diff options
authorJohn Estabrook <>2022-02-08 21:05:07 -0600
committerJohn Estabrook <>2022-04-21 12:08:03 -0500
commitf0f8dfc17cc271ee63e946964ea4a2d17cc71a86 (patch)
parent8ad21f6c7e6f37edeca137b2a7dc7c3f7ffc6a20 (diff)
configtree: T4235: implementation of config tree diff
(cherry picked from commit ba3b34c901b74aa4aee0764e4f3eb84731519139)
2 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75d12dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+type change = Unchanged | Added | Deleted | Updated of string list
+type diff_func = ?with_children:bool -> string list -> change -> unit
+type diff_trees = {
+ left: Config_tree.t;
+ right: Config_tree.t;
+ add: Config_tree.t ref;
+ del: Config_tree.t ref;
+ inter: Config_tree.t ref;
+exception Incommensurable
+exception Empty_comparison
+module ValueS = Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
+let make_diff_tree l r = { left = l; right = r;
+ add = ref (Config_tree.make "root");
+ del = ref (Config_tree.make "root");
+ inter = ref (Config_tree.make "root");
+let name_of n = Vytree.name_of_node n
+let data_of n = Vytree.data_of_node n
+let children_of n = Vytree.children_of_node n
+let make data name children = Vytree.make_full data name children
+let (^~) (node : Config_tree.t) (node' : Config_tree.t) =
+ name_of node = name_of node' &&
+ (data_of node).values <> (data_of node').values
+let left_opt_pairs n m =
+ (children_of n) |> (fun x ->
+ let maybe_node =
+ (children_of m) |> List.find_opt (fun y ->
+ name_of y = name_of x) in
+ (Some x, maybe_node))
+let right_opt_pairs n m =
+ (children_of m) |> (fun y ->
+ let maybe_node =
+ (children_of n) |> List.find_opt (fun x ->
+ name_of x = name_of y) in
+ (maybe_node, Some y))
+let opt_zip n m =
+ left_opt_pairs n m @ right_opt_pairs n m |> List.sort_uniq compare
+let get_opt_name left_opt right_opt =
+ match left_opt, right_opt with
+ | Some left_node, None -> name_of left_node
+ | None, Some right_node -> name_of right_node
+ | Some left_node, Some _ -> name_of left_node
+ | None, None -> raise Empty_comparison
+let update_path path left_opt right_opt =
+ let name = get_opt_name left_opt right_opt in
+ if name = "root" then path
+ else path @ [name]
+(* tree diff algorithm: walk the tree pair, calling a function of type
+ diff_func at bifurcation points; f acts as a form of continuation.
+ The idea of matching on pairs of (node opt) is from
+let rec diff (path : string list) (f : diff_func) (l : (Config_tree.t option * Config_tree.t option) list) =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | (left_node_opt, right_node_opt) :: ls ->
+ (let path = update_path path left_node_opt right_node_opt in
+ match left_node_opt, right_node_opt with
+ | Some _, None -> f path Deleted
+ | None, Some _ -> f path Added
+ | Some left_node, Some right_node when left_node = right_node ->
+ f path Unchanged
+ | Some left_node, Some right_node when left_node ^~ right_node ->
+ let values = (data_of right_node).values in
+ f path (Updated values)
+ | Some left_node, Some right_node ->
+ (f ~with_children:false path Unchanged;
+ diff path f (opt_zip left_node right_node))
+ | None, None -> raise Empty_comparison)
+ ; diff path f ls
+(* copy node paths between trees *)
+let rec clone_path ?(with_children=true) ?(set_values=[]) old_root new_root path_done path_remaining =
+ match path_remaining with
+ | [] | [_] ->
+ let path_total = path_done @ path_remaining in
+ let old_node = Vytree.get old_root path_total in
+ let data = if not (set_values = []) then
+ { (data_of old_node) with Config_tree.values = set_values } else (data_of old_node) in
+ if with_children then
+ Vytree.insert ~children:(children_of old_node) new_root path_total data
+ else
+ Vytree.insert new_root path_total data
+ | name :: names ->
+ let path_done = path_done @ [name] in
