#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import imp import json import time import pwd # waagent has no '.py' therefore create waagent module import manually. waagent=imp.load_source('waagent','waagent') from waagent import RunGetOutput, Run, LoggerInit """ Test waagent in azure using azure-cli Usage: ./azure_test.py --stable_vm_image b4590d9e3ed742e4a1d46e5424aa335e__openSUSE-12.3-v120 --source_disk "http://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/my-suse2.vhd" --acct "" --testname my-osuse --mount_point /mnt/disk --agent_path ../waagent --stable_vm_acct_name MyUserName --stable_vm_acct_pass 'myp455wd' --test_vm_acct_name MyUserName --test_vm_acct_pass 'myp455wd' --azure_location "East US" --part_num 1 --retries 20 --fstype scsi --test_vm_acct_cert /root/.ssh/myCert.pem --stable_vm_acct_cert /root/.ssh/myCert.pem --keep_test_vm_vhd no --teardown_test_vm always --prompt no azure_test --vm --testname [--acct ] [--disk ] If --disk is specified, use this vhd as starting point, otherwise use a copy of the stable vm as the starting vhd. Starting VHD is attached to stable vm and the sources are copied to it. Spin up a new VM using the VHD. Loop waiting for provisioned. If not provisioned: Destroy vm and attach the disk to the stable vm. Copy the logs to the localhost. Destroy all created objects except the starting vhd. Exit(1) If Provosioned: Copy the logs to the local host. Exit(0) EXAMPLE: sudo ./azure_test.py --vm my-stable-vm-name --disk "http://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/myvhds/my-new-os.vhd" --acct mylong-unquoted-starage-account-id --testname my-vm-test --mount_point /my-stablevm-mountpoint --agent_path ../waagent --vm_acct_name root --testvm_acct_name azureuser --testvm_acct_pass 'azureuserpassword' --location "East US" --part_num 2 --retry 20 --fstype bsd --testvm_acct_cert /home/azureuser/.ssh/myCert.pem --keep_vhd "once" --teardown "always" --prompt "no" """ def makeDiskImage(di_name,vhd_url,location,copy=False): """ Create new data disk image of the VHD. If 'copy' is set to True, then create a new VHD in the form of myvhd-di.vhd based on the VHD source name. If 'copy is set to False, re-use the vhd. Returns return code and diskimageVHD path. Code is 0 on success or the azure-cli error code upon error. """ if copy : target = os.path.dirname(vhd_url) target = target+ '/' + di_name + '.vhd' else : target = vhd_url cmd='azure vm disk create --json ' + di_name + ' --blob-url ' + target + ' ' + vhd_url print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) print output,code waagent.Log(output) waagent.Log(str(code)) return target,code def makeVMImage(vmi_name,vhd_url,copy=False): """ Create new VM Image based on Disk Image. Returns 0 on success or error code upon error. """ if copy : target = os.path.dirname(vhd_url) target = target+ '/' + vmi_name + '.vhd' else : target = vhd_url cmd='azure vm image create --json ' + vmi_name + ' --base-vhd ' + target + ' --os Linux --blob-url ' + vhd_url print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) print output,code waagent.Log(str(code)) waagent.Log(output) return code def makeVM(vm_name,vmi_name,vhd_url,test_name,location,vmuser_name,vmuser_pass,vmuser_cert,copy=False): """ Create new VM from the VM Image. Returns 0 on success or error code upon error. """ target=os.path.dirname(vhd_url) target = target + '/' + test_name + '.vhd' cmd='azure vm create --json ' if copy : cmd += ' --blob-url "' + target + '"' else : target=vhd_url cmd += ' --location "' + location + '"' if os.path.exists(vmuser_cert): cmd += ' -t "' + vmuser_cert + '"' cmd += ' -e 22 ' + vm_name + ' ' + vmi_name + ' ' + vmuser_name + ' \'' +vmuser_pass + '\'' print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) print output,code waagent.Log(str(code)) waagent.Log(output) retry=3 while code !