diff options
authorJohn Estabrook <>2023-02-11 13:10:51 -0600
committerGitHub <>2023-02-11 13:10:51 -0600
commitfd8bdc522481e2562c714601fc85298ce13b3de1 (patch)
parentae4b8eec0be649c298cd4eed8ec4bf43ca981725 (diff)
parent183d8c5f238ead24a72e2c9bd220deb38074f0be (diff)
Merge pull request #13 from jestabro/udiff
T4991: add function show_diff for unified diff of configs
2 files changed, 125 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8fba0ca..2c0a91f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -44,8 +44,24 @@ let right_opt_pairs n m =
name_of x = name_of y) in
(maybe_node, Some y))
+(* this is module option 'compare', but with Some _ preceding None, which is
+ useful for maintaing left-right -> top-down order for show_diff
+ *)
+let opt_cmp o0 o1 =
+ match o0, o1 with
+ | Some v0, Some v1 -> compare v0 v1
+ | None, None -> 0
+ | None, Some _ -> 1
+ | Some _, None -> -1
+let tuple_cmp t1 t2 =
+ match t1, t2 with
+ | (x1, y1), (x2, y2) ->
+ let first = opt_cmp x1 x2 in
+ if first <> 0 then first else opt_cmp y1 y2
let opt_zip n m =
- left_opt_pairs n m @ right_opt_pairs n m |> List.sort_uniq compare
+ left_opt_pairs n m @ right_opt_pairs n m |> List.sort_uniq tuple_cmp
let get_opt_name left_opt right_opt =
match left_opt, right_opt with
@@ -229,3 +245,110 @@ let trim_tree left right =
let trees = make_diff_trees left right in
diff [] (trim_trees trees) [(Option.some left, Option.some right)];
+(* the following builds a diff_func to return a unified diff string of
+ configs or config commands
+ *)
+let list_but_last l =
+ let len = List.length l in
+ List.filteri (fun i _ -> i < len - 1) l
+let ppath_to_string_if_new (c: string list ref) (path: string list) =
+ let p = list_but_last path in
+ if (!c <> p) then
+ (c := p; Printf.sprintf "[%s]\n" (String.concat " " !c)) else ""
+let marked_render mark node =
+ let lines = Config_tree.render_config node in
+ let l = String.split_on_char '\n' lines in
+ let m =
+ (fun s -> if (String.length s) > 0 then mark ^ s else s) l in
+ String.concat "\n" m
+let added_lines ?(cmds=false) node path =
+ if not cmds then marked_render "+ " (tree_at_path path node)
+ else
+ let skel = Config_tree.make "" in
+ let snode = clone node skel path in
+ (Config_tree.render_commands ~op:Set snode []) ^ "\n"
+let removed_lines ?(cmds=false) node path =
+ if not cmds then marked_render "- " (tree_at_path path node)
+ else
+ let skel = Config_tree.make "" in
+ let snode = clone node skel path in
+ (Config_tree.render_commands ~op:Delete snode []) ^ "\n"
+let order_commands (strl: string ref) =
+ let l = String.split_on_char '\n' !strl in
+ let del = List.filter (fun s -> (s <> "") && (s.[0] = 'd')) l in
+ let set = List.filter (fun s -> (s <> "") && (s.[0] = 's')) l in
+ strl := (String.concat "\n" del) ^ "\n" ^ (String.concat "\n" set) ^ "\n"
+let ppath = ref [""]
+let unified_diff ?(cmds=false) (str_diff: string ref) (trees : diff_trees) ?recurse:_ (path : string list) (m : change) =
+ match m with
+ | Added ->
+ if not cmds then str_diff := !str_diff ^ (ppath_to_string_if_new ppath path);
+ str_diff := !str_diff ^ (added_lines ~cmds:cmds trees.right path)
+ | Subtracted ->
+ if not cmds then str_diff := !str_diff ^ (ppath_to_string_if_new ppath path);
+ str_diff := !str_diff ^ (removed_lines ~cmds:cmds trees.left path)
+ | Unchanged -> ()
+ | Updated v ->
+ if not cmds then str_diff := !str_diff ^ (ppath_to_string_if_new ppath path);
+ let ov = Config_tree.get_values trees.left path in
+ match ov, v with
+ | [_], [_] ->
+ str_diff := !str_diff ^ (removed_lines ~cmds:cmds trees.left path);
+ str_diff := !str_diff ^ (added_lines ~cmds:cmds trees.right path)
+ | _, _ -> let ov_set = ValueS.of_list ov in
+ let v_set = ValueS.of_list v in
+ let sub_vals = ValueS.elements (ValueS.diff ov_set v_set) in
+ let add_vals = ValueS.elements (ValueS.diff v_set ov_set) in
+ if not (is_empty sub_vals) then
+ (trees.sub := clone ~set_values:(Some sub_vals) trees.left !(trees.sub) path;
+ str_diff := !str_diff ^ (removed_lines ~cmds:cmds !(trees.sub) path));
+ if not (is_empty add_vals) then
+ (trees.add := clone ~set_values:(Some add_vals) trees.right !(trees.add) path;
+ str_diff := !str_diff ^ (added_lines ~cmds:cmds !(trees.add) path))
+let add_empty_path src_node dest_node path =
+ clone ~recurse:false ~set_values:(Some []) src_node dest_node path
+let compare_at_path_maybe_empty left right path =
+ let left =
+ try
+ tree_at_path path left
+ with Empty_comparison ->
+ try
+ let left = add_empty_path right left path in
+ tree_at_path path left
+ with Vytree.Nonexistent_path ->
+ raise Empty_comparison
+ and right =
+ try
+ tree_at_path path right
+ with Empty_comparison ->
+ try
+ let right = add_empty_path left right path in
+ tree_at_path path right
+ with Vytree.Nonexistent_path ->
+ raise Empty_comparison
+ in (left, right)
+let show_diff ?(cmds=false) path left right =
+ if (name_of left) <> (name_of right) then
+ raise Incommensurable
+ else
+ let (left, right) =
+ if (path <> []) then
+ compare_at_path_maybe_empty left right path
+ else (left, right) in
+ let trees = make_diff_trees left right in
+ let udiff = ref "" in
+ ppath := [""];
+ diff [] (unified_diff ~cmds:cmds udiff trees) [(Option.some left, Option.some right)];
+ if cmds then order_commands udiff;
+ !udiff
diff --git a/src/config_diff.mli b/src/config_diff.mli
index 70fb2e0..4a9a1d3 100644
--- a/src/config_diff.mli
+++ b/src/config_diff.mli
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ val trim_trees : diff_trees -> ?recurse:bool -> string list -> change -> unit
val compare : string list -> Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t -> diff_trees
val diff_tree : string list -> Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t
val trim_tree : Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t
+val show_diff : ?cmds:bool -> string list -> Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t -> string