provosion is completed, and the host is ready for operation. """ counter = (self.HealthReportCounter + 1) % 1000000 self.HealthReportCounter = counter healthReport = ("" + self.GoalState.Incarnation + "" + self.GoalState.ContainerId + "" + self.GoalState.RoleInstanceId + "Ready") a = self.HttpPostWithHeaders("/machine?comp=health", healthReport) if a != None: return a.getheader("x-ms-latest-goal-state-incarnation-number") return None def ReportNotReady(self, status, desc): """ Send health report 'Provisioning' to server. This signals the fabric that our provosion is starting. """ healthReport = ("" + self.GoalState.Incarnation + "" + self.GoalState.ContainerId + "" + self.GoalState.RoleInstanceId + "NotReady" + "
" + status + "" + desc + "
" + "
") a = self.HttpPostWithHeaders("/machine?comp=health", healthReport) if a != None: return a.getheader("x-ms-latest-goal-state-incarnation-number") return None def ReportRoleProperties(self, thumbprint): """ Send roleProperties and thumbprint to server. """ roleProperties = ("" + "" + self.GoalState.ContainerId + "" + "" + "" + self.GoalState.RoleInstanceId + "" + "" + "") a = self.HttpPostWithHeaders("/machine?comp=roleProperties", roleProperties) Log("Posted Role Properties. CertificateThumbprint=" + thumbprint) return a def LoadBalancerProbeServer_Shutdown(self): """ Shutdown the LoadBalancerProbeServer. """ if self.LoadBalancerProbeServer != None: self.LoadBalancerProbeServer.shutdown() self.LoadBalancerProbeServer = None def GenerateTransportCert(self): """ Create ssl certificate for https communication with endpoint server. """ Run(Openssl + " req -x509 -nodes -subj /CN=LinuxTransport -days 32768 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout TransportPrivate.pem -out TransportCert.pem") cert = "" for line in GetFileContents("TransportCert.pem").split('\n'): if not "CERTIFICATE" in line: cert += line.rstrip() return cert def DoVmmStartup(self): """ Spawn the VMM startup script. """ Log("Starting Microsoft System Center VMM Initialization Process") pid = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash","/mnt/cdrom/secure/"+VMM_STARTUP_SCRIPT_NAME,"-p /mnt/cdrom/secure/ "]).pid time.sleep(5) sys.exit(0) def TryUnloadAtapiix(self): """ If global modloaded is True, then we loaded the ata_piix kernel module, unload it. """ if modloaded: Run("rmmod ata_piix.ko",chk_err=False) Log("Unloaded ata_piix.ko driver for ATAPI CD-ROM") def TryLoadAtapiix(self): """ Load the ata_piix kernel module if it exists. If successful, set global modloaded to True. If unable to load module leave modloaded False. """ global modloaded modloaded=False retcode,krn=RunGetOutput('uname -r') krn_pth='/lib/modules/'+krn.strip('\n')+'/kernel/drivers/ata/ata_piix.ko' if Run("lsmod | grep ata_piix",chk_err=False) == 0 : Log("Module " + krn_pth + " driver for ATAPI CD-ROM is already present.") return 0 if retcode: Error("Unable to provision: Failed to call uname -r") return "Unable to provision: Failed to call uname" if os.path.isfile(krn_pth): retcode,output=RunGetOutput("insmod " + krn_pth,chk_err=False) else: Log("Module " + krn_pth + " driver for ATAPI CD-ROM does not exist.") return 1 if retcode != 0: Error('Error calling insmod for '+ krn_pth + ' driver for ATAPI CD-ROM') return retcode time.sleep(1) # check 3 times if the mod is loaded for i in range(3): if Run('lsmod | grep ata_piix'): continue else : modloaded=True break if not modloaded: Error('Unable to load '+ krn_pth + ' driver for ATAPI CD-ROM') return 1 Log("Loaded " + krn_pth + " driver for ATAPI CD-ROM") # we have succeeded loading the ata_piix mod if it can be done. def SearchForVMMStartup(self): """ Search for a DVD/CDROM containing VMM's VMM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME. Call