path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
14 daysimproved readme to better reflect current stateHEADmasterdd
2024-10-15it was fun while it lasteddd
2024-10-14added information about new build method and circinusdd
2024-08-26improved readme navigationdd
2024-08-26improved readme headline structuredd
2024-08-25added example package repositorydd
2024-08-06updated the smoketest info to be aimed more to the result of automated scriptsdd
2024-08-06added easy method how to change custom packagedd
2024-08-04updated readme to make manual option deprecateddd
2024-07-30added note about rerunning scriptsdd
2024-07-12updated de-branding to allow custom namedd
2024-07-06improved order of sentences by priority and added additional info for smoketestdd
2024-07-06improved wording and added disclaimerdd
2024-07-06updated smoketest dependenciesdd
2024-07-06added automated script options rememberingdd
2024-07-05added branding removal supportdd
2024-07-04expanded information about rerunning automated scriptsdd
2024-07-03added information about rerunning automated scriptsdd
2024-07-02added option to exclude branchdd
2024-06-30updated seed-jobs to use shared job jsonsdd
2024-06-30fixed seed-jobs templatedd
2024-06-30updated readme to include automated scripts and some initial refactoringdd
2024-06-23updated ELTS instructionsdd
2024-06-22deduplication of ISO builddd
2024-06-22improved iso instruction tiny bitdd
2024-06-22added ELTS mirror for equuleusdd
2024-06-14 removed outdated .deb listsdd
2024-06-14added workaround for linux-kernel sagitta incomplete Jenkinsfiledd
2024-06-14improved how to really build ISO sectiondd
2024-06-13corrected pluginsdd
2024-06-13improved uncron instructionsdd
2024-06-13added missing Jenkins docker plugindd
2024-06-13added fork of wide-dhcpv6dd
2024-06-13added gpg key notedd
2024-06-13completed missing sentencedd
2024-06-13improved headlinedd
2024-06-13added more debug hintsdd
2024-06-13added debugging pointersdd
2024-06-13added detailed ISO build instructionsdd
2024-06-11added general expectationsdd
2024-06-08Update clone URL to use https -- ssl gives permission errors for users not pa...Isaac Behrens
2024-06-08fixed typosdd
2024-06-07improved some wordingdd
2024-06-06fixed vyos-build-container locationdd
2024-06-06improved docker builddd
2024-06-05fixed incomplete sentencedd
2024-06-05added vyos-build-container jobdd