#!/usr/bin/python # # Windows Azure Linux Agent # # Copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+ # # Implements parts of RFC 2131, 1541, 1497 and # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc227282%28PROT.10%29.aspx # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc227259%28PROT.13%29.aspx # import array import base64 import httplib import os import os.path import platform import pwd import re import shutil import socket import SocketServer import struct import subprocess import sys import tempfile import textwrap import threading import time import traceback import xml.dom.minidom import commands GuestAgentName = "WALinuxAgent" GuestAgentLongName = "Windows Azure Linux Agent" GuestAgentVersion = "WALinuxAgent-1.3" ProtocolVersion = "2011-12-31" Config = None LinuxDistro = "UNKNOWN" Verbose = False WaAgent = None DiskActivated = False Openssl = "openssl" Children = [] PossibleEthernetInterfaces = ["seth0", "seth1", "eth0", "eth1"] RulesFiles = [ "/lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules", "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" ] VarLibDhcpDirectories = ["/var/lib/dhclient", "/var/lib/dhcpcd", "/var/lib/dhcp"] EtcDhcpClientConfFiles = ["/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf", "/etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf"] LibDir = "/var/lib/waagent" # This lets us index into a string or an array of integers transparently. def Ord(a): if type(a) == type("a"): a = ord(a) return a def IsWindows(): return (platform.uname()[0] == "Windows") def IsLinux(): return (platform.uname()[0] == "Linux") def DetectLinuxDistro(): global LinuxDistro if os.path.isfile("/etc/redhat-release"): LinuxDistro = "RedHat" return True if os.path.isfile("/etc/lsb-release") and "Ubuntu" in GetFileContents("/etc/lsb-release"): LinuxDistro = "Ubuntu" return True if os.path.isfile("/etc/debian_version"): LinuxDistro = "Debian" return True if os.path.isfile("/etc/SuSE-release"): LinuxDistro = "Suse" return True return False def IsRedHat(): return "RedHat" in LinuxDistro def IsUbuntu(): return "Ubuntu" in LinuxDistro def IsDebian(): return IsUbuntu() or "Debian" in LinuxDistro def IsSuse(): return "Suse" in LinuxDistro def UsesRpm(): return IsRedHat() or IsSuse() def UsesDpkg(): return IsDebian() def GetLastPathElement(path): return path.rsplit('/', 1)[1] def GetFileContents(filepath): file = None try: file = open(filepath) except: return None if file == None: return None try: return file.read() finally: file.close() def SetFileContents(filepath, contents): file = open(filepath, "w") try: file.write(contents) finally: file.close() def AppendFileContents(filepath, contents): file = open(filepath, "a") try: file.write(contents) finally: file.close() def ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, contents): handle, temp = tempfile.mkstemp(dir = os.path.dirname(filepath)) try: os.write(handle, contents) finally: os.close(handle) try: os.rename(temp, filepath) return except: pass os.remove(filepath) os.rename(temp, filepath) def GetLineStartingWith(prefix, filepath): for line in GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'): if line.startswith(prefix): return line return None def Run(a): LogIfVerbose(a) return os.system(a) def RunSafe(cmd): Log(cmd) # for python2.1 double try, in order to use a finally... try: try: (exit_status,output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) except OSError,e : # just catch the exception and proceed Log( ("OSError " + str(e) + " caught") ) return exit_status,output else: return exit_status,output finally: pass def GetNodeTextData(a): for b in a.childNodes: if b.nodeType == b.TEXT_NODE: return b.data def GetHome(): home = None try: home = GetLineStartingWith("HOME", "/etc/default/useradd").split('=')[1].strip() except: pass if (home == None) or (home.startswith("/") == False): home = "/home" return home def ChangeOwner(filepath, user): p = None try: p = pwd.getpwnam(user) except: pass if p != None: os.chown(filepath, p[2], p[3]) def CreateDir(dirpath, user, mode): try: os.makedirs(dirpath, mode) except: pass ChangeOwner(dirpath, user) def CreateAccount(user, password, expiration, thumbprint): if IsWindows(): Log("Skipping CreateAccount on Windows") return None userentry = None try: userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user) except: pass uidmin = None try: uidmin = int(GetLineStartingWith("UID_MIN", "/etc/login.defs").split()[1]) except: pass if uidmin == None: uidmin = 100 if userentry != None and userentry[2] < uidmin: Error("CreateAccount: " + user + " is a system user. Will not set password.") return "Failed to set password for system user: " + user + " (0x06)." if userentry == None: command = "useradd -m " + user if expiration != None: command += " -e " + expiration.split('.')[0] if Run(command): Error("Failed to create user account: " + user) return "Failed to create user account: " + user + " (0x07)." else: Log("CreateAccount: " + user + " already exists. Will update password.") if password != None: os.popen("chpasswd", "w").write(user + ":" + password + "\n") try: if password == None: SetFileContents("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n") else: SetFileContents("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", user + " ALL = (ALL) ALL\n") os.chmod("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent", 0440) except: Error("CreateAccount: Failed to configure sudo access for user.") return "Failed to configure sudo privileges (0x08)." home = GetHome() if thumbprint != None: dir = home + "/" + user + "/.ssh" CreateDir(dir, user, 0700) pub = dir + "/id_rsa.pub" prv = dir + "/id_rsa" Run("ssh-keygen -y -f " + thumbprint + ".prv > " + pub) SetFileContents(prv, GetFileContents(thumbprint + ".prv")) for f in [pub, prv]: os.chmod(f, 0600) ChangeOwner(f, user) SetFileContents(dir + "/authorized_keys", GetFileContents(pub)) ChangeOwner(dir + "/authorized_keys", user) Log("Created user account: " + user) return None def DeleteAccount(user): if IsWindows(): Log("Skipping DeleteAccount on Windows") return userentry = None try: userentry = pwd.getpwnam(user) except: pass if userentry == None: Error("DeleteAccount: " + user + " not found.") return uidmin = None try: uidmin = int(GetLineStartingWith("UID_MIN", "/etc/login.defs").split()[1]) except: pass if uidmin == None: uidmin = 100 if userentry[2] < uidmin: Error("DeleteAccount: " + user + " is a system user. Will not delete account.") return Run("> /var/run/utmp") #Delete utmp to prevent error if we are the 'user' deleted Run("userdel -f -r " + user) try: os.remove("/etc/sudoers.d/waagent") except: pass return def ReloadSshd(): name = None if IsRedHat() or IsSuse(): name = "sshd" if IsDebian(): name = "ssh" if name == None: return if not Run("service " + name + " status | grep running"): Run("service " + name + " reload") def IsInRangeInclusive(a, low, high): return (a >= low and a <= high) def IsPrintable(ch): return IsInRangeInclusive(ch, Ord('A'), Ord('Z')) or IsInRangeInclusive(ch, Ord('a'), Ord('z')) or IsInRangeInclusive(ch, Ord('0'), Ord('9')) def HexDump(buffer, size): if size < 0: size = len(buffer) result = "" for i in range(0, size): if (i % 16) == 0: result += "%06X: " % i byte = struct.unpack("B", buffer[i])[0] result += "%02X " % byte if (i & 15) == 7: result += " " if ((i + 1) % 16) == 0 or (i + 1) == size: j = i while ((j + 1) % 16) != 0: result += " " if (j & 7) == 7: result += " " j += 1 result += " " for j in range(i - (i % 16), i + 1): byte = struct.unpack("B", buffer[j])[0] k = '.' if IsPrintable(byte): k = chr(byte) result += k if (i + 1) != size: result += "\n" return result def ThrottleLog(counter): # Log everything up to 10, every 10 up to 100, then every 100. return (counter < 10) or ((counter < 100) and ((counter % 10) == 0)) or ((counter % 100) == 0) def Logger(): class T(object): def __init__(self): self.File = None self = T() def LogToFile(message): FilePath = ["/var/log/waagent.log", "waagent.log"][IsWindows()] if not os.path.isfile(FilePath) and self.File != None: self.File.close() self.File = None if self.File == None: self.File = open(FilePath, "a") self.File.write(message + "\n") self.File.flush() def Log(message): LogWithPrefix("", message) def LogWithPrefix(prefix, message): t = time.localtime() t = "%04u/%02u/%02u %02u:%02u:%02u " % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec) t += prefix for line in message.split('\n'): line = t + line print(line) LogToFile(line) return Log, LogWithPrefix Log, LogWithPrefix = Logger() def NoLog(message): pass def LogIfVerbose(message): if Verbose == True: Log(message) def LogWithPrefixIfVerbose(prefix, message): if Verbose == True: LogWithPrefix(prefix, message) def Warn(message): LogWithPrefix("WARNING:", message) def Error(message): LogWithPrefix("ERROR:", message) def ErrorWithPrefix(prefix, message): LogWithPrefix("ERROR:" + prefix, message) def Linux_ioctl_GetIpv4Address(ifname): import fcntl s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8915, struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15]))[20:24]) def Linux_ioctl_GetInterfaceMac(ifname): import fcntl s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) info = fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8927, struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15])) return ''.join(['%02X' % Ord(char) for char in info[18:24]]) def GetIpv4Address(): if IsLinux(): for ifname in PossibleEthernetInterfaces: try: return Linux_ioctl_GetIpv4Address(ifname) except IOError, e: pass else: try: return socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) except Exception, e: ErrorWithPrefix("GetIpv4Address:", str(e)) ErrorWithPrefix("GetIpv4Address:", traceback.format_exc()) def HexStringToByteArray(a): b = "" for c in range(0, len(a) / 2): b += struct.pack("B", int(a[c * 2:c * 2 + 2], 16)) return b def GetMacAddress(): if IsWindows(): # Windows: Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-15-17-79-00-7F\n a = "ipconfig /all | findstr /c:\"Physical Address\" | findstr /v \"00-00-00-00-00-00-00\"" a = os.popen(a).read() a = re.sub("\s+$", "", a) a = re.sub(".+ ", "", a) a = re.sub(":", "", a) a = re.sub("-", "", a) else: for ifname in PossibleEthernetInterfaces: try: a = Linux_ioctl_GetInterfaceMac(ifname) break except IOError, e: pass return HexStringToByteArray(a) def DeviceForIdePort(n): if n > 3: return None g0 = "00000000" if n > 1: g0 = "00000001" n = n - 2 device = None path = "/sys/bus/vmbus/devices/" for vmbus in os.listdir(path): guid = GetFileContents(path + vmbus + "/device_id").lstrip('{').split('-') if guid[0] == g0 and guid[1] == "000" + str(n): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path + vmbus): if root.endswith("/block"): device = dirs[0] break break return device class Util(object): def _HttpGet(self, url, headers): LogIfVerbose("HttpGet(" + url + ")") maxRetry = 2 if url.startswith("http://"): url = url[7:] url = url[url.index("/"):] for retry in range(0, maxRetry + 1): strRetry = str(retry) log = [NoLog, Log][retry > 0] log("retry HttpGet(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry) response = None strStatus = "None" try: httpConnection = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.Endpoint) if headers == None: request = httpConnection.request("GET", url) else: request = httpConnection.request("GET", url, None, headers) response = httpConnection.getresponse() strStatus = str(response.status) except: pass log("response HttpGet(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus) if response == None or response.status != httplib.OK: Error("HttpGet(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus) if retry == maxRetry: Log("return HttpGet(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus) return None else: Log("sleep 10 seconds HttpGet(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus) time.sleep(10) else: log("return HttpGet(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus) return response.read() def HttpGetWithoutHeaders(self, url): return self._HttpGet(url, None) def HttpGetWithHeaders(self, url): return self._HttpGet(url, {"x-ms-agent-name": GuestAgentName, "x-ms-version": ProtocolVersion}) def HttpSecureGetWithHeaders(self, url, transportCert): return self._HttpGet(url, {"x-ms-agent-name": GuestAgentName, "x-ms-version": ProtocolVersion, "x-ms-cipher-name": "DES_EDE3_CBC", "x-ms-guest-agent-public-x509-cert": transportCert}) def HttpPost(self, url, data): LogIfVerbose("HttpPost(" + url + ")") maxRetry = 2 for retry in range(0, maxRetry + 1): strRetry = str(retry) log = [NoLog, Log][retry > 0] log("retry HttpPost(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry) response = None strStatus = "None" try: httpConnection = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.Endpoint) request = httpConnection.request("POST", url, data, {"x-ms-agent-name": GuestAgentName, "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-version": ProtocolVersion}) response = httpConnection.getresponse() strStatus = str(response.status) except: pass log("response HttpPost(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus) if response == None or (response.status != httplib.OK and response.status != httplib.ACCEPTED): Error("HttpPost(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus) if retry == maxRetry: Log("return HttpPost(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus) return None else: Log("sleep 10 seconds HttpPost(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus) time.sleep(10) else: log("return HttpPost(" + url + "),retry=" + strRetry + ",status=" + strStatus) return response def LoadBalancerProbeServer(port): class T(object): def __init__(self, ip, port): self.ProbeCounter = 0 self.server = SocketServer.TCPServer((ip, port), TCPHandler) self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.server.serve_forever) self.server_thread.setDaemon(True) self.server_thread.start() def shutdown(self): self.server.shutdown() class TCPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): def GetHttpDateTimeNow(self): # Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 04:53:10 GMT return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime()) def handle(self): context.ProbeCounter = (context.ProbeCounter + 1) % 1000000 log = [NoLog, LogIfVerbose][ThrottleLog(context.ProbeCounter)] strCounter = str(context.ProbeCounter) if context.ProbeCounter == 1: Log("Receiving LB probes.") log("Received LB probe # " + strCounter) self.request.recv(1024) self.request.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: " + self.GetHttpDateTimeNow() + "\r\n\r\nOK") for retry in range(1,6): context=None ip = GetIpv4Address() if ip == None : Log("LoadBalancerProbeServer: GetIpv4Address() returned None, sleeping 10 before retry " + str(retry+1) ) time.sleep(10) else: try: context = T(ip,port) break except Exception, e: Log("LoadBalancerProbeServer: Exception contructing socket server: " + str(e)) Log("LoadBalancerProbeServer: Retry socket server construction #" + str(retry+1) ) return context class ConfigurationProvider(object): def __init__(self): self.values = dict() if os.path.isfile("/etc/waagent.conf") == False: raise Exception("Missing configuration in /etc/waagent.conf") try: for line in GetFileContents("/etc/waagent.conf").split('\n'): if not line.startswith("#") and "=" in line: parts = line.split()[0].split('=') value = parts[1].strip("\" ") if value != "None": self.values[parts[0]] = value else: self.values[parts[0]] = None except: Error("Unable to parse /etc/waagent.conf") raise return def get(self, key): return self.values.get(key) class EnvMonitor(object): def __init__(self): self.shutdown = False self.HostName = socket.gethostname() self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.monitor) self.server_thread.setDaemon(True) self.server_thread.start() self.published = False def monitor(self): publish = Config.get("Provisioning.MonitorHostName") dhcpcmd = "pidof dhclient" if IsSuse(): dhcpcmd = "pidof dhcpcd" if IsDebian(): dhcpcmd = "pidof dhclient3" dhcppid = os.popen(dhcpcmd).read() while not self.shutdown: for a in RulesFiles: if os.path.isfile(a): if os.path.isfile(GetLastPathElement(a)): os.remove(GetLastPathElement(a)) shutil.move(a, ".") Log("EnvMonitor: Moved " + a + " -> " + LibDir) if publish != None and publish.lower().startswith("y"): try: if socket.gethostname() != self.HostName: Log("EnvMonitor: Detected host name change: " + self.HostName + " -> " + socket.gethostname()) self.HostName = socket.gethostname() WaAgent.UpdateAndPublishHostName(self.HostName) dhcppid = os.popen(dhcpcmd).read() self.published = True except: pass else: self.published = True pid = "" if not os.path.isdir("/proc/" + dhcppid.strip()): pid = os.popen(dhcpcmd).read() if pid != "" and pid != dhcppid: Log("EnvMonitor: Detected dhcp client restart. Restoring routing table.") WaAgent.RestoreRoutes() dhcppid = pid for child in Children: if child.poll() != None: Children.remove(child) time.sleep(5) def SetHostName(self, name): if socket.gethostname() == name: self.published = True elif Run("hostname " + name): Error("Error: SetHostName: Cannot set hostname to " + name) return ("Error: SetHostName: Cannot set hostname to " + name) def IsNamePublished(self): return self.published def ShutdownService(self): self.shutdown = True self.server_thread.join() class Certificates(object): # # # 2010-12-15 # 2 # Pkcs7BlobWithPfxContents # MIILTAY... # # # def __init__(self): self.reinitialize() def reinitialize(self): self.Incarnation = None self.Role = None def Parse(self, xmlText): self.reinitialize() SetFileContents("Certificates.xml", xmlText) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText) for a in [ "CertificateFile", "Version", "Incarnation", "Format", "Data", ]: if not dom.getElementsByTagName(a): Error("Certificates.Parse: Missing " + a) return None node = dom.childNodes[0] if node.localName != "CertificateFile": Error("Certificates.Parse: root not CertificateFile") return None SetFileContents("Certificates.p7m", "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" + "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"Certificates.p7m\"\n" + "Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-mime; name=\"Certificates.p7m\"\n" + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" + GetNodeTextData(dom.getElementsByTagName("Data")[0])) if Run(Openssl + " cms -decrypt -in Certificates.p7m -inkey TransportPrivate.pem -recip TransportCert.pem | " + Openssl + " pkcs12 -nodes -password pass: -out Certificates.pem"): Error("Certificates.Parse: Failed to extract certificates from CMS message.") return self # There may be multiple certificates in this package. Split them. file = open("Certificates.pem") pindex = 1 cindex = 1 output = open("temp.pem", "w") for line in file.readlines(): output.write(line) if re.match(r'[-]+END .