{% macro static_routes(ip_ipv6, prefix, prefix_config, table=None) %} {% if prefix_config.blackhole is vyos_defined %} {{ ip_ipv6 }} route {{ prefix }} blackhole {{ prefix_config.blackhole.distance if prefix_config.blackhole.distance is vyos_defined }} {{ 'tag ' ~ prefix_config.blackhole.tag if prefix_config.blackhole.tag is vyos_defined }} {{ 'table ' ~ table if table is vyos_defined and table is not none }} {% endif %} {% if prefix_config.reject is vyos_defined %} {{ ip_ipv6 }} route {{ prefix }} reject {{ prefix_config.reject.distance if prefix_config.reject.distance is vyos_defined }} {{ 'tag ' ~ prefix_config.reject.tag if prefix_config.reject.tag is vyos_defined }} {{ 'table ' ~ table if table is vyos_defined }} {% endif %} {% if prefix_config.dhcp_interface is vyos_defined %} {% set next_hop = prefix_config.dhcp_interface | get_dhcp_router %} {% if next_hop is vyos_defined %} {{ ip_ipv6 }} route {{ prefix }} {{ next_hop }} {{ prefix_config.dhcp_interface }} {{ 'table ' ~ table if table is vyos_defined }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if prefix_config.interface is vyos_defined %} {% for interface, interface_config in prefix_config.interface.items() if interface_config.disable is not defined %} {{ ip_ipv6 }} route {{ prefix }} {{ interface }} {{ interface_config.distance if interface_config.distance is vyos_defined }} {{ 'nexthop-vrf ' ~ interface_config.vrf if interface_config.vrf is vyos_defined }} {{ 'segments ' ~ interface_config.segments if interface_config.segments is vyos_defined }} {{ 'table ' ~ table if table is vyos_defined }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if prefix_config.next_hop is vyos_defined and prefix_config.next_hop is not none %} {% for next_hop, next_hop_config in prefix_config.next_hop.items() if next_hop_config.disable is not defined %} {{ ip_ipv6 }} route {{ prefix }} {{ next_hop }} {{ next_hop_config.interface if next_hop_config.interface is vyos_defined }} {{ next_hop_config.distance if next_hop_config.distance is vyos_defined }} {{ 'nexthop-vrf ' ~ next_hop_config.vrf if next_hop_config.vrf is vyos_defined }} {{ 'bfd profile ' ~ next_hop_config.bfd.profile if next_hop_config.bfd.profile is vyos_defined }} {{ 'segments ' ~ next_hop_config.segments if next_hop_config.segments is vyos_defined }} {{ 'table ' ~ table if table is vyos_defined }} {% if next_hop_config.bfd.multi_hop.source is vyos_defined %} {% for source, source_config in next_hop_config.bfd.multi_hop.source.items() %} {{ ip_ipv6 }} route {{ prefix }} {{ next_hop }} bfd multi-hop source {{ source }} profile {{ source_config.profile }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %}