diff options
authorJohn Estabrook <>2023-05-01 11:02:04 -0500
committerJohn Estabrook <>2023-05-10 22:52:25 -0500
commita7edc77977f054112341d5eb2b2e1903239e3fec (patch)
parentceed15b2b064b36c0f49d2142ebe0dafeaa34267 (diff)
T5194: import reference_tree from vyconf
2 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfafaa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+type node_type = Leaf | Tag | Other
+type value_constraint =
+ | Regex of string [@name "regex"]
+ | External of string * string option [@name "exec"]
+ [@@deriving yojson]
+type ref_node_data = {
+ node_type: node_type;
+ constraints: value_constraint list;
+ help: string;
+ value_help: (string * string) list;
+ constraint_error_message: string;
+ multi: bool;
+ valueless: bool;
+ owner: string option;
+ keep_order: bool;
+ hidden: bool;
+ secret: bool;
+type t = ref_node_data Vytree.t
+exception Bad_interface_definition of string
+exception Validation_error of string
+let default_data = {
+ node_type = Other;
+ constraints = [];
+ help = "No help available";
+ value_help = [];
+ constraint_error_message = "Invalid value";
+ multi = false;
+ valueless = false;
+ owner = None;
+ keep_order = false;
+ hidden = false;
+ secret = false;
+let default = Vytree.make default_data "root"
+(* Loading from XML *)
+let node_type_of_string s =
+ match s with
+ | "node" -> Other
+ | "tagNode" -> Tag
+ | "leafNode" -> Leaf
+ | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition
+ (Printf.sprintf "node, tagNode, or leafNode expected, %s found" s))
+let load_constraint_from_xml d c =
+ let aux d c =
+ match c with
+ | Xml.Element ("regex", _, [Xml.PCData s]) ->
+ let cs = (Regex s) :: d.constraints in
+ {d with constraints=cs}
+ | Xml.Element ("validator", [("name", n); ("argument", a)], _) ->
+ let cs = (External (n, Some a)) :: d.constraints in
+ {d with constraints=cs}
+ | Xml.Element ("validator", [("name", n)], _) ->
+ let cs = (External (n, None)) :: d.constraints in
+ {d with constraints=cs}
+ | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "Malformed constraint")
+ in Xml.fold aux d c
+let data_from_xml d x =
+ let aux d x =
+ match x with
+ | Xml.Element ("help", _, [Xml.PCData s]) -> {d with help=s}
+ | Xml.Element ("valueHelp", _,
+ [Xml.Element ("format", _, [Xml.PCData fmt]);
+ Xml.Element ("description", _, [Xml.PCData descr])]) ->
+ let vhs = d.value_help in
+ let vhs' = (fmt, descr) :: vhs in
+ {d with value_help=vhs'}
+ | Xml.Element ("multi", _, _) -> {d with multi=true}
+ | Xml.Element ("valueless", _, _) -> {d with valueless=true}
+ | Xml.Element ("constraintErrorMessage", _, [Xml.PCData s]) ->
+ {d with constraint_error_message=s}
+ | Xml.Element ("constraint", _, _) -> load_constraint_from_xml d x
+ | Xml.Element ("hidden", _, _) -> {d with hidden=true}
+ | Xml.Element ("secret", _, _) -> {d with secret=true}
+ | Xml.Element ("keepChildOrder", _, _) -> {d with keep_order=true}
+ | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "Malformed property tag")
+ in Xml.fold aux d x
+let rec insert_from_xml basepath reftree xml =
+ match xml with
+ | Xml.Element (tag, _, _) ->
+ let props = Util.find_xml_child "properties" xml in
+ let data =
+ (match props with
+ | None -> default_data
+ | Some p -> data_from_xml default_data p)
+ in
+ let node_type = node_type_of_string (Xml.tag xml) in
+ let node_owner = try let o = Xml.attrib xml "owner" in Some o
+ with _ -> None
+ in
+ let data = {data with node_type=node_type; owner=node_owner} in
+ let name = Xml.attrib xml "name" in
+ let path = basepath @ [name] in
+ let new_tree = Vytree.insert reftree path data in
+ (match node_type with
+ | Leaf -> new_tree
+ | _ ->
+ let children = Util.find_xml_child "children" xml in
+ (match children with
+ | None -> raise (Bad_interface_definition (Printf.sprintf "Node %s has no children" name))
+ | Some c -> List.fold_left (insert_from_xml path) new_tree (Xml.children c)))
+ | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "PCData not allowed here")
+let load_from_xml reftree file =
+ let xml_to_reftree xml reftree =
+ match xml with
+ | Xml.Element ("interfaceDefinition", attrs, children) ->
+ List.fold_left (insert_from_xml []) reftree children
+ | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "Should start with <interfaceDefinition>")
+ in
+ try
+ let xml = Xml.parse_file file in
+ xml_to_reftree xml reftree
+ with
+ | Xml.File_not_found msg -> raise (Bad_interface_definition msg)
+ | Xml.Error e -> raise (Bad_interface_definition (Xml.error e))
+let is_multi reftree path =
+ let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
+ data.multi
+let is_hidden reftree path =
+ let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
+ data.hidden
+let is_secret reftree path =
+ let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
+ data.secret
+let is_tag reftree path =
+ let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
+ match data.node_type with
+ | Tag -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let is_leaf reftree path =
+ let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
+ match data.node_type with
+ | Leaf -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let is_valueless reftree path =
+ let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
+ data.valueless
+let get_keep_order reftree path =
+ let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
+ data.keep_order
+let get_owner reftree path =
+ let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
+ data.owner
+let get_help_string reftree path =
+ let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
+let get_value_help reftree path =
+ let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
+ data.value_help
+let get_completion_data reftree path =
+ let aux node =
+ let data = Vytree.data_of_node node in
+ (data.node_type, data.multi,
+ in aux (Vytree.children_of_node @@ Vytree.get reftree path)
diff --git a/src/reference_tree.mli b/src/reference_tree.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eab9fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reference_tree.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+type node_type = Leaf | Tag | Other
+type value_constraint =
+ | Regex of string [@name "regex"]
+ | External of string * string option [@name "exec"]
+ [@@deriving yojson]
+type ref_node_data = {
+ node_type: node_type;
+ constraints: value_constraint list;
+ help: string;
+ value_help: (string * string) list;
+ constraint_error_message: string;
+ multi: bool;
+ valueless: bool;
+ owner: string option;
+ keep_order: bool;
+ hidden: bool;
+ secret: bool;
+exception Bad_interface_definition of string
+exception Validation_error of string
+type t = ref_node_data Vytree.t
+val default_data : ref_node_data
+val default : t
+val load_from_xml : t -> string -> t
+val is_multi : t -> string list -> bool
+val is_hidden : t -> string list -> bool
+val is_secret : t -> string list -> bool
+val is_tag : t -> string list -> bool
+val is_leaf : t -> string list -> bool
+val is_valueless : t -> string list -> bool
+val get_keep_order : t -> string list -> bool
+val get_owner : t -> string list -> string option
+val get_help_string : t -> string list -> string
+val get_value_help : t -> string list -> (string * string) list
+val get_completion_data : t -> string list -> (node_type * bool * string) list