TryLoadAtapiix in case we must load the ata_piix module first. If VMM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME is found, call DoVmmStartup. Else, return to Azure Provisioning process. """ self.TryLoadAtapiix() if os.path.exists('/mnt/cdrom/secure') == False: CreateDir("/mnt/cdrom/secure", "root", 0700) mounted=False for dvds in [re.match(r'(sr[0-9]|hd[c-z]|cdrom[0-9]|cd[0-9]?)',x) for x in os.listdir('/dev/')]: if dvds == None: continue dvd = '/dev/'+dvds.group(0) if Run("LC_ALL=C fdisk -l " + dvd + " | grep Disk",chk_err=False): continue # Not mountable else: for retry in range(1,6): retcode,output=RunGetOutput("mount -v " + dvd + " /mnt/cdrom/secure") Log(output[:-1]) if retcode == 0: Log("mount succeeded on attempt #" + str(retry) ) mounted=True break if 'is already mounted on /mnt/cdrom/secure' in output: Log("Device " + dvd + " is already mounted on /mnt/cdrom/secure." + str(retry) ) mounted=True break Log("mount failed on attempt #" + str(retry) ) Log("mount loop sleeping 5...") time.sleep(5) if not mounted: # unable to mount continue if not os.path.isfile("/mnt/cdrom/secure/"+VMM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME): #nope - mount the next drive if mounted: Run("umount "+dvd,chk_err=False) mounted=False continue else : # it is the vmm startup self.DoVmmStartup() Log("VMM Init script not found. Provisioning for Azure") return def Provision(self): """ Responible for: Regenerate ssh keys, Mount, read, and parse ovfenv.xml from provisioning dvd rom Process the ovfenv.xml info Call ReportRoleProperties If configured, delete root password. Return None on success, error string on error. """ enabled = Config.get("Provisioning.Enabled") if enabled != None and enabled.lower().startswith("n"): return Log("Provisioning image started.") type = Config.get("Provisioning.SshHostKeyPairType") if type == None: type = "rsa" regenerateKeys = Config.get("Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair") if regenerateKeys == None or regenerateKeys.lower().startswith("y"): Run("rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*key*") Run("ssh-keygen -N '' -t " + type + " -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_" + type + "_key") MyDistro.restartSshService() #SetFileContents(LibDir + "/provisioned", "") dvd = None for dvds in [re.match(r'(sr[0-9]|hd[c-z]|cdrom[0-9]|cd[0-9]?)',x) for x in os.listdir('/dev/')]: if dvds == None : continue dvd = '/dev/'+dvds.group(0) if dvd == None: # No DVD device detected Error("No DVD device detected, unable to provision.") return "No DVD device detected, unable to provision." if MyDistro.mediaHasFilesystem(dvd) is False : out=MyDistro.load_ata_piix() if out: return out for i in range(10): # we may have to wait if os.path.exists(dvd): break Log("Waiting for DVD - sleeping 1 - "+str(i+1)+" try...") time.sleep(1) if os.path.exists('/mnt/cdrom/secure') == False: CreateDir("/mnt/cdrom/secure", "root", 0700) #begin mount loop - 5 tries - 5 sec wait between for retry in range(1,6): location='/mnt/cdrom/secure' retcode,output=MyDistro.mountDVD(dvd,location) Log(output[:-1]) if retcode == 0: Log("mount succeeded on attempt #" + str(retry) ) break if 'is already mounted on /mnt/cdrom/secure' in output: Log("Device " + dvd + " is already mounted on /mnt/cdrom/secure." + str(retry) ) break Log("mount failed on attempt #" + str(retry) ) Log("mount loop sleeping 5...") time.sleep(5) if not os.path.isfile("/mnt/cdrom/secure/ovf-env.xml"): Error("Unable to provision: Missing ovf-env.xml on DVD.") return "Failed to retrieve provisioning data (0x02)." ovfxml = (GetFileContents(u"/mnt/cdrom/secure/ovf-env.xml",asbin=False)) # use unicode here to ensure correct codec gets used. if ord(ovfxml[0]) > 128 and ord(ovfxml[1]) > 128 and ord(ovfxml[2]) > 128 : ovfxml = ovfxml[3:] # BOM is not stripped. First three bytes are > 128 and not unicode chars so we ignore them. ovfxml=ovfxml.strip(chr(0x00)) # we may have NULLs. ovfxml=ovfxml[ovfxml.find('.