# # Microsoft Azure Linux Agent Configuration # # Enable instance creation Provisioning.Enabled=n # Password authentication for root account will be unavailable. Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword=n # Generate fresh host key pair. Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair=n # Supported values are "rsa", "dsa" and "ecdsa". Provisioning.SshHostKeyPairType=rsa # Monitor host name changes and publish changes via DHCP requests. Provisioning.MonitorHostName=y # Decode CustomData from Base64. Provisioning.DecodeCustomData=n # Execute CustomData after provisioning. Provisioning.ExecuteCustomData=n # Algorithm used by crypt when generating password hash. #Provisioning.PasswordCryptId=6 # Length of random salt used when generating password hash. #Provisioning.PasswordCryptSaltLength=10 # Allow reset password of sys user Provisioning.AllowResetSysUser=n # Format if unformatted. If 'n', resource disk will not be mounted. ResourceDisk.Format=n # File system on the resource disk # Typically ext3 or ext4. FreeBSD images should use 'ufs2' here. ResourceDisk.Filesystem=ext4 # Mount point for the resource disk ResourceDisk.MountPoint=/mnt # Create and use swapfile on resource disk. ResourceDisk.EnableSwap=n # Size of the swapfile. ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB=0 # Comma-seperated list of mount options. See man(8) for valid options. ResourceDisk.MountOptions=None # Enable verbose logging (y|n) Logs.Verbose=n # Root device timeout in seconds. OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout=300 # If "None", the system default version is used. OS.OpensslPath=None # If set, agent will use proxy server to access internet #HttpProxy.Host=None #HttpProxy.Port=None # Detect Scvmm environment, default is n # DetectScvmmEnv=n # # Lib.Dir=/var/lib/waagent # # DVD.MountPoint=/mnt/cdrom/secure # # Pid.File=/var/run/waagent.pid # # Extension.LogDir=/var/log/azure # # Home.Dir=/home # Enable RDMA management and set up, should only be used in HPC images # OS.EnableRDMA=y # Enable or disable goal state processing auto-update, default is enabled # AutoUpdate.Enabled=y # Determine the update family, this should not be changed # AutoUpdate.GAFamily=Prod # Determine if the overprovisioning feature is enabled. If yes, hold extension # handling until inVMArtifactsProfile.OnHold is false. # Default is disabled # EnableOverProvisioning=n