path: root/tools
diff options
authorScott Moser <>2010-08-12 01:56:12 -0400
committerScott Moser <>2010-08-12 01:56:12 -0400
commit54346d35221fd405423dd33a2b06202f10e2aa22 (patch)
tree71b636d2967abbb53cdb4d3c70061524e2add7ff /tools
parenta43357425d32b53aa58e226613e7fa2dd0714102 (diff)
initial dump of "sans-cloud" code (DataSourceNoCloud)
The new classes 'DataSourceNoCloud' and 'DataSourceNoCloudNet' implement a way to get data from the filesystem, or (very minimal) data from the kernel command line. This allows the user to seed data to these sources. There are now 2 "cloud-init" jobs, cloud-init-local that runs on mounted MOUNTPOINT=/ and 'cloud-init' that runs on start on (mounted MOUNTPOINT=/ and net-device-up IFACE=eth0 and stopped cloud-init-local ) The idea is that cloud-init-local can actually function without network. The last thing in this commit is "uncloud-init". This tool can be invoked as 'init=/usr/lib/cloud-init/uncloud-init' It will "uncloudify" things in the image, generally making it easier to use for a simpler environment, and then it will exec /sbin/init.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/uncloud-init b/tools/uncloud-init
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c0bc0b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/uncloud-init
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# vi: ts=4 noexpandtab
+# This script is meant to "kvmify" an image. Its not meant to be
+# terribly robust, or a good idea to ever run in a "real image".
+# its' only intended method of invocation is from the kernel as 'init'
+# in which case it will then invoke /sbin/init after it is done
+# init=/path/to/kvmify-init
+doexec() {
+ [ -z "$ROOT_RW" ] || date > "${MARK}";
+ cleanup;
+ log "invoking /sbin/init $*"
+ exec /sbin/init "$@";
+log() { echo "::${0##*/}:" "$@"; }
+cleanup() {
+ [ -z "${UMOUNT}" ] || { umount "${UMOUNT}" && unset UMOUNT; }
+ [ -z "${RMDIR}" ] || { rm -Rf "${RMDIR}" && unset RMDIR; }
+ [ -z "${ROOT_RW}" ] || { mount -o remount,ro / ; unset ROOT_RW; }
+updateFrom() {
+ local dev=$1 fmt=$2
+ local mp="";
+ [ "${fmt}" = "tar" -o "${fmt}" = "mnt" ] ||
+ { log FAIL "unknown format ${fmt}"; return 1; }
+ log INFO "updating from ${dev} format ${fmt}"
+ [ ! -e "${dev}" -a -e "/dev/${dev}" ] && dev="/dev/${dev}"
+ [ -e "${dev}" ] || { echo "no file $dev"; return 2; }
+ mp=$(mktemp -d "${TEMPDIR:-/tmp}/update.XXXXXX") &&
+ RMDIR="${mp}" ||
+ { log FAIL "failed to mktemp"; return 1; }
+ if [ "$fmt" = "tar" ]; then
+ dd "if=${dev}" | ( tar -C "${mp}" -xf - ) ||
+ { log FAIL "failed to extract ${dev}"; return 1; }
+ elif [ "$fmt" = "mnt" ]; then
+ mount -o ro "${dev}" "${mp}" && UMOUNT=${mp} ||
+ { log FAIL "failed mount ${mp}"; return 1; }
+ else
+ log FAIL "unknown format ${fmt}"; return 1;
+ fi
+ if [ -d "${mp}/updates" ]; then
+ rsync -av "${mp}/updates/" "/" ||
+ { log FAIL "failed rsync updates/ /"; return 1; }
+ fi
+ if [ -d "${mp}/updates.tar" ]; then
+ tar -C / -xvf "${mp}/updates.tar" ||
+ { log FAIL "failed tar -C / -xvf ${mp}/updates.tar"; return 1; }
+ fi
+ script="${mp}/updates.script"
+ if [ -f "${script}" -a -x "${script}" ]; then
+ MP_DIR=${mp} "${mp}/updates.script" ||
+ { log FAIL "failed to run updates.script"; return 1; }
+ fi
+fail() { { [ $# -eq 0 ] && log "FAILING" ; } || log "$@"; exit 1; }
+[ -s "$MARK" ] && { log "already updated" ; doexec "$@"; }
+mount -o remount,rw / || fail "failed to mount rw"
+if [ ! -e /proc/cmdline ]; then
+ mount -t proc /proc /proc
+ read cmdline < /proc/cmdline
+ umount /proc
+ read cmdline < /proc/cmdline
+for x in ${cmdline}; do
+ case "$x" in
+ ${KEY}=*)
+ val=${x#${KEY}=}
+ dev=${val%:*}
+ [ "${dev}" = "${val}" ] && fmt="" || fmt=${val#${dev}:}
+ log "update from ${dev},${fmt}"
+ updateFrom "${dev}" "${fmt}" || fail "update failed"
+ log "end update ${dev},${fmt}"
+ ;;
+ ubuntu-pass=*|ubuntu_pass=*) ubuntu_pass=${x#*=};;
+ helpmount) helpmount=1;;
+ root=*) rootspec=${x#root=};;
+ esac
+if [ "${ubuntu_pass}" = "R" -o "${ubuntu_pass}" = "random" ]; then
+ ubuntu_pass=$(python -c 'import string, random;
+random.seed(); print "".join(random.sample(string.letters+string.digits, 8))')
+ log "settting ubuntu pass = ${ubuntu_pass}"
+ printf "\n===\nubuntu_pass = %s\n===\n" "${ubuntu_pass}" >/dev/ttyS0
+[ -z "${ubuntu_pass}" ] ||
+ printf "ubuntu:%s\n" "${ubuntu_pass}" > /root/ubuntu-user-pass
+if [ -e /root/ubuntu-user-pass ]; then
+ log "changing ubuntu user's password!"
+ chpasswd < /root/ubuntu-user-pass ||
+ log "FAIL: failed changing pass"
+cp /etc/init/tty2.conf /etc/init/ttyS0.conf &&
+ sed -i s,tty2,ttyS0,g /etc/init/ttyS0.conf 2>/dev/null &&
+ log "enabled console on ttyS0"
+sed -i "s,${pa} no,${pa} yes," /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null &&
+ log "enabled passwd auth in ssh" ||
+ log "failed to enable passwd ssh"
+grep -q vga16fb /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf || {
+ echo "blacklist vga16fb" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf &&
+ log "blacklisted vga16fb"
+#if ! grep -q "^${lstr}[[:space:]]" /etc/fstab; then
+# log "changing / in /etc/ftab to agree with cmdline (${lstr}) (bug 509841)"
+# sed -i "s,^\([^[[:space:]#]\+\)\([[:space:]]\+\)/\([[:space:]]\+\),${lstr}\2/\3," /etc/fstab
+doexec "$@"