=0 and retry > 0 : time.sleep(5) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) retry -=1 return target def flushDiskImage(di_name,dele=True): """ Delete the VM Image. On error we asume the VM disk image is deleted """ cmd='azure vm disk delete --json ' if dele : cmd += '--blob-delete ' cmd+= di_name print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) print output,code waagent.Log( str(code)) waagent.Log(output) return output,code def flushVMImage(vmi_name): """ Delete the VM Image. Always delete the underlying blob. On error we asume the VM image is deleted. """ cmd='azure vm image delete --blob-delete --json ' + vmi_name print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) print output,code waagent.Log( str(code)) waagent.Log(output) return output,code def flushVM(vm_name,dele=False): """ Delete the VM. On error we asume the VM is deleted """ cmd='azure vm delete --json ' if dele : cmd += ' --blob-delete ' cmd += vm_name print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) print output,code waagent.Log( str(code)) waagent.Log(output) return output,code def createStableVMFromVMImage(vm_image,vhd_url): """ Create a new stable vm, provisioned with acct and certificate from the VMImage, using the basepath of vhd_url for the new VM's vhd. """ stableVM=testname+'-stable-vm' return makeVM(stableVM,vm_image,vhd_url,testname+'-stable',location,stableVMaccount,stableVMpass,stableVMCert,copy=True) def createStableVMFromVHD(vmi_name,vhd_url): """ Create a new stable vm, provisioned with acct and certificate from the VHD, using the basepath of vhd_url for the new VM's vhd. """ makeVMImage(vmi_name,vhd_url,False) return createStableVMFromVMImage(vmi_name,vhd_url) def createDiskImageFromStableVMDisk(vm_name): """ Determine the media link for the os disk of the stable vm. Create vhd disk image copy. --di Return new disk_image_media_path or None on error. """ cmd='azure vm disk list --json' print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) print output,code waagent.Log( str(code)) waagent.Log(output) if code: print 'Error is ' + str(code) waagent.Log( 'Error is ' + str(code)) return None j=json.loads(output) source_media_link=None for i in j : if i.has_key('AttachedTo'): if i['AttachedTo']['RoleName'] == vm_name: source_media_link=i['MediaLink'] break if not source_media_link: print 'Unable to locate OS disk for ' + vm_name waagent.Log( 'Unable to locate OS disk for ' + vm_name ) return None target_name= testname + '-di' makeDiskImage(target_name,source_media_link,location,copy=True) target_media_link=os.path.dirname(source_media_link) + '/' + target_name + '.vhd' return target_media_link def addDiskImageToVM(vm_name,di_name): """ Attach the disk image to the 'stableVM'. Returns the LUN if successful otherwise returns None NOTE: azure vm show may return json matching the disk image name yet missing the LUN. When this occurs, the LUN is '0'. """ cmd='azure vm disk attach --json ' + vm_name + ' ' + di_name print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) print output,code waagent.Log(str(code)) waagent.Log(output) cmd='azure vm show --json ' + vm_name print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) print output,code waagent.Log( str(code)) waagent.Log(output) retries=3 while code != 0 and retries: retries-=1 print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) if code == 0: jsn=json.loads(output) for i in jsn['DataDisks']: if i['DiskName'] == di_name: if 'Lun' in i : return i['Lun'] else : return u'0' return None def dropDiskImageFromVM(vm_name,lun): """ Detach the disk image from the 'stableVM'. On Error we assume the disk is no longer attached. """ cmd='azure vm disk detach --json ' + vm_name + ' ' + lun print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) print output,code waagent.Log( str(code)) waagent.Log(output) return output,code def checkVMProvisioned(vm_name): cmd='azure vm show --json ' + vm_name print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) code,output=RunGetOutput(cmd,False) print output,code waagent.Log( str(code)) waagent.Log(output) if code ==0 : j=json.loads(output) print vm_name+' instance status: ', j['InstanceStatus'] waagent.Log( vm_name+' instance status: ' + j['InstanceStatus']) if j['InstanceStatus'] == 'ReadyRole': return True, j['InstanceStatus'] else : print 'Error: ' + output , code waagent.Log( 'Error: ' + output + str(code)) return False, j['InstanceStatus'] def updateAgent(agent_path,vm_name,account,cert,disk_mountpoint,mnt_opts,lun,partnum,provisioned_account): """ Copy the agent specified in 'agent' to the Disk using the 'stableVM'. """ retries=30 retry=0 cmd='uptime' while ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd)[1] != 0 and retry < retries : time.sleep(10) retry+=1 #setup sudo NOPASSWD pss=stableVMpass.replace('$','\$') cmd='echo \'' + pss + '\' > /home/' + account + '/pswd ' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd='echo \'#!