*?<", "*<", ovfxml)) Run("umount " + dvd,chk_err=False) MyDistro.unload_ata_piix() error = None if ovfxml != None: Log("Provisioning image using OVF settings in the DVD.") ovfobj = OvfEnv().Parse(ovfxml) if ovfobj != None: error = ovfobj.Process() if error : Error ("Provisioning image FAILED " + error) return ("Provisioning image FAILED " + error) Log("Ovf XML process finished") # This is done here because regenerated SSH host key pairs may be potentially overwritten when processing the ovfxml fingerprint = RunGetOutput("ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/ssh_host_" + type + "_key.pub")[1].rstrip().split()[1].replace(':','') self.ReportRoleProperties(fingerprint) delRootPass = Config.get("Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword") if delRootPass != None and delRootPass.lower().startswith("y"): MyDistro.deleteRootPassword() Log("Provisioning image completed.") return error def Run(self): """ Called by 'waagent -daemon.' Main loop to process the goal state. State is posted every 25 seconds when provisioning has been completed. Search for VMM enviroment, start VMM script if found. Perform DHCP and endpoint server discovery by calling DoDhcpWork(). Check wire protocol versions. Set SCSI timeout on root device. Call GenerateTransportCert() to create ssl certs for server communication. Call UpdateGoalState(). If not provisioned, call ReportNotReady("Provisioning", "Starting") Call Provision(), set global provisioned = True if successful. Call goalState.Process() Start LBProbeServer if indicated in waagent.conf. Start the StateConsumer if indicated in waagent.conf. ReportReady if provisioning is complete. If provisioning failed, call ReportNotReady("ProvisioningFailed", provisionError) """ SetFileContents("/var/run/waagent.pid", str(os.getpid()) + "\n") reportHandlerStatusCount = 0 # Determine if we are in VMM. Spawn VMM_STARTUP_SCRIPT_NAME if found. self.SearchForVMMStartup() ipv4='' while ipv4 == '' or ipv4 == '' : ipv4=MyDistro.GetIpv4Address() if ipv4 == '' or ipv4 == '' : Log("Waiting for network.") time.sleep(10) Log("IPv4 address: " + ipv4) mac='' mac=MyDistro.GetMacAddress() if len(mac)>0 : Log("MAC address: " + ":".join(["%02X" % Ord(a) for a in mac])) # Consume Entropy in ACPI table provided by Hyper-V try: SetFileContents("/dev/random", GetFileContents("/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/OEM0")) except: pass Log("Probing for Azure environment.") self.Endpoint = self.DoDhcpWork() while self.Endpoint == None: Log("Azure environment not detected.") Log("Retry environment detection in 60 seconds") time.sleep(60) self.Endpoint = self.DoDhcpWork() Log("Discovered Azure endpoint: " + self.Endpoint) if not self.CheckVersions(): Error("Agent.CheckVersions failed") sys.exit(1) self.EnvMonitor = EnvMonitor() # Set SCSI timeout on SCSI disks MyDistro.initScsiDiskTimeout() global provisioned global provisionError global Openssl Openssl = Config.get("OS.OpensslPath") if Openssl == None: Openssl = "openssl" self.TransportCert = self.GenerateTransportCert() eventMonitor = None incarnation = None # goalStateIncarnationFromHealthReport currentPort = None # loadBalancerProbePort goalState = None # self.GoalState, instance of GoalState provisioned = os.path.exists(LibDir + "/provisioned") program = Config.get("Role.StateConsumer") provisionError = None lbProbeResponder = True setting = Config.get("LBProbeResponder") if setting != None and setting.lower().startswith("n"): lbProbeResponder = False while True: if (goalState == None) or (incarnation == None) or (goalState.Incarnation != incarnation): try: goalState = self.UpdateGoalState() except HttpResourceGoneError as e: Warn("Incarnation is out of date:{0}".format(e)) incarnation = None continue if goalState == None : Warn("Failed to fetch goalstate") continue if provisioned == False: self.ReportNotReady("Provisioning", "Starting") goalState.Process() if provisioned == False: provisionError = self.Provision() if provisionError == None : provisioned = True SetFileContents(LibDir + "/provisioned", "") lastCtime = "NOTFIND" try: walaConfigFile = MyDistro.getConfigurationPath() lastCtime = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(walaConfigFile)) except: pass #Get Ctime of wala config, can help identify the base image of this VM AddExtensionEvent(name="WALA",op=WALAEventOperation.Provision,isSuccess=True, message="WALA Config Ctime:"+lastCtime) executeCustomData = Config.get("Provisioning.ExecuteCustomData") if executeCustomData != None and executeCustomData.lower().startswith("y"): if os.path.exists(LibDir + '/CustomData'): Run('chmod +x ' + LibDir + '/CustomData') Run(LibDir + '/CustomData') else: Error(LibDir + '/CustomData does not exist.') # # only one port supported # restart server if new port is different than old port # stop server if no longer a port # goalPort = goalState.LoadBalancerProbePort if currentPort != goalPort: try: self.LoadBalancerProbeServer_Shutdown() currentPort = goalPort if currentPort != None and lbProbeResponder == True: self.LoadBalancerProbeServer = LoadBalancerProbeServer(currentPort) if self.LoadBalancerProbeServer == None : lbProbeResponder = False Log("Unable to create LBProbeResponder.") except Exception, e: Error("Failed to launch LBProbeResponder: {0}".format(e)) currentPort = None # Report SSH key fingerprint type = Config.get("Provisioning.SshHostKeyPairType") if type == None: type = "rsa" host_key_path = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_" + type + "_key.pub" if(MyDistro.waitForSshHostKey(host_key_path)): fingerprint = RunGetOutput("ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/ssh_host_" + type + "_key.pub")[1].rstrip().split()[1].replace(':','') self.ReportRoleProperties(fingerprint) if program != None and DiskActivated == True: try: Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, "Ready"])) except OSError, e : ErrorWithPrefix('SharedConfig.Parse','Exception: '+ str(e) +' occured launching ' + program ) program = None sleepToReduceAccessDenied = 3 time.sleep(sleepToReduceAccessDenied) if provisionError != None: incarnation = self.ReportNotReady("ProvisioningFailed", provisionError) else: incarnation = self.ReportReady() # Process our extensions. if goalState.ExtensionsConfig == None and goalState.ExtensionsConfigXml != None : reportHandlerStatusCount = 0 #Reset count when new goal state comes goalState.ExtensionsConfig = ExtensionsConfig().Parse(goalState.ExtensionsConfigXml) # report the status/heartbeat results of extension processing if goalState.ExtensionsConfig != None : ret = goalState.ExtensionsConfig.ReportHandlerStatus() if ret != 0: Error("Failed to report handler status") elif reportHandlerStatusCount % 1000 == 0: #Agent report handler status every 25 seconds. Reduce the log entries by adding a count Log("Successfully reported handler status") reportHandlerStatusCount += 1 global LinuxDistro if LinuxDistro == "redhat": DoInstallRHUIRPM() if not eventMonitor: eventMonitor = WALAEventMonitor(self.HttpPostWithHeaders) eventMonitor.StartEventsLoop() time.sleep(25 - sleepToReduceAccessDenied) WaagentLogrotate = """\ /var/log/waagent.log { monthly rotate 6 notifempty missingok } """ def GetMountPoint(mountlist, device): """ Example of mountlist: /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw) proc on /proc type proc (rw) sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620) tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,rootcontext="system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t:s0") none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw) /dev/sdb1 on /mnt/resource type ext4 (rw) """ if (mountlist and device): for entry in mountlist.split('\n'): if(re.search(device, entry)): tokens = entry.split() #Return the 3rd column of this line return tokens[2] if len(tokens) > 2 else None return None def FindInLinuxKernelCmdline(option): """ Return match object if 'option' is present in the kernel boot options of the grub configuration. """ m=None matchs=r'^.*?'+MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsLine+r'.*?'+option+r'.*$' try: m=FindStringInFile(MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile,matchs) except IOError, e: Error('FindInLinuxKernelCmdline: Exception opening ' + MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile + 'Exception:' + str(e)) return m def AppendToLinuxKernelCmdline(option): """ Add 'option' to the kernel boot options of the grub configuration. """ if not FindInLinuxKernelCmdline(option): src=r'^(.*?'+MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsLine+r')(.*?)("?)$' rep=r'\1\2 '+ option + r'\3' try: ReplaceStringInFile(MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile,src,rep) except IOError, e : Error('AppendToLinuxKernelCmdline: Exception opening ' + MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile + 'Exception:' + str(e)) return 1 Run("update-grub",chk_err=False) return 0 def RemoveFromLinuxKernelCmdline(option): """ Remove 'option' to the kernel boot options of the grub configuration. """ if FindInLinuxKernelCmdline(option): src=r'^(.*?'+MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsLine+r'.*?)('+option+r')(.*?)("?)$' rep=r'\1\3\4' try: ReplaceStringInFile(MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile,src,rep) except IOError, e : Error('RemoveFromLinuxKernelCmdline: Exception opening ' + MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile + 'Exception:' + str(e)) return 1 Run("update-grub",chk_err=False) return 0 def FindStringInFile(fname,matchs): """ Return match object if found in file. """ try: ms=re.compile(matchs) for l in (open(fname,'r')).readlines(): m=re.search(ms,l) if m: return m except: raise return None def ReplaceStringInFile(fname,src,repl): """ Replace 'src' with 'repl' in file. """ try: sr=re.compile(src) if FindStringInFile(fname,src): updated='' for l in (open(fname,'r')).readlines(): n=re.sub(sr,repl,l) updated+=n ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(fname,updated) except : raise return def ApplyVNUMAWorkaround(): """ If kernel version has NUMA bug, add 'numa=off' to kernel boot options. """ VersionParts = platform.release().replace('-', '.').split('.') if int(VersionParts[0]) > 2: return if int(VersionParts[1]) > 6: return if int(VersionParts[2]) > 37: return if AppendToLinuxKernelCmdline("numa=off") == 0 : Log("Your kernel version " + platform.release() + " has a NUMA-related bug: NUMA has been disabled.") else : "Error adding 'numa=off'. NUMA has not been disabled." def RevertVNUMAWorkaround(): """ Remove 'numa=off' from kernel boot options. """ if RemoveFromLinuxKernelCmdline("numa=off") == 0 : Log('NUMA has been re-enabled') else : Log('NUMA has not been re-enabled') def Install(): """ Install the agent service. Check dependencies. Create /etc/waagent.conf and move old version to /etc/waagent.conf.old Copy RulesFiles to /var/lib/waagent Create /etc/logrotate.d/waagent Set /etc/ssh/sshd_config ClientAliveInterval to 180 Call ApplyVNUMAWorkaround() """ if MyDistro.checkDependencies(): return 1 os.chmod(sys.argv[0], 0755) SwitchCwd() for a in RulesFiles: if