diff options
authordd <>2024-07-04 13:42:16 +0200
committerdd <>2024-07-04 13:42:16 +0200
commitee63aa161668c549df80e107f355305f36f8385e (patch)
parent7fcee011a6ff9b49df048a57a3f6171ac8b8d76c (diff)
expanded information about rerunning automated scripts
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 052936f..227a153 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -118,6 +118,12 @@ it should keep the repositories up to date by itself. This way you can just use
You should check on the Jenkins **Build History** from time to time and/or before you build ISO to make sure all
is going well. This is the same way how the official repository works.
+There is also option to shut down the OS and use it only when you need it. The Jenkins checks if any package needs
+rebuild in 1 hour interval, the check if 1 hour elapsed happens each 15th minute of hour. So if you boot the OS
+and start the Jenkins, then in worse case you would need to wait up to 15 minutes (to the closest 15th minute of hour),
+before rebuild of package would start. Then you shall wait before the **Build Queue** and **Build Executor Status**
+is empty, then make sure no build failed in the **Build History**, after this you can use again.
You could be also interested in the [Smoketest](#smoketest).
If something isn't right, then see [Something is wrong](#something-is-wrong).