diff options
authorDaniil Baturin <>2024-03-14 16:57:54 +0100
committerGitHub <>2024-03-14 16:57:54 +0100
commit84720462dc1d77c7a5fbdf10e9c7db739aef1ce9 (patch)
parentf11f014828c4310ce85af83ba451c39c73397daf (diff)
parentf7a7471bf927543084e2f3ee8966bc5c0a920906 (diff)
Merge pull request #23 from jestabro/fix-escape
T6111: Fix modification of String.escaped to leave UTF-8 bytes unescaped
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9c5df23..168589d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ external lex_numeric_compare: string -> string -> int = "caml_lex_numeric_compar
external length : string -> int = "%string_length"
external unsafe_get : string -> int -> char = "%string_unsafe_get"
+external char_code: char -> int = "%identity"
+external char_chr: int -> char = "%identity"
module B = Bytes
@@ -16,13 +18,58 @@ let get_lexing_position lexbuf =
let column = p.Lexing.pos_cnum - p.Lexing.pos_bol + 1 in
(line_number, column)
+(* Modification of Bytes.escaped to leave UTF-8 bytes unescaped *)
+let escape_bytes s =
+ let char_code_zero = 48 in
+ let high_bit_set = 128 in
+ let n = ref 0 in
+ for i = 0 to B.length s - 1 do
+ n := !n +
+ (match B.unsafe_get s i with
+ | '\"' | '\\' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r' | '\b' -> 2
+ | ' ' .. '~' -> 1
+ | c when (char_code c >= high_bit_set) -> 1
+ | _ -> 4)
+ done;
+ if !n = B.length s then B.copy s else begin
+ let s' = B.create !n in
+ n := 0;
+ for i = 0 to B.length s - 1 do
+ begin match B.unsafe_get s i with
+ | ('\"' | '\\') as c ->
+ B.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; B.unsafe_set s' !n c
+ | '\n' ->
+ B.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; B.unsafe_set s' !n 'n'
+ | '\t' ->
+ B.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; B.unsafe_set s' !n 't'
+ | '\r' ->
+ B.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; B.unsafe_set s' !n 'r'
+ | '\b' ->
+ B.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; B.unsafe_set s' !n 'b'
+ | (' ' .. '~') as c -> B.unsafe_set s' !n c
+ | c when (char_code c >= high_bit_set ) -> B.unsafe_set s' !n c
+ | c ->
+ let a = char_code c in
+ B.unsafe_set s' !n '\\';
+ incr n;
+ B.unsafe_set s' !n (char_chr (char_code_zero + a / 100));
+ incr n;
+ B.unsafe_set s' !n (char_chr (char_code_zero + (a / 10) mod 10));
+ incr n;
+ B.unsafe_set s' !n (char_chr (char_code_zero + a mod 10));
+ end;
+ incr n
+ done;
+ s'
+ end
(* Modification of String.escaped to leave UTF-8 bytes unescaped *)
let escape_string s =
let rec escape_if_needed s n i =
if i >= n then s else
match unsafe_get s i with
| '\"' | '\\' | '\000'..'\031' | '\127' ->
- bts (B.escaped (bos s))
+ bts (escape_bytes (bos s))
| _ -> escape_if_needed s n (i+1)
escape_if_needed s (length s) 0