*?(KEY|CERTIFICATE)[-]+$',line): output.close() if re.match(r'[-]+END .*?KEY[-]+$',line): os.rename("temp.pem", str(pindex) + ".prv") pindex += 1 else: os.rename("temp.pem", str(cindex) + ".crt") cindex += 1 output = open("temp.pem", "w") output.close() os.remove("temp.pem") keys = dict() index = 1 filename = str(index) + ".crt" while os.path.isfile(filename): thumbprint = os.popen(Openssl + " x509 -in " + filename + " -fingerprint -noout").read().rstrip().split('=')[1].replace(':', '').upper() pubkey=os.popen(Openssl + " x509 -in " + filename + " -pubkey -noout").read() keys[pubkey] = thumbprint os.rename(filename, thumbprint + ".crt") os.chmod(thumbprint + ".crt", 0600) if IsRedHat(): Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + thumbprint + ".crt") index += 1 filename = str(index) + ".crt" index = 1 filename = str(index) + ".prv" while os.path.isfile(filename): pubkey = os.popen(Openssl + " rsa -in " + filename + " -pubout").read() os.rename(filename, keys[pubkey] + ".prv") os.chmod(keys[pubkey] + ".prv", 0600) if IsRedHat(): Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + keys[pubkey] + ".prv") index += 1 filename = str(index) + ".prv" return self class SharedConfig(object): # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # def __init__(self): self.reinitialize() def reinitialize(self): self.Deployment = None self.Incarnation = None self.Role = None self.LoadBalancerSettings = None self.OutputEndpoints = None self.Instances = None def Parse(self, xmlText): self.reinitialize() SetFileContents("SharedConfig.xml", xmlText) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText) for a in [ "SharedConfig", "Deployment", "Service", "ServiceInstance", "Incarnation", "Role", ]: if not dom.getElementsByTagName(a): Error("SharedConfig.Parse: Missing " + a) return None node = dom.childNodes[0] if node.localName != "SharedConfig": Error("SharedConfig.Parse: root not SharedConfig") return None program = Config.get("Role.TopologyConsumer") if program != None: Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, LibDir + "/SharedConfig.xml"])) return self class HostingEnvironmentConfig(object): # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # def __init__(self): self.reinitialize() def reinitialize(self): self.StoredCertificates = None self.Deployment = None self.Incarnation = None self.Role = None self.HostingEnvironmentSettings = None self.ApplicationSettings = None self.Certificates = None self.ResourceReferences = None def Parse(self, xmlText): self.reinitialize() SetFileContents("HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml", xmlText) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText) for a in [ "HostingEnvironmentConfig", "Deployment", "Service", "ServiceInstance", "Incarnation", "Role", ]: if not dom.getElementsByTagName(a): Error("HostingEnvironmentConfig.Parse: Missing " + a) return None node = dom.childNodes[0] if node.localName != "HostingEnvironmentConfig": Error("HostingEnvironmentConfig.Parse: root not HostingEnvironmentConfig") return None self.ApplicationSettings = dom.getElementsByTagName("Setting") self.Certificates = dom.getElementsByTagName("StoredCertificate") return self def DecryptPassword(self, e): SetFileContents("password.p7m", "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" + "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"password.p7m\"\n" + "Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-mime; name=\"password.p7m\"\n" + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" + textwrap.fill(e, 64)) return os.popen(Openssl + " cms -decrypt -in password.p7m -inkey Certificates.pem -recip Certificates.pem").read() def ActivateResourceDisk(self): global DiskActivated if IsWindows(): DiskActivated = True Log("Skipping ActivateResourceDisk on Windows") return format = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Format") if format == None or format.lower().startswith("n"): DiskActivated = True return device = DeviceForIdePort(1) if device == None: Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Unable to detect disk topology.") return device = "/dev/" + device for entry in os.popen("mount").read().split(): if entry.startswith(device + "1"): Log("ActivateResourceDisk: " + device + "1 is already mounted.") DiskActivated = True return mountpoint = Config.get("ResourceDisk.MountPoint") if mountpoint == None: mountpoint = "/mnt/resource" CreateDir(mountpoint, "root", 0755) fs = Config.get("ResourceDisk.Filesystem") if fs == None: fs = "ext3" if os.popen("sfdisk -q -c " + device + " 1").read().rstrip() == "7" and fs != "ntfs": Run("sfdisk -c " + device + " 1 83") Run("mkfs." + fs + " " + device + "1") if Run("mount " + device + "1 " + mountpoint): Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to mount resource disk (" + device + "1).") return Log("Resource disk (" + device + "1) is mounted at " + mountpoint + " with fstype " + fs) DiskActivated = True swap = Config.get("ResourceDisk.EnableSwap") if swap == None or swap.lower().startswith("n"): return sizeKB = int(Config.get("ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB")) * 1024 if os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile") and os.path.getsize(mountpoint + "/swapfile") != (sizeKB * 1024): os.remove(mountpoint + "/swapfile") if not os.path.isfile(mountpoint + "/swapfile"): Run("dd if=/dev/zero of=" + mountpoint + "/swapfile bs=1024 count=" + str(sizeKB)) Run("mkswap " + mountpoint + "/swapfile") if not Run("swapon " + mountpoint + "/swapfile"): Log("Enabled " + str(sizeKB) + " KB of swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile") else: Error("ActivateResourceDisk: Failed to activate swap at " + mountpoint + "/swapfile") def Process(self): if DiskActivated == False: diskThread = threading.Thread(target = self.ActivateResourceDisk) diskThread.start() User = None Pass = None Expiration = None Thumbprint = None for b in self.ApplicationSettings: sname = b.getAttribute("name") svalue = b.getAttribute("value") if sname == "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountEncryptedPassword": Pass = self.DecryptPassword(svalue) elif sname == "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountUsername": User = svalue elif sname == "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.AccountExpiration": Expiration = svalue elif sname == "Certificate|Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.PasswordEncryption": Thumbprint = svalue.split(':')[1].upper() if User != None and Pass != None: if User != "root" and User != "" and Pass != "": CreateAccount(User, Pass, Expiration, Thumbprint) else: Error("Not creating user account: " + User) for c in self.Certificates: cname = c.getAttribute("name") csha1 = c.getAttribute("certificateId").split(':')[1].upper() cpath = c.getAttribute("storeName") clevel = c.getAttribute("configurationLevel") if os.path.isfile(csha1 + ".prv"): Log("Private key with thumbprint: " + csha1 + " was retrieved.") if os.path.isfile(csha1 + ".crt"): Log("Public cert with thumbprint: " + csha1 + " was retrieved.") program = Config.get("Role.ConfigurationConsumer") if program != None: Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, LibDir + "/HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml"])) class GoalState(Util): # # # 2010-12-15 # 1 # # Started # # 16001 # # # # c6d5526c-5ac2-4200-b6e2-56f2b70c5ab2 # # # MachineRole_IN_0 # Started # # # # # # # # # # # There is only one Role for VM images. # # Of primary interest is: # Machine/ExpectedState -- this is how shutdown is requested # LBProbePorts -- an http server needs to run here # We also note Container/ContainerID and RoleInstance/InstanceId to form the health report. # And of course, Incarnation # def __init__(self, Agent): self.Agent = Agent self.Endpoint = Agent.Endpoint self.TransportCert = Agent.TransportCert self.reinitialize() def reinitialize(self): self.Incarnation = None # integer self.ExpectedState = None # "Started" or "Stopped" self.HostingEnvironmentConfigUrl = None self.HostingEnvironmentConfigXml = None self.HostingEnvironmentConfig = None self.SharedConfigUrl = None self.SharedConfigXml = None self.SharedConfig = None self.CertificatesUrl = None self.CertificatesXml = None self.Certificates = None self.RoleInstanceId = None self.ContainerId = None self.LoadBalancerProbePort = None # integer, ?list of integers def Parse(self, xmlText): self.reinitialize() node = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText).childNodes[0] if node.localName != "GoalState": Error("GoalState.Parse: root not GoalState") return None for a in node.childNodes: if a.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if a.localName == "Incarnation": self.Incarnation = GetNodeTextData(a) elif a.localName == "Machine": for b in a.childNodes: if b.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if b.localName == "ExpectedState": self.ExpectedState = GetNodeTextData(b) Log("ExpectedState: " + self.ExpectedState) elif b.localName == "LBProbePorts": for c in b.childNodes: if c.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and c.localName == "Port": self.LoadBalancerProbePort = int(GetNodeTextData(c)) elif a.localName == "Container": for b in a.childNodes: if b.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if b.localName == "ContainerId": self.ContainerId = GetNodeTextData(b) Log("ContainerId: " + self.ContainerId) elif b.localName == "RoleInstanceList": for c in b.childNodes: if c.localName == "RoleInstance": for d in c.childNodes: if d.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if d.localName == "InstanceId": self.RoleInstanceId = GetNodeTextData(d) Log("RoleInstanceId: " + self.RoleInstanceId) elif d.localName == "State": pass elif d.localName == "Configuration": for e in d.childNodes: if e.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if e.localName == "HostingEnvironmentConfig": self.HostingEnvironmentConfigUrl = GetNodeTextData(e) LogIfVerbose("HostingEnvironmentConfigUrl:" + self.HostingEnvironmentConfigUrl) self.HostingEnvironmentConfigXml = self.HttpGetWithHeaders(self.HostingEnvironmentConfigUrl) self.HostingEnvironmentConfig = HostingEnvironmentConfig().Parse(self.HostingEnvironmentConfigXml) elif e.localName == "SharedConfig": self.SharedConfigUrl = GetNodeTextData(e) LogIfVerbose("SharedConfigUrl:" + self.SharedConfigUrl) self.SharedConfigXml = self.HttpGetWithHeaders(self.SharedConfigUrl) self.SharedConfig = SharedConfig().Parse(self.SharedConfigXml) elif e.localName == "Certificates": self.CertificatesUrl = GetNodeTextData(e) LogIfVerbose("CertificatesUrl:" + self.CertificatesUrl) self.CertificatesXml = self.HttpSecureGetWithHeaders(self.CertificatesUrl, self.TransportCert) self.Certificates = Certificates().Parse(self.CertificatesXml) if self.Incarnation == None: Error("GoalState.Parse: Incarnation missing") return None if self.ExpectedState == None: Error("GoalState.Parse: ExpectedState missing") return None if self.RoleInstanceId == None: Error("GoalState.Parse: RoleInstanceId missing") return None if self.ContainerId == None: Error("GoalState.Parse: ContainerId missing") return None SetFileContents("GoalState." + self.Incarnation + ".xml", xmlText) return self def Process(self): self.HostingEnvironmentConfig.Process() class OvfEnv(object): # # # # # 1.0 # # LinuxProvisioningConfiguration # HostName # UserName # UserPassword # false # # # # EB0C0AB4B2D5FC35F2F0658D19F44C8283E2DD62 # $HOME/UserName/.ssh/authorized_keys # # # # # EB0C0AB4B2D5FC35F2F0658D19F44C8283E2DD62 # $HOME/UserName/.ssh/id_rsa # # # # # # # def __init__(self): self.reinitialize() def reinitialize(self): self.WaNs = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/windowsazure" self.OvfNs = "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1" self.MajorVersion = 1 self.MinorVersion = 0 self.ComputerName = None self.AdminPassword = None self.UserName = None self.UserPassword = None self.DisableSshPasswordAuthentication = True self.SshPublicKeys = [] self.SshKeyPairs = [] def Parse(self, xmlText): self.reinitialize() dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlText) if len(dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.OvfNs, "Environment")) != 1: Error("Unable to parse OVF XML.") section = None newer = False for p in dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "ProvisioningSection"): for n in p.childNodes: if n.localName == "Version": verparts = GetNodeTextData(n).split('.') major = int(verparts[0]) minor = int(verparts[1]) if major > self.MajorVersion: newer = True if major != self.MajorVersion: break if minor > self.MinorVersion: newer = True section = p if newer == True: Warn("Newer provisioning configuration detected. Please consider updating waagent.") if section == None: Error("Could not find ProvisioningSection with major version=" + str(self.MajorVersion)) return None self.ComputerName = GetNodeTextData(section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "HostName")[0]) self.UserName = GetNodeTextData(section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "UserName")[0]) try: self.UserPassword = GetNodeTextData(section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "UserPassword")[0]) except: pass disableSshPass = section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "DisableSshPasswordAuthentication") if len(disableSshPass) != 0: self.DisableSshPasswordAuthentication = (GetNodeTextData(disableSshPass[0]).lower() == "true") for pkey in section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "PublicKey"): fp = None path = None for c in pkey.childNodes: if c.localName == "Fingerprint": fp = GetNodeTextData(c).upper() if c.localName == "Path": path = GetNodeTextData(c) self.SshPublicKeys += [[fp, path]] for keyp in section.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.WaNs, "KeyPair"): fp = None path = None for c in keyp.childNodes: if c.localName == "Fingerprint": fp = GetNodeTextData(c).upper() if c.localName == "Path": path = GetNodeTextData(c) self.SshKeyPairs += [[fp, path]] return self def PrepareDir(self, filepath): home = GetHome() # Expand HOME variable if present in path path = os.path.normpath(filepath.replace("$HOME", home)) if (path.startswith("/") == False) or (path.endswith("/") == True): return None dir = path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] if dir != "": CreateDir(dir, "root", 0700) if path.startswith(os.path.normpath(home + "/" + self.UserName + "/")): ChangeOwner(dir, self.UserName) return path def NumberToBytes(self, i): result = [] while i: result.append(chr(i & 0xFF)) i >>= 8 result.reverse() return ''.join(result) def BitsToString(self, a): index=7 s = "" c = 0 for bit in a: c = c | (bit << index) index = index - 1 if index == -1: s = s + struct.pack('>B', c) c = 0 index = 7 return s def OpensslToSsh(self, file): from pyasn1.codec.der import decoder as der_decoder try: f = open(file).read().replace('\n','').split("KEY-----")[1].split('-')[0] k=der_decoder.decode(self.BitsToString(der_decoder.decode(base64.b64decode(f))[0][1]))[0] n=k[0] e=k[1] keydata="" keydata += struct.pack('>I',len("ssh-rsa")) keydata += "ssh-rsa" keydata += struct.pack('>I',len(self.NumberToBytes(e))) keydata += self.NumberToBytes(e) keydata += struct.pack('>I',len(self.NumberToBytes(n)) + 1) keydata += "\0" keydata += self.NumberToBytes(n) except Exception, e: print("OpensslToSsh: Exception " + str(e)) return None return "ssh-rsa " + base64.b64encode(keydata) + "\n" def Process(self): error = None if self.ComputerName == None : return "Error: Hostname missing" error=WaAgent.EnvMonitor.SetHostName(self.ComputerName) if error: return error if self.DisableSshPasswordAuthentication: filepath = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" # Disable RFC 4252 and RFC 4256 authentication schemes. ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not (a.startswith("PasswordAuthentication") or a.startswith("ChallengeResponseAuthentication")), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))) + "PasswordAuthentication no\nChallengeResponseAuthentication no\n") Log("Disabled SSH password-based authentication methods.") if self.AdminPassword != None: os.popen("chpasswd", "w").write("root:" + self.AdminPassword + "\n") if self.UserName != None: error = CreateAccount(self.UserName, self.UserPassword, None, None) sel = os.popen("getenforce").read().startswith("Enforcing") if sel == True and IsRedHat(): Run("setenforce 0") home = GetHome() for pkey in self.SshPublicKeys: if not os.path.isfile(pkey[0] + ".crt"): Error("PublicKey not found: " + pkey[0]) error = "Failed to deploy public key (0x09)." continue path = self.PrepareDir(pkey[1]) if path == None: Error("Invalid path: " + pkey[1] + " for PublicKey: " + pkey[0]) error = "Invalid path for public key (0x03)." continue Run(Openssl + " x509 -in " + pkey[0] + ".crt -noout -pubkey > " + pkey[0] + ".pub") if IsRedHat(): Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + pkey[0] + ".pub") if IsUbuntu(): # Only supported in new SSH releases Run("ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f " + pkey[0] + ".pub >> " + path) else: SshPubKey = self.OpensslToSsh(pkey[0] + ".pub") if SshPubKey != None: AppendFileContents(path, SshPubKey) else: Error("Failed: " + pkey[0] + ".crt -> " + path) error = "Failed to deploy public key (0x04)." if IsRedHat(): Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + path) if path.startswith(os.path.normpath(home + "/" + self.UserName + "/")): ChangeOwner(path, self.UserName) for keyp in self.SshKeyPairs: if not os.path.isfile(keyp[0] + ".prv"): Error("KeyPair not found: " + keyp[0]) error = "Failed to deploy key pair (0x0A)." continue path = self.PrepareDir(keyp[1]) if path == None: Error("Invalid path: " + keyp[1] + " for KeyPair: " + keyp[0]) error = "Invalid path for key pair (0x05)." continue SetFileContents(path, GetFileContents(keyp[0] + ".prv")) os.chmod(path, 0600) Run("ssh-keygen -y -f " + keyp[0] + ".prv > " + path + ".pub") if IsRedHat(): Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + path) Run("chcon unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 " + path + ".pub") if path.startswith(os.path.normpath(home + "/" + self.UserName + "/")): ChangeOwner(path, self.UserName) ChangeOwner(path + ".pub", self.UserName) if sel == True and IsRedHat(): Run("setenforce 1") while not WaAgent.EnvMonitor.IsNamePublished(): time.sleep(1) ReloadSshd() return error def UpdateAndPublishHostNameCommon(name): # RedHat if IsRedHat(): filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/network" if os.path.isfile(filepath): ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "HOSTNAME=" + name + "\n" + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("HOSTNAME"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n')))) for ethernetInterface in PossibleEthernetInterfaces: filepath = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + ethernetInterface if os.path.isfile(filepath): ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "DHCP_HOSTNAME=" + name + "\n" + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("DHCP_HOSTNAME"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n')))) # Debian if IsDebian(): SetFileContents("/etc/hostname", name) for filepath in EtcDhcpClientConfFiles: if os.path.isfile(filepath): ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "send host-name \"" + name + "\";\n" + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("send host-name"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n')))) # Suse if IsSuse(): SetFileContents("/etc/HOSTNAME", name) class Agent(Util): def __init__(self): self.GoalState = None self.Endpoint = None self.LoadBalancerProbeServer = None self.HealthReportCounter = 0 self.TransportCert = "" self.EnvMonitor = None self.SendData = None self.DhcpResponse = None def CheckVersions(self): # # # # 2010-12-15 # # # 2010-12-15 # 2010-28-10 # # global ProtocolVersion protocolVersionSeen = False node = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self.HttpGetWithoutHeaders("/?comp=versions")).childNodes[0] if node.localName != "Versions": Error("CheckVersions: root not Versions") return False for a in node.childNodes: if a.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and a.localName == "Supported": for b in a.childNodes: if b.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and b.localName == "Version": v = GetNodeTextData(b) LogIfVerbose("Fabric supported wire protocol version: " + v) if v == ProtocolVersion: protocolVersionSeen = True if a.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and a.localName == "Preferred": v = GetNodeTextData(a.getElementsByTagName("Version")[0]) LogIfVerbose("Fabric preferred wire protocol version: " + v) if ProtocolVersion < v: Warn("Newer wire protocol version detected. Please consider updating waagent.") if not protocolVersionSeen: Warn("Agent supported wire protocol version: " + ProtocolVersion + " was not advertised by Fabric.") ProtocolVersion = "2011-08-31" Log("Negotiated wire protocol version: " + ProtocolVersion) return True def Unpack(self, buffer, offset, range): result = 0 for i in range: result = (result << 8) | Ord(buffer[offset + i]) return result def UnpackLittleEndian(self, buffer, offset, length): return self.Unpack(buffer, offset, range(length - 1, -1, -1)) def UnpackBigEndian(self, buffer, offset, length): return self.Unpack(buffer, offset, range(0, length)) def HexDump3(self, buffer, offset, length): return ''.join(['%02X' % Ord(char) for char in buffer[offset:offset + length]]) def HexDump2(self, buffer): return self.HexDump3(buffer, 0, len(buffer)) def BuildDhcpRequest(self): # # typedef struct _DHCP { # UINT8 Opcode; /* op: BOOTREQUEST or BOOTREPLY */ # UINT8 HardwareAddressType; /* htype: ethernet */ # UINT8 HardwareAddressLength; /* hlen: 6 (48 bit mac address) */ # UINT8 Hops; /* hops: 0 */ # UINT8 TransactionID[4]; /* xid: random */ # UINT8 Seconds[2]; /* secs: 0 */ # UINT8 Flags[2]; /* flags: 0 or 0x8000 for broadcast */ # UINT8 ClientIpAddress[4]; /* ciaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 YourIpAddress[4]; /* yiaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 ServerIpAddress[4]; /* siaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 RelayAgentIpAddress[4]; /* giaddr: 0 */ # UINT8 ClientHardwareAddress[16]; /* chaddr: 6 byte ethernet MAC address */ # UINT8 ServerName[64]; /* sname: 0 */ # UINT8 BootFileName[128]; /* file: 0 */ # UINT8 MagicCookie[4]; /* 99 130 83 99 */ # /* 0x63 0x82 0x53 0x63 */ # /* options -- hard code ours */ # # UINT8 MessageTypeCode; /* 53 */ # UINT8 MessageTypeLength; /* 1 */ # UINT8 MessageType; /* 1 for DISCOVER */ # UINT8 End; /* 255 */ # } DHCP; # # tuple of 244 zeros # (struct.pack_into would be good here, but requires Python 2.5) sendData = [0] * 244 transactionID = os.urandom(4) macAddress = GetMacAddress() # Opcode = 1 # HardwareAddressType = 1 (ethernet/MAC) # HardwareAddressLength = 6 (ethernet/MAC/48 bits) for a in range(0, 3): sendData[a] = [1, 1, 6][a] # fill in transaction id (random number to ensure response matches request) for a in range(0, 4): sendData[4 + a] = Ord(transactionID[a]) LogIfVerbose("BuildDhcpRequest: transactionId:%s,%04X" % (self.HexDump2(transactionID), self.UnpackBigEndian(sendData, 4, 4))) # fill in ClientHardwareAddress for a in range(0, 6): sendData[0x1C + a] = Ord(macAddress[a]) # DHCP Magic Cookie: 99, 130, 83, 99 # MessageTypeCode = 53 DHCP Message Type # MessageTypeLength = 1 # MessageType = DHCPDISCOVER # End = 255 DHCP_END for a in range(0, 8): sendData[0xEC + a] = [99, 130, 83, 99, 53, 1, 1, 255][a] return array.array("c", map(chr, sendData)) def IntegerToIpAddressV4String(self, a): return "%u.%u.%u.%u" % ((a >> 24) & 0xFF, (a >> 16) & 0xFF, (a >> 8) & 0xFF, a & 0xFF) def RouteAdd(self, net, mask, gateway): if IsWindows(): return net = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(net) mask = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(mask) gateway = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(gateway) Run("/sbin/route add -net " + net + " netmask " + mask + " gw " + gateway) def HandleDhcpResponse(self, sendData, receiveBuffer): LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse") bytesReceived = len(receiveBuffer) if bytesReceived < 0xF6: Error("HandleDhcpResponse: Too few bytes received " + str(bytesReceived)) return None LogIfVerbose("BytesReceived: " + hex(bytesReceived)) LogWithPrefixIfVerbose("DHCP response:", HexDump(receiveBuffer, bytesReceived)) # check transactionId, cookie, MAC address # cookie should never mismatch # transactionId and MAC address may mismatch if we see a response meant from another machine for offsets in [range(4, 4 + 4), range(0x1C, 0x1C + 6), range(0xEC, 0xEC + 4)]: for offset in offsets: sentByte = Ord(sendData[offset]) receivedByte = Ord(receiveBuffer[offset]) if sentByte != receivedByte: LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: sent cookie:" + self.HexDump3(sendData, 0xEC, 4)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: rcvd cookie:" + self.HexDump3(receiveBuffer, 0xEC, 4)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: sent transactionID:" + self.HexDump3(sendData, 4, 4)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: rcvd transactionID:" + self.HexDump3(receiveBuffer, 4, 4)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: sent ClientHardwareAddress:" + self.HexDump3(sendData, 0x1C, 6)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: rcvd ClientHardwareAddress:" + self.HexDump3(receiveBuffer, 0x1C, 6)) LogIfVerbose("HandleDhcpResponse: transactionId, cookie, or MAC address mismatch") return None endpoint = None # # Walk all the returned options, parsing out what we need, ignoring the others. # We need the custom option 245 to find the the endpoint we talk to, # as well as, to handle some Linux DHCP client incompatibilities, # options 3 for default gateway and 249 for routes. And 255 is end. # i = 0xF0 # offset to first option while i < bytesReceived: option = Ord(receiveBuffer[i]) length = 0 if (i + 1) < bytesReceived: length = Ord(receiveBuffer[i + 1]) LogIfVerbose("DHCP option " + hex(option) + " at offset:" + hex(i) + " with length:" + hex(length)) if option == 255: LogIfVerbose("DHCP packet ended at offset " + hex(i)) break elif option == 249: # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc227282%28PROT.10%29.aspx LogIfVerbose("Routes at offset:" + hex(i) + " with length:" + hex(length)) if length < 5: Error("Data too small for option " + option) j = i + 2 while j < (i + length + 2): maskLengthBits = Ord(receiveBuffer[j]) maskLengthBytes = (((maskLengthBits + 7) & ~7) >> 3) mask = 0xFFFFFFFF & (0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - maskLengthBits)) j += 1 net = self.UnpackBigEndian(receiveBuffer, j, maskLengthBytes) net <<= (32 - maskLengthBytes * 8) net &= mask j += maskLengthBytes gateway = self.UnpackBigEndian(receiveBuffer, j, 4) j += 4 self.RouteAdd(net, mask, gateway) if j != (i + length + 2): Error("HandleDhcpResponse: Unable to parse routes") elif option == 3 or option == 245: if i + 5 < bytesReceived: if length != 4: Error("HandleDhcpResponse: Endpoint or Default Gateway not 4 bytes") return None gateway = self.UnpackBigEndian(receiveBuffer, i + 2, 4) IpAddress = self.IntegerToIpAddressV4String(gateway) if option == 3: self.RouteAdd(0, 0, gateway) name = "DefaultGateway" else: endpoint = IpAddress name = "Windows Azure wire protocol endpoint" LogIfVerbose(name + ": " + IpAddress + " at " + hex(i)) else: Error("HandleDhcpResponse: Data too small for option " + option) else: LogIfVerbose("Skipping DHCP option " + hex(option) + " at " + hex(i) + " with length " + hex(length)) i += length + 2 return endpoint def DoDhcpWork(self): # # Discover the wire server via DHCP option 245. # And workaround incompatibility with Windows Azure DHCP servers. # ShortSleep = False # Sleep 1 second before retrying DHCP queries. ifname=None if not IsWindows(): Run("iptables -D INPUT -p udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT") Run("iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT") sleepDurations = [0, 5, 10, 30, 60, 60, 60, 60] maxRetry = len(sleepDurations) lastTry = (maxRetry - 1) for retry in range(0, maxRetry): try: strRetry = str(retry) prefix = "DoDhcpWork: try=" + strRetry LogIfVerbose(prefix) sendData = self.BuildDhcpRequest() LogWithPrefixIfVerbose("DHCP request:", HexDump(sendData, len(sendData))) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) missingDefaultRoute = True try: for line in os.popen("route -n").read().split('\n'): if line.startswith(" "): missingDefaultRoute = False except: pass if missingDefaultRoute: # This is required because sending after binding to fails with # network unreachable when the default gateway is not set up. for i in PossibleEthernetInterfaces: try: if Linux_ioctl_GetIpv4Address(i): ifname=i except IOError, e: pass Log("DoDhcpWork: Missing default route - adding broadcast route for DHCP.") Run("route add dev " + ifname) sock.bind(("", 68)) sock.sendto(sendData, ("", 67)) sock.settimeout(10) Log("DoDhcpWork: Setting socket.timeout=10, entering recv") receiveBuffer = sock.recv(1024) endpoint = self.HandleDhcpResponse(sendData, receiveBuffer) if endpoint == None: LogIfVerbose("DoDhcpWork: No endpoint found") if endpoint != None or retry == lastTry: if endpoint != None: self.SendData = sendData self.DhcpResponse = receiveBuffer if retry == lastTry: LogIfVerbose("DoDhcpWork: try=" + strRetry) return endpoint sleepDuration = [sleepDurations[retry % len(sleepDurations)], 1][ShortSleep] LogIfVerbose("DoDhcpWork: sleep=" + str(sleepDuration)) time.sleep(sleepDuration) except Exception, e: ErrorWithPrefix(prefix, str(e)) ErrorWithPrefix(prefix, traceback.format_exc()) finally: sock.close() if missingDefaultRoute: #We added this route - delete it Run("route del dev " + ifname) Log("DoDhcpWork: Removing broadcast route for DHCP.") return None def UpdateAndPublishHostName(self, name): # Set hostname locally and publish to iDNS Log("Setting host name: " + name) UpdateAndPublishHostNameCommon(name) for ethernetInterface in PossibleEthernetInterfaces: Run("ifdown " + ethernetInterface + " && ifup " + ethernetInterface) self.RestoreRoutes() def RestoreRoutes(self): if self.SendData != None and self.DhcpResponse != None: self.HandleDhcpResponse(self.SendData, self.DhcpResponse) def UpdateGoalState(self): goalStateXml = None maxRetry = 9 log = NoLog for retry in range(1, maxRetry + 1): strRetry = str(retry) log("retry UpdateGoalState,retry=" + strRetry) goalStateXml = self.HttpGetWithHeaders("/machine/?comp=goalstate") if goalStateXml != None: break log = Log time.sleep(retry) if not goalStateXml: Error("UpdateGoalState failed.") return Log("Retrieved GoalState from Windows Azure Fabric.") self.GoalState = GoalState(self).Parse(goalStateXml) return self.GoalState def ReportReady(self): counter = (self.HealthReportCounter + 1) % 1000000 self.HealthReportCounter = counter healthReport = ("" + self.GoalState.Incarnation + "" + self.GoalState.ContainerId + "" + self.GoalState.RoleInstanceId + "Ready") a = self.HttpPost("/machine?comp=health", healthReport) if a != None: return a.getheader("x-ms-latest-goal-state-incarnation-number") return None def ReportNotReady(self, status, desc): healthReport = ("" + self.GoalState.Incarnation + "" + self.GoalState.ContainerId + "" + self.GoalState.RoleInstanceId + "NotReady" + "
" + status + "" + desc + "
" + "
") a = self.HttpPost("/machine?comp=health", healthReport) if a != None: return a.getheader("x-ms-latest-goal-state-incarnation-number") return None def ReportRoleProperties(self, thumbprint): roleProperties = ("" + "" + self.GoalState.ContainerId + "" + "" + "" + self.GoalState.RoleInstanceId + "" + "" + "") a = self.HttpPost("/machine?comp=roleProperties", roleProperties) Log("Posted Role Properties. CertificateThumbprint=" + thumbprint) return a def LoadBalancerProbeServer_Shutdown(self): if self.LoadBalancerProbeServer != None: self.LoadBalancerProbeServer.shutdown() self.LoadBalancerProbeServer = None def GenerateTransportCert(self): Run(Openssl + " req -x509 -nodes -subj /CN=LinuxTransport -days 32768 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout TransportPrivate.pem -out TransportCert.pem") cert = "" for line in GetFileContents("TransportCert.pem").split('\n'): if not "CERTIFICATE" in line: cert += line.rstrip() return cert def Provision(self): if IsWindows(): Log("Skipping Provision on Windows") return enabled = Config.get("Provisioning.Enabled") if enabled != None and enabled.lower().startswith("n"): return Log("Provisioning image started.") type = Config.get("Provisioning.SshHostKeyPairType") if type == None: type = "rsa" regenerateKeys = Config.get("Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair") if regenerateKeys == None or regenerateKeys.lower().startswith("y"): Run("rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*key*") Run("ssh-keygen -N '' -t " + type + " -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_" + type + "_key") ReloadSshd() SetFileContents(LibDir + "/provisioned", "") dvd = "/dev/hdc" if os.path.exists("/dev/sr0"): dvd = "/dev/sr0" modloaded=False if Run("fdisk -l " + dvd + " | grep Disk"): # Is it possible to load a module for ata_piix? retcode,krn=RunSafe('uname -r') if retcode: Error("Unable to provision: Failed to call uname -a") return "Unable to provision: Failed to mount DVD." krn_pth='/lib/modules/'+krn+'/kernel/drivers/ata/ata_piix.ko' if not os.path.isfile(krn_pth): Error("Unable to provision: Failed to locate ata_piix.ko") return "Unable to provision: Failed to mount DVD." retcode,output=RunSafe('insmod ' + krn_pth) if retcode: Error("Unable to provision: Failed to insmod " + krn+pth) return "Failed to retrieve provisioning data (0x01)." modloaded=True Log("Provision: Loaded " + krn_pth + " driver for ATAPI CD-ROM") # we have succeeded loading the ata_piix mod for i in range(10): # we may have to wait if os.path.exists("/dev/sr0"): dvd = "/dev/sr0" break Log("Waiting for DVD - sleeping 1 - "+str(i+1)+" try...") time.sleep(1) CreateDir("/mnt/cdrom/secure", "root", 0700) #begin mount loop - ten tries - 5 sec wait between for retry in range(1,11): retcode,output=RunSafe("mount -v " + dvd + " /mnt/cdrom/secure") Log(output) if retcode: Log("mount failed on attempt #" + str(retry) ) else: Log("mount suceed on attempt #" + str(retry) ) break Log("mount loop sleeping 5...") time.sleep(5) if not os.path.isfile("/mnt/cdrom/secure/ovf-env.xml"): Error("Unable to provision: Missing ovf-env.xml on DVD.") return "Failed to retrieve provisioning data (0x02)." ovfxml = GetFileContents("/mnt/cdrom/secure/ovf-env.xml") SetFileContents("ovf-env.xml", re.sub(".*?<", "*<", ovfxml)) Run("umount /mnt/cdrom/secure") if modloaded: Run('rmmod ' + krn_pth) error = None if ovfxml != None: Log("Provisioning image using OVF settings in the DVD.") ovfobj = OvfEnv().Parse(ovfxml) if ovfobj != None: error = ovfobj.Process() if error : Error ("Provisioninig image FAILED " + error) return ("Provisioninig image FAILED " + error) # This is done here because regenerated SSH host key pairs may be potentially overwritten when processing the ovfxml fingerprint = os.popen("ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/ssh_host_" + type + "_key.pub").read().rstrip().split()[1].replace(':','') self.ReportRoleProperties(fingerprint) delRootPass = Config.get("Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword") if delRootPass != None and delRootPass.lower().startswith("y"): DeleteRootPassword() Log("Provisioning image completed.") return error def Run(self): if IsLinux(): SetFileContents("/var/run/waagent.pid", str(os.getpid()) + "\n") if GetIpv4Address() == None: Log("Waiting for network.") while(GetIpv4Address() == None): time.sleep(10) Log("IPv4 address: " + GetIpv4Address()) Log("MAC address: " + ":".join(["%02X" % Ord(a) for a in GetMacAddress()])) # Consume Entropy in ACPI table provided by Hyper-V try: SetFileContents("/dev/random", GetFileContents("/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/OEM0")) except: pass Log("Probing for Windows Azure environment.") self.Endpoint = self.DoDhcpWork() if self.Endpoint == None: Log("Windows Azure environment not detected.") while True: time.sleep(60) Log("Discovered Windows Azure endpoint: " + self.Endpoint) if not self.CheckVersions(): Error("Agent.CheckVersions failed") sys.exit(1) self.EnvMonitor = EnvMonitor() # Set SCSI timeout on root device try: timeout = Config.get("OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout") if timeout != None: SetFileContents("/sys/block/" + DeviceForIdePort(0) + "/device/timeout", timeout) except: pass global Openssl Openssl = Config.get("OS.OpensslPath") if Openssl == None: Openssl = "openssl" self.TransportCert = self.GenerateTransportCert() incarnation = None # goalStateIncarnationFromHealthReport currentPort = None # loadBalancerProbePort goalState = None # self.GoalState, instance of GoalState provisioned = os.path.exists(LibDir + "/provisioned") program = Config.get("Role.StateConsumer") provisionError = None lbProbeResponder = True setting = Config.get("LBProbeResponder") if setting != None and setting.lower().startswith("n"): lbProbeResponder = False while True: if (goalState == None) or (incarnation == None) or (goalState.Incarnation != incarnation): goalState = self.UpdateGoalState() if provisioned == False: self.ReportNotReady("Provisioning", "Starting") goalState.Process() if provisioned == False: provisionError = self.Provision() provisioned = True # # only one port supported # restart server if new port is different than old port # stop server if no longer a port # goalPort = goalState.LoadBalancerProbePort if currentPort != goalPort: self.LoadBalancerProbeServer_Shutdown() currentPort = goalPort if currentPort != None and lbProbeResponder == True: self.LoadBalancerProbeServer = LoadBalancerProbeServer(currentPort) if self.LoadBalancerProbeServer == None : lbProbeResponder = False Log("Unable to create LBProbeResponder.") if program != None and DiskActivated == True: Children.append(subprocess.Popen([program, "Ready"])) program = None if goalState.ExpectedState == "Stopped": program = Config.get("Role.StateConsumer") if program != None: Run(program + " Shutdown") self.EnvMonitor.ShutdownService() self.LoadBalancerProbeServer_Shutdown() command = ["/sbin/shutdown -hP now", "shutdown /s /t 5"][IsWindows()] Run(command) return sleepToReduceAccessDenied = 3 time.sleep(sleepToReduceAccessDenied) if provisionError != None: incarnation = self.ReportNotReady("ProvisioningFailed", provisionError) else: incarnation = self.ReportReady() time.sleep(25 - sleepToReduceAccessDenied) Init_Suse = """\ #! /bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent # Required-Start: $network sshd # Required-Stop: $network sshd # Default-Start: 3 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6 # Description: Start the WindowsAzureLinuxAgent ### END INIT INFO WAZD_BIN=/usr/sbin/waagent test -x $WAZD_BIN || exit 5 case "$1" in start) echo "Starting WindowsAzureLinuxAgent" ## Start daemon with startproc(8). If this fails ## the echo return value is set appropriate. startproc -f $WAZD_BIN -daemon exit $? ;; stop) echo "Shutting down WindowsAzureLinuxAgent" ## Stop daemon with killproc(8) and if this fails ## set echo the echo return value. killproc -p /var/run/waagent.pid $WAZD_BIN exit $? ;; try-restart) ## Stop the service and if this succeeds (i.e. the ## service was running before), start it again. $0 status >/dev/null && $0 restart ;; restart) ## Stop the service and regardless of whether it was ## running or not, start it again. $0 stop $0 start ;; force-reload|reload) ;; status) echo -n "Checking for service WindowsAzureLinuxAgent " ## Check status with checkproc(8), if process is running ## checkproc will return with exit status 0. checkproc -p $WAZD_PIDFILE $WAZD_BIN exit $? ;; probe) ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|try-restart|restart|force-reload|reload}" exit 1 ;; esac """ Init_RedHat = """\ #!/bin/bash # # Init file for WindowsAzureLinuxAgent. # # chkconfig: 2345 60 80 # description: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent # # source function library . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions RETVAL=0 FriendlyName="WindowsAzureLinuxAgent" WAZD_BIN=/usr/sbin/waagent start() { echo -n $"Starting $FriendlyName: " $WAZD_BIN -daemon & } stop() { echo -n $"Stopping $FriendlyName: " killproc -p /var/run/waagent.pid $WAZD_BIN RETVAL=$? echo return $RETVAL } case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart) stop start ;; reload) ;; report) ;; status) status $WAZD_BIN RETVAL=$? ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}" RETVAL=1 esac exit $RETVAL """ Init_Ubuntu = """\ #walinuxagent - start Windows Azure agent description "walinuxagent" author "Ben Howard " start on (filesystem and started rsyslog) pre-start script WALINUXAGENT_ENABLED=1 [ -r /etc/default/walinuxagent ] && . /etc/default/walinuxagent if [ "$WALINUXAGENT_ENABLED" != "1" ]; then exit 1 fi if [ ! -x /usr/sbin/waagent ]; then exit 1 fi #Load the udf module modprobe -b udf end script exec /usr/sbin/waagent -daemon """ Init_Debian = """\ #!/bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent # Required-Start: $network $syslog # Required-Stop: $network $syslog # Should-Start: $network $syslog # Should-Stop: $network $syslog # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent # Description: WindowsAzureLinuxAgent ### END INIT INFO . /lib/lsb/init-functions OPTIONS="-daemon" WAZD_BIN=/usr/sbin/waagent WAZD_PID=/var/run/waagent.pid case "$1" in start) log_begin_msg "Starting WindowsAzureLinuxAgent..." pid=$( pidofproc $WAZD_BIN ) if [ -n "$pid" ] ; then log_begin_msg "Already running." log_end_msg 0 exit 0 fi start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --background --exec $WAZD_BIN -- $OPTIONS log_end_msg $? ;; stop) log_begin_msg "Stopping WindowsAzureLinuxAgent..." start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $WAZD_PID ret=$? rm -f $WAZD_PID log_end_msg $ret ;; force-reload) $0 restart ;; restart) $0 stop $0 start ;; status) status_of_proc $WAZD_BIN && exit 0 || exit $? ;; *) log_success_msg "Usage: /etc/init.d/waagent {start|stop|force-reload|restart|status}" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 """ WaagentConf = """\ # # Windows Azure Linux Agent Configuration # Role.StateConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with "Ready" or "Shutdown". # Shutdown will be initiated only after the program returns. Windows Azure will # power off the VM if shutdown is not completed within ?? minutes. Role.ConfigurationConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role configuration. Role.TopologyConsumer=None # Specified program is invoked with XML file argument specifying role topology. Provisioning.Enabled=y # Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword=y # Password authentication for root account will be unavailable. Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair=y # Generate fresh host key pair. Provisioning.SshHostKeyPairType=rsa # Supported values are "rsa", "dsa" and "ecdsa". Provisioning.MonitorHostName=y # Monitor host name changes and publish changes via DHCP requests. ResourceDisk.Format=y # Format if unformatted. If 'n', resource disk will not be mounted. ResourceDisk.Filesystem=ext4 # ResourceDisk.MountPoint=/mnt/resource # ResourceDisk.EnableSwap=n # Create and use swapfile on resource disk. ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB=0 # Size of the swapfile. LBProbeResponder=y # Respond to load balancer probes if requested by Windows Azure. Logs.Verbose=n # OS.RootDeviceScsiTimeout=300 # Root device timeout in seconds. OS.OpensslPath=None # If "None", the system default version is used. """ WaagentLogrotate = """\ /var/log/waagent.log { monthly rotate 6 notifempty missingok } """ def AddToLinuxKernelCmdline(options): if os.path.isfile("/boot/grub/menu.lst"): Run("sed -i --follow-symlinks '/kernel/s|$| " + options + " |' /boot/grub/menu.lst") filepath = "/etc/default/grub" if os.path.isfile(filepath): filecontents = GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n') current = filter(lambda a: a.startswith("GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX"), filecontents) ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX"), filecontents)) + current[0][:-1] + " " + options + "\"\n") Run("update-grub") def ApplyVNUMAWorkaround(): VersionParts = platform.release().replace('-', '.').split('.') if int(VersionParts[0]) > 2: return if int(VersionParts[1]) > 6: return if int(VersionParts[2]) > 37: return AddToLinuxKernelCmdline("numa=off") # TODO: This is not ideal for offline installation. print("Your kernel version " + platform.release() + " has a NUMA-related bug: NUMA has been disabled.") def RevertVNUMAWorkaround(): print("Automatic reverting of GRUB configuration is not yet supported. Please edit by hand.") def Install(): if IsWindows(): print("ERROR: -install invalid for Windows.") return 1 os.chmod(sys.argv[0], 0755) SwitchCwd() requiredDeps = [ "/sbin/route", "/sbin/shutdown" ] if IsDebian(): requiredDeps += [ "/usr/sbin/update-rc.d" ] if IsSuse(): requiredDeps += [ "/sbin/insserv" ] for a in requiredDeps: if not os.path.isfile(a): Error("Missing required dependency: " + a) return 1 missing = False for a in [ "ssh-keygen", "useradd", "openssl", "sfdisk", "fdisk", "mkfs", "chpasswd", "sed", "grep", "sudo" ]: if Run("which " + a + " > /dev/null 2>&1"): Warn("Missing dependency: " + a) missing = True if missing == True: Warn("Please resolve missing dependencies listed for full functionality.") if UsesRpm(): if not Run("rpm --quiet -q NetworkManager"): Error(GuestAgentLongName + " is not compatible with NetworkManager.") return 1 if Run("rpm --quiet -q python-pyasn1"): Error(GuestAgentLongName + " requires python-pyasn1.") return 1 if UsesDpkg() and not Run("dpkg-query -s network-manager >/dev/null 2>&1"): Error(GuestAgentLongName + " is not compatible with network-manager.") return 1 for a in RulesFiles: if os.path.isfile(a): if os.path.isfile(GetLastPathElement(a)): os.remove(GetLastPathElement(a)) shutil.move(a, ".") Warn("Moved " + a + " -> " + LibDir + "/" + GetLastPathElement(a) ) if IsUbuntu(): # Support for Ubuntu's upstart configuration filename="waagent.conf" filepath = "/etc/init/" + filename SetFileContents(filepath, Init_Ubuntu) os.chmod(filepath, 0644) else: # Regular init.d configurations filename = "waagent" filepath = "/etc/init.d/" + filename distro = IsRedHat() + IsDebian() * 2 + IsSuse() * 3 if distro == 0: Error("Unable to detect Linux Distribution.") return 1 init = [[Init_RedHat, "chkconfig --add " + filename], [Init_Debian, "update-rc.d " + filename + " defaults"], [Init_Suse, "insserv " + filename]][distro - 1] SetFileContents(filepath, init[0]) os.chmod(filepath, 0755) Run(init[1]) if os.path.isfile("/etc/waagent.conf"): try: os.remove("/etc/waagent.conf.old") except: pass try: os.rename("/etc/waagent.conf", "/etc/waagent.conf.old") Warn("Existing /etc/waagent.conf has been renamed to /etc/waagent.conf.old") except: pass SetFileContents("/etc/waagent.conf", WaagentConf) SetFileContents("/etc/logrotate.d/waagent", WaagentLogrotate) filepath = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("ClientAliveInterval"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n'))) + "ClientAliveInterval 180\n") Log("Configured SSH client probing to keep connections alive.") ApplyVNUMAWorkaround() return 0 def Uninstall(): if IsWindows(): print("ERROR: -uninstall invalid for windows, see waagent_service.exe") return 1 SwitchCwd() for a in RulesFiles: if os.path.isfile(GetLastPathElement(a)): try: shutil.move(GetLastPathElement(a), a) Warn("Moved " + LibDir + "/" + GetLastPathElement(a) + " -> " + a ) except: pass filename = "waagent" a = IsRedHat() + IsDebian() * 2 + IsSuse() * 3 if a == 0: Error("Unable to detect Linux Distribution.") return 1 Run("service " + filename + " stop") cmd = ["chkconfig --del " + filename, "update-rc.d -f " + filename + " remove", "insserv -r " + filename][a - 1] Run(cmd) for f in os.listdir(LibDir) + ["/etc/init/waagent.conf","/etc/init.d/" + filename, "/etc/waagent.conf", "/etc/logrotate.d/waagent", "/etc/sudoers.d/waagent"]: try: os.remove(f) except: pass RevertVNUMAWorkaround() return 0 def DeleteRootPassword(): filepath="/etc/shadow" ReplaceFileContentsAtomic(filepath, "root:*LOCK*:14600::::::\n" + "\n".join(filter(lambda a: not a.startswith("root:"), GetFileContents(filepath).split('\n')))) os.chmod(filepath, 0000) if IsRedHat(): Run("chcon system_u:object_r:shadow_t:s0 " + filepath) Log("Root password deleted.") def Deprovision(force, deluser): if IsWindows(): Run(os.environ["windir"] + "\\system32\\sysprep\\sysprep.exe /generalize") return 0 SwitchCwd() ovfxml = GetFileContents("ovf-env.xml") ovfobj = None if ovfxml != None: ovfobj = OvfEnv().Parse(ovfxml) print("WARNING! The waagent service will be stopped.") print("WARNING! All SSH host key pairs will be deleted.") if IsUbuntu(): print("WARNING! Nameserver configuration in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/{tail,originial} will be deleted.") else: print("WARNING! Nameserver configuration in /etc/resolv.conf will be deleted.") print("WARNING! Cached DHCP leases will be deleted.") delRootPass = Config.get("Provisioning.DeleteRootPassword") if delRootPass != None and delRootPass.lower().startswith("y"): print("WARNING! root password will be disabled. You will not be able to login as root.") if ovfobj != None and deluser == True: print("WARNING! " + ovfobj.UserName + " account and entire home directory will be deleted.") if force == False and not raw_input('Do you want to proceed (y/n)? ').startswith('y'): return 1 Run("service waagent stop") if deluser == True: DeleteAccount(ovfobj.UserName) # Remove SSH host keys regenerateKeys = Config.get("Provisioning.RegenerateSshHostKeyPair") if regenerateKeys == None or regenerateKeys.lower().startswith("y"): Run("rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*key*") # Remove root password if delRootPass != None and delRootPass.lower().startswith("y"): DeleteRootPassword() # Remove distribution specific networking configuration UpdateAndPublishHostNameCommon("localhost.localdomain") # RedHat, Suse, Debian for a in VarLibDhcpDirectories: Run("rm -f " + a + "/*") # Clear LibDir, remove nameserver and root bash history fileBlackList = [ "/root/.bash_history", "/var/log/waagent.log" ] if IsUbuntu(): # Ubuntu uses resolv.conf by default, so removing /etc/resolv.conf will # break resolvconf. Therefore, we check to see if resolvconf is in use, # and if so, we remove the resolvconf artifacts. Log("Deprovision: Ubuntu specific resolv.conf behavior selected.") if os.path.realpath('/etc/resolv.conf') != '/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf': Log("resolvconf is not configured. Removing /etc/resolv.conf") fileBlackList.append('/etc/resolv.conf') else: Log("resolvconf is enabled; leaving /etc/resolv.conf intact") resolvConfD = '/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/' fileBlackList.extend([resolvConfD + 'tail', resolvConfD + 'originial' ]) else: fileBlackList.extend(os.listdir(LibDir) + ['/etc/resolv.conf']) for f in os.listdir(LibDir) + fileBlackList: try: os.remove(f) except: pass return 0 def SwitchCwd(): if not IsWindows(): CreateDir(LibDir, "root", 0700) os.chdir(LibDir) def Usage(): print("usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [-verbose] [-force] [-help|-install|-uninstall|-deprovision[+user]|-version|-serialconsole|-daemon]") return 0 if GuestAgentVersion == "": print("WARNING! This is a non-standard agent that does not include a valid version string.") if IsLinux() and not DetectLinuxDistro(): print("WARNING! Unable to detect Linux distribution. Some functionality may be broken.") if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.exit(Usage()) args = [] force = False for a in sys.argv[1:]: if re.match("^([-/]*)(help|usage|\?)", a): sys.exit(Usage()) elif re.match("^([-/]*)verbose", a): Verbose = True elif re.match("^([-/]*)force", a): force = True elif re.match("^([-/]*)(setup|install)", a): sys.exit(Install()) elif re.match("^([-/]*)(uninstall)", a): sys.exit(Uninstall()) else: args.append(a) Config = ConfigurationProvider() verbose = Config.get("Logs.Verbose") if verbose != None and verbose.lower().startswith("y"): Verbose = True daemon = False for a in args: if re.match("^([-/]*)deprovision\+user", a): sys.exit(Deprovision(force, True)) elif re.match("^([-/]*)deprovision", a): sys.exit(Deprovision(force, False)) elif re.match("^([-/]*)daemon", a): daemon = True elif re.match("^([-/]*)version", a): print(GuestAgentVersion + " running on " + LinuxDistro) sys.exit(0) elif re.match("^([-/]*)serialconsole", a): AddToLinuxKernelCmdline("console=ttyS0 earlyprintk=ttyS0") Log("Configured kernel to use ttyS0 as the boot console.") sys.exit(0) else: print("Invalid command line parameter:" + a) sys.exit(1) if daemon == False: sys.exit(Usage()) try: SwitchCwd() Log(GuestAgentLongName + " Version: " + GuestAgentVersion) if IsLinux(): Log("Linux Distribution Detected : " + LinuxDistro) WaAgent = Agent() WaAgent.Run() except Exception, e: Error(traceback.format_exc()) Error("Exception: " + str(e)) sys.exit(1)