+ let old_node = Vytree.get old_root path_done in
+ let new_root = Vytree.insert new_root path_done (data_of old_node) in
+ clone_path ~with_children:with_children ~set_values:set_values old_root new_root path_done names
+let clone ?(with_children=true) ?(set_values=[]) old_root new_root path =
+ match path with
+ | [] -> if with_children then old_root else new_root
+ | _ ->
+ let path_existing = Vytree.get_existent_path new_root path in
+ let path_remaining = Vylist.complement path path_existing in
+ clone_path ~with_children:with_children ~set_values:set_values old_root new_root path_existing path_remaining
+(* define the diff_func; in this instance, we imperatively build the difference trees *)
+let decorate_trees (trees : diff_trees) ?(with_children=true) (path : string list) (m : change) =
+ match m with
+ | Added -> trees.add := clone trees.right !(trees.add) path
+ | Deleted -> trees.del := clone ~with_children:false trees.left !(trees.del) path
+ | Unchanged -> trees.inter := clone ~with_children:with_children trees.left !(trees.inter) path
+ | Updated v ->
+ (* if in this case, node at path is guaranteed to exist *)
+ let ov = Config_tree.get_values trees.left path in
+ match ov, v with
+ | [_], [_] -> trees.del := clone trees.left !(trees.del) path;
+ trees.add := clone trees.right !(trees.add) path
+ | _, _ -> let ovs = ValueS.of_list ov in
+ let vs = ValueS.of_list v in
+ let set_ov = ValueS.elements (ValueS.diff ovs vs) in
+ let set_v = ValueS.elements (ValueS.diff vs ovs) in
+ let set_inter = ValueS.elements (ValueS.inter ovs vs) in
+ if not (set_ov = []) then
+ trees.del := clone ~set_values:set_ov trees.left !(trees.del) path;
+ if not (set_v = []) then
+ trees.add := clone ~set_values:set_v trees.right !(trees.add) path;
+ if not (set_inter = []) then
+ trees.inter := clone ~set_values:set_inter trees.left !(trees.inter) path
+(* get sub trees for path-relative comparison *)
+let tree_at_path path node =
+ try
+ let node = Vytree.get node path in
+ make Config_tree.default_data "root" [node]
+ with Vytree.Nonexistent_path -> raise Empty_comparison
+(* call recursive diff on config_trees with decorate_trees as the diff_func *)
+let compare path left right =
+ if (name_of left) <> (name_of right) then
+ raise Incommensurable
+ else
+ let (left, right) = if not (path = []) then
+ (tree_at_path path left, tree_at_path path right) else (left, right) in
+ let trees = make_diff_tree left right in
+ diff [] (decorate_trees trees) [(Option.some left, Option.some right)];
+ trees
+(* wrapper to return diff trees *)
+let diffs path left right =
+ let trees = compare path left right in
+ (!(trees.add), !(trees.del), !(trees.inter))
diff --git a/src/config_diff.mli b/src/config_diff.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..623c6ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config_diff.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+type change = Unchanged | Added | Deleted | Updated of string list
+type diff_func = ?with_children:bool -> string list -> change -> unit
+type diff_trees = {
+ left: Config_tree.t;
+ right: Config_tree.t;
+ add: Config_tree.t ref;
+ del: Config_tree.t ref;
+ inter: Config_tree.t ref;
+exception Incommensurable
+exception Empty_comparison
+val make_diff_tree : Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t -> diff_trees
+val clone : ?with_children:bool -> ?set_values:string list -> Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t -> string list -> Config_tree.t
+val decorate_trees : diff_trees -> ?with_children:bool -> string list -> change -> unit
+val compare : string list -> Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t -> diff_trees
+val diffs : string list -> Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t * Config_tree.t * Config_tree.t