/bin/bash\ncat /home/' + account + '/pswd\n\' > /home/' + account + '/pw.sh' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd='chmod +x /home/' + account + '/pw.sh' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A mkdir -p ' + disk_mountpoint ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) retries=3 # TODO retires here for the mount #mount cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A mount ' +mnt_opts + ' ' + lunToDiskName(lun,partnum) + ' ' +disk_mountpoint waagent.Log( cmd) retry=0 while ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd)[1] not in (0,32) and retry < retries : if retry == 0: if 'bsd' in fstype: fcmd = "export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A fsck_ffs -y " else : fcmd = "export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A fsck -y " fcmd += lunToDiskName(lun,partnum) ssh_command(vm_name,account,fcmd) time.sleep(2) retry+=1 # remove packaged agent service if present. cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A chroot '+ disk_mountpoint+' dpkg -r walinuxagent' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) # remove Ubuntu walinuxagent agent service if present. cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A rm '+ disk_mountpoint+'/etc/default/walinuxagent' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) # remove Ubuntu walinuxagent agent service if present. cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A chroot '+ disk_mountpoint+' rpm -e WALinuxAgent' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) #copy agent remote_path='/tmp' print 'scp ' + agent_path + ' to ' + vm_name + ' ' + account + ':' + remote_path waagent.Log( 'scp ' + agent_path + ' to ' + vm_name + ' ' + account + ':' + remote_path) retry=0 while scp_to_host_command(account,vm_name,remote_path,agent_path)[1] != 0 and retry < retries : time.sleep(2) retry+=1 # move agent to /usr/sbin cmd= 'export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A cp ' + remote_path +'/waagent '+ disk_mountpoint+'/usr/sbin/waagent' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd= 'export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A chmod 755 '+ disk_mountpoint+'/usr/sbin/waagent' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) # Fix the password file if 'bsd' in fstype: cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A cp /etc/master.passwd ' + disk_mountpoint + '/etc/master.passwd' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) else : cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A cp /etc/passwd ' + disk_mountpoint + '/etc/passwd' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A cp /etc/shadow ' + disk_mountpoint + '/etc/shadow' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) #remove /var/lib/waagent cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A rm -rf ' + disk_mountpoint + '/var/lib/waagent' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) #remove /var/log/waagent* cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A rm -rf ' + disk_mountpoint + '/var/log/waagent*' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) #delete the provisioning user if 'bsd' in fstype: cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A chroot '+ disk_mountpoint+' rmuser -y ' + provisioned_account ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) else : cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A chroot '+ disk_mountpoint+' userdel -f ' + provisioned_account ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A chroot '+ disk_mountpoint+' groupdel ' + provisioned_account ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A rm -rf ' + disk_mountpoint + '/home/' + provisioned_account ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) # install agent cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A chroot '+ disk_mountpoint+' /usr/sbin/waagent