os.path.isfile(a): if os.path.isfile(GetLastPathElement(a)): os.remove(GetLastPathElement(a)) shutil.move(a, ".") Warn("Moved " + a + " -> " + LibDir + "/" + GetLastPathElement(a) ) MyDistro.registerAgentService() if os.path.isfile("/etc/waagent.conf"): try: os.remove("/etc/waagent.conf.old") except: pass try: os.rename("/etc/waagent.conf", "/etc/waagent.conf.old") Warn("Existing /etc/waagent.conf has been renamed to /etc/waagent.conf.old") except: pass SetFileContents("/etc/waagent.conf", MyDistro.waagent_conf_file) SetFileContents("/etc/logrotate.d/waagent", WaagentLogrotate) filepath = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("ClientAliveInterval"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))) + "\nClientAliveInterval 180\n") Log("Configured SSH client probing to keep connections alive.") ApplyVNUMAWorkaround() return 0 def GetMyDistro(dist_class_name=''): """ Return MyDistro object. NOTE: Logging is not initialized at this point. """ if dist_class_name == '': if 'Linux' in platform.system(): Distro=DistInfo()[0] else : # I know this is not Linux! if 'FreeBSD' in platform.system(): Distro=platform.system() Distro=Distro.strip('"') Distro=Distro.strip(' ') dist_class_name=Distro+'Distro' else: Distro=dist_class_name if not globals().has_key(dist_class_name): print Distro+' is not a supported distribution.' return None return globals()[dist_class_name]() # the distro class inside this module. def DistInfo(fullname=0): if 'FreeBSD' in platform.system(): release = re.sub('\-.*\Z', '', str(platform.release())) distinfo = ['FreeBSD', release] return distinfo if 'linux_distribution' in dir(platform): distinfo = list(platform.linux_distribution(full_distribution_name=fullname)) distinfo[0] = distinfo[0].strip() # remove trailing whitespace in distro name return distinfo else: return platform.dist() def PackagedInstall(buildroot): """ Called from setup.py for use by RPM. Generic implementation Creates directories and files /etc/waagent.conf, /etc/init.d/waagent, /usr/sbin/waagent, /etc/logrotate.d/waagent, /etc/sudoers.d/waagent under buildroot. Copies generated files waagent.conf, into place and exits. """ MyDistro=GetMyDistro() if MyDistro == None : sys.exit(1) MyDistro.packagedInstall(buildroot) def LibraryInstall(buildroot): pass def Uninstall(): """ Uninstall the agent service. Copy RulesFiles back to original locations. Delete agent-related files. Call RevertVNUMAWorkaround(). """ SwitchCwd() for a in RulesFiles: if os.path.isfile(GetLastPathElement(a)): try: shutil.move(GetLastPathElement(a), a) Warn("Moved " + LibDir + "/" + GetLastPathElement(a) + " -> " + a ) except: pass MyDistro.unregisterAgentService() MyDistro.uninstallDeleteFiles() RevertVNUMAWorkaround() return 0 def Deprovision(force, deluser): """ Remove user accounts created by provisioning. Disables root password if Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword = 'y' Stop agent service. Remove SSH host keys if they were generated by the provision. Set hostname to 'localhost.localdomain'. Delete cached system configuration files in /var/lib and /var/lib/waagent. """ #Append blank line at the end of file, so the ctime of this file is changed every time Run("echo ''>>"+ MyDistro.getConfigurationPath()) SwitchCwd() ovfxml = GetFileContents(LibDir+"/ovf-env.xml") ovfobj = None if ovfxml != None: ovfobj = OvfEnv().Parse(ovfxml, True) print("WARNING! The waagent service will be stopped.") print("WARNING! All SSH host key pairs will be deleted.") print("WARNING! Cached DHCP leases will be deleted.") MyDistro.deprovisionWarnUser() delRootPass = Config.get("Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword") if delRootPass != None and delRootPass.lower().startswith("y"): print("WARNING! root password will be