path: root/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/lxd/
diff options
authorzsdc <>2022-03-25 20:58:01 +0200
committerzsdc <>2022-03-25 21:42:00 +0200
commit31448cccedd8f841fb3ac7d0f2e3cdefe08a53ba (patch)
tree349631a02467dae0158f6f663cc8aa8537974a97 /tests/cloud_tests/platforms/lxd/
parent5c4b3943343a85fbe517e5ec1fc670b3a8566b4b (diff)
parent8537237d80a48c8f0cbf8e66aa4826bbc882b022 (diff)
T2117: Cloud-init updated to 22.1
Merged with 22.1 tag from the upstream Cloud-init repository. Our modules were slightly modified for compatibility with the new version.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/cloud_tests/platforms/lxd/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/lxd/ b/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/lxd/
deleted file mode 100644
index a88b47f3..00000000
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/lxd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""LXD Image Base Class."""
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-from ..images import Image
-from .snapshot import LXDSnapshot
-from cloudinit import subp
-from cloudinit import util as c_util
-from tests.cloud_tests import util
-class LXDImage(Image):
- """LXD backed image."""
- platform_name = "lxd"
- def __init__(self, platform, config, pylxd_image):
- """Set up image.
- @param platform: platform object
- @param config: image configuration
- """
- self.modified = False
- self._img_instance = None
- self._pylxd_image = None
- self.pylxd_image = pylxd_image
- super(LXDImage, self).__init__(platform, config)
- @property
- def pylxd_image(self):
- """Property function."""
- if self._pylxd_image:
- self._pylxd_image.sync()
- return self._pylxd_image
- @pylxd_image.setter
- def pylxd_image(self, pylxd_image):
- if self._img_instance:
- self._instance.destroy()
- self._img_instance = None
- if (self._pylxd_image and
- (self._pylxd_image is not pylxd_image) and
- (not self.config.get('cache_base_image') or self.modified)):
- self._pylxd_image.delete(wait=True)
- self.modified = False
- self._pylxd_image = pylxd_image
- @property
- def _instance(self):
- """Internal use only, returns a instance
- This starts an lxc instance from the image, so it is "dirty".
- Better would be some way to modify this "at rest".
- lxc-pstart would be an option."""
- if not self._img_instance:
- self._img_instance = self.platform.launch_container(
-, self.config, self.features,
- use_desc='image-modification', image_desc=str(self),
- image=self.pylxd_image.fingerprint)
- self._img_instance.start()
- return self._img_instance
- @property
- def properties(self):
- """{} containing: 'arch', 'os', 'version', 'release'."""
- properties =
- return {
- 'arch': properties.get('architecture'),
- 'os': properties.get('os'),
- 'version': properties.get('version'),
- 'release': properties.get('release'),
- }
- def export_image(self, output_dir):
- """Export image from lxd image store to disk.
- @param output_dir: dir to store the exported image in
- @return_value: tuple of path to metadata tarball and rootfs
- Only the "split" image format with separate rootfs and metadata
- files is supported, e.g:
- 71f171df[...]cd31.squashfs (could also be: .tar.xz or .tar.gz)
- meta-71f171df[...]cd31.tar.xz
- Combined images made by a single tarball are not supported.
- """
- # pylxd's image export feature doesn't do split exports, so use cmdline
- fp = self.pylxd_image.fingerprint
- subp.subp(['lxc', 'image', 'export', fp, output_dir], capture=True)
- image_files = [p for p in os.listdir(output_dir) if fp in p]
- if len(image_files) != 2:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "Image %s has unsupported format. "
- "Expected 2 files, found %d: %s."
- % (fp, len(image_files), ', '.join(image_files)))
- metadata = os.path.join(
- output_dir,
- next(p for p in image_files if p.startswith('meta-')))
- rootfs = os.path.join(
- output_dir,
- next(p for p in image_files if not p.startswith('meta-')))
- return (metadata, rootfs)
- def import_image(self, metadata, rootfs):
- """Import image to lxd image store from (split) tarball on disk.
- Note, this will replace and delete the current pylxd_image
- @param metadata: metadata tarball
- @param rootfs: rootfs tarball
- @return_value: imported image fingerprint
- """
- alias = util.gen_instance_name(
- image_desc=str(self), use_desc='update-metadata')
- subp.subp(['lxc', 'image', 'import', metadata, rootfs,
- '--alias', alias], capture=True)
- self.pylxd_image = self.platform.query_image_by_alias(alias)
- return self.pylxd_image.fingerprint
- def update_templates(self, template_config, template_data):
- """Update the image's template configuration.
- Note, this will replace and delete the current pylxd_image
- @param template_config: config overrides for template metadata
- @param template_data: template data to place into templates/
- """
- # set up tmp files
- export_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cloud_test_util_')
- extract_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cloud_test_util_')
- new_metadata = os.path.join(export_dir, 'new-meta.tar.xz')
- metadata_yaml = os.path.join(extract_dir, 'metadata.yaml')
- template_dir = os.path.join(extract_dir, 'templates')
- try:
- # extract old data
- (metadata, rootfs) = self.export_image(export_dir)
- shutil.unpack_archive(metadata, extract_dir)
- # update metadata
- metadata = c_util.read_conf(metadata_yaml)
- templates = metadata.get('templates', {})
- templates.update(template_config)
- metadata['templates'] = templates
- util.yaml_dump(metadata, metadata_yaml)
- # write out template files
- for name, content in template_data.items():
- path = os.path.join(template_dir, name)
- c_util.write_file(path, content)
- # store new data, mark new image as modified
- util.flat_tar(new_metadata, extract_dir)
- self.import_image(new_metadata, rootfs)
- self.modified = True
- finally:
- # remove tmpfiles
- shutil.rmtree(export_dir)
- shutil.rmtree(extract_dir)
- def _execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Execute command in image, modifying image."""
- return self._instance._execute(*args, **kwargs)
- def push_file(self, local_path, remote_path):
- """Copy file at 'local_path' to instance at 'remote_path'."""
- return self._instance.push_file(local_path, remote_path)
- def run_script(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Run script in image, modifying image.
- @return_value: script output
- """
- return self._instance.run_script(*args, **kwargs)
- def snapshot(self):
- """Create snapshot of image, block until done."""
- # get empty user data to pass in to instance
- # if overrides for user data provided, use them
- empty_userdata = util.update_user_data(
- {}, self.config.get('user_data_overrides', {}))
- conf = {'user.user-data': empty_userdata}
- # clone current instance
- instance = self.platform.launch_container(
-, self.config, self.features,
-, image_desc=str(self),
- use_desc='snapshot', container_config=conf)
- # wait for cloud-init before boot_clean_script is run to ensure
- # /var/lib/cloud is removed cleanly
- instance.start(wait=True, wait_for_cloud_init=True)
- if self.config.get('boot_clean_script'):
- instance.run_script(self.config.get('boot_clean_script'))
- # freeze current instance and return snapshot
- instance.freeze()
- return LXDSnapshot(self.platform,, self.config,
- self.features, instance)
- def destroy(self):
- """Clean up data associated with image."""
- self.pylxd_image = None
- super(LXDImage, self).destroy()
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