verbose install ' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd="export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A sed -i 's/Verbose=n/Verbose=y/' " + disk_mountpoint+"/etc/waagent.conf" ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) #umount cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A umount ' + lunToDiskName(lun,partnum) ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) def gatherAgentInfo(localpath,vm_name,account,cert,disk_mountpoint,mnt_opts,lun,partnum): """ Copy the /var/lib/waagent, and /var/log directories to localhost:localpath. """ retries=30 retry=0 cmd='uptime' while ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd)[1] != 0 and retry < retries : time.sleep(10) retry+=1 #mount cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A mount ' +mnt_opts + ' ' + lunToDiskName(lun,partnum) + ' ' +disk_mountpoint print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) #copy info Run("mkdir -p "+ localpath) cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A mkdir -p /tmp/results' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A cp -r ' + disk_mountpoint + '/var/log /tmp/results/' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A cp -r ' + disk_mountpoint + '/var/lib/waagent /tmp/results/' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A chmod -R 777 /tmp/results' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A chown -R ' + account + ' /tmp/results' ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) scp_from_host_command(account,vm_name,'/tmp/results/*',localpath) #umount cmd='export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A umount ' + lunToDiskName(lun,partnum) print cmd waagent.Log( cmd) ssh_command(vm_name,account,cmd) def lunToDiskName(lun,partnum): if 'bsd' in fstype : return lunToFreeBSDDiskName(lun,partnum) else : return lunToScsiDiskName(lun,partnum) def lunToScsiDiskName(lun,partnum): """ Convert lun to '/dev/sd[chr(ord('c')+lun)]partnum' """ return str('/dev/sd'+chr( (ord('c')+int(lun)) ) +str(partnum)) def lunToFreeBSDDiskName(lun,partnum): """ Convert lun to '/dev/da' + str(lun) + 'p' + partnum """ return '/dev/da'+ str(int(lun)) + 'p' + str(partnum) def ssh_command(host,account,cmd): """ Wrapper for an ssh operation. """ if stableVMCert == None: if not os.path.exists('./pw.sh'): with open('./pw.sh','w') as F: F.write('#!/bin/bash\ncat ./pswd\n') os.system('chmod +x ./pw.sh') with open('./pswd','w') as F: F.write(stableVMpass) req = "export SSH_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && setsid ssh -T -o StrictHostKeyChecking='no' " + account + "@" + host.lower() + ".cloudapp.net \"" + cmd + "\"" else : req = "ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking='no' " + account + "@" + host.lower() + ".cloudapp.net \"" + cmd + "\"" print req waagent.Log(req) code,output=RunGetOutput(req,False) print output,code waagent.Log(str(code)) waagent.Log(output.encode('ascii','ignore')) return output,code def scp_to_host_command(account,host,remote_path,local_path): """ Wrapper for an scp operation. Always uses -r. Requires key authentication configured. """ req="scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking='no' -r " + local_path + " " + account + "@" + host.lower() + ".cloudapp.net:" + remote_path print req waagent.Log( req) code,output=RunGetOutput(req,False) print output,code waagent.Log( str(code)) waagent.Log(output) return output,code def scp_from_host_command(account,host,remote_path,local_path): """ Wrapper for an scp operation. Always uses -r. Requires key authentication configured. """ req="scp -r " + account + "@" + host.lower() + ".cloudapp.net:" + remote_path + " " + local_path print req waagent.Log( req) code,output=RunGetOutput(req,False) print output,code waagent.Log( str(code)) waagent.Log(output) return output,code def teardown(name): diskImageName=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sourceVHD))[0]+'-di' while makeDiskImage(diskImageName,sourceVHD,location,True)[1] !