disabled. You will not be able to login as root.") if ovfobj != None and deluser == True: print("WARNING! " + ovfobj.UserName + " account and entire home directory will be deleted.") if force == False and not raw_input('Do you want to proceed (y/n)? ').startswith('y'): return 1 MyDistro.stopAgentService() # Remove SSH host keys regenerateKeys = Config.get("Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair") if regenerateKeys == None or regenerateKeys.lower().startswith("y"): Run("rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*key*") # Remove root password if delRootPass != None and delRootPass.lower().startswith("y"): MyDistro.deleteRootPassword() # Remove distribution specific networking configuration MyDistro.publishHostname('localhost.localdomain') MyDistro.deprovisionDeleteFiles() if deluser == True: MyDistro.DeleteAccount(ovfobj.UserName) return 0 def SwitchCwd(): """ Switch to cwd to /var/lib/waagent. Create if not present. """ CreateDir(LibDir, "root", 0700) os.chdir(LibDir) def Usage(): """ Print the arguments to waagent. """ print("usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [-verbose] [-force] [-help|-install|-uninstall|-deprovision[+user]|-version|-serialconsole|-daemon]") return 0 def main(): """ Instantiate MyDistro, exit if distro class is not defined. Parse command-line arguments, exit with usage() on error. Instantiate ConfigurationProvider. Call appropriate non-daemon methods and exit. If daemon mode, enter Agent.Run() loop. """ if GuestAgentVersion == "": print("WARNING! This is a non-standard agent that does not include a valid version string.") if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.exit(Usage()) LoggerInit('/var/log/waagent.log','/dev/console') global LinuxDistro LinuxDistro=DistInfo()[0] global MyDistro MyDistro=GetMyDistro() if MyDistro == None : sys.exit(1) args = [] conf_file = None global force force = False for a in sys.argv[1:]: if re.match("^([-/]*)(help|usage|\?)", a): sys.exit(Usage()) elif re.match("^([-/]*)version", a): print(GuestAgentVersion + " running on " + LinuxDistro) sys.exit(0) elif re.match("^([-/]*)verbose", a): myLogger.verbose = True elif re.match("^([-/]*)force", a): force = True elif re.match("^(?:[-/]*)conf=.+", a): conf_file = re.match("^(?:[-/]*)conf=(.+)", a).groups()[0] elif re.match("^([-/]*)(setup|install)", a): sys.exit(MyDistro.Install()) elif re.match("^([-/]*)(uninstall)", a): sys.exit(Uninstall()) else: args.append(a) global Config Config = ConfigurationProvider(conf_file) logfile = Config.get("Logs.File") if logfile is not None: myLogger.file_path = logfile logconsole = Config.get("Logs.Console") if logconsole is not None and logconsole.lower().startswith("n"): myLogger.con_path = None verbose = Config.get("Logs.Verbose") if verbose != None and verbose.lower().startswith("y"): myLogger.verbose=True global daemon daemon = False for a in args: if re.match("^([-/]*)deprovision\+user", a): sys.exit(Deprovision(force, True)) elif re.match("^([-/]*)deprovision", a): sys.exit(Deprovision(force, False)) elif re.match("^([-/]*)daemon", a): daemon = True elif re.match("^([-/]*)serialconsole", a): AppendToLinuxKernelCmdline("console=ttyS0 earlyprintk=ttyS0") Log("Configured kernel to use ttyS0 as the boot console.") sys.exit(0) else: print("Invalid command line parameter:" + a) sys.exit(1) if daemon == False: sys.exit(Usage()) global modloaded modloaded = False while True: try: SwitchCwd() Log(GuestAgentLongName + " Version: " + GuestAgentVersion) if IsLinux(): Log("Linux Distribution Detected : " + LinuxDistro) global WaAgent WaAgent = Agent() WaAgent.Run() except Exception, e: Error(traceback.format_exc()) Error("Exception: " + str(e)) Log("Restart agent in 15 seconds") time.sleep(15) if __name__ == '__main__' : main()