=0 : time.sleep(20) lun=addDiskImageToVM(stableVM,diskImageName) while lun == None : time.sleep(2) lun=addDiskImageToVM(stableVM,diskImageName) out,code=flushVM(vmName,True) if code != 0 : vmDisk=out[out.find('disk with name ')+len('disk with name '):out.find(' is currently in use')] while flushDiskImage(vmDisk,True)[1] != 0 : time.sleep(5) out,code=flushVMImage(vmImageName) if code != 0 : vmDisk=out[out.find('disk with name ')+len('disk with name '):out.find(' is currently in use')] while flushDiskImage(vmDisk,True)[1] != 0 : time.sleep(5) gatherAgentInfo(localInfo+'/'+name,stableVM,stableVMaccount,stableVMCert,stableVMMountpoint,mountOptions,lun,partNum) print 'Logs for ' + vmName + ' copied to ' + localInfo + '/' + name waagent.Log( 'Logs for ' + vmName + ' copied to ' + localInfo + '/' + name) # detach and delete the disk image while dropDiskImageFromVM(stableVM,lun)[1] != 0 : time.sleep(2) while flushDiskImage(diskImageName,('no' in keep_vhd))[1] != 0 : time.sleep(2) out,code=flushVM(stableVM,True) if code != 0 : stableVMDisk=out[out.find('disk with name ')+len('disk with name '):out.find(' is currently in use')] while flushDiskImage(stableVMDisk,True)[1] != 0 : time.sleep(5) if stableVMImageName: while flushVMImage(stableVMImageName,True)[1] != 0 : time.sleep(2) def doPrompt() : if prompt in ('yes','on'): raw_input('Press enter to continue:') if __name__ == '__main__' : """ Create a disk image and attach it to StableVM. Copy the current sources to it. Detach and delete the disk image container Delete the vm image container and the VM. Create a vm image container, and the VM. Check the VM for provision succedded: if so, exit if provisioning failed: delete the vm, delete the vm image, create a disk image from the VM's vhd, attach the disk to the stable VM, copy /var/log and /var/lib/waagent to the localhost. """ stableVM='' mountOptions='' stableVMMountpoint='/mnt/disk' # need to ensure this is created if not existing. sourceVHD='' location="" localAgent='/home/ericg/Public/git_repos/private/WALinuxAgent-Private/waagent_freebsd' localInfo='./logs' stableVMaccount='' # Need to ensure root permissions for this to work stableVMpass='' stableVMCert='' provisionedVMaccount='' provisionedVMpass='' provisionedVMCert='' account='' testname='azuretest' partNum=1 provision_retries=1 fstype='scsi' keep_vhd='no' teardown_test_vm='fail' teardown_stable_vm='fail' prompt = 'yes' stable_vm_vhd=None stableVMImageName=None stable_vm_image=None logfile='azure_test.log' """ We need to create a disk image container and attach it to a stable vm in order to copy the current sources to it. Then we detach it, delete the disk image container, create a vm image container, and the VM. """ for i in range(len(sys.argv)) : if '--stable_vm' == sys.argv[i] : stableVM=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--source_disk' == sys.argv[i]: sourceVHD=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--storage_acct' == sys.argv[i]: account=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--testname' == sys.argv[i] : testname=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--stable_vm_mount_point' == sys.argv[i] : stableVMMountpoint=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--agent_path' == sys.argv[i] : localAgent=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--stable_vm_acct_name' == sys.argv[i] : stableVMaccount=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--stable_vm_acct_pass' == sys.argv[i] : stableVMpass=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--stable_vm_acct_cert' == sys.argv[i] : stableVMCert=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--test_vm_acct_name' == sys.argv[i] : provisionedVMaccount=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--test_vm_acct_pass' == sys.argv[i] : provisionedVMpass=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--test_vm_acct_cert' == sys.argv[i] : provisionedVMCert=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--azure_location' == sys.argv[i] : location=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--mount_opts' == sys.argv[i] : mountOptions=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--part_num' == sys.argv[i] : partNum=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--retries' == sys.argv[i] : provision_retries=int(sys.argv[i+1]) elif '--fs_type' == sys.argv[i] : fstype=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--keep_test_vm_vhd' == sys.argv[i] : keep_vhd=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--teardown_test_vm' == sys.argv[i] : teardown_test_vm=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--teardown_stable_vm' == sys.argv[i] : teardown_stable_vm=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--prompt' == sys.argv[i] : prompt=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--stable_vm_image' == sys.argv[i] : stable_vm_image=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--stable_vm_vhd' == sys.argv[i] : stable_vm_vhd=sys.argv[i+1] elif '--logfile' == sys.argv[i] : logfile=sys.argv[i+1] LoggerInit(logfile,'') waagent.Log("User: "+ pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name +" Running Command :\n" + reduce(lambda x, y: x+' '+y,sys.argv)) if len(stableVM) == 0 and not ( stable_vm_image or stable_vm_vhd ): print '--vm must be provided unless --stable_vm_image or --stable_vm_vhd' waagent.Log( '--vm must be provided!') sys.exit(1) else: if stable_vm_image: sourceVHD=createStableVMFromVMImage(stable_vm_image,sourceVHD) stableVM=testname+'-stable-vm' elif stable_vm_vhd: stableVMImageName=testname+'-stable-vi' sourceVHD=createStableVMFromVHD(stableVMImageName,stable_vm_vhd) stableVM=testname+'-stable-vm' p = False retries = provision_retries while not p and retries > 0: p,out = checkVMProvisioned(stableVM) if not p: if 'Failed' in out or 'Timeout' in out : break print stableVM + ' Not Provisioned - sleeping on retry:' + str( provision_retries - retries ) waagent.Log( stableVM + ' Not Provisioned - sleeping on retry:' + str( provision_retries - retries ) ) time.sleep(30) retries -= 1 else : print stableVM + ' Provision SUCCEEDED.' waagent.Log( stableVM + ' Provision SUCCEEDED.') # done creating the stable vm vmImageName=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sourceVHD))[0]+'-vi' #flushVMImage(vmImageName) # if no disk image name is provided we want to clone the stable vm disk. if not sourceVHD: sourceVHD=createDiskImageFromStableVMDisk(stableVM) if not sourceVHD: print 'Errors - unable to create disk image - assuming created' waagent.Log( 'Errors - unable to create disk image - assuming created') diskImageName=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sourceVHD))[0] else : diskImageName=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sourceVHD))[0]+'-di' diskImageVHD,code=makeDiskImage(diskImageName,sourceVHD,location,True) if code: print 'Error - unable to make ' + diskImageName waagent.Log( 'Error - unable to make ' + diskImageName) lun=addDiskImageToVM(stableVM,diskImageName) while lun == None : time.sleep(2) lun=addDiskImageToVM(stableVM,diskImageName) doPrompt() updateAgent(localAgent,stableVM,stableVMaccount,stableVMCert,stableVMMountpoint,mountOptions,lun,partNum,provisionedVMaccount) doPrompt() #reboot to prevent stale mount bugs cmd= 'export SUDO_ASKPASS=./pw.sh && sudo -A reboot' ssh_command(stableVM,stableVMaccount,cmd) while dropDiskImageFromVM(stableVM,lun)[1] != 0 : time.sleep(2) while flushDiskImage(diskImageName,False)[1] != 0 : time.sleep(2) vmImageName=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sourceVHD))[0]+'-vi' flushVMImage(vmImageName) vmName=testname+'-vm' flushVM(vmName) makeVMImage(vmImageName,diskImageVHD,True) sourceVHD=makeVM(vmName,vmImageName,sourceVHD,testname,location,provisionedVMaccount,provisionedVMpass,provisionedVMCert,True) print 'The new source vhd is ' + sourceVHD waagent.Log( 'The new source vhd is ' + sourceVHD) p = False retries = provision_retries while not p and retries > 0: p,out = checkVMProvisioned(vmName) if not p: if 'Failed' in out or 'Timeout' in out : break print vmName + ' Not Provisioned - sleeping on retry:' + str( provision_retries - retries ) waagent.Log( vmName + ' Not Provisioned - sleeping on retry:' + str( provision_retries - retries ) ) time.sleep(30) else : print vmName + ' Provision SUCCEEDED.' waagent.Log( vmName + ' Provision SUCCEEDED.') doPrompt() if teardown_test_vm in ('success','always'): teardown(testname+'_pass') sys.exit(0) retries -= 1 print vmName + ' Provision FAILED.' waagent.Log( vmName + ' Provision FAILED.') doPrompt() if teardown_test_vm in ('fail','always'): teardown(testname+'_fail') sys.exit(1)